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基于函数调用路径的测试用例优先级排序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于覆盖的优先级排序技术通常以代码覆盖信息作为测试用例的特征加以度量,忽略了其他优先级的影响因素,缺乏全面性和动态性。针对该问题,提出基于函数调用路径的测试用例优先级排序方法。以函数调用路径为基础,通过对源代码新旧版本的对比,分析回归测试影响域,确定回归测试用例集的范围。将测试用例函数调用路径覆盖能力、单元测试时函数中检测出缺陷的个数,以及函数的扇入系数等影响因素应用于优先级排序,确定测试用例优先级量化方法,并在测试执行过程中,通过调整算法实现优先级的动态调整,优化优先级排序。实验结果表明,优先级量化方法能提高测试的缺陷检测率,发现程序中的缺陷,降低测试成本。  相似文献   

测试用例优先级排序作为一种高效实用的回归测试技术,通常以测试用例的覆盖度作为优先级排序的量化指标,忽略了测试用例的其他测试性能。针对该问题,提出一种基于DU链的测试用例优先级排序算法。该算法 综合考虑 测试用例的DU链覆盖度和回归测试的错误检测能力,对测试用例优先级进行量化。与已有算法相比,该算法基于数据流覆盖,充分利用了测试执行的历史信息和程序模块的耦合信息,在排序过程中动态计算测试用例的优先级量化值。实验结果表明,采用优先级排序算法的测试用例集能在测试过程中以较短的时间发现更多的错误,有效地提高了回归测试的检错效率。  相似文献   

测试用例的优化技术是软件测试的重要组成部分,其目的是将测试用例按照设定的规则进行排序,以便对测试效率有所提高。介绍了其背景和基本概念,从初始测试用例的优先级排序及回归测试的测试用例优先级排序进行概述,比较了各种优先级技术所适用的测试环境和优点,指出了测试用例优化技术的一些缺点和未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

为了提高回归测试用例集的测试效率和有效性,提出由需求得到回归测试用例排序技术及其实现算法。由需求得到回归测试用例排序技术,将与软件需求相关的需求描述度、需求实现复杂度、需求稳定度和需求覆盖度等因素应用于测试用例排序,以缺陷检测加权平均百分比作为度量标准。通过实验,比较排序后用例和未排序用例缺陷检测情况,实验结果表明该技术排序后的回归测试用例集,能够尽早地发现更多的软件错误,有效提高回归测试效率,保证软件质量。  相似文献   

在组合测试用例优先级排序问题中,通常采用组合覆盖率为排序标准,该方法能够尽快满足覆盖率的要求,但其排序影响因子较为单一,缺陷检测能力不稳定。针对此问题,该文结合One-Test-at-a-Time(OTT)策略提出了一种在线调整的组合测试用例优先级排序方法,引入多重待覆盖率、测试用例失效率和测试用例重要程度3个影响因子用于衡量组合测试用例优先级。根据测试用例的在线测试反馈信息,该方法能够实时调整组合测试用例的优先级,增加了优先级排序的准确性。实验结果表明,相较于original、基于单一覆盖和多重覆盖的组合测试优先级排序方法,该方法在缺陷检测能力和稳定性上具有更强的竞争力。  相似文献   

针对标准粒子群算法(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)后期出现的早熟收敛,提出了一种基于Tent混沌的粒子群优化算法(Tent-Chaos Particle Swarm Optimization,TCPSO)用于测试用例优先级排序。首先,利用改进的Tent映射的三大特性初始化种群,使得粒子均匀分布,提高初始解的质量;并通过非线性递减的惯性权重函数对学习因子进行改进,以更新粒子速度与位置信息;其次,对陷入局部最优的粒子p_id进行混沌搜索,跳出局部最优,同时对当前种群中部分最差粒子p_iw进行混沌搜索,改善种群多样性;最后,采用测试用例的分支覆盖率和缺陷检测率作为评价标准,评判测试用例优劣程度。实验表明,提出的改进方法在分支覆盖率和缺陷检测率指标上均有优势。  相似文献   

如何选取组合力度用于测试是可变力度组合测试用例优先级排序方法中迫于解决的关键问题。采用组合覆盖率为排序标准能够满足组合覆盖率,但其排序因素单一,测试用例优先级排序结果差异性较大,且无法根据测试结果反馈信息及时调整组合测试用例优先级。针对上述问题,该文结合One-test-at-a-time(OTT)策略、利用局部组合覆盖率、测试用例失效率和测试用例重要程度对组合测试用例优先级排序方法进行了研究。在测试过程中,实时关注测试用例的执行结果用于在线调整测试用例排序因素的取值情况,以达到实时更新组合测试用例优先级的目的。实验结果表明:相较于Random、ICBP、GISVSP和LISVSP方法,该方法使得组合测试用例优先级排序结果相对稳定,且在缺陷检测率上具有竞争力。  相似文献   

测试用例优先排序技术通过优化测试用例的执行次序来提高软件测试的效率,是增强型软件测试和回归测试的重要研究课题。针对基于需求的测试用例优先排序问题,提出了一种基于蚁群算法的求解方法,采用不同的测试用例间距离及用例序列评价策略,给出了该方法的2种不同实现方式。首先,针对黑盒测试特点,设计了基于需求的一般性测试用例序列评价指标;其次,提出测试用例吸引度概念,基于测试用例吸引度定义了测试用例间的距离;然后,给出了信息素更新策略、最优解集更新策略、局部最优解突变策略等主要设计策略,分别实现了该方法基于距离和基于指标的2种实现方式。实验结果表明,该方法具有很好的全局寻优能力,整体效果上优于粒子群算法、遗传算法和随机测试。  相似文献   

测试用例优先排序技术能够有效提高回归测试效率,是软件测试的热点研究课题之一。针对基于需求的测试用例优先排序方法可操作性差的问题,提出了一种改进的基于测试点覆盖和离散粒子群优化算法的求解方法(TCP-DPSO)。首先,把影响排序的各种因素分为测试收益型因素和测试成本型因素两大类,通过加权平均的方式进行归一化,得到基于需求的通用测试平均收益率评价指标;然后,利用交换子和基本交换序列定义粒子的位置和速度,借鉴遗传算法(GA)变异策略引入变异算子,采用时变惯性权重调整粒子的探索能力和开发能力,促进可持续进化和逼近优化目标。实验结果表明,TCP-DPSO在最优解质量上与遗传算法相当,大幅优于随机测试,在最优解成功率和平均求解时间上优于遗传算法,具有更好的算法稳定性。  相似文献   

在软件开发过程中,回归测试是一项重要而复杂耗时的工作。测试用例排序技术作为提高测试效率的一种有效手段,是近年的研究热点之一。测试用例排序技术根据测试目标对测试用例进行排序,使得最优的测试用例能够优先执行。同时,各种软件信息的底层结构及关联信息有助于提高测试效率。不同的代码单元在测试过程中拥有不同的测试需求。因此,利用聚类算法能够有效地分析测试用例间的结构信息,从而指导测试用例的排序过程。实验结果表明,新的测试用例排序策略有效地提高了测试用例排序的效果,能够更早地检测到软件错误。  相似文献   

Test case prioritization involves scheduling test cases in an order that increases the effectiveness in achieving some performance goals. One of the most important performance goals is the rate of fault detection. Test cases should run in an order that increases the possibility of fault detection and also that detects the most severe faults at the earliest in its testing life cycle. In this paper, we propose to put forth a model for system level test case prioritization (TCP) from software requirement specification to improve user satisfaction with quality software that can also be cost effective and to improve the rate of severe fault detection. The proposed model prioritizes the system test cases based on the six factors: customer priority, changes in requirement, implementation complexity, completeness, traceability and fault impact. The proposed prioritization technique is validated with two different validation techniques and is experimented in three phases with student projects and two sets of industrial projects and the results show convincingly that the proposed prioritization technique improves the rate of severe fault detection.  相似文献   

Test case prioritization techniques, which are used to improve the cost-effectiveness of regression testing, order test cases in such a way that those cases that are expected to outperform others in detecting software faults are run earlier in the testing phase. The objective of this study is to examine what kind of techniques have been widely used in papers on this subject, determine which aspects of test case prioritization have been studied, provide a basis for the improvement of test case prioritization research, and evaluate the current trends of this research area. We searched for papers in the following five electronic databases: IEEE Explorer, ACM Digital Library, Science Direct, Springer, and Wiley. Initially, the search string retrieved 202 studies, but upon further examination of titles and abstracts, 120 papers were identified as related to test case prioritization. There exists a large variety of prioritization techniques in the literature, with coverage-based prioritization techniques (i.e., prioritization in terms of the number of statements, basic blocks, or methods test cases cover) dominating the field. The proportion of papers on model-based techniques is on the rise, yet the growth rate is still slow. The proportion of papers that use datasets from industrial projects is found to be 64 %, while those that utilize public datasets for validation are only 38 %. On the basis of this study, the following recommendations are provided for researchers: (1) Give preference to public datasets rather than proprietary datasets; (2) develop more model-based prioritization methods; (3) conduct more studies on the comparison of prioritization methods; (4) always evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed technique with well-known evaluation metrics and compare the performance with the existing methods; (5) publish surveys and systematic review papers on test case prioritization; and (6) use datasets from industrial projects that represent real industrial problems.  相似文献   

Test case prioritization: a family of empirical studies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To reduce the cost of regression testing, software testers may prioritize their test cases so that those which are more important, by some measure, are run earlier in the regression testing process. One potential goal of such prioritization is to increase a test suite's rate of fault detection. Previous work reported results of studies that showed that prioritization techniques can significantly improve rate of fault detection. Those studies, however, raised several additional questions: 1) Can prioritization techniques be effective when targeted at specific modified versions; 2) what trade-offs exist between fine granularity and coarse granularity prioritization techniques; 3) can the incorporation of measures of fault proneness into prioritization techniques improve their effectiveness? To address these questions, we have performed several new studies in which we empirically compared prioritization techniques using both controlled experiments and case studies  相似文献   

Recently, several test case prioritization (TCP) techniques have been proposed to order test cases for achieving a goal during test execution, particularly, revealing faults sooner. In the model-based testing (MBT) context, such techniques are usually based on heuristics related to structural elements of the model and derived test cases. In this sense, techniques’ performance may vary due to a number of factors. While empirical studies comparing the performance of TCP techniques have already been presented in literature, there is still little knowledge, particularly in the MBT context, about which factors may influence the outcomes suggested by a TCP technique. In a previous family of empirical studies focusing on labeled transition systems, we identified that the model layout, i.e., amount of branches, joins, and loops in the model, alone may have little influence on the effectiveness of TCP techniques investigated, whereas characteristics of test cases that actually fail definitely influences this aspect. However, we considered only synthetic artifacts in the study, which reduced the ability of representing properly the reality. In this paper, we present a replication of one of these studies, now with a larger and more representative selection of techniques and considering test suites from industrial systems as experimental objects. Our objective is to find out whether the results remain while increasing the validity in comparison to the original study. Results reinforce that there is no best performer among the investigated techniques and characteristics of test cases that fail represent an important factor, although adaptive random-based techniques are less affected by it.  相似文献   

The importance of prioritizing requirements stems from the fact that not all requirements can usually be met with available time and resource constraints. Efficient and trustworthy methods for prioritizing requirements are therefore in high demand. In this article, we present results of a systematic mapping study in order to appreciate the different considerations that have influenced prioritization of software requirements, identify the various types of artifacts proposed toward prioritizing software requirements, and examine certain characterizations of these artifacts. The results emphasize the heightened attention the domain of requirement prioritization has received in recent years. On the basis of this study, we are able to provide the following inferences regarding possible future research trajectories in software requirement prioritization artifacts: (1) focus on frameworks and tools; (2) emphasis on specialization; and (3) proposition of theory-based artifacts. Additional research possibilities are also pointed out at the end and are expected to stimulate further research on the topic.  相似文献   

Logic coverage criteria have been widely used in the testing of safety-critical software.In the past few years,fault-based logic coverage criteria have been studied intensively both in theory and in practice.However,there is a lack of authentic evidence of the comparison of fault-based logic coverage criteria with other logic coverage criteria,such as branch coverage and modified condition/decision coverage(MC/DC).In this paper,we present a comprehensive empirical study that compares these logic coverage criteria on test case prioritization,which is currently a hot topic in software testing.Several useful conclusions are drawn from our research:(1) Fine-grained coverage criteria are always more effective and efficient.(2) The effectiveness of fault-based logic coverage criteria is not significantly different from that of MC/DC in terms of statistics,but the former is more stable.(3) A random strategy is more effective than branch coverage if a certain number of test cases are redundant.  相似文献   

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