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WindowsNT环境下的进程检查点设置与回卷恢复   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
阐述了WindowsNT环境下应用程序的检查点设置与回卷恢复机制,并介绍了设计和实现的检查点设置与恢复工具WinNTCkp.WinNTCkpt采用标准WindowsAPI函数,通过代码动态注入和对系统调用进行包裹的方法进行检查点设置与回卷恢复。与同类工具相比,WinNTCkpt具有不需修改应用程序源代码,不需对应用程序进行重新编译或连接,支持对用户文件内容的检查设置与回卷恢复的特点。WinNTCkpt是正在研制开发的高可用性机群计算环境的核心,也是在机群环境下实现进程迁移和负载平衡的技术基础。  相似文献   

新时期随着信息化技术的高速发展,网络普及率惊人的速度增长,网络应用软件的访问时间几乎遍布于全天的各个时间,随之带来的是对基础支持类软件——数据库可生存性的新属性要求,即要能够持续不间断的提供服务,即使是在受到某些恶意攻击时.传统的数据库恢复技术在执行恢复任务时都需要数据库停止工作,并且恢复操作是基于检查点,即恢复检查点之后的所有事务操作,盲目性强,耗费时间较多.本文通过对当前数据库可生存性研究中隔离与恢复研究的分析总结,提出了基于MHBT树结构的数据库隔离与恢复技术,并通过对模型的数学分析评估了其运行效率.  相似文献   

工作站机群系统已成为分布式并行处理发展的主流方向之一 .随着机群系统应用领域的逐渐拓展和规模的不断扩大 ,人们对其可靠性的要求日益提高 .设计高可靠的群机系统 ,需要着重研究其系统容错技术 .本文叙述了并行异构环境回卷恢复和检查点派生 .实现透明的可移植容错和负载均衡能力 .避免调整检查点就可以构成全局一致性状态 .不仅使 BSP应用程序自治容错能力 ,而且能够在机群 (Clusters)间迁移 ,保持系统负载均衡 .重点介绍检查点设置、检查点派生、卷回、进程迁移技术  相似文献   

一种基于检查点的卷回恢复与进程迁移系统*   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
ChaRM是一种并行程序后向故障恢复与进程迁移系统.它不仅实现了对工作站机群系统瞬时故障的恢复,而且通过检查点设置时的Mirror存储技术和进程迁移技术,实现了对机群系统结点永久故障的恢复,并支持系统软硬件的在线维护、处理机资源的排他/限时使用和动态负载平衡等功能.文章主要介绍ChaRM系统的检查点设置与回卷恢复、进程迁移等实现技术,并给出了部分性能评测结果.  相似文献   

基于影子页面的MMDB的数据恢复方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
黄琳  路京  林中 《计算机工程与设计》2008,29(10):2470-2473
内存数据库数据主拷贝常驻内存,活动事务只与内存打交道,而由于内存的易失性,内存数据库的恢复成为内存数据库的核心技术.讨论了内存数据库的恢复技术,考虑所研究的系统环境限制,设计一种利用影子页面技术,并结合事务一致性检查点、模糊检查点思想,加上多版本技术的内存数据库恢复方法.该方法无需额外的硬件支持,解决了现有内存数据库恢复方法的一些问题.通过日志,检查点、恢复等方面来说明所设计的数据恢复方法,讲述它的备份过程和在事务故障和系统故障情况下恢复系统的过程.  相似文献   

Solaris系统多线程检查点设置与卷回恢复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章利用UNIX进程检查点设置思想,结合多线程在Solaris系统中的实现特点,提出了一种适合于Solaris操作系统的多线程检查点设置与恢复技术,其检查点设置与恢复技术具有在用户级实现、对用户透明和简单高效的特点。文章主要介绍检查点信息的保存与恢复、函数换名、包裹,线程号映射等关键技术。  相似文献   

基于虚拟文件操作的文件检查点设置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘少锋  汪东升  朱晶 《软件学报》2002,13(8):1528-1533
实现分布/并行系统容错的基础是单进程检查点设置和卷回恢复技术,而对活动文件信息进行保存和恢复则是这种技术的重要方面.提出一种虚拟文件操作策略,实现了对用户文件的检查点设置,有效地解决了发生故障时用户文件内容与进程全局状态的不一致的问题.该方法通过文件块式管理、检查点分布操作等技术,使得在空间开销、正常运行时间、恢复时间等性能指标上优于其他方法,并且具有对用户透明、可最大限度地保留已完成工作的特点.  相似文献   

针对空中交通管制系统(ATC)中对飞行数据集群处理的可靠性要求,提出了一种基于Linux的用户级进程检查点设置与恢复方案.对基于该Linux用户级的进程检查点的飞行数据集群处理的各个主要模块进行了介绍,在此基础上给出了系统设计框架.从进程的初始化数据段、堆、栈和打开的文件的保存与恢复,给出了该方案的详细实现方法.该进程检查点设置与恢复方案不但可以在主机崩溃重启后恢复进程在重启前的运行状态,更重要的是可以在分布式系统通过进程迁移将保存的进程检查点迁移到其它主机运行,从而有效的提高系统的可靠性,减少运算损失.  相似文献   

检查点机制是高性能计算平台的一项重要特性。它能够在程序运行的某一时刻保存程序的运行状态,并在系统故障后恢复程序状态继续执行。由于文件操作在应用程序中的普遍性,支持文件回卷对于检查点技术来说是十分必要的。文件数据备份可以使文件在回卷后恢复到正常状态,但是开销太大。本文提出了一种基于行为特征的文件检查点优化策略(BBFC),能够提供文件数据的正确恢复,有效保证了程序回卷恢复到上一个检查点时文件状态与进程其它状态保持一致。BBFC对文件行为特征进行分类,并根据这些行为特征采取相应的保存恢复策略,从而在很大概率上减少了检查点间隔需要保存的文件内容,降低了文件检查点的时间、空间开销。它对用户透明,简单易用。  相似文献   

工作站机群系统已成为分布式并行处理发展的主流方向之一,随着机群系统应用领域的逐渐拓展和规模的不断扩大,人们对其可靠性的要求日益提高,设计高可靠的群机系统,需要着重研究其系统容错技术,本文叙述了并行异构回卷恢复和检查点派生,实现透明的可移植容错和负载均衡能力,避免调整检查点就构成全局一致性状态,不仅使BSP应用程序自治容错能力,而且能够在机群(Clusters)间迁移,保持系统负载均衡,重点介绍了检查点设置,检查点派生、卷回、进程迁移技术。  相似文献   

Checkpointing and rollback recovery are well-known techniques for handling failures in distributed systems. The issues related to the design and implementation of efficient checkpointing and recovery techniques for distributed systems have been thoroughly understood. For example, the necessary and sufficient conditions for a set of checkpoints to be part of a consistent global checkpoint has been established for distributed computations. In this paper, we address the analogous question for distributed database systems. In distributed database systems, transaction-consistent global checkpoints are useful not only for recovery from failure but also for audit purposes. If each data item of a distributed database is checkpointed independently by a separate transaction, none of the checkpoints taken may be part of any transaction-consistent global checkpoint. However, allowing individual data items to be checkpointed independently results in non-intrusive checkpointing. In this paper, we establish the necessary and sufficient conditions for the checkpoints of a set of data items to be part of a transaction-consistent global checkpoint of the distributed database. Such conditions can also help in the design and implementation of non-intrusive checkpointing algorithms for distributed database systems.  相似文献   

A checkpoint of a process involved in a distributed computation is said to be useful if it is part of a consistent global checkpoint. In this paper, we present a quasi-synchronous checkpointing algorithm that makes every checkpoint useful. We also present an efficient asynchronous recovery algorithm based on the checkpointing algorithm. The checkpointing algorithm allows the processes to take checkpoints asynchronously and also forces the processes to take additional checkpoints in order to make every checkpoint useful. The recovery algorithm can handle concurrent failure of multiple processes. The recovery algorithm has no domino effect and a failed process needs only to roll back to its latest checkpoint and request the other processes to roll back to a consistent checkpoint. Messages are only selectively logged to cope with various types of message abnormalities that arise due to rollback and hence results in low message logging overhead. Unlike some existing algorithms, our algorithm does not use vector timestamps for tracking dependency between checkpoints and hence results in low message overhead during failure-free operation. Moreover, a process can asynchronously decide garbage checkpoints and delete them from the stable storage—garbage checkpoints are the checkpoints that are no longer required for the purpose of recovery.  相似文献   

In this paper, a checkpointing protocol based on loose synchronization is proposed. The protocol enables processes to take checkpoints at different frequencies so that each process can control its rollback distance. In traditional asynchronous and quasi-synchronous checkpointing protocols, the checkpoints that are not up-to-date may be used for recovery. As a result, the rollback distance is often difficult to control. In the proposed protocol, the checkpoint cycle of each process is dynamically adjusted using a pessimistic scheme so that strict 1-rollback is achieved; namely, one of the last two checkpoints of each process can be utilized for recovery.  相似文献   

This paper presents an index-based checkpointing algorithm for distributed systems with the aim of reducing the total number of checkpoints while ensuring that each checkpoint belongs to at least one consistent global checkpoint (or recovery line). The algorithm is based on an equivalence relation defined between pairs of successive checkpoints of a process which allows us, in some cases, to advance the recovery line of the computation without forcing checkpoints in other processes. The algorithm is well-suited for autonomous and heterogeneous environments, where each process does not know any private information about other processes and private information of the same type of distinct processes is not related (e.g., clock granularity, local checkpointing strategy, etc.). We also present a simulation study which compares the checkpointing-recovery overhead of this algorithm to the ones of previous solutions  相似文献   

Checkpointing and rollback recovery are widely used techniques for achieving fault-tolerance in distributed systems. In this paper, we present a novel checkpointing algorithm which has the following desirable features: A process can independently initiate consistent global checkpointing by saving its current state, called a tentative checkpoint. Other processes come to know about a consistent global checkpoint initiation through information piggy-backed with the application messages or limited control messages if necessary. When a process comes to know about a new consistent global checkpoint initiation, it takes a tentative checkpoint after processing the message (not before processing the message as in existing communication-induced checkpointing algorithms). After a process takes a tentative checkpoint, it starts logging the messages sent and received in memory. When a process comes to know that every other process has taken a tentative checkpoint corresponding to current consistent global checkpoint initiation, it flushes the tentative checkpoint and the message log to the stable storage. The tentative checkpoints together with the message logs stored in the stable storage form a consistent global checkpoint. Two or more processes can concurrently initiate consistent global checkpointing by taking a new tentative checkpoint; in that case, the tentative checkpoints taken by all these processes will be part of the same consistent global checkpoint. The sequence numbers assigned to checkpoints by a process increase monotonically. Checkpoints with the same sequence number form a consistent global checkpoint. We also present the performance evaluation of our algorithm.  相似文献   

A global checkpoint is a set of local checkpoints, one per process. The traditional consistency criterion for global checkpoints states that a global checkpoint is consistent if it does not include messages received and not sent. The paper investigates other consistency criteria, transitlessness, and strong consistency. A global checkpoint is transitless if it does not exhibit messages sent and not received. Transitlessness can be seen as a dual of traditional consistency. Strong consistency is the addition of transitlessness to traditional consistency. The main result of the paper is a statement of the necessary and sufficient condition answering the following question: “given an arbitrary set of local checkpoints, can this set be extended to a global checkpoint that satisfies P” (where P is traditional consistency, transitlessness, or strong consistency). From a practical point of view, this condition, when applied to transitlessness, is particularly interesting as it helps characterize which messages do not need to be recorded by checkpointing protocols  相似文献   

Checkpointing and rollback recovery are widely used techniques for handling failures in distributed systems. When processes involved in a distributed computation are allowed to take checkpoints independently without any coordination with each other, some or all of the checkpoints taken may not be part of any consistent global checkpoint, and hence, are useless for recovery. Communication-induced checkpointing algorithms allow processes to take checkpoints independently and also ensure that each checkpoint taken is part of a consistent global checkpoint by forcing processes to take some additional checkpoints. It is well known that it is impossible to design an optimal communication-induced checkpointing algorithm (i.e. a checkpointing algorithm that takes minimum number of forced checkpoints). So, researchers have designed communication-induced checkpointing algorithms that reduce forced checkpoints using different heuristics. In this paper, we present a communication-induced checkpointing algorithm which takes less number of forced checkpoints when compared to some of the existing checkpointing algorithms in its class.  相似文献   

Mobile computing raises many new issues such as lack of stable storage, low bandwidth of wireless channel, high mobility, and limited battery life. These new issues make traditional checkpointing algorithms unsuitable. Coordinated checkpointing is an attractive approach for transparently adding fault tolerance to distributed applications since it avoids domino effects and minimizes the stable storage requirement. However, it suffers from high overhead associated with the checkpointing process in mobile computing systems. Two approaches have been used to reduce the overhead: First is to minimize the number of synchronization messages and the number of checkpoints; the other is to make the checkpointing process nonblocking. These two approaches were orthogonal previously until the Prakash-Singhal algorithm combined them. However, we found that this algorithm may result in an inconsistency in some situations and we proved that there does not exist a nonblocking algorithm which forces only a minimum number of processes to take their checkpoints. In this paper; we introduce the concept of “mutable checkpoint,” which is neither a tentative checkpoint nor a permanent checkpoint, to design efficient checkpointing algorithms for mobile computing systems. Mutable checkpoints can be saved anywhere, e.g., the main memory or local disk of MHs. In this way, taking a mutable checkpoint avoids the overhead of transferring large amounts of data to the stable storage at MSSs over the wireless network. We present techniques to minimize the number of mutable checkpoints. Simulation results show that the overhead of taking mutable checkpoints is negligible. Based on mutable checkpoints, our nonblocking algorithm avoids the avalanche effect and forces only a minimum number of processes to take their checkpoints on the stable storage  相似文献   

许多数据和活动上都有很强时间性的应用在地理上同时具有分布性,这种应用需求使得分布式实时数据库的研完成为数据库研究领域的热点。在实时事务执行时,事务故障或数据竞争会导致事务重启,为了减少因重启而损失的工作量,可以采用检验点技术以利于事务时间正确性的满足。在一些分布式实时数据库应用中,不同结点的事务通过消息交换形成合作关系,当某一事务记检验点时,为保证合作事务间的全局一致性,相关事务也要相应地记检验点。传统的协同检验点方法没有考虑应用的定时约束,不能很好地支持分布式实时事务处理。本文提出了一种高效的并行协同检验点方法,该算法既具有最小协同检验点特性又使全局检验点过程延时最小。实验表明该算法减少了全局检验点阻塞时间,有利于分布式实时事务截止期的满足。  相似文献   

Coordinated checkpointing simplifies failure recovery and eliminates domino effects in case of failures by preserving a consistent global checkpoint on stable storage. However, the approach suffers from high overhead associated with the checkpointing process. Two approaches are used to reduce the overhead: first is to minimize the number of synchronization messages and the number of checkpoints, the other is to make the checkpointing process nonblocking. These two approaches were orthogonal in previous years until the Prakash-Singhal algorithm combined them. In other words, the Prakash-Singhal algorithm forces only a minimum number of processes to take checkpoints and it does not block the underlying computation. However, we found two problems in this algorithm. In this paper, we identify these problems and prove a more general result: there does not exist a nonblocking algorithm that forces only a minimum number of processes to take their checkpoints. Based on this general result, we propose an efficient algorithm that neither forces all processes to take checkpoints nor blocks the underlying computation during checkpointing. Also, we point out future research directions in designing coordinated checkpointing algorithms for distributed computing systems  相似文献   

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