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This paper presents an analysis of a filtration technique that uses ultrasound to aid the collection of small particles (tens of microns in diameter) from suspension. In this method, particles are retained within a porous mesh that is subjected to a resonant ultrasonic field, even though the pore size of the mesh is two orders of magnitude greater than the particle diameter. The role of acoustic forces in driving the retention phenomena has previously been studied on a micro-scale, which included modeling and experimental verification of particle motion and trapping near a single element of the mesh. Here, we build on this work to develop an overall transport model to predict macroscopic performance criteria such as breakthrough times and the dynamics of the filtration performance. Results from this model compare favorably to experimental studies of the filtration phenomena; simulation results scale appropriately with experimental results in which inlet feed concentration and flow rate are varied.  相似文献   

In this work, a rigorous model describing the processes taking place in hollow fiber modules for reverse osmosis desalination is analyzed. The Kimura–Sourirajan model is used for describing transport phenomena through the membrane. The concentration polarization phenomenon is mathematically described using the film theory, while the Hagen–Poiseuille and Ergun equations describe the pressure drop in the fiber bore and on the shell side of the fiber bundle, respectively. Improving the previous model, in this work the salt concentration of the permeate accumulated along the fiber is calculated from appropriate mass balances. Hence, the osmotic pressure and the water and salt fluxes through the membrane that depend on this concentration change through the module; and it also influences indirectly the calculation of other process parameters. The solutions of all the differential equations involved in the model are accurately approximated by the finite differences method applied over an appropriate discretization. The value of the output variables changes less than 1% when the finite difference mesh is increased from 6 to 7 grid points in the range of each domain, axial and radial. The flow rates and salt concentrations profiles obtained by the proposed model are analyzed. The influences of the transmembrane and osmotic pressures over the permeate flow rates and salt concentrations are studied. The effect of incorporating the accumulated permeate salinity is showed. It is proved that errors committed by ignoring the permeate accumulated salinity can be significant. Sensitivity analysis for the permeate flow rate and permeate salt concentration is performed by studying the influence of different kind of data: input variables, physical coefficients and design variables.  相似文献   

Air sparging is recognized as an effective way to increase permeate flux in membrane filtration processes. The application of air sparging with an external-loop airlift ceramic membrane bioreactor was studied at different gas flow rates, biomass concentrations and suction pressures. A 180% increase in permeate flux was obtained while filtering a 2 g/L activated sludge wastewater suspension with the airlift cross-flow operation for Ug=0.21 m/s. The mechanism of flux enhancement in the case of slug flow in tubular membrane was discussed. The region near the gas slug was divided into three different zones: falling film zone, wake zone and remaining liquid slug zone. Air sparging significantly lowered cake thickness and consequently cake resistances for the wake region and the falling film region. A novel model combining hydrodynamic of gas-liquid two-phase flow and cake resistance was developed to simulate the process. The model was validated with experimental data with an error of 8.3%.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic methods are used for mitigating particle fouling and for enhancing the filtrate flux in submerged membrane filtration. In the comparison membrane blocking-cake formation filtration system, the effects of filtration pressure, aeration intensity, backwash duration and stepwise increasing pressure on the filtration resistances and filtration flux are measured and discussed. Aeration is helpful for reducing particle deposition on the membrane surface, while stepwise increasing pressure can mainly mitigate internal fouling of the membrane. Periodic backwash can significantly reduce both the resistance caused by the membrane internal fouling and by cake formation; consequently, it can effectively recover the filtrate flux. In contrast, increasing the pressure in constant pressure filtration leads the flux to be decreased due to more severe membrane blockage. According to the comparison of the long-term flux and the received filtrate volume, among these hydrodynamic methods, the periodic backwash with longer duration is the optimal strategy for the filtration.  相似文献   

The phenomenological theory of sedimentation describes a flocculated suspension as a mixture of the solid and the fluid as two superimposed continuous media. Starting from the mass and linear momentum balances for each component, this theory yields, through constitutive assumptions and an order-of-magnitude analysis, three coupled partial differential equations describing the sedimentation–consolidation behaviour of the suspension in several space dimensions. The study and numerical solution of this system of equations has started only recently, but results are available for the one-dimensional case, in which these modelling equations reduce to a scalar hyperbolic–parabolic strongly degenerate partial differential equation with appropriate initial and boundary conditions. In this contribution, the research work performed by several groups of mathematicians on the formulation, analysis and numerical solution of mathematical sedimentation models is reviewed, with an emphasis on theoretical and numerical results for the simulation of the behaviour of compressible slurries.  相似文献   

Transient simulation of filtration in hollow‐fiber membranes with nonuniform permeability distribution was conducted. The diversity of permeability distributions caused different initial flux and transmembrane pressure distributions. Manipulating the permeability distribution enables a hollow‐fiber membrane to achieve its maximum volumetric flow rate. During solid‐liquid separation, the inter‐adjustment between flux and cake distributions improved their uniformities simultaneously. The reciprocal of the volumetric flow rate of the membranes all increased linearly with water production. Severely nonuniform permeability distribution caused low water production. The numerical results could be applicable to account for the non‐ideal performance of industrial hollow‐fiber membrane modules.  相似文献   

In this work, free volume theories are coupled with a thermodynamic model and generalized Fick's law to develop a mass transfer model based on solution‐diffusion mechanism for pervaporation process with a hydrophobic polymeric membrane. The Wesselingh, Fujita and Vrentas‐Duda's theories are used to calculate concentration‐dependent diffusion coefficient of permeants inside polydimethylsiloxane membrane. The sorption and pervaporation experiments on aqueous ethanol solutions are performed to validate the sorption and pervaporation models. The results reveal that the proposed models are able to predict influences of feed concentration and temperature as well as permeate‐side pressure on partial fluxes through the membrane. The comparative investigation indicated that Wesselingh's free volume theory underestimated the diffusion coefficients inside the membrane and the accuracy of the model used this theory is very low for prediction of the permeation flux. Generally, Fujita and Vrentas‐Duda's theories are found to be much more accurate especially for dilute aqueous feed solutions. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2014 , 131, 40581.  相似文献   

In this work, the transport properties of gaseous penetrant through several dense glassy polymeric membranes are studied. The nonequilibrium lattice fluid (NELF) in conjunction with the modified Fick's law and dual mode sorption model was used to simulate the gas transport in glassy polymeric membranes. The approach is based on the sorption, diffusion, in which solubility is calculated based on the NELF model, and diffusion coefficient is obtained from the product thermodynamic coefficient and molecular mobility. The governing equation is solved by the finite element method using COMSOL multi-physics software. The developed model for gas permeability of glassy polymeric membrane can be applied in a wide range of pressure and temperature. The comparison of the calculated permeability and solubility of gasses with the experimental data represented the ability of the developed model. Increasing feed gas temperature increases the gas permeability, while this variation leads to lower gas solubility in the glassy polymeric membranes. The effect of feed temperature and pressure on permeability and solubility is investigated, and the experimental data from literature are described by the developed model. A good prediction of the experimental data can be observed over the considered condition.  相似文献   

A mathematical analysis of the permeate flux decline during microfiltration of fruit juice with hollow fibers under turbulent flow is presented. Impact of complex fluid flow phenomena on mass transfer is analyzed. A comprehensive analytical model for developing concentration boundary layer was formulated from first principles using integral method. Attempts to model the system considering constant boundary layer thickness (film theory) is inaccurate for developing boundary layer. Gel resistance parameter depending on juice characteristics has significant impact on permeate flux. Specific gel layer concentration has insignificant effect on system performance under total recycle mode but important for batch mode. Theoretical results were compared with experiments in clarification of pomegranate juice with poly(ether ether ketone) and polysulfone hollow fiber membranes. The physical parameters of complex mixture were evaluated by optimizing of the flux profiles in total recycle mode of operation and were successfully applied for prediction of batch mode performance. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J 60: 4279–4291, 2014  相似文献   

In various membrane applications air scour is applied to minimise fouling and to remove cake layers. Optimisation of module design and operating conditions (e.g., geometry and aeration intensity) requires knowledge of the most suited hydrodynamic conditions for the filtration task. However, many fundamentals of this multiphase flow in membrane modules are still unknown and difficult to access experimentally. Using experimental and numerical investigations it was shown that air sparging can have advantageous but also detrimental effects: depending on membrane plate spacing, wall shear can decrease with bubble size. Additionally, particle classification or segregation which increases the cake’s hydraulic resistance must be taken into account. Based on such findings, it will be possible to derive optimum bubble sizes, membrane spacing, aeration intensities and start-up strategies.  相似文献   

Perfluorosulfonic acid ionomer membranes have been widely used as proton conducting membranes in various electrochemical processes such as polymer electrolyte fuel cells and water electrolysis. While their thermal stability has been studied by thermogravimetry and analysis of low molecular weight products, their decomposition mechanism is little understood. In this study a newly developed methodology of thermal desorption and pyrolysis in combination with direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry is applied for Nafion membrane. An ambient ionization source and a high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometer enabled unambiguous assignment of gaseous products. Thermal decomposition is initiated by side chain detachment above 350°C, which leaves carbonyls on the main chain at the locations of the side chains. Perfluoroalkanes are released above 400°C by main chain scission and their further decomposition products dominate above 500 °C. DFT calculation of reaction energies and barrier heights of model compounds support proposed decomposition reactions.  相似文献   

Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) hollow fiber membranes were prepared using the solvent spinning method. N,N-dimethylacetamide was the solvent and ethylene glycol was employed as non-solvent additive. The effect of the concentration of ethylene glycol in the PVDF spinning solution as well as the effect of ethanol either in the internal or the external coagulant on the morphology of the hollow fibers was investigated. The prepared membranes were characterized in terms of the liquid entry pressure of water measurements, the gas permeation tests, the scanning electron microscopy, the atomic force microscopy, and the solute transport experiments. Ultrafiltration experiments were conducted using polyethylene glycol and polyethylene oxides of different molecular weights cut-off as solutes. A comparative analysis was made between the membrane characteristic parameters obtained from the different characterization techniques.  相似文献   

Porous polypropylene hollow fiber (PPHF) membranes are widely used in liquid purification.However,the hydrophobicity of polypropylene (PP) has limited its applications in water treatment.Herein,we demonstrate that,for the first time,atomic layer deposition (ALD) is an effective strategy to conveniently upgrade the filtration performances of PPHF membranes.The chemical and morphological changes of the deposited PPHF membranes are characterized by spectral,compositional,microscopic characterizations and protein adsorption measurements.Al2O3 is distributed along the cross section of the PP hollow fibers,with decreasing concentration from the outer surface to the inner surface.The pore size of the outer surface can be easily turned by altering the ALD cycles.Interestingly,the hollow fibers become much more ductile after deposition as their elongation at break is increased more than six times after deposition with 100 cycles.The deposited membranes show simultaneously enhanced water permeance and retention after deposition with moderate ALD cycle numbers.For instance,after 50 ALD cycles a 17% increase in water permeance and one-fold increase in BSA rejection are observed.Moreover,the PP membranes exhibit improved fouling-resistance after ALD deposition.  相似文献   

During isothermal lipid oxidation at relatively high temperatures, the peroxide concentration frequently peaks while at relatively low temperatures it only rises slowly. These are two manifestations of a process where formation and degradation happen simultaneously on different time scales. A phenomenological mathematical model, comprising a decay factor superimposed on an accumulation term can describe these scenarios. Each has a characteristic time constant shortened by raising the temperature and a rate constant that increases with it. The model’s mathematical structure and the magnitude of its coefficients depend on the particular system. However, regardless of the chosen expressions, if the degradation characteristic time falls within or just beyond the experiment’s duration, a peak peroxide value will be observed whose height and shape will primarily depend on the other model’s parameters. If this characteristic time is far outside the time of the experiment , no peak will be recorded. The model need not be unique and no detailed knowledge of the oxidation mechanisms is required for its formulation. Consequently it can be derived directly from experimental peroxide value versus time relationships, without the need to monitor the intermediate reactions by specialized instrumental methods such as DSC. Through the formation term adjustment, the model can also account for the temperature dependent lag in the rise of the peroxide value and/or the appearance of its peak.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation model has been developed which enables one to examine the effects of surface mass transfer resistance on the evaluation of permeation (P*), diffusion (D), and solubility (S) coefficients from unsteady‐state mass transfer experiments as well as the transmission rate. A complementary analytical expression has been developed which validates the numerical model and facilitates the evaluation of the concentration dependence of P*, D, and S from sequential step‐change experiments, under experimental conditions when the surface mass transfer resistance can be neglected. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2018 , 135, 46126.  相似文献   

In this study, we proposed a model for the morphological structure of electrospun membranes; it was different from the random distribution of fibers in a nonwoven. On the basis of our observation and analysis of the jet path by a high‐speed camera and the electrospun membranes by scanning electron microscopy, we proposed the base circle/deposition circle model of electrospun membranes. The base circle was used to position the deposition circles. The deposition circles, distributed on or around the base circle at a specific proportion, represented the distribution of the electrospun fibers on the collector. The pore characteristics and fiber distribution were compared between the electrospun membrane and simulated membranes with different spinning times; this verified that they had similar distribution trends. A membrane was simulated with a similar magnification ratio to the actual membrane. This further verified the model. This model could be used for the homogeneity simulation of an electrospun membrane in multinozzle electrospinning, and this may be helpful for predicting electrospun membranes in practical applications. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2018 , 135, 45653.  相似文献   

A new silicon carbide ceramic membrane consisting of a unique top layer on a SiC support for application in oily wastewaters filtration was produced and characterized in terms of morphology and chemical surface composition by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements. The manufacturing process of this new membrane allows time and economic savings when compared with a two layers membrane previously obtained. The new membrane has a smooth top layer with controlled porosity and a higher permeability compared to already developed commercial membranes. Moreover, it is extremely efficient to remove total suspended solids as well as oil and grease and, consequently, it can be applied to effective treatment of industrial oily wastewaters.  相似文献   

Although the molecular design of polyimide has been extensively investigated, the role of monomer's atomic configuration in controlling the structure of polyimide membrane hence its gas transport behaviors remains relatively uncertain. Therefore, a series of polyimides with different monomer combinations were synthesized to determine the crucial features of monomer that can impose great influence on membrane properties such as the fractional free volume (FFV). The results showed that the polyimide chain length (Mw) depended strongly on the monomer reactivity, which was primarily controlled by the steric hindrance of monomers' substituent instead of their electronic nature. In addition, the polarity and atomic configuration of monomer were found to be the two dominant factors in governing the membrane FFV. A polyimide model was also constructed and validated by molecular dynamics simulation to predict the gas transport behaviors (solubility and diffusivity) of copolyimide membranes. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2018 , 135, 46073.  相似文献   

The simultaneous puncture and cutting behavior of elastomers was investigated by pointed blades. Puncture/cutting tests by three‐pointed blades were performed with different elastomer membranes, including butyl, neoprene, and nitrile rubbers. The fracture mechanisms associated to puncture/cutting were investigated. The quantitative material properties which control the puncture/cutting resistance are obtained. The results have showed that the crack growth propagation is controlled by the material viscoelastic and the fracture behaviors of material, as well as the friction between the pointed blade and material. As evidenced from the fracture mechanism analysis, the friction contributes to the resistance of material against the simultaneous puncture and cutting by a factor of more than 60%. It has also been that the penetration force and the global fracture energy depend on the blade tip angle, the cutting edge angle, and the blade lubrication. Finally, an analysis of mixed‐mode fracture based on puncture/cutting by pointed blades has been described. The crack propagation is a synergistic interaction between the fracture modes I and III. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2015 , 132, 42150.  相似文献   

聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)膜高效空气过滤材料以其过滤效率高、初始阻力小和无硼释放等优点,在电子工业洁净室中得到了广泛的应用,然而目前尚缺乏PTFE膜与传统滤材结构及性能的系统对比研究。本文选取了两种商业应用的PTFE膜高效滤材,采用扫描电子显微镜、孔径分析仪、自动滤材测试仪等多种表征手段对材料的微观结构和过滤性能与超细玻璃纤维(简称玻纤)滤材进行了较为全面的对比研究,结果表明,PTFE膜本质上也是一种纤维类滤材,其纤维平均直径为60~85nm,远低于玻纤滤材的668.8nm;高效PTFE膜的过滤效率与玻纤滤材相当,且其初始阻力不及玻纤滤材的50%,但PTFE膜滤材的容尘性能不及玻纤滤材,更适合应用于有再生或预过滤装置的场所。  相似文献   

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