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The influence of the Fermi surface anisotropy on the specific heat jump is studied for the p-wave superconductor with a gap function d = z^(k x ± ik y ) in connection with Sr2RuO4. It is shown that the normalized specific heat jump, C/T c , is reduced from its universal value, 1.43, in accordance with experimental findings. We show that this behavior fits well into our present understanding of the quasiparticle spectrum and the impurity effects.  相似文献   

The Fermi energy is shown to be pinned near a van Hove singularity for an extended doping range in the one-band and three-band Hubbard models as a consequence of filling dependent band renormalizations.  相似文献   

We study Josephson effect in Sr2RuO4/insulator/diffusive ferromagnet (DF)/insulator/Sr2RuO4 junctions, solving the Usadel equation under a new boundary condition for DF/Sr2RuO4 interface. Josephson current is calculated changing temperatures, resistances of the interfaces between the DF and Sr2RuO4, the exchange field in the DF, and a length of the DF. We find that the exchange field can induce the 0–π transition in these junctions.  相似文献   

We study the doping and temperature dependence of the order parameter for the triplet states of the layered perovskite material Sr2RuO4. The tight binding model that includes orthorhombic distortion and second nearest neighbor hopping, has been considered to study the doping and temperature dependence of the p- and f-wave states. We also calculate the temperature dependence of specific heat and thermal conductivity. We compare our results with the corresponding singlet -results of the cuprates. d xy -wave has also been considered. The jump in the specific heat at T c (critical temperature) and its temperature dependence agree well with the experiment.  相似文献   

We discuss some of the current issues on the copper-free layered perovskite superconductor Sr2RuO4, for which a sharp transition at Tc = 1.2 K has been reproducibly obtained. The normal state is characterized as an essentially twodimensional Fermi liquid, and the coherent interlayer transport is established only at low temperatures. The cylindrical Fermi surface observed by de Haas-van Alphen experiments is consistent with other thermodynamic and transport properties. Although the specific heat jump across Tcconfirms the bulk superconductivity, the large residual T-linear term which correlates with the variation in Tcis unusual and suggestive of unconventional pairing.On leave from Hiroshima University.  相似文献   

We review our recent works on the vortex state in p-wave superconductors. First, in a magnetic field parallel to the c-axis, the square vortex lattice is most stable, except in the immediate vicinity of T = T c0. Second, the effect of impurities on H c2 is studied, which exhibits characteristics of unconventional superconductors. Finally, the ab anisotropy in the upper critical field in a magnetic field is considered. This anisotropy provides important information about the fourfold term arising from the Fermi surface effect.  相似文献   

We review the evidence for unconventional superconductivity in Sr 2 RuO 4 ; the pairing in this material is certainly non-s-wave, and most of the current observations can be accounted for by a particular p-wave state, which is doubly degenerate and breaks time-reversal symmetry. Our observations of the flux lattice by small-angle neutron scattering contribute to this picture. The square flux lattice and the intensity of the diffracted signal indicate that superconductivity resides primarily on the sheet of the Fermi surface, which is derived from the Ru - d xy orbitals. This is in agreement with the orbital-dependent p-wave scenario. Furthermore, the shape of the flux lines derived from these measurements is strongly indicative of a two-component order parameter.  相似文献   

The Fermi surface of the nonmagnetic borocarbide superconductor YNi2B2C was studied by the de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) effect. Five branches of dH-vA frequencies are observed in the normal state for B c and the angular dependence was investigated with magnetic fields in the (110) plane. Together with the effective cyclotron masses, mc, the result is discussed in the context of electronic band-structure calculations.This work has been supported by the Human Capital and Mobility Programme of the European Community through Grant No. ERBCH-BICT941212.  相似文献   

We review the experimental evidence for spin-triplet superconductivity in Sr2RuO4. The Knight shift experiments decisively demonstrated that the Cooper-pair symmetry is spin triplet. We discuss the most probable wave function of the Cooper pairs on the basis of the results of a number of key experiments. We point out that a simple picture of the unitary state with the isotropic gap is not compatible with the observed behavior of the specific heat, and that a profound modification of the pairing wave function is needed. We also present the in-plane angular dependence of the upper critical field, with the field applied exactly parallel to the quasi-two-dimensional plane. We discuss the possible implication of the observed fourfold anisotropy in connection with the proposed second superconducting state with a line-node gap.  相似文献   

Using a three-band Hubbard Hamiltonian we calculated within the random-phase-approximation the spin susceptibility, χ(q, ω), and NMR spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T 1, in the normal state of the triplet superconductor Sr2RuO4, and obtained quantitative agreement with experimental data. Most importantly, we found that because of spin–orbit coupling the out-of-plane component of the spin susceptibility χ zz (q, ω) becomes two times larger than the in-plane one at low temperatures. We analyze in particular the role of the xy-band in the magnetic anisotropy.  相似文献   

Magnetic properties on Sr2–x Ca x RuO4 have been investigated by a microscopic probe of 87Sr-NMR in order to understand the magnetic character on spin-triplet superconductor of Sr2RuO4, which has multibands on the Fermi surface. With substituting Ca for Sr which gives rise to crystal distortion, the Knight shift (K) and the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate divided by temperature (1/T 1 T) increases progressively up to x=1.5. The Korringa relation from K and 1/T 1 T becomes smaller, indicative of development of ferromagnetic fluctuations with increasing Ca content. This suggests that the q-independent spin fluctuations originating from the 2-dimensional band are changed to the ferromagnetic ones by the Ca doping.  相似文献   

A simple tight-binding model for the conduction band of Sr2Ru04 is presented. The Ru4d and 02p orbitals of RuU2 conduction plane are taken into account. In momentum representation the LCAO Hamiltonian has a block structure, containing hopping amplitudes between the in-plane orbitals Oa2py, Ob2px, Ru4dxy, and those vertical to RuO2 plane — Ru4dyz, Ru4dzx, Oa2pz and Ob2pz. This simple structure allows an analytical derivation of electron band dispersions (px,Py) and constant energy contours (px,py) = const. The energy surfaces (px,Py) (numerically calculated) are also related to angle-resolved photoemission spectra. Based on the analytical results a fitting philosophy for both the available experimental data and ab initio calculations is discussed. The tight-binding parameters calculated within the adopted model are found to be in acceptable agreement with the first principles calculations.  相似文献   

Results obtained from several tunneling experiments on the pairing symmetry in Sr2RuO4 are reported. A normal surface layer was found to be present on the ab face of single-crystalline Sr2RuO4 in the c-axis tunnel junctions. Measurements in the in-plane junctions, however, revealed features suggesting a suppressed, but non-zero superconducting gap and Andreev bound states (ABSs) associated only with an unconventional superconductor. Josephson coupling between a conventional s-wave superconductor and Sr2RuO4 has been used to probe the pairing symmetry in the latter, through both the selection rule and the phase sensitive experiments. All results indicate that Sr2RuO4 is unconventional, most likely spin-triplet superconductor. Finally, some recent studies of several newly-characterized ruthenates are reviewed.  相似文献   

Two representative superconductors, UPt3 and Sr2RuO4, are comparatively studied on the basis of a general symmetry argument. The existing experimental data set for both systems strongly and commonly points to a triplet pairing. For the former, heavy fermion material, UPt3, a non-unitary bipolar state is the most possible candidate, whereas for the latter system, Sr2RuO4, determination of a precise pairing symmetry class, either unitary or non-unitary, is debated.  相似文献   

We have investigated the normal-state conduction of superconducting Sr2RuO4 (Tc 1K), which is isostructural to La2–xSrxCuO4. The resistivity of single crystals shows a crossover at TM130K from 3D metallic conduction at lower temperatures to 2D one at higher temperatures. Concerning the temperature dependence of the out-of-plane resistivity, we present a systematic interpretation based on competition between the life time of the quasiparticles and the time for the quasiparticles to travel between the adjacent RuO2 planes.  相似文献   

17O Knight shift measurements in Sr2RuO4 were performed over the wide range of magnetic field 3.2-11.4kOe parallel to the basal RuO2 planes. The spin susceptibility is totally unchanged through its Tc, evidencing that the spin-triplet superconducting state is realized in Sr2RuO4. The result indicates that the Cooper pairs consist of the parallel spin pairs | > and | > with their quantization axis perpendicular to the c-axis direction. The in-plane 2D nearly ferromagnetic spin fluctuations may play a role for the stabilization of this state among various representations of spin-triplet order parameter.  相似文献   

We calculate the conductivity in the ab plane for a superconductor assumed to have a saddle point in the energy surface due to the logarithmic density of states. The influence of the optical phonons was taken into account. At sufficient high temperatures (corresponding to the normal phase) the conductivity is characterized by a Drude-like behavior.  相似文献   

The superconducting transition temperature, T c , of the impurity-free, intrinsic Sr2RuO4 is as high as 1.50 K. However, we recently showed that T c is remarkably increased up to 3 K in the Sr2RuO4–Ru eutectic system, in which plate-like microdomains of Ru metal are embedded in the primary-phase Sr2RuO4. The phase diagram of the anisotropic upper critical field of the 3-K phase indicates that H c2 for the field parallel to the RuO2 plane is strongly suppressed at low temperatures. We argue that the reorientation of the Cooper-pair spin direction near the Sr2RuO4–Ru interface may be responsible for this suppression. In addition, we observed unusual hysteresis in the out-of-plane resistivity, ρ c , at low temperatures and near H c2, only when the field was applied parallel to the RuO2 plane.  相似文献   

We review the consequences of the presence of van Hove singularities close to the Fermi level in the HTCS cuprates. We show that it may explain the properties of these materials such as the high T c, anomalous isotope effect, marginal Fermi liquid properties, gap anisotropy, etc. We show that the pseudogap observed in the normal state can be attributed to the Coulomb interaction between carriers in these disordered compounds.  相似文献   

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