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YAG∶Ce Phosphors for WLED via Nano-Pesudoboehmite Sol-Gel Route   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Whitelight emittingdiodes(WLED)arepoised forrevolutionizingtheluminescencelightingindustry,andhavethepotentialofreplacingtheconventionalin candescentanddischarge column typefluorescent lampsforhighefficiency,longlifetime,nopollution,fullsolid statelampetc.Todate,theblueLEDchip combinedwithyellowceriumdopedyttriumaluminum garnetphosphors(YAG∶Ce)isthemostcommonpat terntoproducewhitelight[1].Traditionally,theYAGphosphorispreparedby solid statereactionsusingsolidchemicalsofY2O3and Al2O3ass…  相似文献   

Citric acid complexing sol-gel auto-combustion method was explored to synthesize superfine Sr2CeO4 phosphors using the inorganic salts Sr(NO3)2 and Ce(NO3)3 as raw materials together with citric acid (CA) as a chelating agent. TGDTA, XRD, SEM and photoluminescence spectra were used to investigate the formation process, microstructure and luminescent properties of the synthesized Sr2CeO4. The results show that the crystallization of Sr2CeO4 begins at about 800 ℃ and completes around 900 ℃ with an orthorhombic structure. When the calcination temperature is above 1000 ℃, Sr2CeO4 partly decomposes into SrCeO3. SEM studies show that the particles of Sr2CeO4 obtained at 900 ℃ are sphericallike shape and superfine with diameter below 100 nm. The excitation spectrum of the superfine Sr2CeO4 phosphors displays a broad band with two peaks around 290 and 350 nm respectively. The former peak is stronger than the latter one. This broad band is due to the charge transfer (CT) band of the Ce^4+ ion. Excited by a radiation of 290 nm, the superfine phosphors emit a strong blue-white fluorescence, and the emission spectrum shows a broad band with a peak around 470 nm, which can be assigned to the f→t1g transition of Ce^4+ . It is found that the emission intensity is affected by the calcination temperature.  相似文献   

The synthesis of BaMgAl10O17: Eu^2+ (BAM) phosphors using the sol-gel method and their luminescence properties were reported. The blue-light emitting BAM was synthesized using citric acid and ethylene glycol as chelating materials. Emission of blue-light was obtained from these phosphors. The luminescent intensity increases as the temperature of heat treatment is increased, This study investigated the effects of the molar ratio of ethylene glycol to citric acid (Ф value), with respect to the phase formation and luminescence properties of BAM. The variation of the Фvalue resulted in the change of the sol-gel reaction mechanism and the microstructures of the resultant powders. An increase in Фvalue leads to an increase in the rate of BAM phase formation. The photoluminescent intensity of the prepared phosphors increases with heating temperatures because of enhanced crystallization.  相似文献   

Thesol gelmethodhasbeenshowntobeasuitableapproachfortheassemblyofnovelluminescentmaterials[1 ,2 ] .Photoactiverareearthorganiccoordinationcompounds ,suchaseuropiumandterbiumchelateswithorganicligandsexhibitintensenarrowbandemissionsviaaneffectiveenergytran…  相似文献   

The long afterglow phosphor CaAl2Si2O8:Eu^2+ , Dy^3+ was prepared by a sol-gel method. The sol-gel process and the structure of the phosphor were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). It is found that the single anorthite phase formed at about 1000 %, which is 300 % lower than that required for the conventional solid state reaction. The obtained phosphor powders are easier to grind than those of solid state method and the partical size of phosphor has a relative narrow distribution of 200 to 500 nm. The photoluminescence and afterglow properties of the phosphor were also characterized. An obvious blue shift occurs in the excitation and emission spectra of phosphors obtained by sol-gel and solid state reaction methods. The change of the fluorescence spectra can be attributed to the sharp decrease of the crystalline grain size of the phosphor resulted from the sol-gel technique.  相似文献   

Nanophosphor with the nominal composition of Ca0.8 Zn0.2 TiO3 : Pr3 + , Na^+ (CZTOPN) was synthesized at relatively low temperature by the sol-gel method. Metal ions were dispersed by citric acid in ethylene glycol solvent and then react with Ti(OC4H9)4 to form sol and gel. The decomposition process of the precursor, and crystallization and particle size of CZTOPN were examined by thermal analysis (TG-DSC), powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scan election microscopy (SEM). Results of TG-DSC and XRD reveal that the composition of Ca0.8 Zn0.2 TiO3 : Pr3 + , Na^+ changes with the sintering temperature. SEM data indicate that the diameter of particles is under 50 nm even if the sintering temperature increases to 1000 ℃. In contrast to a solid state reaction, the excitation spectra of samples synthesized by the sol-gel method shift blue about 10 nm and the emission intensity at 617 nm increases significantly.  相似文献   

Thesol gelmethodhasshownasuitableapproachforthepreparationofnovellumines centmaterials .Manyrecentworkshavefo cusedonthedevelopmentofsolid statetunabledyelasermediausingorganicdyedopants[1 ,2 ]andtris( 2 ,2′ bipyridine)ruthenium (Ⅱ )com plex[3 ,4 ] whichcanhavesomepo…  相似文献   

Gold nanoparticles dispersed Y2O3 films were prepared through a sol-gel method by using yttrium acetate and Au nanoparticles colloid as precursors. The films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and UV-VIS absorption spectra. XRD patterns and TEM images of Y2O3 + Au films give the same resuits on structure and particle size as that of pure Y2O3 films. The surface plasma resonance (SPR) of Au nanoparticles in Y2O3 + Au film was observed around 550 nm in the absorption spectrum and its position shifts to red with increasing annealing temperature is caused by the increase of dielectric constant of Y2O3 matrix and the size of Au nanoparticles. The second and third order nonlinear optical effects of Y2O3 + Au films were also observed. The photoluminescent properties of Y2O3 : Eu + Au films were investigated and results indicate that there exist an energy transfer from Eu^3 + to Au nanoparticles and this energy transfer decreases the emission of Eu^3 + in Y2O3 : Eu + Au film.  相似文献   

Lu3Al5O12(LuAG) thin films with different Tb^3+ concentration were prepared on carefully cleaned (111 ) silicon wafer by a Peehini process and dip-coating technique. Heat treatment was performed in the temperature range from 800 to 1100 ℃. The crystal structure was analyzed by XRD. The results show that LuAG film starts to crystallize at about 900 ℃, and the particle size increases with the sintering temperature. Excitation and emission spectra of Tb^3+ doped LuAG films were measured. The effects of heat-treatment temperature and doping concentration of Th3 + on the luminescent properties were also investigated. For a comparison study, Th^3+-doped LuAG powders were also prepared by the same sol-gel method.  相似文献   

Y2O3: Eu nanocrystals were synthesized by EDTA complexing sol-gel process at a relatively low temperature, in which ethylen-diamine-tetraacetic acid (EDTA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) were used as the chelating agent and polymerization agent respectively. Formation process of Y2O3:Eu and structure characterization were carried out by TG-DTA, XRD, SEM/EDX. The results show that pure cubic phase Y203: Eu nanocrystalsere is produced after the precursor calcinated at 600℃ for 2 h, and the crystallinity increases with increasing calcination temperature. The nanoparticles of the Y2O3: Eu are basically spherical in shape. The mean particle size increases from about 30 to 70 nm when the calcination temperature increases from 600 to 1000℃. The luminescent properties of phosphor were analyzed by measuring the excitation and emission spectra. The main emission peak of the sample is around 612 nm, resulting in a red emission. The emission intensity increases with the calcination temperature. Compared with microsized Y2O3: Eu phosphors prepared by a conventional method, nanosized Y2O3: Eu synthesized by the present work, gives and a clear red shift in the emission spectrum. Moreover, the quenching concentration of Eu is raised.  相似文献   

YAG: Ce Phosphors for WLED via Nano-Pesudoboehmite Sol-Gel Route   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The sub-micron sized YAG: Ce phosphors were synthesized via a modified sol-gel method by peptizing nano-pesudoboehmite particulate. It is found that YAG phase from the dried gel powders appears at 1000 ℃ then the pure YAG phase exists at a relatively lower sintering temperature of 1400 ℃. The smaller sizes of phosphors in the ranges of 1 ~ 3 μm are obtained due to the contribution of seeding effects of nano-sized alumina particles to strengthen each step of the processes. Both the excitation and emission spectra of photoluminescence of the phosphor obtained at 1400 ℃ meet well with the spectroscopic requirements of the WLED phosphors.  相似文献   

Samarium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG Sm3 ) phosphors were synthesized by nitrate-citrate sol-gel combustion method. Phase evolution, morphology and absorbency of the obtained materials were characterized by XRD, FESEM, reflection spectrum, respectively. The experimental results showed that single-phase cubic YAG Sm3 crystalline was directly obtained at 800℃ from amorphous precursor, and mostly developed at 900℃. The prepared powders were relatively agglomerated with an average particle size of 300nm. The reflection spectrum showed that there were several apparent characteristic absorption peaks due to the 4f→4f inner shell electron transitions from the 6H5/2 ground state to 6FJ (J=9/2,7/2 and 5/2) excited state of Sm3 . Moreover, the intensity of the characteristic peaks was enhanced with the increasing concentration of Sm3 ions.  相似文献   

YAG:Ce3 phosphor particles were prepared using polyacrylamide gel method. The structure evolution of powders during annealing process was followed by X-ray diffraction determination. It is found that some intermediate phases, including θ-Al2O3, YAM and YAP, are formed when calcining polyacrylamide gel, however, the pure YAG phase can be formed directly when calcining polyacrylamide gel with α-Al2O3 as seed crystal. These facts show that the existence of α-Al2O3 seed crystal can block the formation of θ-Al2O3, YAM and YAP, and accelerate its reaction with Y2O3 to form YAG phase directly at lower temperature. The emission peak of prepared YAG:Ce3 phosphor is wide with maximum at 550 nm and the exitation band has two peaks, the major one is around at 460 nm, which matches the blue emission of GaN LED and is suitable for the assemble of white LED. Some fluxes can enhance the photoluminescence intensity of phosphor particles, that can be attributed both to the improvement of crystallization processes of YAG and to the stabilization of trivalence cerium ion in YAG:Ce3 .  相似文献   

YAG:Ce phosphor was synthesized by a novel simple method,wherein the admixture of three raw materials(Y2O3,α-Al2O3 and CeO2) were first acidified by diluted nitric acid to prepare a precursor,followed by a high temperature heating treatment of the obtained precursor under reductive atmosphere.Through XRD measurement and SEM observation,it was found that Y2O3,one of the raw material,was firstly dissolved into the diluted nitric acid,and then recrystallized on the surface of both α-Al2O3 and CeO2 to form a no...  相似文献   

Yellow-emitting YAG:Ce3+ nanocrystalline phosphors were prepared by citrate sol-gel combustion method using citric acid as the fuel and chelating agent. The influence of mole ratio of citric acid to metallic ions (MRCM), pH value of the solution, calcination temperature and Ce-doped concentration on the structures and properties of as-prepared powders were investigated in detail. Higher crystallinity and better luminescence performance powders were obtained at MRCM=2, pH=3 and the calcination temperature of 1200 °C. The phosphors exhibited the characteristic broadband visible luminescence of YAG:Ce. The optimum concentration of Ce3+ was 1.0 mol.%, and the concentration quenching was derived from the reciprocity between electric dipole and electric quadrupole (d-q). Especially, the pH value of the solution was a key factor to obtain a stable sol-gel system and then obtain pure and homogeneous rare earth ions doped YAG phosphors at a lower tem-perature. The Y3Al5O12:Ce0.03 phosphor with optimized synthesis-condition and composition had a similar luminescence intensity with the commercial phosphor YAG:Ce.  相似文献   

Colour Centres and Energy Transfer in BaF2-xClx:Eu^2+ Phosphors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The optical absorption spectra of BaF2-x Clx :Eu^2+ after ultraviolet (UV) light excitation were investigated. The differences between the absorption spectra after and before excitation (DAS) were observed. The DAS increase at both the high and the low energy side of F band in BaF2-xClx : Eu^2 + after 245 nm UV light excitation. The bleach effect of UV light and the absorption of electrons in the valence band may account for the former and the formation of Fa centres (association of F(Cl^-) centres), whose absorption band matches the HeNe laser better, may explain the latter. In the write-in process, the transfer of electrons is via tunneling, In the readout process, the transfer of electrons captured in F(F^-) and Fa centres is more likely via tunneling, and that of F(Cl^- ) centres is more likely via conduction band.  相似文献   

CaGdAlO4 : Eu^3+ powder phosphors were prepared using citrate sol-gel (CSG), haft-dry and half-wet (HDW) and solid state (SS) methods, respectively. X-ray diffraction results confirm the formation of CaGdAlO4:Eu^3+ at 900 % (CSG), 1200℃ (HDW) and 1400℃ (SS), respectively. Field emission scan electron microscopy (FE-SEM) images show that the CaGdAlO4:Eu^3+ powder prepared by the CSG and HDW method has an elliptical shape and that prepared under the SS method has a flaky shape. Upon excitation with 280 nm UV light, all the CaGdAlO4: Eu^3+ powders show bright red emission on account of the 4f-4f transitions of the Eu^3+ ions. Moreover, the size of the phosphor particles and the emission intensity increase with the increase of calcined temperature. At the same calcination temperature of 1400 ℃, the ^5D0→^7F2 emission intensity of the sample prepared by HDW method is the highest. Stark components of the ^5D0→^7FJ emission transitions, both at room temperature and at a low temperature, reveal that the Eu^3+ ions occupy only one site with non-centrosymmetry in the crystals.  相似文献   

YAG:Ce,Sm spherical phosphors were synthesized by malic acid sol-gel method.The formation process of crystalline was characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD)technique.The influence of Sm3+ doping on the luminescent intensity and the morphology of phosphors were studied by fluorescence spectrum and scanning electron microscopy(SEM)techniques,respectively.The results indicated that the size of spherical powders was about 100 nm calcined at 1200 ℃ for 3 h.The emission spectra of phosphors showed gradual red-shift from 525 to 540 nm with the increase of doping concentration of Sm3+ ion.A broadband emission spectrum of Ce3+ ion appeared at 540 nm,and a series of emission peaks corresponding to the 4G5/2→6HJ transition of Sm3+ ion also appeared at 617 nm with the doping of Sm3+.The red component of YAG:Ce phosphors increased with the doping of Sm3+.  相似文献   

Five solid rare earth salicylate complexes were synthesized by low hydrated lathanide chloride and salicylic acid. The complexes in this experiment were identified as the general formula RE(HSal)3·2H2O(RE = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) by elemental analysis and EDTA volumetric analysis. IR spectra of the complexes show that carboxyl of salicylic acid coordinates to RE3+ ions. Electrochemical behaviors of the complexes on the glass-carbon electrode were researched with cyclic voltammetry (CV). It is indicated that the electrochemical process of the complexes is a one-electron redox process and the electrochemical reversibility of complexes is less than that of the lanthanide chlorides. The constant-volume combustion energies of complexes, ΔcU, were determined with a precise rotating-bomb calorimeter at 298.15 K. Their standard molar enthalpies of combustion, ΔcHmθ, and standard molar enthalpies of formation, ΔfHmθ, were calculated.  相似文献   

The well crystalline YAG:Ce3 phosphor was synthesized by solid-state method, and the temperature dependence of excitation and emission spectra of YAG:Ce3 phosphor were investigated in the temperature range from room temperature to 573 K. With temperature increasing, it was noted that the emission intensity of as-prepared phosphors decreased considerably more rapidly when pumped by 460 nm than by 340 nm. The temperature-intensity curves under different excitation wavelengths were obtained using an Arrhenius function, and the corresponding activation energies were also obtained respectively. Thus, the experimental phenomenon was discussed in terms of nonradiative decay rate. The effects of as-prepared phosphors on the performance of the white LED with changing temperature were also studied.  相似文献   

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