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基于计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)通用计算程序Fluent,研究了模块化熔盐冷却球床堆(Pebble Bed Advanced High Temperature Reactor,PB-AHTR)中心热通道稳态热工水力行为。利用已开发的多孔介质流固两相局域非热平衡模型计算了球床堆中的压降、冷却剂的温场分布以及固相球床的温场分布,计算并比较了不同的多孔介质阻力因子(Ergun与KTA)对通道内的冷却剂流动以及温场分布的影响,并对丧失部分冷却剂情况下通道内的冷却剂及燃料温度进行了计算分析。结果表明使用不同的阻力因子对堆芯压降计算结果和流场的分布影响较大;而冷却剂温场及固相球床温场和球心的温度分布在不同的阻力因子下的差别较小,在PB-AHTR的设计参数下堆芯产生的热量能够被有效的输出,设计具有较大的安全裕度。计算结果对于球床堆的优化设计提供了一定的参考价值。 相似文献
基于不确定性分析软件DAKOTA和自编程热管反应堆单通道热工分析程序HEART,对静默式热管反应堆(NUSTER)稳态热工水力特性进行了不确定性分析。根据热管反应堆相关实验数据,选取运行功率、燃料热导率、气隙宽度、包壳厚度、热管蒸发段长度和基体厚度6个关键热工参数并确定其基准值与概率密度分布,通过大量重复性计算,获得了95%置信水平下热管蒸发段温度、热管冷凝段温度、燃料峰值温度、包壳峰值温度及基体温度的统计分布,并对各参数的不确定性对热管反应堆安全性的影响进行了分析。分析结果表明:热管蒸发段及冷凝段温度有0.67%的概率超过热管温度限值;由于热管反应堆堆芯为固态堆芯,传热以纯导热为主,输入变量的不确定性对不同目标参数的影响相同,燃料热导率的不确定性对5个目标参数的影响最为显著,且为负相关。本研究获得的结果可为热管反应堆的优化及其后续发展提供方向指引。 相似文献
根据下一代核能系统的发展目标,提出了采用自然循环的一体化小型氟盐冷却高温堆的概念。利用修改后的RELAR5-MS系统分析程序,建立了一体化小型氟盐冷却高温堆模型,并得到其稳态特性参数。在此基础上,对其在满功率运行状态下的反应性引入事故和失热阱事故进行了分析。分析计算表明,在反应性事故工况下,由于自然循环的存在,堆芯冷却剂流量随着堆芯温度发生动态变化,最终达到新的稳态,燃料棒和冷却剂温度均处于安全限值范围内。在失热阱事故下,反应堆负反馈的特性使得堆芯功率逐渐降低并实现自动停堆,即使不考虑余热排出系统的作用,燃料组件和冷却剂温度上升缓慢,在140 h内,燃料棒和冷却剂温度均处于全限值范围内。结果表明,一回路采用自然循环冷却的一体化小型氟盐冷却高温堆具有良好的固有安全性。 相似文献
核热泉(NHS)堆是一种新型熔盐球床概念设计堆,其冷却剂径向流过堆芯,具有满功率自然循环特性。基于多孔介质局部非热平衡模型,利用计算流体力学(CFD)通用软件Fluent计算核热泉堆径向流堆芯的热工水力特性,并比较了不同的内、外孔板开孔率的影响。结果表明,内孔板开孔率对冷却剂流量分布影响较大;燃料中心温度具有相当的安全裕量,冷却剂横向流过堆芯的阻力远低于浮升力,能够实现全回路的自然循环。 相似文献
球床高温气冷堆由于采用流动球床堆芯和燃料多次通过的运行方式,不能直接套用轻水堆中一般采用的“系统分解,逐级传递”的分析思路,其不确定性的传播和分析具有特殊性。清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院基于高温气冷堆的设计分析经验,开展了高温堆的不确定性研究,并取得了一些进展。目前高温气冷堆已建立起完整的不确定性分析计算框架。在此框架内,基于VSOP程序,开发能反映球床高温气冷堆实际运行特点的不确定性分析程序VSOP-UAM,实现了核数据不确定性隐式效应和显式效应的完整分析。然后使用SCALE/TSUNAMI-3D和VSOP-UAM程序,建立燃料球、堆芯单元、初装堆芯和平衡堆芯的分析模型,量化了核数据的不确定性对各种模型关键参数的影响。此外,还量化了球流混流效应、燃料富集度、燃料孔隙率这些球床堆芯参数的不确定性对堆芯有效增殖因数keff和功率分布的影响。从计算结果可看出,高温气冷堆的不确定性分析显示出了有别于传统轻水堆的结果。 相似文献
高温气冷堆螺旋管蒸汽发生器结构复杂,运行工况严苛,为实现对高温气冷堆蒸汽发生器运行特性的快速预测,获得其正常运行及典型瞬态工况下的热工水力特性,本文建立了一套完善准确的螺旋管蒸汽发生器管壳两侧流动换热模型,开发了适用范围较广的蒸汽发生器系统热工水力分析程序STAGS;基于THTR-300反应堆蒸汽发生器验证了STAGS程序准确性和可靠性;以球床模块式高温气冷堆(HTR-PM)为对象,开展了螺旋管蒸汽发生器满负荷工况下系统运行特性分析,获得了关键热工水力参数沿螺旋管分布以及管壳侧流体流量对蒸汽发生器运行影响规律,进而研究了管壳侧入口参数受扰动时蒸汽发生器关键热工参数响应特性。结果表明:管侧换热系数最大值受管侧流体流量影响较大,管侧流量增加10%时,管侧对流换热系数最大值增加约5 149.3 W/(m2·K);壳侧入口氦气热工水力参数的变化对蒸汽发生器的换热功率影响较为剧烈,壳侧流量突降10%以及入口温度突增20 K时分别导致蒸汽发生器换热功率降低968 kW和上升664 kW。 相似文献
大型热工流体整体效应系统实验(CIET)台架是为模拟氟盐冷却高温堆(FHR)热工水力响应而设计的实验回路,采用DOWTHERM A模拟氟盐作为冷却剂。通过在RELAP5/MOD3.2程序中加入DOWTHERM A物性参数以及传热关系式,计算FHR实验回路CIET在两种工况下的热工水力行为,并与实验结果进行对比,计算工况包括强迫循环条件与自然循环条件。计算结果表明:在强迫循环条件下,堆芯热量主要靠盘管式空气换热器(CTAH)排出,堆芯进出口冷却剂温度及CTAH出口冷却剂温度与实验值符合良好,CTAH进口冷却剂温度与实验值有些微偏差;在自然循环工况中,堆芯热量主要通过DHX与堆芯辅助冷却系统(DRACS)回路的换热带走,DHX及DRACS的流量与实验值接近,相对误差在10%左右,验证了修正后RELAP5/MOD3.2的正确性。 相似文献
小型铅基堆运行于自然循环工况时为了大幅提升功率输出能力,运行工况需要由自然循环转换到强迫循环。然而在转换过程中,由于主泵的突然开启,流量迅速增加,导致堆芯功率以及反应性等参数剧烈波动,这会威胁到反应堆安全。因此,本文采用RELAP5/MOD4.0程序对10MW小型铅基堆进行仿真建模,分析了铅基堆在自然转强迫循环过渡过程的瞬态特性及其影响因素。计算结果表明,首先,初始功率水平越高,功率峰值越高,反应堆周期越小,这可能威胁反应堆的安全,因此需要依据核功率保护整定值选择出安全转换的最高初始功率水平(54%FP)。其次,采取人为干预措施或者逐次开启主泵措施可以有效减小功率等参数波动,提高了安全转换的最高初始自然循环功率水平,这对提升反应堆在转换过程中的安全性与可靠性具有重要意义。最后,制定了一套优化的运行控制策略能够确保其在较高功率水平下(70%FP)实现自然向强迫循环快速平稳安全地转换。 相似文献
氚是熔盐堆运行过程中的固有产物,具有强腐蚀性和渗透性,是限制熔盐堆技术发展的瓶颈问题之一。本文围绕氟盐冷却高温堆(FHR)中氚输运特性在事故工况下的瞬态响应开展研究,主要讨论在无保护反应性引入(URI)及无保护冷却剂入口过冷(UOC)事故下,熔盐堆一回路中的氚产率、石墨吸附量、熔盐溶解量、腐蚀与沉积反应以及氚向二回路的扩散等特性。研究发现,瞬态条件下氚输运特性较稳态时更为复杂多变,呈现出强烈的动态耦合特点,这对氚控设备的性能提出了更高的要求。计算表明,在URI和UOC事故下,氚向二回路的扩散速率均降低,不需投入额外的氚控安全设施。 相似文献
高温气冷堆紧急停堆后需要快速冷却堆芯,使其达到重新启动条件,制定合理的冷却方案对于减少电厂运行成本和保护设备安全具有重要意义。本文建立了冷却系统的数学模型,对冷却过程中关键设备的传热传质过程进行了动态数值模拟。首先分析了德国高温气冷堆采用的直接冷却方案,结果表明,此方案无法避免对设备形成冷冲击或热冲击,风险性较大。进而提出了适用于我国高温气冷堆的新方案,新方案包括4个步骤:蒸汽发生器排水-卸压-预冷-冷却堆芯。动态分析表明,新方案成功地避免了冷/热冲击,大幅提高了安全性,冷却时间也在可接受范围内。 相似文献
反应堆在停堆后相当长时间内仍具有较高的剩余发热是核电站的重要特性,也是核电站安全分析的关键。因此,对反应堆余热及其不确定性进行分析,对于合理设计余热排出系统、研究论证燃料元件在事故后的安全特性等均具有重要意义。本工作结合德国针对球床式高温气冷堆制定的余热计算标准,介绍了球床式高温气冷堆剩余发热及其不确定性的计算方法,并结合200 MWe球床模块式高温气冷堆示范工程(HTR-PM)的初步物理设计,对长期运行在满功率平衡堆芯状态下的反应堆停堆后的余热及其不确定性进行了计算分析,为进一步的事故分析提供依据。 相似文献
In Japan, the research and development on the High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors (HTGRs) had been carried out for more than fifteen years since 1969 as the multi-purpose Very High Temperature gas-cooled Reactor (VHTR) program for direct utilization of nuclear process heat such as nuclear steel making. Recently, reflecting the change of the social and energy situation and with less incentives for industries to introduce such in the near future, the JAERI changed the program to a more basic ‘HTTR program’ to establish and upgrade the HTGR technology basis.The HTTR is a test reactor with a thermal output of 30 MW and reactor outlet coolant temperature of 950°C, employing a pin-in-block type fuel block, and has the capability to demonstrate nuclear process heat utilization using an intermediate heat exchanger. Since 1986 a detailed design has been made, in which major systems and components are determined in line with the HTTR concept, paying essential considerations into the design for achieving the reactor outlet coolant temperature of 950°C. The safety review of the Government started in February 1989. By request of the Science and Technology Agency the Reactor Safety Research Association reviewed the safety evaluation guideline, general design criteria, design code and design guide for the graphite and the high-temperature structure of the HTTR.The installation permit of the HTTR was issued by the Government in November 1990. 相似文献
介绍了10MW高温气冷实验堆(简称HTR-10)工程的实践经验成果,论述了HTR-10的成功对于高温气冷堆示范工程的现实意义。 相似文献
Reactor core design of Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor 300 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Kazuhiko Kunitomi Shoji Katanishi Shoji Takada Xing Yan Nobumasa Tsuji 《Nuclear Engineering and Design》2004,230(1-3):349-366
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) has been designing Japan’s original gas turbine high temperature reactor, Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor 300 (GTHTR300). The greatly simplified design based on salient features of the High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) with a closed helium gas turbine enables the GTHTR300 a highly efficient and economically competitive reactor to be deployed in early 2010s. Also, the GTHTR300 fully taking advantage of various experiences accumulated in design, construction and operation of the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) and existing fossil fired gas turbine systems reduces technological development concerning a reactor system and electric generation system. Original design features of this system are the reactor core design based on a newly proposed refueling scheme named sandwich shuffling, conventional steel material usage for a reactor pressure vessel (RPV), an innovative coolant flow scheme and a horizontally installed gas turbine unit. The GTHTR300 can be continuously operated without the refueling for 2 years. Due to these salient features, the capital cost of the GTHTR300 is less than a target cost of 200,000 yen (1667 US$)/kW e, and the electric generation cost is close to a target cost of 4 yen (3.3 US cents)/kW h.
This paper describes the original design features focusing on the reactor core design and the in-core structure design, including the innovative coolant flow scheme for cooling the RPV. The present study is entrusted from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. 相似文献
为保证球床式高温气冷堆(PB-HTGR)球流检测系统投影数据获取过程中输出信号的稳定性,需对探测模块输出暗电流的稳定性进行分析。本文随机选取了2组CsI(Tl)探测器模块作为研究对象,并专门设计了温度及暗电流的控制和测量装置,分析了模块暗电流的输出特性及其控制要求。实验结果表明:各探测单元输出暗电流随温度的变化呈近似指数变化,且室温下温度波动±2 ℃时第32路单元的暗电流波动达8 pA。因此需对探测系统进行温度控制,同时分析实验数据并结合暗电流稳定性的控制要求,提出检测系统的最佳温控范围为(18~22) ℃,对应的温控精度为(±0.92~±0.21) ℃。 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(10):913-930
An analytical method for the seismic response of the two-dimensional horizontal slice core model of a high temperature gas-cooled reactor core with block-type fuel has been developed. In the analytical method, blocks are modeled as rigid bodies and a spring dashpot model is used for the collision process between blocks. Analytical results are compared with experimental ones and both are found to be in good agreement. The analytical method can be used to predict the behavior of the high temperature gas-cooled reactor core under seismic excitation. 相似文献
Safety demonstration tests using the HTTR (High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor) are now in progress in order to verify the inherent safety features and to improve safety designing and analysis technologies for future HTGR (high temperature gas-cooled reactor). Coolant flow reduction test is one of the safety demonstration tests for the purpose of demonstration of inherent HTGR safety features in the case that coolant flow is reduced by tripping of helium gas circulators. If reactor core element temperature and core internal structure temperature during abnormal events are estimated by numerical simulation with high-accuracy, developed numerical simulation method can be applied to future HTGR designing efficiently. In the present research, three-dimensional in- and ex-vessel thermal-hydraulic calculations for the HTTR are performed with a commercially available thermal-hydraulic analysis code “STAR-CD®” with finite volume method. The calculations are performed for normal operation and coolant flow reduction tests of the HTTR. Then calculated temperatures are compared with measured ones obtained in normal operation and coolant flow reduction test. As the result, calculated temperatures are good agreement with measured ones in normal operation and coolant flow reduction test. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(9):655-667
For the aseismic design of a high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) with block-type fuel, it is necessary to predict the motion and force of core columns and blocks. To reveal column vibration characteristics in three-dimensional space and impact response, column vibration tests were carried out with a scale model of a one-region section (seven columns) of the HTGR core. The results are as follows: (1) the column has a soft spring characteristic based on stacked blocks connected with loose pins, (2) the column has whirling phenomena, (3) the compression spring force simulating the gas pressure has the effect of raising the column resonance frequency, and (4) the vibration behavior of the stacked block column and impact response of the surrounding columns show agreement between experiment and analysis. 相似文献
对由顶部高温气冷堆简单循环、底部Kalina循环构成的氦气/氨水联合循环系统(HAC)进行热力性能分析。研究表明HAC循环相对HCC循环热效率提高6.0%,?效率提高8.1%,最终达到46.2%与62.0%。实现HAC循环对核能的高效转化利用具有良好的发展前景。 相似文献