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栅格型分布式流域水文模型构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于地貌形成理论,充分考虑了流域内地形、植被、土壤、土壤水分等因素对流域蓄水容量空间分布的影响,提出了蓄水容量空间分布模型及建模方法,在此基础上,结合垂直混合产流机制,建立了概念性分布式流域水文模型。项目研究应用RS和GIS,是对传统水文模型改进的创新尝试,同时指出建立基于RS和GIS的耦合水文模型是未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

基于 HSPF 的东江分布式水文模型构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对东江流域,在基于 HSPF 水文模型的基础上,构建了东江流域分布式水文模型。详细介绍了 HSPF 分布式水文模型构建的原理、模型数据准备、模型构建以及模型验证过程。从气象分布变异的角度出发,将东江流域划分成 51 个子流域,从物理分布变异的角度出发,将东江流域的土地利用类型与土壤类型和坡向重新叠置成 29 种特征类型的下垫面。通过模型的模拟效果来看,两校准站(河源站和博罗站)的相对误差均小于 15% ,NASH 系数都在 0.9 以上,模拟效果良好。  相似文献   

分布式流域水文模型研究中的几个问题   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
指出数值计算、GIS、雷达测雨和卫星云图等技术的进步为分布式流域水文模型的发展及实际应用提供了条件 .论述分布式流域水文模型的结构有概念性和具有物理基础之分 ,也有耦合式和非耦合式之分 .为了确定分布式流域水文模型的参数 ,对现有几种建立产汇流参数与自然地理因子之间的理论关系的途径进行了初步分析 .  相似文献   

目前很多分布式水文模型还主要应用在科研领域,缺乏在实际的水管理业务中的应用。分布式水文模型EasyDHM的开发则以实用为目的,着重关注模拟效果及建模效率。模型具有友好的操作界面,适用于各种时空尺度的流域水文模拟,并且模型易于扩展,可进行水资源评价。以海河流域阜平水文站以上流域为研究对象,应用EasyDHM模型进行流域水文模拟,通过对模型参数进行敏感性分析及率定,使阜平流域率定期及验证期Nash效率系数达到0.96。分析表明,EasyDHM模型在阜平流域具有很好的适用性。  相似文献   

Hydrological models have been used in many places of the world in order to support practitioners with respect to watershed management actions. The goal of this research was to apply the Lavras Simulation of Hydrology (LASH model) to a Brazilian tropical watershed dominated by Oxisols, to estimate maximum, minimum and mean stream flows for both current land-use (“scenario 1”) and other regional trend land-use scenarios (“scenario 2”—pasture into eucalyptus; and “scenario 3”—eucalyptus into pasture). This model is a continuous, distributed and semi-conceptual model for simulation of different hydrological components on a daily basis. The model had a good performance with respect to the “scenario 1”, resulting in Nash-Sutcliffe coefficients equal to 0.81, 0.82 and 0.98 for minimum, maximum and mean discharges, respectively. When “scenario 2” was simulated, it was found that minimum, mean and maximum stream flows had their values reduced in average by 7.39 %, 13.84 % and 20.38 %, respectively. On the contrary, it was observed in “scenario 3” an increase in average by 0.23 %, 0.44 % and 1.19 % for minimum, mean and maximum stream flows, respectively. With respect to water yield, scenario 2 resulted in a mean reduction of 119 mm, whereas for scenario 3 the difference was not so pronounced in relation to the current land use. Results obtained in scenario 2 are troublesome since this watershed drains into an important regional Hydroelectric Power Plant Reservoir and this approach needs to be considered by the Minas Gerais State electric energy company for its planning strategies for the future.  相似文献   

为了分析上下游区域水量分布特征,以临沂流域为研究区,结合流域水量平衡分析理论,构建了临沂流域分布式水文模型SWAT,进行了临沂流域产水模拟.在此基础上,给出临沂流域上下游区域水量时空分布图,并结合临沂上下游流域经济发展及用水情况,分析了临沂流域上下游区域的水资源分布及供需状况.研究结果表明:对于半干旱区中尺度流域采用多站点多时段多要素的率定方法,能够提高SWAT模型的模拟效率;临沂流域上下游水资源均较丰富,能够满足工农业生产和人们生活需要;临沂流域水量在时空分布上极不均匀,容易发生旱涝灾害,应加强水利设施建设.  相似文献   

为了探讨基于物理基础的分布式水文模型在国内半干旱半湿润流域的应用,研究模型径流模拟在中小尺度流域的合理性与适用性,采用基于连续栅格单元演算的分布式水文模型CASC2D,对县北沟流域1983年~2007年8场洪水和栾川流域1961年~1998年8场洪水进行了径流模拟.对模拟精度、特征值等方面进行的比较分析结果表明,模型在县北沟流域和栾川流域均取得较好的模拟效果,且县北沟流域的模拟效果比栾川流域好;模型适用于中小尺度的半干旱半湿润流域,在超渗产流与混合产流流域均能取得较高的精度.  相似文献   

The spatially distributed hydrologic model WetSpa is applied to the Torysa river basin (1,297 km2) located in Slovakia. Daily hydrometeorological data from 1991 to 2000 are used as input to the model. The spatial characteristic of the basin are described by three base maps, i.e. DEM, landuse and soil type, in GIS form using 100 m cell size. Results of the simulations show a good agreement between calculated and measured hydrographs at the outlet of the basin. The model predicts the daily discharge values with a good accuracy, i.e. about 73% according to the Nash–Sutcliff criterion. Sensitivity analysis of the model parameters is performed using a model-independent parameter estimator, PEST. It is found that the correction factor for calculating the actual evapotranspiration from potential evaporation has the highest relative sensitivity. Parameter K gm which controls the amount of evapotranspiration from the groundwater has the least relative sensitivity.  相似文献   

Nutrient loading from agricultural drainage systems into downstream aquatic ecosystems, like Lake Winnipeg in the prairie province of Manitoba, Canada, represents a major challenge for water quality management. In order to improve water quality in downstream waterbodies, the Manitoba government is currently investigating the relationship between hydrological standard of agricultural drainage network and nutrient retention in the drainage systems. Briefly, oversized drains have more capacity to transport nutrients, which can increase nutrient loading to downstream waterbodies, especially during rainfall events. Currently, the hydrological standards of agricultural drainage design in Manitoba were mainly developed according to cost-benefit analysis without considering nutrient retention. The purpose of this study was to use computer modelling techniques to simulate the impact of drain size (based on different hydrological standards) on nutrient retention within an agricultural drainage network. The site chosen was the Tobacco Creek Watershed, an agricultural area which drains into the Red River, and thence into Lake Winnipeg. Suspended sediment, nutrient and flow data, from several locations along the Brown drain within this watershed, were used to calibrate a water quality model. Scenarios were then simulated with the model to estimate how different drain sizes affect nutrient transport and retention. Sampling took place during the spring and summer of 2013 starting with freshet and ending when the drains dried up near mid-summer. Study results indicated that the amount of nutrients transported was generally greater during freshet and summer rain storms. Occasionally, however, nutrients in summer discharge exceeded those transported during freshet. The water quality model was applied to the Brown drain to investigate the effects of different drain sizes for rainfall amounts under 2, 5, 10, 15, and 20 year return periods. Generally the results indicate that as the return periods became larger (in larger channels) lower nutrients concentrations were predicted downstream (higher decay rates). On average, the model predicted a 15%–20% decline in nutrient concentration with a 20-year return channel design compared to a 2-year return. The research from this study may provide an impetus to the policy-making process of drainage design.  相似文献   

为了解决珠江流域咸潮上溯问题,需要在枯水期对流域水库群进行压咸调度。合理调度的前提是准确掌握流域的来水情况,以便在满足发电需要的基础上兼顾生态需要,特别是在枯水期。飞来峡水库是北江流域的重要水库,位于珠江流域下游,在流域抑咸调度中起到关键的作用。为了对飞来峡水库来水过程进行水文模拟分析,以分布式水文模型EasyDHM为基础,利用DEM、实测河网、土壤、土地利用及水文气象数据,构建了北江流域分布式水文模型。通过模型的参数率定以及验证发现,模型精度较高,可以很好的应用于流域水情形势分析;对飞来峡水库旬入库过程统计发现,枯水期来水量最小值出现在12月上中旬,这对于确定流域抑咸统一调度的最佳时期也有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

分布式水文模型的研究是当前水文建模领域最为活跃的研究方向之一,是解决流域水文、生态和环境问题的有效途径。文中讨论了分布式水文模型的分类、一般结构、下垫面因子、与GIS和遥感技术的关系、参数率定、应用领域等问题,指出分布式水文模型发展面临的问题并展望了未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

本文介绍了分布式水文模型EasyDHM在汉江上游流域的应用实例。作者通过采用EasyDHM模型中的改进WetSpa产流模型、马斯京干汇流模型、LH-OAT敏感性分析方法、SCE-UA参数优化方法等,对汉江上游流域进行了水文模拟及参数率定。由参数敏感性及参数优化结果知,各产汇流参数敏感性随空间分布的不同有一定差异,而随着时间系列的延长其变化并不大,这不仅说明了按水文站进行参数分区的必要性,也说明在长系列水文模拟中,可仅对指定校正期进行参数优化。而参数优化后能较大程度提高水文模型模拟精度,则证实了参数优化的必要性以及本模型所选取参数优化算法的合理性。  相似文献   

跨流域调水的大尺度分布式水文模型研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
变化环境下区域分布式水循环模拟研究,是地球系统科学中的重大科学问题,也是区域水安全和水资源风险管理需求的重要应用基础。本文开展了以南水北调中线工程联系的跨汉江、黄河和海河多个流域的区域水循环模拟、环境变化影响与水安全研究。重点论述了跨流域调水的大尺度分布式水文模型(LDTVGM)的研究与展望。目的是探讨变化环境下跨流域调水的分布式水循环模型的建立,发展区域水循环动力学-非线性系统-多源不确定性分析与综合的理论与影响评估方法,为分析应对气候变化和高强度人类活动影响的区域水资源安全及应对措施的风险管理,提供科学依据。  相似文献   

李巧玲  菅浩然  李致家  姚成 《水力发电》2006,32(10):24-26,62
选择位于黄河支流洛河中游的长水—宜阳区间流域作为研究对象,基于数字高程模型,计算栅格水流方向、集水面积和栅格演算次序,为产汇流计算打下基础。把1个栅格单元作为1个小子流域,基于栅格采用新安江模型进行产流计算,采用Muskingum-Cunge算法进行河道洪水演算。结果表明,基于DEM的分布式水文模型在洪峰误差控制和过程拟合等方面表现较好,洪水模拟具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

流域水文模型的回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
概述了产汇流理论及流域水文模型的发展历程.简要介绍了流域水文模型的分类和分布式流域水文模型的思路及优点.对现有模型在模型结构、资料需求及水文时空尺度等方面的不足进行了分析总结,对流域水文模型的未来发展作出展望:分布式水文物理模型将成为水文模型发展的新趋势,在模型建立的物理基础、资料获取技术等方面的研究会有新的进展.  相似文献   


This study describes the development of a spatially distributed continuous hydrological model and its application on an Aegean Sea island. This model was developed on the basis of a Geographical Information System (GIS) in direct interaction with the special database containing the input data in a spatially distributed form. The model is physically based; it can evaluate the daily values of the water balance components in very fine spatial resolution and gives relatively accurate results with small calibration effort. The main scope of the model is to utilize a valuable tool in areas with great scarcity of hydrometric data, increased water needs and serious shortages of fresh water. The model was applied on Naxos, a medium size Aegean island, with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

深入分析了分布式与半分布式水文模型的空间离散化方法,结合多种方法的优点对汉江流域下垫面信息进行离散化处理,既综合了子流域和地貌单元反映地形特征的优势,又引入"马赛克地块"面积分布函数,简单有效反映了不同植被覆盖影响.同时,为每个计算单元都进行了含有拓扑信息的编码,高效组织了众多空间数据,便于计算机自动处理,缩短计算时间.为构建分布式水文模型时尽可能全面反映下垫面空间异质性同时又尽可能少的引入参数打下了坚实基础.  相似文献   

通过构建基于混合产流的分布式水文模型,将大通河流域内气象、水文站点观测数据与遥感数据结合起来,研究了大气、陆面、地表水和地下水的相互作用机理,确定了模型参数,并对大通河享堂水文站日均流量过程进行了模拟。结果表明:该模型能在水文、气象站点稀少,土壤及水文地质数据缺乏的条件下较好地模拟大尺度资料稀缺地区的水文过程,能较合理地揭示研究区的产汇流规律;模拟流量与实测流量高度相关,平均相对误差为-1.99%、确定性系数为0.75,模拟结果合理、可靠。  相似文献   

本文介绍了分布式水文模型EasyDHM模型的软件系统MWEasyDHM,主要由4个部分组成:(1)面向水文分析的通用GIS软件;(2)前处理模块;(3)模拟模块;(4)后处理模块。其中面向水文分析的通用GIS软件以开源GIS软件MapWindow为基础开发,并包括了其他模块所涉及的基本GIS功能;前处理模块包括基于DEM的水文分析组件,模型参数推求模块和降水量、气象数据插值模块;模拟模块提供了实时计算功能,能实时查看模拟结果;模型后处理模块包括了模型参数自动识别、运算结果统计分析及以表格、图表等方式对模拟结果的展示。MWEasyDHM的开发解决了分布式水文模型快速建模及率定的难题,并为将来升级开发及大范围推广应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

粒子群算法在新安江模型参数率定中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选用1997年中国水文预报竞赛中降雨、蒸发、径流数据,重点研究在应用粒子群优化算法(PSO)率定新安江模型参数时,PSO算法中惯性权重、加速度常数和种群规模3个参数对算法性能的影响,并优选出适合于该问题的最优PSO参数区间。在此基础上率定出与研究流域匹配的新安江模型参数,定量评价了降雨径流模拟效果的优劣。另外,对PSO算法的效率和稳定性进行了简要分析。研究结果表明,PSO算法率定新安江模型参数的收敛效率较传统方法明显提高,稳定性普遍较好。  相似文献   

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