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Embryonic mouse tooth germs treated with L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid cease their development, undergo a regression of the enamel organ, and do not maintain the histological characteristics of the explanted dental organ. On the other hand if procollagen is added exogenously to explants continously treated with L-azetidine, the effects of the inhibitor are not seen and the tissue is maintained. Thus, exogenously supplied procollagen supports morphogenesis in tooth rudiments that are unable to synthesize procollagen.  相似文献   

Normal values of the pulsatility index in the fetal renal arteries in a group of 65 uncomplicated pregnancies were established. The measurements were obtained between 28 and 40 weeks of gestation. The values of pulsatility index may be used as a reference for further investigation of pathologic pregnancies.  相似文献   

The transglycosylation activity of endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase from Arthrobacter protophormiae was used for the enzymatic synthesis of a novel oligosaccharide, Man6GlcNAc-p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-glucose (Man6GlcNAc-Glc-pNP). The reaction was efficiently induced in aqueous solution containing dimethyl sulfoxide. In the medium containing 20% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide with 0.1 M Glc-pNP as an acceptor, the transglycosylation attained yields of 75% by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography. The structure of Man6GlcNAc-Glc-pNP was confirmed by ion mass spectrometry and 400 MHz 1H NMR spectrometry. Various endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidases hydrolyzed this oligosaccharide and Man6GlcNAc and Glc-pNP were released from the oligosaccharide by endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase digestion. We have established a new procedure for the colorimetric detection of endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity using Man6Glc-NAc-Glc-pNP, which is simple as that for other exoglycosidase assays with pNP-glycosides as substrates.  相似文献   

Mandibular second molar tooth germs from two-day old mice were cultured in vitro, on millipore membranes, for periods of up to 20 days in liquid medium with or without added ascorbic acid. Tooth germs grown in ascorbate medium were characterized by relatively normal growth, differentiation, morphology and histology. Cuspation patterns were maintained. The epithelial root sheath continued to grow along the millipore membrane. Tooth germs cultured in ascorbate-deficient medium manifested a consistent and striking failure in maintenance of differentiated odontoblastic and ameloblastic tissue with arrest of predentin synthesis, severe structural collapse and reduction in size. Cuspation patterns were lost in scorbutic molars, with sinking of surface layers into pulpal tissue and flattening of the entire organ. This resulted in a lack of recognizable morphology and in severe disorganization of tissues. Only growing areas of the root sheath with associated proliferation of preameloblasts and pre-odontoblasts and adjacent pulpal tissue remained normal and refractory to ascorbate deficiency. Odontoblastic as well as ameloblastic layers were disrupted and cells were dedifferentiated. Newly differentiated odontoblasts became highly vacuolated when they became polarized and started to secrete extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

With conventional ultrasonography, the diagnostician must view a series of two-dimensional images in order to form a mental impression of the three-dimensional anatomy, an efficient and time consuming practice prone to operator variability, which may cause variable or even incorrect diagnoses. Also, a conventional two-dimensional ultrasound image represents a thin slice of the patients anatomy at a single location and orientation, which is difficult to reproduce at a later time. These factors make conventional ultrasonography non-optimal for prospective or follow-up studies. Our efforts have focused on overcoming these deficiencies by developing three-dimensional ultrasound imaging techniques that are capable of acquiring B-mode, colour Doppler and power Doppler images of the vasculature, by using a conventional ultrasound system to acquire a series of two-dimensional images and then mathematically reconstructing them into a single three-dimensional image, which may then be viewed interactively on an inexpensive desktop computer. We report here on two approaches: (1) free-hand scanning, in which a magnetic positioning device is attached to the ultrasound transducer to record the position and orientation of each two-dimensional image needed for the three-dimensional image reconstruction; and (2) mechanical scanning, in which a motor-driven assembly is used to translate the transducer linearly across the neck, yielding a set of uniformly-spaced parallel two-dimensional images.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to assess the functional dynamics and anatomy of the cardiac chambers and great vessels in the fetus (18 to 36 weeks) using in utero three-dimensional ultrasonographic imaging. Fifteen patients were studied using conventional two-dimensional sonographic equipment incorporating a position sensor attached to the transducer and a graphics workstation. Sonographic image data were acquired at 30 images per second and required less than 30 seconds per data set. Fetal heart rate and time in the cardiac cycle were determined and used to synchronize image data for reprojection into a volume at the appropriate part of the cardiac cycle. Volume data were analyzed, rendered, and displayed interactively. Three-dimensional sonographic volume data demonstrated fetal cardiac anatomy from multiple orientations and showed the myocardium, valves, ventricles, and atria clearly. The images showed good correlation with currently available embryologic-anatomic-pathologic data. Dynamic and spatial relationships among chambers, valves, and great vessels were readily appreciated. Three-dimensional sonographic imaging of the fetal heart provides both anatomic and functional information regarding the valves, myocardium, great vessels, and chamber dynamics. Interactive three-dimensional cinegraphic display enhances visualization of cardiac anatomy, which can be difficult to appreciate with two-dimensional methods. The methods presented in this work demonstrate the feasibility of three-dimensional fetal echocardiography.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is considered to be one of the mediators of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during early organogenesis and to be involved in the development of murine molars. In this study, the immunohistochemical localization of HGF and of its receptor, c-Met, revealed that HGF was distributed in the proliferating mesenchymal cells in the dental papillae and that c-Met was continuously expressed in the epithelial cells during the development of rat incisors. These observations confirmed the involvement of HGF in the development of rat incisors, as demonstrated previously in molars. We then used a primary culture of ameloblast-lineage cells, prepared from mandibular incisors of young rats, to examine the direct effects of HGF on the growth and differentiation of ameloblasts. We found that HGF at 2-20 ng/ml induced a marked increase in the number of ameloblast-lineage cells and in the scattering of such cells. Our results suggest that HGF promotes the proliferation and scattering of ameloblast-lineage cells simultaneously.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare gated with nongated three-dimensional fetal echocardiography in terms of the ability to demonstrate fetal cardiac anatomy. We examined nine fetuses in utero using conventional two-dimensional sonographic imaging equipment, an electromagnetic position sensor, and a computer-graphics workstation. Free-hand sweeps were performed through the fetal heart and great vessels in either transverse or sagittal orientations with respect to the fetal heart. Seven transverse and five sagittal sweeps were selected for reconstruction and analysis. Cardiac gating was performed by using a temporal Fourier transform to determine the fundamental frequency of cardiac motion. Two-dimensional data from each sweep were reprojected to a series of volume data sets. Each series was then condensed to a single volume, so that each two-dimensional sweep could be compared with its respective gated and nongated volume data sets. The two-dimensional data were reviewed utilizing a display with forward and backward cineloop capability. The gated and nongated volume data sets were displayed interactively as a series of three orthogonal planes, with the ability of the observer to control the location of each image plane within the volume. The gated data were animated with variable display frame rates. Conventional two-dimensional imaging provided a fairly complete evaluation of the fetal heart when scanning included the four-chamber view with a sweep across the outflow tracts. Nongated three-dimensional fetal echocardiography allowed visualization of some structures and views not demonstrated with two-dimensional ultrasonography. Gated three-dimensional fetal echocardiography provided significantly better visualization and comprehension of cardiac anatomy than nongated three-dimensional fetal echocardiography. The superiority of gated over nongated three-dimensional fetal echocardiography appears to come from both improved image quality and the anatomic clues that derive from the ability to view cardiac motion.  相似文献   

Variation in HIV-1 genomic RNA was studied in seroconversion samples from mother-child pairs from a Rwandan cohort. The mothers (n = 8) were heterosexually infected and their children (n = 6) were vertically infected by breast milk. Five of the children seroconverted within the same 3-month period as did their mothers. Highly homogeneous subtype A V3 and p17gag sequence populations were observed in three mother-child pairs, one of the two nontransmitting mothers, and one child (mean nucleotide distances 0 to 0.9%). Heterogeneous populations of subtype A V3 and p17gag sequences were found in one mother and a mother-child pair (1.4 to 2.8% for V3, 1.0 to 1.9% for p17). The second nontransmitting mother was infected with a heterogeneous AV1-V3/Cp17-p24 recombinant virus population (3. 8% for V3, 2.4% for p17). Finally, in one woman subtype C V3 sequences were observed, in addition to highly homogeneous subtype A V3 and p17gag sequence populations, also found in the child. Coexistence of subtype AV1-V3 and CV1-V3 env sequences in the mother was confirmed in a follow-up sample. The gag gene of both the maternal and the child's virus population represented an A/C recombinant sequence (Ap17/Cp24). An infection with subtype CV1-V3/p17-p24 was found upon testing of three additional participants of the mother-child cohort, indicating that subtype C is present in Rwanda. In conclusion, heterogeneity, coinfection, and intersubtype recombinants are not uncommon in primary HIV-1 infections in Rwanda.  相似文献   

The commonest fetal intracranial tumour is a teratoma. The prognosis is poor with death usually occurring shortly after birth. Modern high resolution ultrasound scanners facilitate examination of the cranial contents, allowing earlier diagnosis. We report a case where an intracranial teratoma was identified at 21 weeks gestation, the earliest gestational age that this has been reported. The ultrasound appearances are discussed.  相似文献   

The estimation of inclusion particles has a relation close to the control of steel grain growth as well as the production of clean steel.In present study,the electrolytic extraction methods using nonaqueous electrolyte have been examined for the extraction of various inclusion particles,in order to evaluate their three-dimensional morphologies and compositional segregations.The cross section of fine inclusion particle,which was prepared by focused ion beam method,was qualitatively analyzed using Auger electron spectroscopy.From the results obtained by this method,the formation mechanism of complex inclusion particle could be explained clearly.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane represents an impermeable barrier to proteins and other macromolecules. However, certain exogenous proteins are able to cross cellular membranes and gain access to the cytosol. The best examples are bacterial and plant protein toxins, acting on intracellular targets. During last few years the number of known proteins possessing the capability to cross cellular membranes in the reverse direction and reach the nucleus has increased (acidic and basic fibroblast growth factor, interleukin 1, angiogenin, Schwannoma derived growth factor, homeoprotein Antennapedia, HIV-1 Tat protein are some examples). Here, the role of transport of exogenous acidic fibroblast growth factor to the nuclear location as a part of the growth factor signaling is discussed, and the current knowledge on this issue is reviewed.  相似文献   

Our objective was to assess the accuracy of ultrasonographic estimation of fetal weight in twins and triplets as compared to singleton pregnancies. Retrospective analysis was undertaken of ultrasound data of all fetuses who underwent an examination within 1 week of delivery (singletons 1832, twins 518, triplets 51). At birth weights below 2500 g, there was a significant overestimation of fetal weight in twins as compared to singletons, but the accuracy of the estimate was the same, except in twins between 1500 and 2499 g, when the weight was based on abdominal circumference and femur length alone. At birth weights of more than 2500 g, no difference was detected between twins and singletons. At all birth weights below 2500 g, the accuracy of weight estimation in triplets was equal to that in singletons and there were no triplets above this weight. We conclude that ultrasonographic estimation of fetal weight is as accurate in twins and triplets as it is in singletons.  相似文献   

Fifty-four (54) unrelated patients with Mediterranean Kaposi's sarcoma (MKS) and 8 patients members of 4 unrelated families with familial MKS were serotyped for HLA-A,B and DR antigens. The diagnosis was histologically confirmed and all patients were negative for anti-HIV antibodies. An increased frequency of HLA-B18 (44.4% vs 14.2% in the controls, p < 0.001, RR = 4.8) and HLA-DR5 (57.6% vs 37.2% in the controls, p < 0.025, RR = 2.29) was observed in the group of patients with MKS. Seven (7) of the 8 family members with FMKS possessed HLA-DR5, and the affected members in the 3 families shared a common haplotype which included HLA-DR5. These findings support the hypothesis that genetic factors linked to HLA-DR5 antigen may contribute to the pathogenesis of MKS.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasonographic evaluation of fetal distal lower extremities. Data from two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasonographic examinations from 40 distal lower extremities in 33 fetuses from a predominantly high-risk patient population were compared. Three-dimensional ultrasonography routinely provided three orthogonal planes (coronal, sagittal, and axial) for distal lower extremity evaluation. Specific features of distal lower extremity evaluation were not different using two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasonography. Rotation of the rendered volume provided assistance in assessing all but one of 40 distal lower extremities. Time from image acquisition to assessment for two views (coronal and sagittal) was longer with three-dimensional ultrasonography (8.2 min) than with two-dimensional ultrasonography (3.2 min). Confidence in the diagnosis of abnormal distal lower extremities was slightly improved using three-dimensional ultrasonography compared to two-dimensional ultrasonography. Pregnancy management was assisted in three of the four cases with isolated limb anomalies. In conclusion, three-dimensional ultrasonography improves the ability to evaluate the fetal distal lower extremity because of the multiplanar nature of volume assessment and the ability to rotate volume data sets. In addition, it provides assistance in counseling families, particularly for cases involving isolated limb anomalies.  相似文献   

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