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本文概述核能对保障我国能源安全从而促进国民经济可持续发展的重要作用,指出我国的压水堆核电技术从第二代向第三代发展,总体上可以说是“今天”核电产业的技术升级工程。快堆及其燃料闭合循环可以充分利用铀资源和实现核废物的最少化,从而保证核裂变能的可持续发展。作者强调,我国核能科技的发展战略不仅要重视“今天”的核电产业的技术升级,更应着眼于“明天”的核能产业的技术开发。尽快启动我国快堆核能系统的技术开发具有极其重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

伍赛特 《节能》2023,(10):89-93
概述现有核反应堆的类型,并对气冷堆进行介绍,对高温气冷堆的组成及其历史发展进行重点阐述。目前,高温气冷堆多以氦气为冷却剂,具有独特的技术优势。随着煤炭、石油等传统化石燃料的消耗,世界各国已重新将针对核能的研究与开发提上日程。核能领域目前仍存在一些问题亟待优化,但随着相关技术的发展,核能依然会成为一类重要的能源。  相似文献   

为探索中国核能区域供热的可行性,在调研国内外核能区域供热应用经验的基础上,提出了小型堆热电联供是中国核能区域供热的重要发展方向,分析了小型堆热电联供在安全性、经济性、选址要求、民众可接受度等方面面临的挑战,提出了应对挑战的路径.  相似文献   

<正> 随着我国现代化建设的不断发展,核能将在能源领域发挥愈来愈大的作用。不断研究更安全可靠的新堆型和开拓核能的应用范围是一项必要的工作。高温气冷堆(HTGR)是一种目前世界上公认的最安全的核动力反应堆。它经历了将近三十多年的研究发展,在技术和工程上都已成熟,并降进入商用化阶段。高温气冷堆能够提供750—950℃的高参数工艺蒸汽,这使得它在化工、石油热采和煤气化、液化等领域有广阔的市场。  相似文献   

加快开发我国核能产业实现能源结构多样化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
顾忠茂  刘长欣  傅满昌 《中国能源》2003,25(12):7-12,29
伊拉克战争后的石油形势凸显我国能源安全方面潜伏的危机,主要表现为我国未来能源需求与能源资源储量不足之间的矛盾。同时,我国能源结构中以化石燃料为主所造成的环境问题也应引起高度重视。分析了核能的优势及其在我国能源发展中的地位,简要展望了我国核能发展的前景,探讨了影响我国核能发展的某些因素,在此基础上,从统一规划、实现我国核能产业的国产化和标准化角度对加快我国核能发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

从可持续发展的角度,阐述了快堆在我国核能总体战略中的定位.通过重点分析铀资源对热堆的保障能力、快堆嬗变在核废物最小化中的作用、快堆的成熟性和竞争力等因素,提出我国近期大规模部署快堆的条件还不成熟.从能源安全战略的高度.应重视快堆技术的研发.  相似文献   

为促进核电产业安全高效发展,加快落实中国核电“走出去”战略,由上海市核电办公室和中国能源建设集团广东省电力设计研究院有限公司(简称中国能建广东院)联合主办、中国核能行业协会和中国核工业勘测设计协会协办,诺本集团承办的第十一届中国核电技术发展高峰论坛于2016年8月26日在中国能建广东院召开。本次论坛高屋建瓴地探讨了我国核电发展的实践与展望,强调了加强安全监管对助力核电发展的重要性,探索了加强协同创新和技术创新对推动核电产业实现新突破的重要作用,介绍了我国在建的多种堆型核电厂的最新技术特点及工程建设的进展情况,包括具有自主知识产权的三代技术“华龙一号”、我国先进快堆技术、国家科技重大专项高温气冷堆示范工程等,同时就核电装备智能制造应用及通过技术创新提高电站的经济效率等进行了深入地探讨,本次论坛对推动中国核电技术的发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文概述了建立以外中子源驱动的次临界核反应堆核能系统的重要意义和乐观前景。  相似文献   

自美国三哩岛和前苏联切尔诺贝利核事故后,实现反应堆的固有安全成了核电站设计的关键问题。高温气冷堆是一种具有固有安全性、可用于高效发电和高温供热的先进反应堆,是当今世界第四代核能系统的首选堆型之一。我国在该领域的技术开发已经取得了突破性进展并已进入工业应用实施阶段,其安全性和经济性已经引起国内外高度关注。  相似文献   

核能以其清洁、安全、持续、高效为人类提供了17%的能源供给。我国正处于工业化进程的关键时期,发展核能既是经济高速发展和能源安全的需要,也是保护生态环境、履行国际义务的需要。为了最大限度地保证核能安全、高效运行,各国都从技术研发投入,核能监管法制化、运作市场化,社会责任评估和风险预警机制以及公众宣传等方面进行模式创新。我国核能发展正面临着公共安全和低碳经济的双重约束,必须坚持"在确保安全的基础上高效发展核电"的方针,变"适当发展"为"积极发展"。需要改革核能管理体制;加大人才培养和联合研发力度;采取积极的产业政策,按市场规律盘活现有资金;建立社会影响评价和风险准备金机制;采取更为严格的标准重新评估所有核电站厂址安全,借鉴国际先进管理经验制定核电站的安全管理政策;评价和进一步加强在役及在建核电站的安全预警系统;做好公众核知识科普宣传工作,提高公众参与核能发展决策的意识以及对核事故的应急响应能力。  相似文献   

核电是一种安全、低碳、功率密度高、可大规模利用的能源,具有高效和CO2等化学气体零排放的优点.从中国核电站建设政策推进,核电站安全性,核电技术特别是中国"华龙一号"和小型多功能模块式压水堆ACP100"玲龙一号"核电站技术的建设、运营和效益等各方面在内陆建站的概况,利用核电和H2对有关产业实现CO2超低排放和零排放的影...  相似文献   

This article investigates forms of social, political, and economic organization conducive to nuclear power expansion. We begin by developing a theoretical framework of nuclear socio-political economy based primarily upon the evolution of nuclear energy in France. This framework posits that (1) strong state involvement in guiding economic development, (2) centralization of national energy planning, (3) campaigns to link technological progress to a national revitalization, (4) influence of technocratic ideology on policy decisions, (5) subordination of challenges to political authority, and (6) low levels of civic activism are influential factors in supporting development of nuclear power. Accordingly, we seek to verify the causal properties of these six catalysts for nuclear power expansion in two nations – India and China – that are on the brink of becoming major nuclear powers. We validate our framework by confirming the presence of the six catalysts during the initial nuclear power developmental periods in each country. We also apply our framework as a predictive tool by considering how present conditions in the two nations will impact nuclear power development trends. We conclude by highlighting the emergence of a potential seventh catalyst – the influence of greenhouse gas emission abatement policy on nuclear power development.  相似文献   

Susan E. Pickett   《Energy Policy》2002,30(15):1337-1355
Since 1956, Japan has been on a path to reduce its dependence on foreign energy sources through the development of nuclear power. This paper examines the origins of this commitment, the changing social issues and the current dilemma Japan faces regarding the future of its nuclear energy policy and its efforts to overcome the domestic and international pressures to ensure safety and security.

Galvanized by international initiatives and further motivated by the oil crises in the 1970s, Japan's commitment to develop a closed nuclear fuel cycle, one which reprocesses fuel from thermal reactors for use in advanced fast breeder reactors, has remained resolute. However, program delays, international security concerns over the plutonium, a weapons-grade nuclear material and one of the products of reprocessing, and increasing public opposition to various components of the Atomic Energy Commissions’ Long-Term Program for Development and Utilization of Nuclear Energy, have put pressure on the government to resolve these issues.

The commitment to develop the technology on one hand is commendable however it has contributed to the dilemma the Japanese nuclear industry now faces: a growing stockpile of plutonium and no readily available means of reducing it. With growing public involvement, finding a straightforward technology solution is increasingly difficult.

In 1995, an accident at Monju, one of the first prototype fast breeder reactors in Japan, prompted the Commission to initiate the first Roundtable Conference. The purpose of the Conference was to open the policy making process in an effort to determine a “national consensus” on nuclear energy. Further accidents and on-going opposition further slowed the implementation of the Program, however, in the latest Program, released in 2000, the Commission attempts to address these issues while building in a new style of flexibility in order to allow for greater options in the future.  相似文献   

By analyzing the challenges of China’s energy supply, an excellent perspective of nuclear power development in the country has been described. Taking into account the near-, mid-, and long-term development requirements, a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable nuclear power program is proposed. Thus, our national nuclear industry can not only catch up with the world’s advanced level in proper time, but also possess enough stamina for sustainability.  相似文献   

关于核电规模发展的几点看法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑健超 《中外能源》2010,15(11):15-20
规模发展核电已成为中国实现能源可持续供应的重大战略选择。我国核电事业发展势头强劲,截至2010年9月底,已投产核电容量1000×104kW,在建共计25台机组。从厂址、大型设备供应能力和燃料供应的角度来看,我国已初步具备了在未来10年间建设1×108kW左右核电站的基本条件,但还需要解决许多带有挑战性的问题。美国在三哩岛事件后,将核电发展的重点转移到对现有机组的持续改进上。法国经过20多年的努力,实现了核电的规模发展,在成熟技术的基础上持续改进,使核电的安全性、经济性不断得以提高。作为核电的后起之秀,韩国至今已建成20台核电机组,提供了全国电力的40%,并增强了自主创新能力。从国外核电发展历程可以看出,影响核电规模发展最关键的因素是安全性和经济性。我国应进一步强化国家核安全机构的严格监管,严格遴选和培养优秀的核电工程技术人员,减少人为失误;为继续保持核电的经济竞争力,亟须加快核电装备高端制造技术自主化的步伐,加快培育有竞争力的核岛设备成套供应商,促成科研院所与制造集团的"纵向整合";同步推进二代压水堆的持续改进和三代压水堆的工程验证;鼓励核电企业参与抽水蓄能电站的建设和经营;同时应着手研究面向未来的革新型反应堆。  相似文献   

An increase in the world population has accelerated the consumption of fossil fuels and deepened the pollution of global environment. As a result of these human activities, it is now difficult to clearly guarantee the sustainable future of humankind. An intuitional ‘must-go path’ scenario for the sustainable development of human civilization is proposed by extrapolating the human historical data over 30 years between 1970 and 2000. One of the most important parameters in order to realize the ‘must-go path’ scenario is the sustainability of energy without further pollution. In some countries an expanded use of nuclear energy is advantageous to increase sustainability, but fast reactor technology and closed fuel cycle have to be introduced to make it sustainable. In other countries, the development of cost-effective renewable energy, and the clean use of coal and oil are urgently needed to reduce pollution. The effect of fast nuclear reactor technology on sustainability as an option for near-term energy source is detailed in this paper. More cooperation between countries and worldwide collaboration coordinated by international organizations are essential to make the ‘must-go path’ scenario real in the upcoming 20 or 30 years.  相似文献   

This paper summarized a development history and lessons of Korean nuclear power infrastructures from the beginning of the nuclear power program in 1956 to the localization of complete scope of PWR technology in 1990. The objective of this paper is to show the guideline on the issues that the development of a national infrastructure for nuclear power using the realistic experiences in order to help the developing countries newly starting nuclear power program as a long-term energy supply option. Development strategies and lessons learned from the successful Korean experience have been presented based on milestones structure of IAEA in order to help decision makers, advisers, senior managers and national planners of nuclear power program. Lessons for national nuclear power programs include considerations before launching a program, preparation and decision making, and the construction of the first nuclear power plant. Scope of these lessons includes knowledge and human resources management, financial and industrial infrastructure development, nuclear safety, legislative and regulatory experiences, fuel cycle and waste management, international cooperation. Fourteen lessons learned either positive or not are derived from the Korean case and are suggested for incorporation in the IAEA's efforts in support of developing countries’ development of nuclear infrastructure and planning.  相似文献   

区域可再生能源规划理论研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
能源规划是对一段时期内能源发展所做的计划、设想和部署。能源规划按照地域可划分为国家能源规划和地区能源规划;按照性质可划分为煤炭、石油、天然气、电力等发展规划,最近还陆续提出了可再生能源与核能发展规划等;专项能源规划介于综合能源与能源行业发展规划之间,它既是对综合能源规划的补充,也与其他专项能源规划有着紧密的联系。与能源规划密切相关的社会发展规划包括经济社会总体规划、环境保护规划、国土规划、城市总体发展规划。可再生能源正受到越来越多的重视,已成为综合能源规划的重要组成部分。区域可再生能源规划与单一能源种类规划的区别在于:规划对象范围不同;规划的工作基础不同;对于促进相关产业发展的目的和作用也有很大不同,这也导致政策措施上的差异。与农村能源规划的区别是,当前所讨论的可再生能源都是具有交易价值的商品能源,而农村能源规划涉及的沼气、薪柴等仅起到当地补充能源的作用,属于非商品化能源产品。我国能源规划主要从确定经济社会发展目标、相关信息收集、能源供需平衡分析、投资和其他财务预算方案编制等几方面来制定。  相似文献   

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