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A 34-year-old man was admitted with lumbago and anemia in November 1992. Hematological examination revealed an Hb 9.2g/dl, WBC count 13,500 microliters (33% blasts), and monocyte count 3,400/microliters. Bone marrow examination showed hyperplasia with dysplasia in trilineage blood cells and increased blasts (21.8%). A diagnosis of refractory anemia with excess of blasts in transformation (RAEB in T) was made. Cytochemical examination revealed the neutrophils in the peripheral blood were 66.5% positive for alpha-naphthyl butyrate esterase inhibited by sodium fluoride, 4.0% positive for peroxidase and 75% positive for alkaline phosphatase. The results of immuno-alkaline phosphatase stainings (avidin biotin alkaline phosphatase complex method) of neutrophils were as follows; CD16 (94.5%), CD24 (91.0%), CD13 (93.0%), CD14 (52.5%), CD33 (39.0%), CD36 (16.5%), HLA-DR (17.0%). These neutrophils exhibited monocyte-specific features and failed to show characteristics of neutrophils.  相似文献   

In current medical practice, patients with refractory anemia with excess blasts in transformation (RAEB-t), and especially patients with RAEB, receive chemotherapy regimens (AML Rx) administered to patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) less often than do patients with AML. These entities are distinguished primarily by marrow blast percentage (5% to 19% RAEB, 20% to 29% RAEB-t, and > or = 30% AML). The poor prognosis of many RAEB or RAEB-t patients, if untreated, led us to give them AML Rx using the same plan as for AML. The purpose of this analysis was to see if diagnosis (RAEB, RAEB-t, or AML) affected outcome. We treated 372 patients with AML (acute promyelocytic leukemia [APL] excluded), 106 with RAEB-t, and 52 with RAEB. AML Rx produced a 62% complete remission (CR) rate in RAEB, essentially identical to the rates in RAEB-t and AML, but event-free survival (EFS) from CR and from start of treatment (start of Rx), as well as overall survival, were poorer in RAEB than in AML or RAEB-t, with AML and RAEB-t being identical. However, patients with RAEB or RAEB-t were more likely to have poor prognostic characteristics, in particular complex abnormalities involving chromosomes 5 and/or 7. Multivariate analyses indicated that, when considered together with cytogenetics and other patient characteristics, a diagnosis of RAEB rather than AML or RAEB-t had no effect on EFS from start of Rx, EFS from CR, survival, or achievement of CR. These analyses suggested a trend for patients with RAEB-t to have better EFS from start of Rx than patients with AML or RAEB (P = .08; relative risk, 0.80; 95% confidence interval, 0.62 to 1.03), but there were no differences with respect to the other outcomes. Our data suggest that the propriety of administering AML Rx to patients with RAEB or RAEB-t who have poor prognosis without treatment is identical to the propriety of treating AML in this fashion. Deterrents to standard AML Rx in these patients could justifiably include cytogenetics, age, etc, but not a diagnosis of RAEB or RAEB-t per se.  相似文献   

Refractory anemia (RA) in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are very heterogeneous diseases regarding their morphology, clinical features and survival. We proposed the new designations 'RA with severe dysplasia (RASD)' and 'RA with minimal dysplasia (RAminiD)'. In our criteria, RASD is considered present if a bone marrow (BM) examination shows Pseudo-Pelger-Huet anomalies of mature neutrophils > or =3% and/or micromegakaryocytes (mMgk) of megakaryocytes > or =10% in RA patients. RAminiD is defined as RA cases other than RASD. After the reclassification of 58 primary RA patients, the group was composed of 45 RAminiD and 13 RASD patients. The blast percentage in the BM and the frequency of cytogenetic abnormalities observed in the RASD patients were intermediate between those in the RAminiD and RAEB patients. The analysis of survival curves revealed differences among the three groups; the RASD patients had lower survival probabilities than those of the RAminiD group, and significantly higher probabilities than those of the RAEB group. (RAminiD vs RASD, P=0.06; RASD vs RAEB, P=0.004.) Our data indicate that in RA patients, RASD is a distinct subset of RA with an unfavorable clinical outcome.  相似文献   

We report a case of craniocervical dural arteriovenous fistula with perimedullary venous drainage associated with cervical myelopathy in which spinal angiography showed a normal venous phase after injection of the artery of Adamkiewicz. We conclude that because of the complex venous drainage of the spinal cord, a dural arteriovenous fistula with spinal drainage cannot be ruled out solely because a normal venous phase is seen in the lower part of the cord, as has previously been suggested.  相似文献   

We investigated whether linear whole-body acceleration along the interaural y-axis influenced the concurrent perception of visual motion direction as has been shown for angular accelerations. A sled running on air bearings along a 7.5-m track was used to accelerate 18 subjects at two different linear accelerations. These young, healthy volunteers, aged 25.50 +/- 7.38 years, used a joystick to indicate whether or not they perceived visual motion to the left within a random-dot kinematogram continuously presented on a monitor moving with them. The percentage of coherently leftward moving pixels presented for a 640-ms period during acceleration was adjusted according to a Modified Binary Search (MOBS) procedure. Six conditions were tested, two acceleration levels of 1 and 2 m/s2 to both left and right with, at the higher acceleration, two different times of visual motion presentation. Conditions were sequenced by means of a 6 x 6 Latin square balanced for order and carry over. A MANOVA did not show any statistically significant effects either for the independent variables acceleration, velocity, and direction of motion of the sled or for their interactions. The results obtained are in clear contrast to those obtained under rotatory stimulation. We conclude that the otolithic contribution to vestibular-visual motion processing is negligible.  相似文献   

Induction of systemic and mucosal immune responses following oral administration of biodegradable poly(D,L-lactic acid) (PDLLA) microspheres containing a model antigen, ovalbunin (OVA) was studied using microspheres with different average diameters of 0.6, 1.0, 4.0, 7.0, 11.0, 15.0, 21.0, and 26.0 microns. They were prepared from double emulsion with the solvent evaporation method, followed by size fractionation on counterflow elutriation. OVA was released from the microspheres in vitro over 80 days, irrespective of their size. Production of the serum anti-OVA IgG antibody and secretory OVA-specific IgA antibody in the mice gut was assessed following the oral administration of PDLLA microspheres containing OVA. Microspheres with a diameter of 4.0 microns enhanced the serum antibody in contrast with that of free OVA, but were not effective in inducing the gut secretion of IgA antibody. On the other hand, OVA-containing microspheres with a diameter of 7.0 microns enhanced IgA secretion to a significant extent compared with free OVA, whereas those with 26.0 microns in diameter were ineffective. Body distribution study revealed that the amount of microspheres taken up into Peyer's patches (PP) increased with the increasing size up to 11.0 microns, thereafter decreased, and finally became zero when their diameters were 21.0 microns or larger. The microspheres taken up into PP were translocated to the spleen, but no microspheres were noticed in the spleen when the size was larger than 5 microns. After being taken up inot PP, microspheres < 5 microns in diameter seemed to be transported to the spleen, a systemic lymphoid tissue, where the released antigen stimulated a serum antibody response, but larger microspheres probably remained at PP without being translocated to the spleen over the course of their antigen release, leading to induction of IgA secretion. It was concluded that the body distribution pattern of microspheres following the PP uptake was a key factor to regulate the induction of systemic and mucosal immune responses.  相似文献   

Advances in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) have occurred with the introduction of new therapies including high-dose cytarabine and the identification of powerful prognostic factors such as cytogenetics that predict for long-term outcome. To date, the prognostic impact of cytarabine dose escalation within various cytogenetic groups of AML has not been assessed. We describe 285 newly diagnosed patients with primary AML who had adequate karyotypes and were enrolled on a prospective Cancer and Leukemia Group B cytogenetic study. All patients were randomly assigned to postremission treatment with standard-, intermediate-, or high-dose cytarabine intensification. Patients were categorized to one of three cytogenetic groups: (a) core binding factor type [(CBF); ie., t(8;21) inv(16), t(16;16), and del(16)]; (b) normal; and (c) other abnormality karyotype. An evaluation of these patients after a median follow-up time of over 7 years was performed to determine the relationship of intensification to outcome by cytogenetic group. Patients included 57 patients with CBF AML, 140 patients with normal karyotype AML, and 88 patients with other cytogenetic abnormalities. The treatment outcome of CBF AML patients was superior, with an estimated 50% still in complete remission (CR) after 5 years as compared with 32 and 15% for patients with normal karyotype AML and other abnormality AML, respectively (P < 0.001). Univariate analysis showed the following nonkaryotype factors to predict a prolonged CR duration: (a) younger age (P < 0.008); (b) lower leukocyte count (P=0.01); (c) the presence of Auer rods (P=0.004); (d) a lower percentage of bone marrow blasts (P=0.001) at the time of diagnosis, (e) and a higher postremission cytarabine dose (P < 0.001). The impact of cytarabine dose on long-term remission was most marked (P < 0.001) in the CBF AML group (after 5 years, 78% of those with a dose of 3 g/m2 were still in CR, 57% of those with a dose of 400 mg/m2 were still in CR, and 16% of those with a dose of 100 mg/m2 were still in CR) followed by normal karyotype AML (P=0.01; after 5 years, 40% of those with a dose of 3 g/m2 were still in CR, 37% of those with a dose of 400 mg/m2 were still in CR, and 20% of those with a dose of 100 mg/m2 were still in CR). In contrast, cytarabine at all doses produced only a 21% or less chance of long-term continuous CR for patients with other cytogenetic abnormalities. A multivariate analysis of CR duration assessed the independent impact of each of these variables on cure. Significant factors entering this model in descending order of importance were cytogenetic group (CBF > normal > other abnormality; P=0.00001), cytarabine dose (3 g/m2 > 400 mg/m2 > 100 mg/m2; P=0.00001), logarithm of leukocyte count at the time of diagnosis (P=0.0005), and histological subtype of AML (P=0.005). This study demonstrates that the curative impact of cytarabine intensification varies significantly among cytogenetic groups and results in a substantial prolongation of CR among patients with CBF and normal karyotypes, but not in those with other karyotypic abnormalities. These findings support the use of pretreatment cytogenetics in risk stratification of postremission AML therapy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Azathioprine (AZA) and 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) are used in pediatric patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease to reduce disease activity, maintain remission, prevent relapse, and lower corticosteroid dosage, but their long-term side effects remain to be studied. The aim of this study was to analyze the safety of AZA and 6-MP and steroid reduction in this age group. METHODS: The investigators' database identified 118 patients who received either drug; 23 were excluded (single visit, noncompliance, or therapy < 1 week), leaving 95 patients, with a mean (+/-SD) age of 14.2 +/- 4.4 years. Medical files were reviewed for adverse side effects: fever, pancreatitis, infections, gastrointestinal intolerance, aminotransferase level increase, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia. Prednisone doses before and after immunomodulatory therapy were compared. RESULTS: AZA or 6-MP was tolerated in 51 of 95 patients (54%) without adverse reaction; 27 of 95 (28%) experienced side effects that responded to dose reduction (23 patients) or spontaneously (4 patients), most commonly increased aminotransferase level (13.7%). Cessation of therapy was needed in 17 of 95 patients (18%), including recurrent fever (4), pancreatitis (4), gastrointestinal intolerance (4), and recurrent infections (3). Mean prednisone dose decreased from 24.3 to 8.6 mg/day. CONCLUSIONS: AZA and 6-MP were well tolerated in 82% of patients; of these, prednisone reduction occurred in 87%. However, 18% required discontinuation because of hypersensitivity or infectious side effects.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to demonstrate the effects of prolonged exposure to 6-ANA at low dose-levels in dogs. A male and a female Beagle dog received daily oral repetitive doses of 1 mg/kg or less for 20 weeks. Both dogs showed lacrimation, conjunctivitis, reduced motility and anemia since the second week of treatment. The female dog was more affected than the male and at the end of treatment period it had tremor, hanging lower jaw, stepping gait of the hind limbs, hunched posture, and general debilitation. Post-mortem examination of the female dog revealed prominent brain edema with pressure atrophy of the dorsal cranial bones. Microscopic examination of the nervous system revealed spongiform neuropathy in both animals mainly affecting the telencephalic cortex and hippocampal fascia dentata, the substantia gelatinosa in the spinal cord and the dorsal root and autonomic ganglia. The changes were produced by vacuolation of astrocytes in the central nervous system and perineuronal satellite cells in the ganglia. Examination of the other organs revealed thymic atrophy and high hematopoietic activity of the bone marrow in both dogs. The male had severe interstitial edema and vacuolar degeneration of the testicular seminiferous tubules and the female had marked chronic pyelonephritis. This chemically induced spongiform neuropathy in dogs obviously represents a subchronic form of the "energy deprivation syndrome" induced by impaired glucose utilization. Vacuolar degeneration of the testicular seminiferous epithelium may have the same pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The effect of methotrexate (MTX) on 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) metabolism was studied in four human leukemic cell lines in vitro. CCRF-CEM, WI-L2, TBJ, and HL-60 all expressed thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) activity. The cells were grown in horse serum-supplemented RPMI 1640 medium to which was added 4 microM of 6-MP or 4 microM of 6-MP and 20 nM of MTX. The presence of MTX resulted in a 2.1-, 1.7-, 2.4- and 8-fold increase in the concentrations of methylmercaptopurine ribonucleotides (MMPRP) in CEM, WI-L2, TBJ, and HL-60 cells, respectively (P < 0.0008). The concentrations of 6-thioguanine nucleotides (6 TGN) increased 1.9-, 1.4-, 2.4- and 1.9-fold in the same cell lines (P < 0.02). The four cell lines differed with respect to the effect of MTX on the consumption of 6-MP from the medium; CEM consumed more 6-MP and WI-L2 less 6-MP from media containing MTX than from media containing 6-MP only (P = 0.005 and 0.02, respectively). MTX did not affect the consumption of 6-MP by TBJ cells (P = 0.17). Media in which HL-60 cells had been grown did not contain detectable amounts of 6-MP at the end of the experiment. The simultaneous increase in methylated 6-MP metabolites and 6-TGN represents a possible explanation for the synergism of MTX and 6-MP; however, the clinical importance of increased MMPRP remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Cerebellar basket cells form highly specialized inhibitory synaptic contacts with Purkinje cells, namely the pericellular basket and pinceau nerve terminal structures, wrapping around the Purkinje cell somatic and axon hillock regions. These inhibitory synaptic contacts are ideally located to control the ultimate output of the cerebellar cortex. Previous immunohistochemical studies have shown that these synaptic structures possess a very high density of the dendrotoxin (DTX)-sensitive potassium channel subunit, Kv1.2. We have taken advantage of this unique anatomical arrangement offering a high concentration of identified Kv channel subunits by combining whole-cell patch-clamp recording and fluorescence microscopy to establish a novel preparation and perform the first recordings from unambiguously identified mammalian CNS inhibitory presynaptic terminals. We report that DTX-sensitive potassium channels are present in basket cell terminals but not in the basket cell soma. This selective cellular distribution suggests that these channels play an important role in modulating cerebellar inhibitory synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate in a prospective study the efficacy of autologous bone marrow transplantation (BMT) in adult patients with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) in first remission, using a single course of high-dose Cytarabine (HD Ara-C) consolidation therapy as in vivo purging. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sixty consecutive adult patients with AML in first complete remission (CR) were treated with HD Ara-C consolidation therapy as a method of in vivo purging before marrow collection. High-dose therapy consisted of fractionated total-body irradiation (FTBI) 12 Gy, intravenous etoposide 60 mg/kg, and cyclophosphamide 75 mg/kg, followed by reinfusion of cryopreserved marrow. RESULTS: Sixty patients underwent consolidation treatment with HD Ara-C with the intent to treat with autologous BMT. Sixteen patients were unable to proceed to autologous BMT (10 patients relapsed, one died of sepsis, one developed cerebellar toxicity, two had inadequate blood counts, and two refused). Forty-four patients underwent autologous BMT and have a median follow-up time of 37 months (range, 14.7 to 68.7) for patients who are alive with no relapse. The cumulative probability of disease-free survival (DFS) at 24 months in the intent-to-treat group is 49% (95% confidence interval [CI], 37% to 62%) and in those who actually underwent autologous BMT is 61% (95% CI, 46% to 74%). The probability of relapse was 44% (95% CI, 31% to 58%) and 33% (95% CI, 20% to 49%) for the intent-to-treat and autologous BMT patients, respectively. CONCLUSION: This approach offers a relatively high DFS rate to adult patients with AML in first CR. The results of this study are similar to those achieved with allogeneic BMT.  相似文献   

Combined tension and torsion experiments with thin wall specimens of Cu-Al-Zn-Mn polycrystalline shape memory alloy (SMA) were performed at temperatureT =A f + 25 K. The general stress-strain behaviors due to the thermoelastic martensitic transformation, induced by a combination of external forces of axial load and torque, were studied. It is shown that the progress of martensitic transformation (MT) at general stress conditions can be well considered as triggered and controlled by the supplied mechanical work (a kind of equivalent stress) in the first approximation. Pseudoelastic strains in proportional as well as nonproportional combined tension-torsion loadings were found fully reversible, provided that uniaxial strains were reversible. The axial strain can be controlled by the change of torque andvice versa due to the coupling among tension and torsion under stress, not only in forward transformation, but also in reverse transformation on unloading. The pseudoelastic strains of SMA polycrystal are path dependent but well reproducible along the same stress path. The evolution of macroscopic strain response of SMA polycrystal, subjected to the nonproportional pseudoelastic loading cycles with imposed stress path, was systematically investigated. The results bring qualitatively new information about the progress of the MT in SMA polycrystal, subjected to the general variations of external stress. PETR SITTNER, Research Associate, formerly with the Faculty of Engineering, Mie University  相似文献   

3-(2-Diethylaminoethyl)4-methyl-7-(carbethoxy-methoxy)-2-oxo-1,2-chromene-hydrochloride (carbocromen; Intensa?n) shows dose dependent platelet aggregation inhibitory activity in vitro according to the methods of Born (following ADP, epinephrine and collagen) and of Breddin (platelet agglutination test--PAT--, adhesively). The effect was found to be more pronounced than that of acetylsalicylic acid. Furthermore, in vivo carbocromen inhibited the increased spontaneous platelet aggregation in man.  相似文献   

Administration of buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) selectively inhibits glutathione (GSH) biosynthesis and induces a GSH deficiency. Decreased GSH levels in the brain may result in less oxidative stress (OS) protection, because GSH contributes substantially to intracellular antioxidant defense. Under these conditions, administration of the pro-oxidant, dopamine (DA), which rapidly oxidizes to form reactive oxygen species, may increase OS. To test the cognitive behavioral consequences of decreased GSH, BSO (3.2 mg in 30 microliters, intracerebroventricularly) was administered to male Fischer 344 rats every other day for 4 days. In addition, DA (15 microliters of 500 microM) was administered every day [either 1 h after BSO (BSO + DA group) or 1 h before BSO (DA + BSO group), when given on the same day as BSO] and spatial learning and memory assessed (Morris water maze, six trials/day). BSO + DA rats, but not DA + BSO rats, demonstrated cognitive impairment compared to a vehicle group, as evidenced by increased latencies to find the hidden platform, particularly on the first trial each day. Also, the BSO + DA group utilized non-spatial strategies during the probe trials (swim with no platform): i.e., less time spent in the platform quadrant, fewer crossings and longer latencies to the previous platform location, and more time spent in the platform quadrant, fewer crossings and longer latencies to the previous platform location, and more time spent around the edge of the pool rather than in the platform zone. Therefore, the cognitive behavioral consequences of decreasing GSH brain levels with BSO in conjunction with DA administration depends on the order of administration. These findings are similar to those seen previously on rod and plank walking performance, as well as to those seen in aged rats, suggesting that the oxidation of DA coupled with a reduced capacity to respond to oxidative stress may be responsible for the induction of age-related cognitive deficits.  相似文献   

The broad-spectrum oral triazole antifungal, itraconazole, has been shown to be effective in the treatment of superficial and systemic infections with fungi including Candida albicans, C. krusei and C. glabrata, Cryptococcus, Aspergillus, Histoplasma, Blastomyces and others. Its broad spectrum of activity, high and persistent tissue levels and favourable safety profile suggest that it may be appropriate for the prevention of opportunistic fungal infections in at-risk patients. In this study, itraconazole's prophylactic efficacy was tested against experimental models of Candida and Aspergillus infection. A single dose of 1.25 mg kg-1 or 2.5 mg kg-1, given 1 h before vaginal infection with C. albicans, protected 50% of treated rats. In systemic and disseminated candidosis, prophylaxis with itraconazole reduced both folliculitis and organ Candida content in guinea pigs. Amphotericin B was also used in this study and was found to be less efficacious than itraconazole. Itraconazole prolonged survival when administered to guinea pigs before experimental induction of systemic and invasive aspergillosis. In all cases, increasing the itraconazole dosage increased its prophylactic efficacy. Therefore, as the clinical efficacy of itraconazole is accurately reflected by the results of animal models, this study shows itraconazole to be a potential prophylactic therapy for patients at risk of opportunistic fungal infection.  相似文献   

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