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Colonel Light Gardens, about 6 km south of Adelaide, South Australia, is recognized as a national and international exemplar in the field of garden suburb planning. The first objective of the suburb's Development Plan seeks the conservation and reinforcement of its ‘original three dimensional garden suburb design’ and statements supporting other objectives detail its ‘essential’ urban design and land use elements. However, town planning is more than the design of urban places and spaces. It is also concerned with how these may be achieved effectively and how the services and facilities required by citizens are properly supplied and located. This crucial other side of the ‘town planning coin’ has been demonstrated in the Colonel Light Gardens' development. The Garden Suburb Act of 1919 established a Garden Suburb Commission with powers similar to what, in later years, would be known as urban development corporations. Hence, it was first in a line of such organizations in South Australia and stands with international exemplars such as the British garden cities and new towns.  相似文献   

This article examines the evolution of architectural asceticism in the capitalist economy by focusing on the middle-class dwelling in early twentieth-century Germany. It starts with an analysis of the concept of poverty in bourgeois imagination and how this concept played out in the Wilhelmine middle-class dwelling. Then the Wilhelmine design reform and the debate around the architect Heinrich Tessenow's austere architecture in the years leading up to the First World War are analysed to indicate how middle-class attitudes to poverty were changing. The final part focuses on the transformation of the ascetic discourse in architecture in the years of austerity during the war and its aftermath.  相似文献   

This article examines the evolution of architectural asceticism in the capitalist economy by focusing on the middle-class dwelling in early twentieth-century Germany. It starts with an analysis of the concept of poverty in bourgeois imagination and how this concept played out in the Wilhelmine middle-class dwelling. Then the Wilhelmine design reform and the debate around the architect Heinrich Tessenow's austere architecture in the years leading up to the First World War are analysed to indicate how middle-class attitudes to poverty were changing. The final part focuses on the transformation of the ascetic discourse in architecture in the years of austerity during the war and its aftermath.  相似文献   

The private, detached single-family house has long been a dominant feature in the cities, towns, and suburbs of the United States to a much greater extent than in most other Western nations. To this very day, the private home is considered a constitutive element of the “American Dream.” This paper seeks to uncover some of the mechanisms through which this house acquired commanding presence in the American imagination and, consequently, in American metropolitan space. Specifically, the paper turns to professional discourses from the early 1900s. The paper argues that city-building experts from that time period – architects, housing reformers, and urban planners – collectively envisioned the detached single-family house as having a privileged claim to the American city and converted this vision into a persuasive story. Through their storytelling, the experts helped craft a number of government strategies that defended the dominant position of the single-family dwelling in the American city through the remainder of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

Historians neglect the role of planned industrial satellite towns in the wider history of single‐industry communities. Starting in the early 1920s, the Humber Project on the west coast of Newfoundland was an industrial mega‐project of the first order. Undertaken by a British firm wishing to tap the growing North American newsprint market, top planning and engineering contractors were hired to design a sprawling industrial network powered by a massive hydroelectric station at Deer Lake. Officials altered the plan significantly and, by early 1924, the Deer Lake development was made secondary to the paper mill at Corner Brook. Company town construction mimicked industry; Corner Brook became the main planned settlement while Deer Lake was the smaller satellite community for power plant operators. Two years later, most residents of Deer Lake were loggers living on the fringes of company control. Yet, despite their role as suppliers of essential raw material, loggers were excluded from the otherwise extensive system of company welfare. Similar entrenched and scaled dependencies shaped worker and resident experiences on the ground for years after. In the Humber Valley, company‐imposed privilege and vulnerability planned uneven development within an industrial network, highlighting a more complex relationship between corporations, planners and residents than stock ‘social control’ or ‘boosterist’ interpretations allow.  相似文献   

李晶晶  张剑飞 《华中建筑》2008,26(11):16-19
巴厘岛的建设传承了本土文化并成功地创造出属于“巴厘岛”独具魅力的休闲特质,因而使其成为世界上最值得一去的旅游胜地。该文从建筑、景观等方面的特色营造对其进行一定程度的剖析,以求对当今业界盛行的休闲式环境设计有一定的启发和借鉴意义.  相似文献   

李萍 《园林》2006,(1):4-5
剑桥大学植物园于1762年建于剑桥市中心,最初占地仅2公顷,是典型的文艺复兴时期的药用植物园。而现在的植物园是由John Stevens Henslow教授(英国著名的植物学家)于1846年建成的,用以种植树木,特别是当时在美洲西北部发现的新的树种,占地面积16公顷,位于剑桥市的南部,离市中心不到1英里。 Henslow教授是达尔文的良师益友,他对树木有强烈的爱好,他认为树木对人类至关重要,并希望收集和种植所有能适应当地环境的树木。他的这种远见使植物园拥有英国东部最精细的树木收集,植物园现收集有植物近10000种。植物园的园区建设大致分为两个阶段并呈现出不同的园林景观。西半园是19世纪建成的维多利亚式的老园,注重展示不同的植物,并将这些植物用园艺的手法组成美丽的景观。一条蜿蜒的道路绕园一周,东西向的主干道成为了老园的中枢,两旁栽有庄重的塔形常绿针叶树,其中有一些树形迥然不同的  相似文献   

黄卫昌  张雪 《园林》2004,(4):6-7
茂物植物园(Bogor Botanic Gardens)位于“雨城”——茂物市中心,现占地85公顷。前身是一个种植场,那时是作为印度尼西亚经济植物引种中心。1817年在德国植物学家C.G.C.Reindwart主持下建成植物园,当时面积仅47公顷。1817年至1822年,Reindwart担任首任园长,期间引进植物900种。第二任园长C.L.Blume于1823年出版了第一个植物名录,记载了914种植物。  相似文献   

This paper studies the early phases of the process of electrification in Belgium in order to shed light on the emergence of a distributed model of urbanization. The paper argues that the policies developed to extent the supply of electricity to each and every corner of the national territory is part and parcel of a distributed urbanism which reproduced itself in different forms throughout the twentieth century. Detailed analysis of the policies developed by three Belgian provinces to support the electrification in the interbellum period brings into view the ambiguity of the Belgian policy of dispersion. On the one hand, this analysis shows an eagerness to advance industrial production over the entire territory by making use of existing, rural collective resources. On the other hand, the policies of dispersion, despite their anti-urban motivations, in time produced (a need for) collective structures that facilitate processes of accumulation and differentiation that over time may be characterized as urban.  相似文献   

The paper problematizes public housing privatization. It compares the trajectory of tenure change in two garden communities – Garbatella, Rome and Sunnyside Gardens, New York City – which privileged public and private ownership, respectively. The cases are currently dealing with tenure change. Sunnyside experienced the enclosure of gardens and citizens’ attempt to reclaim what was held in common in order to bring back the communal spaces. Garbatella is a place where growth over time of rights, powers, immunities, and privileges is manifested in long-lasting processes of appropriation of public housing goods. Despite their different stories, Sunnyside helps to problematize the process of public housing privatization in Garbatella which is further complicated by tenure complexity, State-induced rent gap and institutional displacement. The analysis of tenure change, done by using the ‘incidents of ownership’ notion developed by Marcuse, contributes to the understanding of what public housing privatization means in social and spatial terms. Housing privatization leads to an erosion of the in-between space where individual and collective aspiration meet as a precondition for the reproduction of what is held in common: spatial goods such as open spaces and housing – a fundamental aspect of our citizenship.  相似文献   

在过去的几十年中,经典花园成为旅游热点和经济发展的支撑点之一.本文在论述意大利花园旅游的一般特点和旅游对经济发展影响的基础上,对30、40年代皮埃蒙特大区(Piedmont)的著名景点-塔兰托植物园为例进行解读,该园占地16公顷,汇集了2万多种来自世界各地的植物,其演化特征也是意大利古典园林的一个缩影.  相似文献   

苏州园林是中国传统园林的典型代表之一,具有虚伪矛盾的隐逸观和以假乱真的自然观,后世对其却是不质疑、不批判地推崇.本文从历史文化根源和生活美学观念两个方面辨析和批判了此类园林的虚假本质,否定了当今社会中肤浅的古为今用,提出只有挑战了缺乏否定和批评的学术环境,才能更好地理解传统,更坦然地面对现在,从而找到真正和谐的人地关系.  相似文献   

清末广州中西交汇,景园营造新旧共存互动,推 动岭南园林的近代转型。其中,在繁荣的中西贸易和文化交 流,以及书院文化、士绅文化等的影响下,清末岭南形成了 以广州为中心、十三行行商为代表、官商士绅竞相造园的特 殊历史时期,其造园数量、规模、意匠等均在该时期达到岭 南古典园林发展的巅峰。这一时期也是岭南园林近代转型的 关键时期。在西方文化和清末洋务运动思想的影响下,广州 开始出现洋务花园、公园、市政绿化,以及校园绿地等新型 园林形式。这些具有公共性质的城市景致与新建私园一道广 泛分布在城墙以外,成为清末广州城市空间拓展与风景体系 形成的重要参与者。由于清末广州城外造景的繁荣,从时间 上开启了岭南园林的近代转型,在空间上使岭南园林的地域 性特征得以形成和辨识,其空间性与时间性界定了清末岭南 园林近代转型的物质及文化维度。梳理了清末广州具有代表 性的景园营造活动,在分析其动力机制的同时,探讨城外造 景之于岭南园林近代转型的意义。  相似文献   

李旭佳 《华中建筑》2009,27(7):178-181
中国古典园林作为世界园林史中的一个有机组成部分,无论在园林结构还是表意手段上都与西方古典园林以及日本古典园林有着很大的差别。究其根源,则不可不察中国特有的文化氛围。儒、释、道三家作为中国古代社会的基本思想框架,分别从不同的方面、不同的层次对中国园林施以影响:“道”之自然为其提供形象化的基础,“佛”之自我为其提供抽象化的依据,“儒”家的中庸思想则在二者之间提供了适当的“度”,来取得平衡。中国园林在三者的共同作用下,创造出了别具特色的园林美学。  相似文献   

国外历史园林复建研究系统综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为兼具自然生命力与人工艺术魅力的遗产类型,历史园林保护与复建在全世界范围内受到关注。为全面了解历史园林复建研究的发展情况,对1983年以来国外历史园林复建文献进行系统综述,对历史园林复建的定义与内涵、历史园林面临的问题与挑战、复建的标准与依据、复建方法,以及复建效果5个主要研究领域进行了分析。基于历史园林遗产特征,从价值评判、活态特征、整体视角和动态变化4个方面探讨了历史园林复建原则,以期为中国历史园林传承发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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