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The three-amino-acid-loop-extension (TALE) superfamily genes broadly existed in plants, which played important roles in plant growth, development and abiotic stress responses. In this study, we identified 68 Glycine max TALE (GmTALE) superfamily members. Phylogenetic analysis divided the GmTALE superfamily into the BEL1-like (BLH/BELL homeodomain) and the KNOX (KNOTTED-like homeodomain) subfamilies. Moreover, the KNOX subfamily could be further categorized into three clades (KNOX Class I, KNOX Class II and KNOX Class III). The GmTALE genes showed similarities in the gene structures in the same subfamily or clade, whose coding proteins exhibited analogous motif and conserved domain compositions. Besides, synteny analyses and evolutionary constraint evaluations of the TALE members among soybean and different species provided more clues for GmTALE superfamily evolution. The cis-element analyses in gene promoter regions and relevant gene expression profiling revealed different regulating roles of GmTALE genes during soybean plant development, saline and dehydration stresses. Genome-wide characterization, evolution, and expression profile analyses of GmTALE genes can pave the way for future gene functional research and facilitate their roles for applications in genetic improvement on soybean in saline and dehydration stresses.  相似文献   

Both symbiosis between legumes and rhizobia and nitrogen fixation in functional nodules are dramatically affected by salt stress. Better understanding of the molecular mechanisms that regulate the salt tolerance of functional nodules is essential for genetic improvement of nitrogen fixation efficiency. microRNAs (miRNAs) have been implicated in stress responses in many plants and in symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF) in soybean. However, the dynamic regulation of miRNAs in functioning nodules during salt stress response remains unknown. We performed deep sequencing of miRNAs to understand the miRNA expression profile in normal or salt stressed-soybean mature nodules. We identified 110 known miRNAs belonging to 61 miRNA families and 128 novel miRNAs belonging to 64 miRNA families. Among them, 104 miRNAs were dramatically differentially expressed (>2-fold or detected only in one library) during salt stress. qRT-PCR analysis of eight miRNAs confirmed that these miRNAs were dynamically regulated in response to salt stress in functional soybean nodules. These data significantly increase the number of miRNAs known to be expressed in soybean nodules, and revealed for the first time a dynamic regulation of miRNAs during salt stress in functional nodules. The findings suggest great potential for miRNAs in functional soybean nodules during salt stress.  相似文献   

Stress-associated proteins (SAPs), a class of A20/AN1 zinc finger proteins, play vital roles in plant stress response. However, investigation of SAPs in maize has been very limited. Herein, to better trace the evolutionary history of SAPs in maize and plants, 415 SAPs were identified in 33 plant species and four species of other kingdoms. Moreover, gene duplication mode exploration showed whole genome duplication contributed largely to SAP gene expansion in angiosperms. Phylogeny reconstruction was performed with all identified SAPs by the maximum likelihood (ML) method and the SAPs were divided into five clades. SAPs within the same clades showed conserved domain composition. Focusing on maize, nine ZmSAPs were identified. Further promoter cis-elements and stress-induced expression pattern analysis of ZmSAPs indicated that ZmSAP8 was a promising candidate in response to drought stress, which was the only AN1-AN1-C2H2-C2H2 type SAP in maize and belonged to clade I. Additionally, ZmSAP8 was located in the nucleus and had no transactivation activity in yeast. Overexpressing ZmSAP8 enhanced the tolerance to drought stress in Arabidopsis thaliana, with higher seed germination and longer root length. Our results should benefit the further functional characterization of ZmSAPs.  相似文献   

Bacterial leaf pustule (BLP), caused by Xanthornonas axonopodis pv. glycines (Xag), is a worldwide disease of soybean, particularly in warm and humid regions. To date, little is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms of BLP resistance. The only single recessive resistance gene rxp has not been functionally identified yet, even though the genotypes carrying the gene have been widely used for BLP resistance breeding. Using a linkage mapping in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population against the Xag strain Chinese C5, we identified that quantitative trait locus (QTL) qrxp–17–2 accounted for 74.33% of the total phenotypic variations. We also identified two minor QTLs, qrxp–05–1 and qrxp–17–1, that accounted for 7.26% and 22.26% of the total phenotypic variations, respectively, for the first time. Using a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in 476 cultivars of a soybean breeding germplasm population, we identified a total of 38 quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) on chromosomes (Chr) 5, 7, 8, 9,15, 17, 19, and 20 under artificial infection with C5, and 34 QTNs on Chr 4, 5, 6, 9, 13, 16, 17, 18, and 20 under natural morbidity condition. Taken together, three QTLs and 11 stable QTNs were detected in both linkage mapping and GWAS analysis, and located in three genomic regions with the major genomic region containing qrxp_17_2. Real-time RT-PCR analysis of the relative expression levels of five potential candidate genes in the resistant soybean cultivar W82 following Xag treatment showed that of Glyma.17G086300, which is located in qrxp–17–2, significantly increased in W82 at 24 and 72 h post-inoculation (hpi) when compared to that in the susceptible cultivar Jack. These results indicate that Glyma.17G086300 is a potential candidate gene for rxp and the QTLs and QTNs identified in this study will be useful for marker development for the breeding of Xag-resistant soybean cultivars.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is among the most valuable crops based on its nutritious seed protein and oil. Protein quality, evaluated as the ratio of glycinin (11S) to β-conglycinin (7S), can play a role in food and feed quality. To help uncover the underlying differences between high and low protein soybean varieties, we performed differential expression analysis on high and low total protein soybean varieties and high and low 11S soybean varieties grown in four locations across Eastern and Western Canada over three years (2018–2020). Simultaneously, ten individual differential expression datasets for high vs. low total protein soybeans and ten individual differential expression datasets for high vs. low 11S soybeans were assessed, for a total of 20 datasets. The top 15 most upregulated and the 15 most downregulated genes were extracted from each differential expression dataset and cross-examination was conducted to create shortlists of the most consistently differentially expressed genes. Shortlisted genes were assessed for gene ontology to gain a global appreciation of the commonly differentially expressed genes. Genes with roles in the lipid metabolic pathway and carbohydrate metabolic pathway were differentially expressed in high total protein and high 11S soybeans in comparison to their low total protein and low 11S counterparts. Expression differences were consistent between East and West locations with the exception of one, Glyma.03G054100. These data are important for uncovering the genes and biological pathways responsible for the difference in seed protein between high and low total protein or 11S cultivars.  相似文献   

The LOR (LURP-one related) family genes encode proteins containing a conserved LOR domain. Several members of the LOR family genes are required for defense against Hyaloperonospora parasitica (Hpa) in Arabidopsis. However, there are few reports of LOR genes in response to abiotic stresses in plants. In this study, a genome-wide survey and expression levels in response to abiotic stresses of 36 LOR genes from Glycine max were conducted. The results indicated that the GmLOR gene family was divided into eight subgroups, distributed on 14 chromosomes. A majority of members contained three extremely conservative motifs. There were four pairs of tandem duplicated GmLORs and nineteen pairs of segmental duplicated genes identified, which led to the expansion of the number of GmLOR genes. The expansion patterns of the GmLOR family were mainly segmental duplication. A heatmap of soybean LOR family genes showed that 36 GmLOR genes exhibited various expression patterns in different tissues. The cis-acting elements in promoter regions of GmLORs include abiotic stress-responsive elements, such as dehydration-responsive elements and drought-inducible elements. Real-time quantitative PCR was used to detect the expression level of GmLOR genes, and most of them were expressed in the leaf or root except that GmLOR6 was induced by osmotic and salt stresses. Moreover, GmLOR4/10/14/19 were significantly upregulated after PEG and salt treatments, indicating important roles in the improvement of plant tolerance to abiotic stress. Overall, our study provides a foundation for future investigations of GmLOR gene functions in soybean.  相似文献   

C2 domain-containing proteins (C2DPs) have been identified in different genomes that contain single or multiple C2 domains in their C- or N-terminal. It possesses higher functional activity in the transmembrane regions. The identification of C2 domains were reported in a previous study, such as multiple C2 domains and transmembrane-region proteins (MCTPs) and N-terminal-TM-C2 domain proteins (NTMC2s) of rice, Arabidopsis thaliana, and cotton, whereas the C2DP gene family in rice has not been comprehensively studied, and the role of the C2DP gene in rice in response to abiotic stress is not yet fully understood. In this study, we identified 82 C2DPs in the rice genome and divided them into seven groups through phylogenetic analysis. The synteny analysis revealed that duplication events were either exhibited within the genome of rice or between the genomes of rice and other species. Through the analysis of cis-acting elements in promoters, expression profiles, and qRT-PCR results, the functions of OsC2DPs were found to be widely distributed in diverse tissues and were extensively involved in phytohormones-related and abiotic stresses response in rice. The prediction of the microRNA (miRNA) targets of OsC2DPs revealed the possibility of regulation by consistent miRNAs. Notably, OsC2DP50/51/52 as a co-tandem duplication exhibited similar expression variations and involved the coincident miRNA-regulation pathway. Moreover, the results of the genotypic variation and haplotype analysis revealed that OsC2DP17, OsC2DP29, and OsC2DP49 were associated with cold stress responses. These findings provided comprehensive insights for characterizations of OsC2DPs in rice as well as for their roles for abiotic stress.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanism of flooding tolerance of soybean, flooding-tolerant mutants derived from gamma-ray irradiated soybean were crossed with parent cultivar Enrei for removal of other factors besides the genes related to flooding tolerance in primary generated mutant soybean. Although the growth of the wild type was significantly suppressed by flooding compared with the non-flooding condition, that of the mutant lines was better than that of the wild type even if it was treated with flooding. A two-day-old mutant line was subjected to flooding for 2 days and proteins were analyzed using a gel-free/label-free proteomic technique. Oppositely changed proteins in abundance between the wild type and mutant line under flooding stress were associated in endoplasmic reticulum according to gene-ontology categorization. Immunoblot analysis confirmed that calnexin accumulation increased in both the wild type and mutant line; however, calreticulin accumulated in only the mutant line under flooding stress. Furthermore, although glycoproteins in the wild type decreased by flooding compared with the non-flooding condition, those in the mutant line increased even if it was under flooding stress. Alcohol dehydrogenase accumulated in the wild type and mutant line; however, this enzyme activity significantly increased and mildly increased in the wild type and mutant line, respectively, under flooding stress compared with the non-flooding condition. Cell death increased and decreased in the wild type and mutant line, respectively, by flooding stress. These results suggest that the regulation of cell death through the fermentation system and glycoprotein folding might be an important factor for the acquisition of flooding tolerance in mutant soybean.  相似文献   

Calmodulin-binding protein 60 (CBP60) members constitute a plant-specific protein family that plays an important role in plant growth and development. In the soybean genome, nineteen CBP60 members were identified and analyzed for their corresponding sequences and structures to explore their functions. Among GmCBP60A-1, which primarily locates in the cytomembrane, was significantly induced by drought and salt stresses. The overexpression of GmCBP60A-1 enhanced drought and salt tolerance in Arabidopsis, which showed better state in the germination of seeds and the root growth of seedlings. In the soybean hairy roots experiment, the overexpression of GmCBP60A-1 increased proline content, lowered water loss rate and malondialdehyde (MDA) content, all of which likely enhanced the drought and salt tolerance of soybean seedlings. Under stress conditions, drought and salt response-related genes showed significant differences in expression in hairy root soybean plants of GmCBP60A-1-overexpressing and hairy root soybean plants of RNAi. The present study identified GmCBP60A-1 as an important gene in response to salt and drought stresses based on the functional analysis of this gene and its potential underlying mechanisms in soybean stress-tolerance.  相似文献   

As one of the most important factors in alternative splicing (AS) events, serine/arginine-rich (SR) proteins not only participate in the growth and development of plants but also play pivotal roles in abiotic stresses. However, the research about SR proteins in cotton is still lacking. In this study, we performed an extensive comparative analysis of SR proteins and determined their phylogeny in the plant lineage. A total of 169 SR family members were identified from four Gossypium species, and these genes could be divided into eight distinct subfamilies. The domain, motif distribution and gene structure of cotton SR proteins are conserved within each subfamily. The expansion of SR genes is mainly contributed by WGD and allopolyploidization events in cotton. The selection pressure analysis showed that all the paralogous gene pairs were under purifying selection pressure. Many cis-elements responding to abiotic stress and phytohormones were identified in the upstream sequences of the GhSR genes. Expression profiling suggested that some GhSR genes may involve in the pathways of plant resistance to abiotic stresses. The WGCNA analysis showed that GhSCL-8 co-expressed with many abiotic responding related genes in a salt-responding network. The Y2H assays showed that GhSCL-8 could interact with GhSRs in other subfamilies. The subcellular location analysis showed that GhSCL-8 is expressed in the nucleus. The further VIGS assays showed that the silencing of GhSCL-8 could decrease salt tolerance in cotton. These results expand our knowledge of the evolution of the SR gene family in plants, and they will also contribute to the elucidation of the biological functions of SR genes in the future.  相似文献   

As a typical ancient tetraploid, soybean (Glycine max) is an important oil crop species and plays a crucial role in supplying edible oil, plant protein and animal fodder worldwide. As global warming intensifies, the yield of soybean in the field is often strongly restricted by drought stress. SNF1-related protein kinase 2 (SnRK2) and type A protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C-A) family members are core components of the abscisic acid (ABA) signal transduction pathway in plants and have been suggested to play important roles in increasing plant tolerance to drought stress, but genetic information supporting this idea is still lacking in soybean. Here, we cloned the GmSnRK2s and GmPP2C-A family genes from the reference genome of Williams 82 soybean. The results showed that the expression patterns of GmSnRK2s and GmPP2C-As are spatiotemporally distinct. The expression of GmSnRK2s in response to ABA and drought signals is not strictly the same as that of Arabidopsis SnRK2 homologous genes. Moreover, our results indicated that the duplicate pairs of GmSnRK2s and GmPP2C-As have similar expression patterns, cis-elements and relationships. GmSnRK2.2 may have a distinct function in the drought-mediated ABA signaling pathway. Furthermore, the results of yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) assays between GmSnRK2s and GmPP2C-As revealed that GmSnRK2.17, GmSnRK2.18, GmSnRK2.22, GmPP2C5, GmPP2C7, GmPP2C10 and GmPP2C17 may play central roles in the crosstalk among ABA signals in response to drought stress. Furthermore, GmPP2C-As and GmSnRKs were targeted by miRNA and validated by degradome sequencing, which may play multiple roles in the crosstalk between ABA and drought signals and other stress signals. Taken together, these results indicate that GmSnRK2s and GmPP2C-As may play a variety of roles in the drought-mediated ABA signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The soybean pod borer (Leguminivora glycinivorella) (SPB) is a major cause of soybean (Glycine max L.) yield losses in northeast Asia, thus it is desirable to elucidate the resistance mechanisms involved in soybean response to the SPB. However, few studies have mapped SPB-resistant quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and deciphered the response mechanism in soybean. Here, we selected two soybean varieties, JY93 (SPB-resistant) and K6 (SPB-sensitive), to construct F2 and F2:3 populations for QTL mapping and collected pod shells before and after SPB larvae chewed on the two parents to perform RNA-Seq, which can identify stable QTLs and explore the response mechanism of soybean to the SPB. The results show that four QTLs underlying SPB damage to seeds were detected on chromosomes 4, 9, 13, and 15. Among them, qESP-9-1 was scanned in all environments, hence it can be considered a stable QTL. All QTLs explained 0.79 to 6.09% of the phenotypic variation. Meanwhile, 2298 and 3509 DEGs were identified for JY93 and K6, respectively, after the SPB attack, and most of these genes were upregulated. Gene Ontology enrichment results indicated that the SPB-induced and differently expressed genes in both parents are involved in biological processes such as wound response, signal transduction, immune response, and phytohormone pathways. Interestingly, secondary metabolic processes such as flavonoid synthesis were only significantly enriched in the upregulated genes of JY93 after SPB chewing compared with K6. Finally, we identified 18 candidate genes related to soybean pod borer resistance through the integration of QTL mapping and RNA-Seq analysis. Seven of these genes had similar expression patterns to the mapping parents in four additional soybean germplasm after feeding by the SPB. These results provide additional knowledge of the early response and induced defense mechanisms against the SPB in soybean, which could help in breeding SPB-resistant soybean accessions.  相似文献   

The VQ motif-containing proteins play a vital role in various processes such as growth, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and development. However, there is currently no report on the VQ genes in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). Herein, 78 VQ genes in Saccharum spontaneum were identified and classified into nine subgroups (I-IX) by comparative genomic analyses. Each subgroup had a similar structural and conservative motif. These VQ genes expanded mainly through whole-genome segmental duplication. The cis-regulatory elements (CREs) of the VQ genes were widely involved in stress responses, phytohormone responses and physiological regulation. The RNA-seq data showed that SsVQ gene expression patterns in 10 different samples, including different developmental stages, revealed distinct temporal and spatial patterns. A total of 23 SsVQ genes were expressed in all tissues, whereas 13 SsVQ genes were not expressed in any tissues. Sequence Read Archive (SRA) data showed that the majority of SsVQs responded to cold and drought stress. In addition, quantitative real-time PCR analysis showed that the SsVQs were variously expressed under salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), abscisic acid (ABA) and cold treatment. This study conducted a full-scale analysis of the VQ gene family in sugarcane, which could be beneficial for the functional characterization of sugarcane VQ genes and provide candidate genes for molecular resistance breeding in cultivated sugarcane in the future.  相似文献   

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