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提出了湿法造粒水函数式,干燥机出口炭黑温度超前型控制数学模型和解决干燥机出口炭黑加热减量控制的新路径,为炭黑湿法造粒和干燥工序参与炭黑制造在线检测全过程自动控制提供了一个平台。  相似文献   

年产 1 5万t的湿法炭黑生产线日前在贵阳煤气气源厂建成投产。这条生产线采用了万吨级新工艺油气路线炭黑生产技术 ,原料采用煤焦油 ,燃料采用焦炉煤气作热源替代燃油 ,单炉生产能力大、能耗低 ,产品质量符合国际标准 ;采用高效的袋滤器 ,收集效率达 99%以上 ;排出的尾气全部利用 ,环保水平高。贵州1.5万t湿法炭黑生产线建成  相似文献   

2003年上半年,中国氮肥工业协会对53家氮肥企业脱硫技术的应用情况进行了调查,结果表明:栲胶,ADA,888,DDS等基本湿法脱硫技术国内较为常见,MSQ,KCA,TS等方法也有采用,但目前企业对这些技术的效果反映不一。  相似文献   

湿法脱硫技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石灰石/石膏法湿法脱硫法技术,并对有关问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

针对炭黑生产过程中干燥工序产生的废气因温度低而无法直接进行脱硝处理的问题,通过设置升温器,将废气加热到320℃以上,达到最佳脱硝温度,之后设置余热锅炉进行热量回收,将废气温度降到190℃以下,达到最佳脱硫温度的同时生产过热蒸汽。72 h的测试运行结果表明,该工艺脱硝效率达到86.50%、脱硫效率达到90.50%,对无尾气发电装置的炭黑生产企业有一定借鉴作用。  相似文献   

袁秋华 《山西化工》2009,29(6):56-58
针对焦炉煤气H2S含量超标的状况,分析脱硫过程中存在的问题,采取改造脱硫设备及优化操作工艺等措施,降低脱硫塔后煤气中H2S含量,提高脱硫效率,并生产出合格煤气。  相似文献   

白云石湿法烟气脱硫技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
煤炭是贵州省最重要的能源,贵州煤烟型大气污染严重,脱硫任务更为艰巨,本文提出针对贵州煤炭含硫率高,要求脱硫效率高,利用贵州丰富的白云岩资源作为脱硫剂,采用白云石湿法烟气脱硫技术,这种技术较现有的石灰石石膏法具有吸收率高、不结垢、系统简化、占地较小、设备投资省、运行费用较低、副产品利用价值大等优越点,对火电厂烟气湿法脱硫具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

石灰石-石膏湿法脱硫技术问题及脱硫效率探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了石灰石-石膏湿法脱硫工艺原理及存在的技术问题和处理方法,并对影响脱硫效率的主要因素进行了探讨。  相似文献   

徐俊 《轮胎工业》2018,38(6):368-371
从造粒机结构和生产工艺方面研究湿法造粒炭黑质量的提升。造粒机结构方面,合理设定搅齿与壳体间隙、搅齿密度和作用区长度并增大齿尖硬度,采用大直径主轴、保证内壁光洁度和均匀性、环状多孔喷水均有利于提高造粒质量;工艺方面,通过计算合理选择水量和粘结剂用量、控制造粒水和机筒壁温度可提高造粒质量。  相似文献   

A novel dual-membrane reactor concept was introduced for integrating the oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) and CO2 methane reforming (dry reforming) reactors. The OCM reactions occur in a conventional porous packed bed membrane reactor structure and a portion of the undesired produced CO2 and generated heat are transferred through a molten-carbonate perm-selective membrane and consumed in the adjacent dry methane reforming catalytic bed. This integrated reactor provides a very promising thermal performance by controlling the temperature peak to be below 50 °C in reference to the average operating temperature in the OCM section. This was achieved even for the low methane-to-oxygen ratio 2 by introducing 10% CO2 as the diluent agent and reactant in this integrated reactor structure. This contributed to the improved selective performance of 32% methane conversion and 25% C2-yield including 21% C2H4-yield in the OCM section which also enhances the performance of the downstream units consequently. Around half of the unconverted methane leaving the OCM section was converted to syngas in the DRM section.The dual-membrane reactor alone can utilize a significant amount of the carbon dioxide generated in the OCM catalytic bed. In combination with adsorption unit in the downstream of the integrated process, 90% of the produced CO2 can be recovered and further converted to valuable syngas products. The experimental data, obtained from a mini-plant scale experimental facility, were exploited to verify the performance of the OCM reactor and the CO2 separation section.  相似文献   

李朝阳  周军  唐复兴 《聚氯乙烯》2012,40(11):14-18
对干法乙炔和湿法乙炔工艺技术进行了对比,并结合干法乙炔生产装置目前在我国的实际运行情况,从工艺和设备方面提出了存在的问题和解决办法。  相似文献   

This is a review and position article discussing the role and prospective for process control in process intensification. Firstly, the article outlines the classical role of control in process systems, presenting an overview of control systems’ development, from basic PID control to the advanced model based hierarchical structures. Further on, the paper reviews the research articles discussing control issues of intensified process equipment, specifically of reactive distillation, divided wall distillation, simulated moving bed reactors and micro-scale systems. In the next section, the focus is on more fundamental, dynamic characteristics of selected intensified process categories, which are elucidated in several examples. The goal of this analysis is to stress to the potential challenges for control of intensified processes. More importantly, the aim of this part is to emphasize to the opportunities for control, which are associated with new actuation possibilities arising from process intensification. Finally, a new concept of process synthesis is elaborated, which is based on process intensification and actuation improvement. The concept enables integration of process operation, design and control through dynamic optimization. This simultaneous synthesis approach should provide optimal operation and more efficient control of complex intensified systems. It may also suggest innovative process solutions which are more economically and environmentally efficient and agile.  相似文献   

以泡花碱和硫酸为原料,采用沉淀法合成制备白炭黑产品。研究讨论了反应温度、pH、反应时间以及洗涤方式等因素对产品吸油值的影响。吸油值大小反映了白炭黑中的有效空隙容积。吸油值越高,白炭黑结构就越高,对于优良的分散性而言,最基本的前提是设计出合适的结构。通过改进生产工艺,对反应条件优化组合,可以得到不同吸油值的产品,从而满足更多用户的需求。  相似文献   

过程强化新技术及强化装置   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
介绍一种过程强化技术与装置。主要用于提高过程效率,解决现有过程强化方法需借提高流体流速来强化过程因而能耗过高、效果欠佳、应用范围不广或不能连续操作等问题。技术方案要点是:在过程设备上设置与之相配合的振荡装置,通过振荡装置使过程设备内的流体产生扰动,扰动破坏流动边界层,使流体获得附加雷诺数,产生适合过程要求的振荡,以强化过程设备内的工艺过程。其强化装置调节弹性大,适应范围宽,调节活塞驱动机构的运动速度、几何形状与尺寸、空间位置或更换挡板形式就能满足各种过程条件。该装置可用于多种过程以提高效率,节约能源、资金和减小设备体积,如传热、传质、化学反应过程等,可将间歇过程转化为连续过程。  相似文献   

以旋转填料床(rotating packed bed, RPB)为核心装备的超重力技术是典型的化工过程强化技术之一,由于具有体积小、传质及分离效率高的优点,已被成功应用于海洋平台的化工过程中。介绍了超重力技术的核心装备结构及原理,回顾了针对超重力技术的各项基础实验研究、数学模型化和CFD模拟方面的工作,这些工作为超重力技术的工业应用提供了很好的理论支持。最后介绍了近年来超重力技术在海洋平台油气生产中天然气脱水、脱硫及注入水脱氧过程的工业应用。  相似文献   

The present paper aims at proposing a complementary view of process intensification (PI) based on the concepts of local intensification and global intensification. Local intensification is defined here as the classical approach of PI based on the use of techniques and methods for the drastic improvement of the efficiency of a single unit or device. Some examples are given to illustrate that local process intensification presents several limitations when compared to holistic overall process-based intensification, named global intensification. Indeed, when PI focuses on single units (reactors, separators, hybrid separators, etc.), the strong interactions among all units within the process are ignored and the impact of local intensification of a single unit can be very limited, resulting in weak improvement of the whole process. This paper identifies that process intensification is broader than technical improvement of devices or processes and has to consider several drivers such as economics, safety, eco-efficiency and sustainability to fulfill the key objectives in designing new plants and retrofitting existing units.  相似文献   

混合过程强化及其设备的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
流体流动和混合是影响化学反应的重要因素,离集指数是表征流体混合程度的常用参数,平均停留时间及停留时间分布是衡量反应器内流体返混的一个量度。文中分析了反应器内流体的混合机理,介绍了两种实验测定离集指数的方法以及数学模拟法;在微观混合的基础上提出了过程与设备的强化方法,借助外界能量或改变流体流动型态和流速等方法强化流体的混合程度,总结了搅拌釜反应器、撞击流反应器、静态混合反应器、超重力旋转床反应器等设备的混合机理及其优缺点。  相似文献   

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