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A fast joint probabilistic data association (FJPDA) algorithm is proposed in tiffs paper. Cluster probability matrix is approximately calculated by a new method, whose elements βi^t(K) can be taken as evaluation functions. According to values of βi^t(K), N events with larger joint probabilities can be searched out as the events with guiding joint probabilities, tiros, the number of searching nodes will be greatly reduced. As a result, this method effectively reduces the calculation load and nnkes it possible to be realized on real-thne, Theoretical ,analysis and Monte Carlo simulation results show that this method is efficient.  相似文献   

Modern service robots will soon become an essential part of modern society. As they have to move and act in human environments, it is essential for them to be provided with a fast and reliable tracking system that localizes people in the neighborhood. It is therefore important to select the most appropriate filter to estimate the position of these persons. This paper presents three efficient implementations of multisensor-human tracking based on different Bayesian estimators: Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) and Sampling Importance Resampling (SIR) particle filter. The system implemented on a mobile robot is explained, introducing the methods used to detect and estimate the position of multiple people. Then, the solutions based on the three filters are discussed in detail. Several real experiments are conducted to evaluate their performance, which is compared in terms of accuracy, robustness and execution time of the estimation. The results show that a solution based on the UKF can perform as good as particle filters and can be often a better choice when computational efficiency is a key issue.  相似文献   

We investigate the flexible flow shop scheduling problem with limited or unlimited intermediate buffers. A common objective of the problem is to find a production schedule that minimizes the completion time of jobs. Other objectives that we also consider are minimizing the total weighted flow time of jobs and minimizing the total weighted tardiness time of jobs. We propose a water-flow algorithm to solve this scheduling problem. The algorithm is inspired by the hydrological cycle in meteorology and the erosion phenomenon in nature. In the algorithm, we combine the amount of precipitation and its falling force to form a flexible erosion capability. This helps the erosion process of the algorithm to focus on exploiting promising regions strongly. To initiate the algorithm, we use a constructive procedure to obtain a seed permutation. We also use an improvement procedure for constructing a complete schedule from a permutation that represents the sequence of jobs in the first stage of the scheduling problem. To evaluate the proposed algorithm, we use benchmark instances taken from the literature and randomly generated instances of the scheduling problem. The computational results demonstrate the efficacy of the algorithm. We have also obtained several improved solutions for the benchmark instances using the proposed algorithm. We further illustrate the algorithm’s capability for solving problems in practical applications by applying it to a maltose syrup production problem.  相似文献   

A flow-shop batching problem with consistent batches is considered in which the processing times of all jobs on each machine are equal to p and all batch set-up times are equal to s. In such a problem, one has to partition the set of jobs into batches and to schedule the batches on each machine. The processing time of a batch B i is the sum of processing times of operations in B i and the earliest start of B i on a machine is the finishing time of B i on the previous machine plus the set-up time s. Cheng et al. (Naval Research Logistics 47:128–144, 2000) provided an O(n) pseudopolynomial-time algorithm for solving the special case of the problem with two machines. Mosheiov and Oron (European Journal of Operational Research 161:285–291, 2005) developed an algorithm of the same time complexity for the general case with more than two machines. Ng and Kovalyov (Journal of Scheduling 10:353–364, 2007) improved the pseudopolynomial complexity to \(O(\sqrt{n})\). In this paper, we provide a polynomial-time algorithm of time complexity O(log?3 n).  相似文献   

A methodology for the formulation of dynamic equations of motion of a serial flexible-link manipulator using the decoupled natural orthogonal complement (DeNOC) matrices, introduced elsewhere for rigid bodies, is presented in this paper. First, the Euler Lagrange (EL) equations of motion of the system are written. Then using the equivalence of EL and Newton–Euler (NE) equations, and the DeNOC matrices associated with the velocity constraints of the connecting bodies, the analytical and recursive expressions for the matrices and vectors appearing in the independent dynamic equations of motion are obtained. The analytical expressions allow one to obtain a recursive forward dynamics algorithm not only for rigid body manipulators, as reported earlier, but also for the flexible body manipulators. The proposed simulation algorithm for the flexible link robots is shown to be computationally more efficient and numerically more stable than other algorithms present in the literature. Simulations, using the proposed algorithm, for a two link arm with each link flexible and a Space Shuttle Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) are presented. Numerical stability aspects of the algorithms are investigated using various criteria, namely, the zero eigenvalue phenomenon, energy drift method, etc. Numerical example of a SSRMS is taken up to show the efficiency and stability of the proposed algorithm. Physical interpretations of many terms associated with dynamic equations of flexible links, namely, the mass matrix of a composite flexible body, inertia wrench of a flexible link, etc. are also presented. The work has been carried out in the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India.  相似文献   

In the past few years, household remote control products have continuously emerged, and more equipment could be controlled at remote distance. With continuous growth in the number of home remote control devices, the number of remote controllers at home is increasing. In addition, with the increase of PC and notebook computer demands, technologies for controlling computer devices or digital home appliances within the home networks have been launched, such as UPnP (Universal Plug and Play), OSGI (Open Service Gateway Initiative), HAVI (Home Audio/Video Interoperability), and Jini. Because there are too many standards of home network, it is difficult to define a universal standard conformed to others. Many researches have focused on linking the various protocols of these devices, but most of them used the Web or PDAs to control the devices. In such situation, users must rely on computer equipment and face the battery problem of handheld devices.  相似文献   

The concept of context-awareness offers a great potential for the future of mobile applications. In order to be developed in an optimal way, mobile context-aware applications need appropriate middleware services. This paper introduces Pervaho, an integrated middleware aimed specifically at supporting the development and testing of mobile context-aware applications. To illustrate the use of Pervaho, we walk through the development of a concrete mobile application and show how it can be built on top of Pervaho’s location-based publish/subscribe service. We also illustrate how a specialized mobility testing tool significantly simplifies the process of testing proximity-based semantics. We then present the implementation of Pervaho, which is based on a set of communication protocols geared at mesh networks. Finally, we provide a performance analysis of our implementation.  相似文献   

The growth of web-based applications in business and e-commerce is building up demands for high performance web servers for better throughputs and lower user-perceived latency. These demands are leading to a widespread substitution of powerful single servers by robust newcomers, cluster web servers, in many enterprise companies. In this respect the load-balancing algorithms play an important role in boosting the performance of cluster servers. The previous load-balancing algorithms which were designed for the handling of static contents in web services suffer from significant performance degradation under dynamic and database-driven workloads. Regarding this, we propose an approximation-based load-balancing algorithm with admission control for cluster-based web servers in this study. Since it is difficult to accurately determine the loads of web servers through feedbacks from distributed agents in web servers, we propose an analytical model of a web server to estimate the web servers’ loads. To achieve this, the algorithm classifies requests based on their service times and track numbers of outstanding requests for each class of each web server node and also based on their resource demands to dynamically estimate the loads of each node. For the error handling of the model a proportional integral (PI) controller from control theory is used. Then the estimated available capacity of each web server is used for load balancing and admission control decisions. The implementation results with a standard benchmark confirm the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, which improves both the mean response time and the throughput of the cluster compared to rival load-balancing algorithms, and also avoids situations in which the cluster is overloaded, even when the request rates are beyond the cluster capacity.  相似文献   

In practice, the clearances of joints in a great number of mechanical systems are well under control. In these cases, some of the existing methods become unpractical because of the little differences in the order of magnitude between relative movements and computational errors. Assuming that the effects of impacts are negligible, we proved that both locations and forces of contacts in joints can be fully determined by parts of joint reaction forces. Based on this fact, a method particularly suited for multibody systems possessing frictional joints with tiny clearances is presented. In order to improve the efficiency of computation, recursive formulations are proposed based on the interactions between bodies. The proposed recursive formulations can improve the computation of joint reaction forces. With the methodology presented in this paper, not only the motion of bodies in a multibody system but also the details about the contacts in joints, such as forces of contacts and locations of contact points, can be obtained. Even with the assumption of impact free, the instants of possible impacts can be detected without relying upon any ambiguous parameters, as indicated by numerical examples in this paper.  相似文献   

Much research mainly focuses on the batch processing method (e.g. maximum likelihood method) when bearings-only multiple targets tracking of bistatic sonar system is considered. In this paper, the idea of recursive processing method is presented and employed, and corresponding data association algorithms, i.e. a multi-objective ant-colony-based optimization algorithm and an easy fast assignment algorithm are developed to solve the measurements-to-measurements and measurements-to-tracks data association problems of bistatic sonar system, respectively. Monte-Carlo simulations are induced to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a generalised sub-block structure preservation interconnect model order reduction (MOR) technique based on the swarm intelligence method, that is, particle swarm optimisation (PSO). The swarm intelligence-based structure preservation MOR can be used for a standard model as a criterion for different structure preservation interconnect MOR methods. In the proposed technique, the PSO method is used for predicting the unknown elements of structure-preserving reduced-order modelling of interconnect circuits. The prediction is based on minimising the difference of transform function between the original full-order and desired reduced-order systems maintaining the full-order structure in the reduced-order model. The proposed swarm-intelligence-based structure-preserving MOR method is compared with published work on structure preservation MOR SPRIM techniques. Simulation and synthesis results verify the accuracy and validity of the new structure-preserving MOR technique.  相似文献   

The Hamming distance with shifts was introduced by Bookstein et al. as a generalization of the traditional Hamming distance to allow a tunable degree of fuzziness when comparing two binary sequences of the same length. We present a linear-time algorithm for computing this distance. The previous best time bound was quadratic.  相似文献   

Real life convection-diffusion problems are characterized by their inherent or externally induced uncertainties in the design parameters. This paper presents a spectral stochastic finite element semi-Lagrangian method for numerical solution of convection-diffusion equations with uncertainty. Using the spectral decomposition, the stochastic variational problem is reformulated to a set of deterministic variational problems to be solved for each Wiener polynomial chaos. To obtain the chaos coefficients in the corresponding deterministic convection-diffusion equations, we implement a semi-Lagrangian method in the finite element framework. Once this representation is computed, statistics of the numerical solution can be easily evaluated. These numerical techniques associate the geometrical flexibility of the finite element method with the ability offered by the semi-Lagrangian method to solve convection-dominated problems using time steps larger than its Eulerian counterpart. Numerical results are shown for a convection-diffusion problem driven with stochastic velocity and for an incompressible viscous flow problem with a random force. In both examples, the proposed method demonstrates its ability to better maintain the shape of the solution in the presence of uncertainties and steep gradients.  相似文献   

Communication and coordination are the main cores for reaching a constructive agreement among multi-agent systems (MASs). Dividing the overall performance of MAS to individual agents may lead to group learning as opposed to individual learning, which is one of the weak points of MASs. This paper proposes a recursive genetic framework for solving problems with high dynamism. In this framework, a combination of genetic algorithm and multi-agent capabilities is utilised to accelerate team learning and accurate credit assignment. The argumentation feature is used to accomplish agent learning and the negotiation features of MASs are used to achieve a credit assignment. The proposed framework is quite general and its recursive hierarchical structure could be extended. We have dedicated one special controlling module for increasing convergence time. Due to the complexity of blackjack, we have applied it as a possible test bed to evaluate the system’s performance. The learning rate of agents is measured as well as their credit assignment. The analysis of the obtained results led us to believe that our robust framework with the proposed negotiation operator is a promising methodology to solve similar problems in other areas with high dynamism.  相似文献   

Recent advances in mobile technology offer new directions for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC); however, it remains unclear whether they meet the needs of individuals with aphasia. This paper reports on research seeking to understand this changing landscape. A Web-based survey of aphasia-oriented clinicians helped illuminate device adoption trends. Observations of group therapy sessions featuring high-tech AAC use and focus groups with the clinicians from those sessions provided further nuance and insight into usage and adoption. It was shown that “smart” mobile devices are garnering acceptance as a promising platform for high-tech AAC; however, contrary to the authors’ expectations, these devices are not being paired with mobile versions of traditional picture dictionaries. Rather, clinicians reported appropriating generic applications to complement other (non-high-tech) communication strategies, suggesting new opportunities for design.  相似文献   

The alignment and comparison of DNA, RNA and Protein sequences is one of the most common and important tasks in Bioinformatics. However, due to the size and complexity of the search space involved, the search for the best possible alignment for a set of sequences is not trivial. Genetic Algorithms have a predisposition for optimizing general combinatorial problems and therefore are serious candidates for solving multiple sequence alignment tasks. Local search optimization can be used to refine the solutions explored by Genetic Algorithms. We have designed a Genetic Algorithm which incorporates local search for this purpose: AlineaGA. We have tested AlineaGA with representative sequence sets of the globin family. We also compare the achieved results with the results provided by T-COFFEE.  相似文献   

In this study, we propose a new integrated computer vision system designed to track multiple human beings and extract their silhouette with a pan-tilt stereo camera, so that it can assist in gesture and gait recognition in the field of Human–Robot Interaction (HRI). The proposed system consists of three modules: detection, tracking and silhouette extraction. These modules are robust to camera movements, and they work interactively in near real-time. Detection was performed by camera ego-motion compensation and disparity segmentation. For tracking, we present an efficient mean shift-based tracking method in which the tracking objects are characterized as disparity weighted color histograms. The silhouette was obtained by two-step segmentation. A trimap was estimated in advance and then effectively incorporated into the graph-cut framework for fine segmentation. The proposed system was evaluated with respect to ground truth data, and it was shown to detect and track multiple people very well and also produce high-quality silhouettes.
Hyeran ByunEmail:

This paper describes a Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy model adopted solution to the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem with two-sensor data association (TSDA) method. Nonlinear process model and observation model are formulated as pseudolinear models and rewritten with a composite model whose local models are linear according to T–S fuzzy model. Combination of these local state estimates results in global state estimate. This paper introduces an extended TSDA (ETSDA) method for the SLAM problem in mobile robot navigation based on an interior point linear programming (LP) approach. Simulation results are given to demonstrate that the ETSDA method has low computational complexity and it is more accurate than the existing single-scan joint probabilistic data association method. The above system is implemented and simulated with Matlab to claim that the proposed method yet finds a better solution to the SLAM problem than the conventional extended Kalman filter–SLAM algorithm.  相似文献   

A modal logic for describing temporal as well as spatial properties of mobileprocesses, expressed in the asynchronous π-calculus, is presented. The logic has recur-sive constructs built upon predicate-variables. The semantics of the logic is establishedand shown to be monotonic, thus guarantees the existence of fixpoints. An algorithm isdeveloped to automatically check if a mobile process has properties described as formulasin the logic. The correctness of the algorithm is proved.  相似文献   

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