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Comments on an article by W. B. Miller (see record 1984-17604-001) that asserts that humans have moved from a passive adaptation to an active regulation of reproduction. Although Miller addressed the psychological sequelae of increasing control over reproduction, it is argued that he oversimplified the psychological contingencies of perceived high choice in reproduction. Some of the more recent technological advances appear to facilitate choice while only nominally increasing the chance of conception. (10 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three studies to pinpoint the underlying dynamics related to risk-taking in skilled and chance situations are presented. Study 1 is an attempt to demonstrate that cognitive and motivational theories of risk-taking must be combined to account for individual differences in skilled situations. Here, both informational influences as related to uncertainty orientation (R. M. Sorrentino and J. C. Short, 1986) and affective influences as related to achievement-related motives are examined. In support of these notions, this study found that individual differences in uncertainty orientation and achievement-related motives combine to produce the greatest preference or avoidance of moderate risk (as opposed to low or high) in a skilled situation. Studies 2 and 3 show that the effect for uncertainty orientation generalizes to chance situations. Gender differences were also found to combine or interact with these effects. Taken together, these 3 studies help to clarify many issues remaining in the risk-taking area. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Change as chance     
Our aim in this prospective study was to identify those patients who were found to have a colorectal cancer after a delay we considered unacceptable; this was taken as 6 months or more from initial presentation to a physician to diagnosis. It was then possible to determine the presenting complaints (always multiple) and the reasons for delay, in the hope that recommendations could be made regarding appropriate, rapid and thorough investigation of patients suspected of having a colorectal cancer. Of the total of 141 patients with colorectal cancer (108 elective, 33 emergency cases) under the care of one consultant during the period studied, 17 patients (12%) (10 men and 7 women), satisfied the criteria for late diagnosis. The mean age was 72.4 years (range 43-86 years). Five common presenting complaints were identified. They were, symptomatic iron deficiency anaemia, rectal bleeding, change in bowel habit, abdominal pain and weight loss. Incomplete imaging of the colon in patients with sinister presenting symptoms was the most commonly identified factor in delay of diagnosis. Inappropriate iron therapy and false-negative reporting of double contrast barium enema investigations were both seen in a number of cases. Other causes were, inappropriate surgical treatment and both clerical error and delay. The mean time for delay was 17.6 months (median 15 months). Late diagnosed cancers were most commonly found in the caecum and least commonly in the rectum. Colonic tumours of each Dukes' stage were identified, Dukes' B most common and Dukes' A least.  相似文献   

Interactive selection of a limited number of cells in imaging cytometry for determining the DNA histogram of breast cancer cells as the best known prognosticator at the moment, implies statistical and systematic sampling problems. Analysis of histograms of 361 breast cancer aspirate specimens measured in two laboratories demonstrate the expected high statistical variations in view of the only 100 cells measured per case but also slight systematic differences. Controlled systematic sampling without pathological bias results in a somewhat higher malignancy grading than selective biased sampling. For this finding we have no explanation. The main result is, however, that we did not find the expected contrary which makes the argument for at least this application invalid that expert pathologists are needed for reliable interactive sampling.  相似文献   

A second chance.     
Congressman Ted Strickland shares some of his experiences in the political arena and hopes that psychologists, both as professionals and as individuals, will always maintain an interest in the American political system--he believes no collective body better understands the human condition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The occurrence of independent contributions by 2 or more scientists can be interpreted in terms of zeitgeist, genius, or chance. The relative adequacy of these 3 theories was examined by examining the general and intradisciplinary probability distribution of multiples and the relationship of individual eminence with multiple production and priority. An analysis of 579 multiples and of 789 scientists and inventors gave the most support to the chance theory, followed by the zeitgeist theory. Results are integrated into a single probabilistic perspective that incorporates some of the major features of all 3 theories. A small group of highly productive individuals is most likely to participate in multiples, including independent rediscoveries. These same persons are also unusually intimate with the "technoscientific" zeitgeist and perhaps equally gifted with an inordinate amount of good luck. (62 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"This investigation extends an earlier series of studies of two types of gifted adolescents, those exceptionally high in IQ but not in creativity and those exceptionally high in creativity but not in IQ, by comparing their career aspirations and their cognitive functioning. It was found that (a) the two groups differ significantly in both the quantity and quality of occupational goals… and (b) the two groups differ significantly in attitudes toward adult success and toward conformity to teacher preferences." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rats were trained on a discrete-trial version of a concurrent validity VI VR schedule in which the relative reinforcement rates were varied across conditions. Ss with the shorter intertrial interval (ITI) had a significant bias toward the VR alternative, as predicted by optimality theory, and were also more likely to choose the VI alternative with longer times since responses to the VI alternative, as predicted by momentary-maximizing theory. Ss with the longer ITI failed to show either of these effects. Approximation to the matching law was greater with the longer ITI. Thus, matching is not derivative of the processes postulated by optimality or momentary-maximizing theory but instead is in competition with those processes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the degree to which individuals adapt their decision processes to the degree of interattribute correlation and conflict characterizing a decision problem. On the basis of an effort–accuracy framework for adaptive decision making, it was predicted that the more negatively correlated the attribute structure, the more people will use strategies that process much of the relevant information and make trade-offs. A computer simulation study supported these predictions, and 2 experiments using process-tracing techniques to monitor information acquisition indicated that individuals did indeed respond to interattribute correlation by shifting their processing strategies in ways that are adaptive according to the effort–accuracy framework. In particular, they faced conflict rather than avoided it and generally processed more information, were less selective, and showed more alternative-based processing in negatively correlated environments. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In previous research, rats exposed to daily, 3 h sessions of schedule-induced polydipsia (SIP) self-administered high doses of cocaine orally. However, a strong and durable preference for cocaine solution to water requires training in addition to mere oral self-administration exposure. If cocaine is dissolved in a preferred vehicle solution, and the vehicle is subsequently faded to water, then a strong preference for cocaine remains. A similar preference can be instituted for lidocaine solution. Such preferences may develop because the gustatory property of a drug becomes associated with the preferred vehicle and remains to function as a durable conditioned reinforcer after vehicle fading. To determine if drug preference is solely a function of this posited conditioning mechanism, or whether it also depends upon the SIP condition, rats were exposed to daily, 3 h sessions of single-ration feeding, rather than the SIP condition. A preferred vehicle (glucose/saccharin solution) was slowly faded from a 0.19 mg/ml lidocaine solution, which was presented concurrently with a choice for water. Although a preference for lidocaine solution to water could be generated, it occurred for only 5 out of 9 rats, and the preference was relatively unstable. By contrast, in two previous studies using SIP, 26 out of 27 rats maintained a preference for lidocaine solution. Thus, SIP not only exaggerates the amount of drug solution ingested but also contributes to the fixation of the associative drug solution choice.  相似文献   

Shaw (1984; Shaw, Mulligan & Stone, 1983) measured the probability of detecting a target letter in displays containing different numbers of items. The set size effect was significantly larger than the effect predicted by unlimited-capacity models of visual processing, and Shaw concluded that attention constrains the discrimination of complex, but not simple, patterns. We re-examined the role of attention in letter discrimination by measuring the effect of set size on the contrast needed to identify a target embedded among distractors. The results of 5 experiments show that set size effects are small for letter discrimination, but large for letter localization. The findings suggest that the large set size effect reported by Shaw (1984) was a result of asking subjects to localize the target. In addition, the results are consistent with the hypothesis that limited processing capacity constrains the perceptual processes involved in letter localization, but not discrimination.  相似文献   

A potential application of health care utilization databases is in the determination of contraceptive prevalence. A model linking specific factors concerning the utilization of modern methods of family planning has been developed to estimate contraceptive prevalence by age group for Saskatchewan. The limitations of these estimations of contraceptive prevalence are discussed.  相似文献   

Chance variability hampers the interpretation of treatment trials. There are two main ways in which we can be misled: spurious findings may be produced by chance alone, or real effects may be hidden. P values and confidence intervals can help us to avoid these pitfalls when interpreting the findings from clinical trials.  相似文献   

Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) is a copper-containing enzyme found in large amounts in blood plasma and in vascular smooth muscle. The catalytic activity of this enzyme is elevated in diabetes mellitus and some substrates, such as aminoacetone and methylamine also occur in increased amounts in this disease. After deamination by SSAO highly angiotoxic products are formed, methylglyoxal and formaldehyde, respectively. Moreover, hydrogen peroxide is also formed as a side-product. These products arising from SSAO-catalysed reactions may partially explain late-diabetic damages in the kidneys, eyes and peripheral nerves, as well as other cardiovascular disorders. It is therefore proposed that inhibition of SSAO may decrease the formation of these cytotoxic products and therefore prevent or slow the development of late-diabetic complications.  相似文献   

Individuals experience choice when they select one option from among meaningful alternatives that possess relatively equal attractiveness and some degree of indeterminacy. Choice has been found to influence important psychological and behavioral outcomes. After differentiating among choice, personal control, and self-determination, the author offers a model of choice, with self-determination as the key mechanism regulating how choice influences intrinsic motivation. The model suggests specific types of choice-relevant information that should affect whether choice results in an internal (self-determined) or external (controlled) locus of causality. The individual characteristics of locus of control, self-presentation, self-esteem, and Type A personality are suggested as possible moderators of the effects of choice. Finally, the implications of the choice model for organizations and further areas of research are discussed.  相似文献   

Parsley cells recognize the fungal phytopathogen Phytophthora sojae through a plasma membrane receptor. A 13 amino acid oligopeptide fragment (Pep-13) of a 42 kDa fungal cell wall glycoprotein was shown to bind to the receptor and stimulate a complex defense response in cultured parsley cells. The Pep-13 binding site solubilized from parsley microsomal membranes by non-ionic detergents exhibited the same ligand affinity and ligand specificity as the membrane-bound receptor. Chemical crosslinking and photoaffinity labeling assays with [125I]Pep-13 revealed that a monomeric 100 kDa integral plasma membrane protein is sufficient for ligand binding and may thus constitute the ligand binding domain of the receptor. Ligand affinity chromatography of solubilized microsomal membrane protein on immobilized Pep-13 yielded a 5000-fold enrichment of specific receptor activity.  相似文献   

Hypothesized that (a) persons high in self-esteem make 2nd vocational choices that are consistent with their personality styles more often than those that are inconsistent, and (b) persons low in self-esteem make 2nd choices that are consistent about as often as they make choices that are inconsistent. In a test with 135 undergraduates using the Vocational Preference Inventory, both hypotheses were supported. Implications were drawn for counseling with persons whose preferred career choices were inappropriate. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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