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计算机是应用程度最深应用范围最广的科技产品,也是人们生活和工作中的必要科技设备。软件设备是计算机的重要组成部分,计算机编程语言是软件设备的核心,是人与计算机进行交流沟通的关键。随着科学技术的不断发展,计算机编程语言也在不断变化,并形成了C语言、C++语言、Java和C#语言、Access与VisualBasic等多种复杂的计算机编程语言。随着计算机应用范围越来越广,计算机编程语言也会朝简单、便捷方向发展,才能让更多的人都能够运用计算机编程语言。  相似文献   

介绍了基于HTK(HMM Tools Kit)平台生成二元语言模型的具体实现过程.并对其生成的模型进行测试,最后的测试结果表明,在某特定领域训练的语言模型,用同样类别数据进行测试,其混淆度比用其它领域测试文本的混淆度低,这说明限定领域进行语言学模型训练可以在一定程度上提高模型性能.  相似文献   

基于图形化编程语言Labview设计虚拟仪器的方法   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
介绍了虚拟仪器的基本概念以及使用美国NI公司的图形化编程语言Labview设计虚拟仪器的方法。  相似文献   

本文针对现在各类信息资源库的大量存在,且重复度高、不易管理,导致检索的查准率和查全率较低的现状,提出了根据领域特点对信息资源进行检索的技术,通过自动对资源进行分类,将各类信息资源单独进行管理,形成领域库、资源库及其管理平台的资源管理架构,动态调整资源分类,以此为多种不同领域资源库提供信息检索和信息资源服务。  相似文献   

定义了一种刻画软件动态更新策略的领域特定语言upDSL.该领域特定语言可以对OSGi平台中模块动态更新策略进行结构化描述,并可提供动态更新关键步骤的必要信息,从而实现动态更新的可控性和安全性,并为不同的动态更新机制实现提供良好的描述和推理基础.  相似文献   

面向专题领域的垂直信息服务模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了向特定行业、特定用户提供更好的信息服务,本文首先阐述了面向专题领域的垂直信息服务的重要性,然后阐述了符合专业用户需求的两种服务模式,即专业化搜索引擎服务和信息推送服务,并利用信息自动获取技术、Web数据挖掘技术和全文检索技术等先进的计算机技术构建了面向专题领域的垂直服务模式。  相似文献   

对于第三代移动通信的网络运营商和业务内容提供商来说,为用户提供个性化的业务是建立牢固用户关系的关键。通过门户业务,最终用户能够对接受的服务和内容进行选择,移动运营商和内容提供商也能够获得用户行为,以便于独立需求的业务开发。本文从市场和用户分析细致分类入手,分析国际上典型案例以及Ericsson公司独到的典型用户的分类方式,最终提出了具有创意性的业务门户体系结构。这对于运营商和业务提供商建立战略合作伙伴关系,锁定其最终用户具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

对软件系统中的信息数据管理特定领域进行领域分析,阐述如何实现大粒度可复用构件的方法和步骤,从而达到提高软件的可服用性和开发效率的目的。  相似文献   

在大数据时代,依靠以机器学习为代表的人工智能技术从海量、复杂多样的电磁大数据中快速挖掘出有效的信息是当前的研究热点。面向电磁数据的机器学习算法具有多样性、多变性的特点,要求相关人员具有专业能力与编程知识。为解决电磁大数据挖掘实现过程中的复杂编程问题,提出面向电磁大数据的图形化编程平台,将机器学习的各类算法组件化,用户无需编写代码即可建立机器学习模型和工作流分析数据,并以可视化的方式分析电磁数据,帮助用户进一步理解数据,具有快速开发与易上手的优点。  相似文献   

构建领域本体的首要任务是获取领域相关的概念,这些概念很多是由常用词典库中没有收录的领域合成词组成,因此抽取领域合成词对于领域本体的构建至关重要.本文基于语言规则和统计技术,提出一种结合改进互信息和语言模板的领域合成词抽取方法.首先利用改进的互信息算法抽取由多字词单位构成的高频次候选领域合成词,在此基础上,利用语言模板匹配抽取低频次候选领域合成词,最后由专家进行检验,得到领域合成词集.实验结果表明,该算法的领域合成词提取准确率达到88.22%,适用于从大规模网页文本中自动高效地抽取领域合成词.  相似文献   

李勇 《无线互联科技》2020,(4):42-43,53
C语言作为一种程序设计语言,在大数据组成的物联网和云计算中应用广泛,具有强大的适应性和兼容性,是大数据时代下,在IT行业中起到关键作用的程序设计语言。文章分析了基于大数据的C语言程序设计的必然性和应用策略,为C语言在大数据上的应用方向提供了参考依据。以汉字的应用为例,提出了解决C语言应用问题的思路。  相似文献   

可逆编程语言是可逆计算研究中的重要内容,利用可逆编程语言编写的程序,能够实现正向和反向的双向运行,从而分别实现结果获取和恢复输入两方面功能.因而,可逆编程语言的研究十分必要.  相似文献   

C++语言中面向对象程序设计的表示法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李川  李俊  吴晟  周枫  朱黎军 《信息技术》2004,28(2):51-53
C 语言的面向对象程序设计模式实际上是"对象=数据结构 算法","程序=对象 … 对象"。统一建模语言(UML)和问题分析图(PAD)被用于描述C 语言的面向对象程序,其中,在逻辑视图的静态结构中,类图描述了类的申明;在逻辑视图动态运行中,用顺序图描述了类的交互;PAD图描述了执行过程中的程序流程。  相似文献   

随着我国科学技术的快速发展,JAVA编程语言在迅速的发展壮大,应用的范围越来越广泛,许多任务的完成都需要依靠JAVA的应用程序.在计算机软件开发中,运用JAVA编程语言,能够充分的体现出JAVA编程语言的价值所在.  相似文献   

Visual C++具有应用程序界面开发能力强和程序执行效率高的特点,Matlab则具有强大的图形显示和数据处理功能。这两种软件的混合编程可以综合它们的优点,大大提高编程效率和程序的可靠性。在此通过Visual C++和Matlab混合编程方法的对比分析,便于程序开发人员在不同的应用背景下选择合适的编程方法。首先简要介绍了Matlab引擎、MCC编译器、Matcom程序、Matlab数学函数库、动态链接库、COM组件和MEX文件等7种混合编程方法,并对这些方法进行了详细的对比分析。然后根据其分析结果,归纳总结出每种方法的优缺点,提出了这些方法的应用范围。  相似文献   

就如何培养计算机专业大学生的程序设计能力问题进行探索,结合已有的教学经验对现有的培养现状的弊端进行分析,提出改革的思路和措施,并讨论了六种培养与提高大学生程序设计能力的途径,强调了具体的培养方法和步骤,并在实践中得到应用和完善。  相似文献   

We present a Web-based environment for learning Java programming that aims to provide adapted and individualized programming instruction to students by using modern learning technologies as a recommender and mining system, an affect recognizer, a sentiment analyzer, and an authoring tool. All these components interact in real time to provide an educational setting where the student learn to develop Java programs. The recommender system is an E-Learning 3.0 software component that recommends new exercises to a student based on the actions (ratings) of previous learners. The affect recognizer analyze pictures of the student to recognize learning-centered emotions (frustration, boredom, engagement, and excitement) that are used to provide personalized instruction. Sentiment text analysis determines the quality of the programming exercises based on the opinions of the students. The authoring tool is used to create new exercises with no programming work. We conducted two evaluations: one evaluation used the Technology Acceptance Model to assess the impact of our software tool on student behavior. The second evaluation calculated the student’s t-test to assess the learning gain after a student used the tool. The results of the evaluations show the students perceived enjoyment and are willing to use the tool. The study also show that students using the tool have a greater learning gain than those who learn using a traditional method.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the most common programming paradigms, and the basic abstractions provided by each paradigm, are competencies to be attained by Software Engineering undergraduate students. These abstractions also include the basis of concurrent and parallel programming, present in different programming paradigms. In an existing Software Engineering degree, these competencies were assigned to the Programming Technology and Paradigms course. We present the approach followed in the design of that course to teach object-oriented, functional, concurrent and parallel programming to second year undergraduate students with basic knowledge of Java. The time limitations of the course prevented us from using various programming languages. After analyzing different alternatives, we chose C# to teach the course. We describe the most important challenges faced and how we addressed them. The course success rate is slightly greater than the rest of courses in the same year and degree, while performance rates and average marks are analogous. There is no influence of age and gender on the final mark, but students retaking the course have significantly worse evaluation than those enrolled for the first time. The students’ self-evaluation revealed that the proposed course has a strong influence on the achievement of the expected learning outcomes, and their satisfaction with the course was significantly higher than with the rest of courses in the same degree.  相似文献   

Saliency detection is widely used to pick out relevant parts of a scene as visual attention regions for various image/video applications. Since video is increasingly being captured, moved and stored in compressed form, there is a need for detecting video saliency directly in compressed domain. In this study, a compressed video saliency detection algorithm is proposed based on discrete cosine transformation (DCT) coefficients and motion information within a visual window. Firstly, DCT coefficients and motion information are extracted from H.264 video bitstream without full decoding. Due to a high quantization parameter setting in encoder, skip/intra is easily chosen as the best prediction mode, resulting in a large number of blocks with zero motion vector and no residual existing in video bitstream. To address these problems, the motion vectors of skip/intra coded blocks are calculated by interpolating its surroundings. In addition, a visual window is constructed to enhance the contrast of features and to avoid being affected by encoder. Secondly, after spatial and temporal saliency maps being generated by the normalized entropy, a motion importance factor is imposed to refine the temporal saliency map. Finally, a variance-like fusion method is proposed to dynamically combine these maps to yield the final video saliency map. Experimental results show that the proposed approach significantly outperforms other state-of-the-art video saliency detection models.  相似文献   

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