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This paper describes a novel cycle which uses a steam ejector to enhance the concentration process by compressing the vapour from the lithium bromide solution to a state that it can be used to re-heat the solution from which it came. The energy efficiency and the performance characteristics of the novel cycle are theoretically investigated in this paper. The theoretical results show that the coefficient of performance (COP) of the novel cycle is better than the conventional single-effect absorption cycle. The characteristics of the cycle performance show its promise in using high temperature heat source at low cost.  相似文献   

A combined-cycle refrigeration system (CCRS) that comprises a conventional refrigeration and air-conditioning system using mechanical compressor (RAC/MC) and an ejector-cooling cycle (EJC) is proposed and studied. The EJC is driven by the waste heat from the RAC/MC and acts as the bottom cycle of the RAC/MC. A system analysis shows that the COP of a CCRS is significantly higher than a single-stage refrigeration system. Improvement in COP can be as high as 18.4% for evaporating temperature of the RAC/MC Te at −5°C. A prototype of the CCRS was built and tested in the present study. Experimental results show that at Te=−4.5°C, COP is improved by 14% for a CCRS. For Te at 5°C, COP can be improved by 24% for a CCRS with higher condensing temperature of the RAC/MC. The present study shows that the CCRS using the ejector-cooling cycle as the bottom cycle of the RAC/MC is viable. Further improvement in COP is possible since the prototype is not designed and operated at an optimal condition.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the feasibility of a vapor compression/absorption hybrid refrigeration cycle for energy saving and utilization of waste heat. The cycle employs propane as a natural refrigerant and a refrigeration oil as an absorbent. A prototype of the cycle is constructed, in which a compressor and an absorption unit are combined in series. The performance of the cycle is examined both theoretically and experimentally. Although the solubility of the propane with the oil is not enough as a working pair in the absorption unit, the theoretical calculation shows that the hybrid cycle has a potential to achieve a higher performance in comparison with a simple vapor compression cycle by using the waste heat. In the experiment, the prototype cycle is operated successfully and it is found that an improvement of an absorber is necessary to achieve the good performance close to the theoretical one. The application of an AHE (absorber heat exchanger) can reduce the heat input to a generator. Further examinations on some other combinations of refrigerant/refrigeration oil and additives are desirable.  相似文献   

In recent years the interest in cooling machines or heat pumps combining the principles of compression and sorption technology is increasing. The reason is that both technologies have specific drawbacks which can be overcome by the combination. Our discussion is centred around absorption cycles which use a compressor, and, consequently, an input of a significant amount of mechanical work in addition to heat. In most publications cycles of this kind are discussed in terms of one single COP as usual in the refrigeration industry. This, however, is wrong from a thermodynamic, and misleading from a technical and economical point of view. In order to highlight the need for a strict thermodynamic approach, a fundamental difference between distinct kinds of work input, namely “recoverable work”, “dissipative work” and “heat transformation work” is discussed in the first part of the paper. In the second part it is shown how the input of both work and heat into a energy conversion system has to be handled with both mechanical and thermal COP. The method is thermodynamically sound and straightforward, technically feasible and easy to apply, and most quickly transferred into economical terms. In the third part, a practical example of a compression–absorption hybrid is investigated.  相似文献   

The hydraulic refrigeration system (HRS) is a vapor-compression system that accomplishes the compression and condensation of the refrigerant in a unique manner, by entraining refrigerant vapor in a down-flowing stream of water and utilizing the pressure head of the water to compress and condense the refrigerant. A multi-stage HRS was designed, fabricated, and tested using n-butane as the refrigerant. In general, both the refrigeration rate and the coefficient of performance (COP) increased with a corresponding decrease in the compression fluid temperature of the third and final stage. The refrigeration rate and COP were also found to increase with a corresponding increase in evaporator temperature. The predictions of an enhanced model incorporating two-phase hydraulic losses show excellent agreement with the experimental data with a maximum error of ±20%. The results of the experimental investigation indicate that the HRS offers an attractive and feasible alternative to conventional vapor-compression systems, especially in applications where direct-contact heat exchange in the evaporator is desirable.  相似文献   

In ammonia–water absorption refrigeration systems a purification process to reduce the water content in the vapour leaving the generator is required. During this process the water content in the vapour must be reduced to a minimum, otherwise it tends to accumulate in the evaporator and strongly deteriorates the efficiency of the system. The vapour purification can be carried out by partial condensation, by establishing a liquid–vapour counter flow or by combining both methods. In systems with partial condensation, the distillation column can be composed of one or more rectifiers using different cooling mediums, and the rectifying and stripping sections. In complete condensation systems only the rectifying and stripping sections can be used. Therefore different distillation column arrangements should be considered. This paper presents a study of several distillation column configurations for single stage ammonia–water absorption refrigeration systems with partial and complete condensation. In order to evaluate and compare the different configurations, a parameter that indicates the ratio of the ammonia vapour concentration increase in each part of the column to the total ammonia purification has been defined. The analysis has been based on the system COP. Finally the efficiency in each part of the column has been calculated to estimate its design requirements.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on cascading an ideal vapor compression cycle and determining the optimal intermediate temperatures based on the entropy generation minimization method. Only superheating and throttle losses of the cycle are considered since they are inherent to the ideal vapor compression refrigeration cycle. The second law equations have been developed in terms of specific heats and temperature ratios with the intent of reducing involved property modeling. Also the entropy generation was expressed in terms of a single independent variable and minimized to develop an advanced rule for selecting optimum intermediate temperatures. Results for a cascade system operating between reduced temperatures of 0.684 and 0.981 with R-134a as the working fluid are presented. The approximate method presented here predicted the optimum intermediate reduced temperature for a two-stage system to be 0.88, a difference of 2% from the optimum. The method presented was a much better predictor of the optimum temperature than the geometric mean method which was 0.82, a difference of 5% from the optimum. The entropy generation distribution of the optimum solution was investigated. For a two-stage system, the lower stage and higher stage entropy generation was 44% and 56%, respectively. In comparison to the single stage, the two-stage reduced losses by 78%.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new working fluid for refrigeration cycles utilizing low temperature heat sources. The proposed working fluid consists of the ammonia–water working fluid mixture and a salt. The salt is used to aid the removal of ammonia from the liquid solution. This effect is a manifestation of the well known “salting-out” effect. While the addition of salt improves the generator performance, it also has a detrimental effect on the absorber. The overall effects on the performance of three absorption cycles using the NH3–H2O–NaOH working fluid have been investigated using computer simulations. The results indicated that salting out can lower the generator operating temperature while simultaneously improving the cycle performance. Furthermore, limiting the salt to the generator suggests potential for further improvement in cycle performance.  相似文献   

The environmental impact of refrigeration systems can be reduced by operation at higher efficiency and reduction of refrigerant leakage. Refrigerant loss contributes both directly and indirectly to global warming through inefficient system operation, increased power consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and higher maintenance costs. Existing sensor-based leak detection methods are limited by the inability to detect gradual leakage and the need for careful sensor location. There is a requirement for a real-time performance monitoring approach to leak detection and fault diagnosis which overcomes these disadvantages.This paper reports on the development of a fault diagnosis and refrigerant leak detection system based on artificial intelligence and real-time performance monitoring. The system has been used successfully to distinguish between faulty and fault free operation, steady-state and transient operation, leakage and over charge conditions. Work currently underway is aimed at testing additional fault conditions and establishing further rules to distinguish between these patterns.  相似文献   

A refrigeration Carnot-type cycle based on isothermal compression and two reversible expansions is proposed. Although ideal, this cycle is close to a realistic one which could be designed with existing hardware.  相似文献   

In the present study, two empirical correlations from the test results of 15 ejectors are derived for the performance prediction of ejectors using R141b as the working fluid. The ratio of the hypothetical throat area of the entrained flow to the nozzle throat area Ae/At, the geometric design parameter of the ejector A3/At, and the pressure ratios Pg/Pe and Pc*/Pe are used to correlate the performance of the ejector. The prediction of the entrainment ratio ω using the correlations is within ±10% error. A method of calculation for the ejector design using the correlations is also developed. R141b is shown in the present study to be a good working fluid for an ejector. The measured ω for the ejectors used in the present study can reach as high as 0.54 at Pg=0.465 MPa (84°C), Pc*=0.087 MPa (28°C) and Pe=0.040 MPa (8°C). For Pg=0.538 MPa (90°C), Pc*=0.101 MPa (32°C) and Pe=0.040 MPa (8°C), ω reaches 0.45.


Dans cette étude, on a établi deux corrélations empiriques à partir des résultats expérimentaux obtenus utilisant 15 éjecteurs; ces corrélations ont été utilisées ensuite pour prédire la performance d'éjecteurs utilisant le R141b comme fluide frigorigène. Les rapports Ae/At (section de passage du fluide entraîné rapporté à la section théorique du col de l'éjecteur), et A3/At (section de sortie de l'éjecteur rapporté à la section théorique du col de l'éjecteur) et les relations entre pressions Pg/Pe et Pc*/Pe sont utilisés pour trouver la corrélation de la performance de l'éjecteur. La prévision du taux d'entraînement à partir des corrélations est précise à la hauteur de ±10%. Les auteurs ont également développé une méthode de calcul permettant de concevoir des éjecteurs à partir des corrélations. On a montré dans cette étude que le R141b s'avère être un fluide actif efficace pour cette utilisation. Le ω mesuré des éjecteurs utilisés dans cette étude peuvent atteindre 0.54 à Pg=0.465 MPa (84°C), Pc*=0.087 MPa (28°C) et Pe=0.040 MPa (8°C). Pour Pg=0.538 MPa (90°C), Pc*=0.101 MPa (32°C) et Pe=0.040 MPa (8°C), ω atteint 0.45.  相似文献   

Recent experiments demonstrate the viability of a low-pressure CO2-cofluid compression refrigeration cycle in which CO2 and a non-volatile cofluid are circulated in tandem and co-compressed in a compliant scroll compressor. This work explores the theoretical performance limitations of such a cycle operating under environmental conditions representative of automotive air conditioning and studies the dependence of this performance on the properties of the CO2-cofluid mixture. The vapor–liquid equilibrium and thermodynamic properties of the mixture are described using a previously reported activity-coefficient model. A coupled system of physically based equations that allows for consideration of both ideal and real hardware components is used to represent the system hardware and its interaction with the environment. The system efficiency is analyzed in terms of entropy generation rates in the various hardware components; entropy generation in the internal heat exchanger—a component required to achieve sufficiently low cooling temperatures—strongly influences overall system efficiency. The vapor pressure of the CO2-cofluid mixture and the heat of solution of CO2 in cofluid have large and somewhat independent contributions to the system performance: lower saturation pressure lowers the optimal operating pressures at fixed CO2 loading, while increasingly negative heat of solution contributes to higher specific refrigeration capacity and efficiency.


Recent experiments demonstrate the viability of a low-pressure CO2-cofluid compression refrigeration cycle in which CO2 and a non-volatile cofluid are circulated in tandem and co-compressed in a compliant scroll compressor. This work explores the theoretical performance limitations of such a cycle operating under environmental conditions representative of automotive air conditioning and studies the dependence of this performance on the properties of the CO2-cofluid mixture. The vapor–liquid equilibrium and thermodynamic properties of the mixture are described using a previously reported activity-coefficient model. A coupled system of physically based equations that allows for consideration of both ideal and real hardware components is used to represent the system hardware and its interaction with the environment. The system efficiency is analyzed in terms of entropy generation rates in the various hardware components; entropy generation in the internal heat exchanger—a component required to achieve sufficiently low cooling temperatures—strongly influences overall system efficiency. The vapor pressure of the CO2-cofluid mixture and the heat of solution of CO2 in cofluid have large and somewhat independent contributions to the system performance: lower saturation pressure lowers the optimal operating pressures at fixed CO2 loading, while increasingly negative heat of solution contributes to higher specific refrigeration capacity and efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of absorption of refrigerant vapor in a stagnant layer of lubricant oil. The bulk motion of the solute is described in terms of apparent diffusion coefficients that encompass both molecular diffusion and possible macroscopic motion induced by liquid density instability and surface tension. In absorption of refrigerant mixtures, diffusion in the vapor and liquid phases are coupled with a thermodynamic model for interfacial equilibrium. Results are compared with experimental data available in the literature for absorption of several refrigerants in polyol ester oil (POE68). The adequacy of the formulation is assessed in the light of its basic assumptions and performance of the model.  相似文献   

Jet-refrigeration cycles seem to provide an interesting solution to the increasing interest in environment protection and the need for energy saving due to their low plant costs, reliability and possibility to use water as operating fluid. A steam/steam ejector cycle refrigerator is investigated introducing a two-stage ejector with annular primary at the second stage. The steady_state refrigerator, exchanging heat with the water streams at inlet fixed temperatures at the three shell and tube heat exchangers, evaporator, condenser and generator, is considered as an open system. Heat transfer irreversibilities in the heat exchangers and external friction losses in the water streams are considered, ignoring the internal pressure drop of the vapor. A simulation program numerically searches the maximum COP at given external inlet fluid temperatures as a function of mass flows, dimensions and temperature differences in the heat exchangers. The code gives the ejector and heat exchangers design parameters.  相似文献   

A 1-D analysis for the prediction of ejector performance at critical-mode operation is carried out in the present study. Constant-pressure mixing is assumed to occur inside the constant-area section of the ejector and the entrained flow at choking condition is analyzed. We also carried out an experiment using 11 ejectors and R141b as the working fluid to verify the analytical results. The test results are used to determine the coefficients, ηp, ηs, φp and φm defined in the 1-D model by matching the test data with the analytical results. It is shown that the1-D analysis using the empirical coefficients can accurately predict the performance of the ejectors.  相似文献   

The paper proposes an original linear phenomenological theory (Ph T) of evolution physical mono-, bi- and particular polycomponent gas–liquid interactions with non-ideal mixture. The expressions of the phenomenological factors (entropy source, force, coefficient and coupled heat and mass transfer currents) are deduced. The theory is particularized to the NH3/H2O and other gas–liquid systems used in the thermal absorption technology. The work's conclusions are listed next. The paper raises the problem of ammonia bubble absorption which is difficult to answer with current theory of interface mass transfer and absorption as a surface phenomenon. The heat and mass transfer at the gas–liquid interface is governed by the thermodynamic force, which applies also to solid–liquid, solid–gas, or liquid–liquid, gas–gas type interactions and continuous or discontinuous media. The paper mentions a postulate referring to the force behavior approaching an ideal point, previously formulated by the author. According to its consequence, the mass and heat currents suffer an ideal point approaching (i.p.a.) effect, not mentioned so far in the specialized literature, consisting in a continuous increase of their absolute value by several percent (for a pure component), to several hundred times (for a binary system) when the interacting system approaches an ideal state, as compared to the values of states which are far from the same ideal point. In this way, “far from equilibrium” becomes synonymous to “low interaction”. The classic assessment of the interface mass transfer by analogy with heat transfer lacks basic physics. The (Ph T) satisfactorily explains the problem of ammonia bubble absorption. Absorption is a mass phenomenon, not a surface one. An intensive way of improving absorption is emphasized, which seeks to promote the i.p.a. effect appearance rather than the extensive way currently used, based on increasing gas–liquid interaction area. To this extent, the bubble absorber is hereby proposed for efficient absorption. The i.p.a. effect existence offers an additional chance for a satisfactory explanation of the Marangoni effect.  相似文献   

In recent years a number of refrigerant mixtures have appeared on the market. Some of these refrigerant mixtures are zeotropic, e.g. R407C and R417A. When zeotropic refrigerant mixtures are used in a system, the circulated composition may change from the nominal to a different composition. The changes in composition may be due to leakage or hold-ups of liquid or vapour phase, different solubility in the oil by the different components, or the fact that the system has been charged in an incorrect way. For the understanding of performance measurements made on systems, it is important to know the composition of the circulated refrigerant mixture. A promising method to estimate the circulated composition has been developed. The method has been applied and evaluated on a well equipped lab rig at the Department of Energy Technology at the Royal Institute of Technology. The tests show that it is possible to estimate the composition of the circulated refrigerant mixture to within 2%, by measuring only two temperatures and pressures.  相似文献   

Experimental investigation of mass recovery adsorption refrigeration cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study investigates the performance of silica gel–water adsorption refrigeration cycle with mass recovery process by experimental prototype machine. In an adsorption refrigeration cycle, the pressures in adsorber and desorber are different. The mass recovery cycle utilizes the pressure difference to enhance the refrigerant mass circulation. Moreover, novel cycle was proposed for improvement of cooling output. In our previous study, simulation analysis shows that mass recovery cycle has the advantage over conventional single-stage. Experiments with prototype machine were conducted to investigate the performance improvement of mass recovery cycle in the present paper. Specific cooling power (SCP) and coefficient of performance (COP) were calculated with experimental data to analyze the influences of operating conditions. The proposed cycle was compared with the single-stage cycle in terms of SCP and COP. The results show that SCP of mass recovery cycle is superior to that of conventional cycle and mass recovery cycle is effective with low temperature heat source.  相似文献   

In this article, a general definition of the process average temperature has been developed, and the impact of the various dissipative mechanisms on 1/COP of the chiller evaluated. The present component-by-component black box analysis removes the assumptions regarding the generator outlet temperature(s) and the component effective thermal conductances. Mass transfer resistance is also incorporated into the absorber analysis to arrive at a more realistic upper limit to the cooling capacity. Finally, the theoretical foundation for the absorption chiller T–s diagram is derived. This diagrammatic approach only requires the inlet and outlet conditions of the chiller components and can be employed as a practical tool for system analysis and comparison.  相似文献   

The mixing of refrigeration oil with refrigerant in a refrigeration cycle has great influence on cycle performance. A sampling method is the most general way to measure the mixing ratio of refrigerant and refrigeration oil. Since the sampling method is time-consuming and reduces the amount of refrigerant and oil in the cycle, a real-time measurement is desirable. In this study, a refractive index measurement was applied to measure the mixing ratio of refrigerant/oil mixture. A laser displacement sensor was used to detect any change in optical path which results from changes of the refractive index of refrigerant/oil mixture. For the practical application of real-time measurement of the oil circulation ratio (OCR) in the refrigeration cycle, a correlation between the refractive index and the mixing ratio was developed. In addition, the changes of the refractive index in a range of a few percentages of the oil concentration and under subcooled conditions were measured. Finally, a transient measurement of the OCR in a practically operating refrigeration cycle was carried out successfully.  相似文献   

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