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现代谱估计技术被用于雷达成像中来提高图像分辨率和目标特征提取,但其缺点是需耗时的二维谱峰搜索,且由于采用码赛克技术,算法性能受小样本数限制。文中将成像高分辨算法中的两维参数估计问题转化为两个独立的一维问题,然后利用ESPRIT方法或MUSIC方法求得每维参数估计。这种方法无需两维谱峰搜索,算法性能在小样本时有很大改善,计算机仿真结果表明了文中算法的有效性。  相似文献   

信噪比加权空间分集雷达目标检测算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于空间分集雷达,各雷达站与目标的距离不同会引起信噪比的不同,从而降低传统的非相干积累检测器的检测性能.基于尼曼-皮尔逊准则,提出一种对各站接收信号进行基于信噪比加权的信号融合检测器.在已知各站回波信噪比的条件下,它可以达到检测性能的上界.数值试验表明,该检测器的检测性能较传统的非相干积累检测器有明显改善,特别在信噪比较低时.  相似文献   

现有的声矢量阵方位估计算法基本都是将声矢量传感器(AVS)的振速信息作为与声压相同的独立阵元信息来处理,没有充分利用AVS中声压和振速的相干性,以及由此带来的抗各向同性噪声能力.基于AVS中声压和振速的相干性原理,提出了一种新的声矢量阵最小范数算法.新算法充分利用了AVS中声压和振速联合信息处理的优势,能更好地将最小范数(MN)算法的高分辨能力与AVS的抗噪能力有机地结合起来,实现远程高分辨DOA估计.理论分析和基于湖试数据的仿真实验证明了所提算法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对TWR雷达图像由于检测信号的频率较高、带宽较大使得图像信息量增大,导致在传输和实时成像方面存在困难的问题,提出了采用压缩感知(CS)为雷达图像的编码提供欠采样压缩的新方法.设计了基于解凸优化的l_1范数等效算法和基于正交匹配追踪(OMP)算法的TWR图像编码方法,构造了部分哈达玛观测阵和高斯随机测量观测阵.实验结果表明,本文算法对雷达图像的欠采样率可达0.546 9,能够实现失真最小和速度最快地对墙内目标进行有效检测.  相似文献   

为满足复杂低空环境三维成像需求,构建了旋转式合成孔径雷达干涉成像模型.针对不同高度的系统平台存在旋转轴中心偏移问题,采用旋转轴和场景整体平移的方法,将轴偏移等效为场景位置移动,进而分析场景位置变化对方位带宽和干涉相位的影响,获取斜距差和偏移量的关系式,最终通过构建补偿函数来实现附加相位补偿.仿真结果表明,该方法能够有效地消除轴偏移的影响,并能实现场景高程精确测量.  相似文献   

In conventional registration methods, image interpolation is used to extract subpixel offsets which lead to the limitation that the registration accuracy is restricted by the interpolation unit. Moreover, the computational burden is heavy when high accuracy is demanded. In order to reduce the computational load, we propose an efficient offset estimation method for interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) image subpixel registration. Firstly, a novel cost function continuously varying with offsets is established by integrating the empirical signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the interpolation operation. This suggests a more accurate registration since the accuracy of the estimated offsets does not depend on the interpolation unit. Secondly, an efficient bi-iterative algorithm is employed to solve the cost function in the continuous domain. The subpixel offsets associated with the maximum of the cost function can be exactly obtained with low computational complexity. Simulated and real data are tested to illustrate the good performance and computational efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

传统裂谱分析(SSP)方法对滤波器类型及其参数选择过于敏感,优化处理算法的信噪分离规则不能根据应用场合、信号和噪声的性质进行自适应调整.为了提高超声无损检测(UNDT)和无损评价(UNDE)中基础数据的信噪比(SNR),提出了一种基于支持向量机(SVM)模式识别理论的自适应裂谱分析方法.采用以高斯函数为核函数的SVM所构成的信噪分离器,对信号和噪声进行识别和分离,从而消除噪声,得到高信噪比的超声回波信号.实验结果表明,与传统裂谱分析方法相比,该方法提高了消噪性能的稳定性,增强了湮没晶粒(或其他散射体)散射中缺陷回波信号的能力.  相似文献   

A new equivalent formulation of the joint domain space-time optimum processor for airborne phased array radar application is derived. Then a new framework of space-time adaptive processing (STAP) for airborne radar systems which includes most of suboptimum algorithms in the literature is proposed. The performance of two typical rank-reduced time-space joint-domain processors based on Doppler pre-filtering is analyzed in detail based on the proposed framework.  相似文献   

The measurement accuracy of a navigation system is inadequate for airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR). This may seriously degrade the image quality. In this paper, we propose an accelerated time domain (ATD) imaging algorithm combined with the autofocus method. By introducing the global pseudo polar coordinate (GPPC), we construct the Fourier transform pair (FTP) relationship. Then, the weighted least square phase gradient autofocus (WLS-PGA) algorithm is adopted to implement accurate phase error compensation. This method uses fast Fourier transform to implement sub-image fusions instead of time-consuming two-dimensional interpolation. Also, it has good compatibility with the high-accuracy autofocus algorithm to estimate the residual motion errors within the radar echoes and to obtain a well-focused image.  相似文献   

The problem of optimal periodic pulse jamming design for a quadrature phase shift keying(QPSK) communication system is investigated. First a closed-form bit-error-rate (BER) of QPSK system under the jamming of pulse signal is derived. Then the asymptotic performance of the derived BER is analyzed as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) grows to infinity. In order to maximize the BER of the QPSK system, the optimal parameters of periodic pulse jamming signal, including the duty cycle and signal-to-jamming power ratio (SJR), are found out. Numerical results are presented to verify our analytical results and the optimality of our design.  相似文献   

针对模拟数字变换器(ADC)无杂散动态范围(Spurious free dynamic range,SFDR)性能评估受测量方法和测试参数限制,导致测量偏差较大的问题,分别从量化和采样两个角度出发,在对ADC的量化噪声谱分析的基础上,通过数学推导给出了理想的ADC在不同量化比特条件下的无杂散动态范围的理论上界。同时分析阐明了SFDR性能和输入信噪比之间的关系;并进一步分析了在不同采样频率条件下,ADC输出信号离散谱的特点及其对无杂散动态范围性能的影响,并结合傅里叶分析测试法验证了推导结果的正确性。  相似文献   

针对雷达高分辨距离像的平移不变特征——功率谱特征,提出了一种基于Fisher判决率的加权特征压缩方法.该方法利用目标功率谱特征的Fisher判决率迭代搜索最优权向量,并根据最优权值的大小对特征向量降维.与直接使用原始功率谱特征及基于Fisher可分性判据的几种现有的特征压缩方法相比,加权特征压缩方法在降维的同时可提高识别性能,且运算简单,在基于外场实测数据的识别实验中对测试数据具有良好的稳健性.  相似文献   

针对经典二维多重信号分类(Multiple Signal Classification, MUSIC)算法在低信噪比和小快拍数情况下,分辨率受阵列孔径限制的问题,提出了一种改进的基于MUSIC算法的二维测向算法.该方法利用MUSIC谱函数极大值点处对方位角和仰角的二阶偏导数小于零的特性,通过对方位角和仰角求二阶偏导,构造了新的空间谱函数.对新的空间谱函数进行谱峰搜索,其负向谱峰所对应的角度就是目标的波达方向 (Direction Of Arrival, DOA)估计.理论分析和仿真结果表明,在低信噪比、小快拍数下,该方法对相近信源有更高的角度分辨率和更低的均方根误差,并且可适用于任何阵型.  相似文献   

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