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Subsurface Characterization at Ground Failure Sites in Adapazari, Turkey   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ground failure in Adapazari, Turkey during the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake was severe. Hundreds of structures settled, slid, tilted, and collapsed due in part to liquefaction and ground softening. Ground failure was more severe adjacent to and under buildings. The soils that led to severe building damage were generally low plasticity silts. In this paper, the results of a comprehensive investigation of the soils of Adapazari, which included cone penetration test (CPT) profiles followed by borings with standard penetration tests (SPTs) and soil index tests, are presented. The effects of subsurface conditions on the occurrence of ground failure and its resulting effect on building performance are explored through representative case histories. CPT- and SPT-based liquefaction triggering procedures adequately identified soils that liquefied if the clay-size criterion of the Chinese criteria was disregarded. The CPT was able to identify thin seams of loose liquefiable silt, and the SPT (with retrieved samples) allowed for reliable evaluation of the liquefaction susceptibility of fine-grained soils. A well-documented database of in situ and index testing is now available for incorporating in future CPT- and SPT-based liquefaction triggering correlations.  相似文献   

The shearing behavior of saturated silty soils has been examined extensively by performing undrained and partially drained (the upper drainage valve of the shear box was open during shearing) ring-shear tests on mixtures of a sandy silt with different loess contents. By performing tests at different initial void ratios, the shear behavior of these silty soils at different initial void ratios is presented and discussed. Undrained-shear-test results showed that the liquefaction phenomena in ring-shear tests were limited within the shear zone; for a given void ratio or interfine void ratio, both the peak and steady-state shear strengths decreased with increase of loess content. The partially drained shear tests revealed that a great reduction in the shear strength could result after the shear failure, due to the buildup of excess pore-water pressure within the shear zone; the magnitude of reduction in shear strength after failure was affected by the initial void ratio, the shear speed after failure, as well as the loess content in the sample. For a given void ratio or interfine void ratio, with increase of loess content, the drained peak shear strength became smaller, while the brittleness index became greater. It was also found that due to localized shearing, the permeability of the soil within the shear box after drained shearing could be three orders of magnitude smaller than before shearing.  相似文献   

Contaminated groundwater resulting from pyrite oxidation of acid sulfate soils (ASSs) is a major environmental problem in coastal Australia. A column test was carried out for an extended period with recycled concrete to study the efficiency of the reactive materials for neutralizing acidic groundwater. Results show that the actual acid neutralization capacity of the recycled concrete could decrease to less than 50% of the theoretical value due to armoring effects. Nevertheless, the performance is good as a spot treatment in ASS Terrain using a near-zero cost waste product. Based on the test results and site characterization, a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) with recycled concrete was designed and installed in ASS terrain on the Shoalhaven River floodplain, southeastern, Australia in October 2006. The performance of the PRB was studied over two and half years to assess the potential of recycled concrete (1) to neutralize the groundwater acidity and (2) to remove the dissolved heavy metals such as iron and aluminum from in situ acidic groundwater. To date, performance monitoring of the PRB shows that recycled concrete can successfully improve the pH of groundwater from acidic to mildly alkaline. In addition, it successfully removes groundwater iron and aluminum. Results reported here also reveal a slow decrease in the performance of the PRB due to armoring effects probably caused by precipitation of iron and aluminum on the surface of the reactive recycled concrete materials.  相似文献   

Interference of Two Closely Spaced Strip Footings on Sand Using Model Tests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By using small scale model tests, the interference effect on the ultimate bearing capacity of two closely spaced strip footings, placed on the surface of dry sand, was investigated. At any time, the footings were assumed to (1) carry exactly the same magnitude of load; and (2) settle to the same extent. No tilt of the footing was allowed. The effect of clear spacing (s) between two footings was explicitly studied. An interference of footings leads to a significant increase in their bearing capacity; the interference effect becomes even more substantial with an increase in the relative density of sand. The bearing capacity attains a peak magnitude at a certain (critical) spacing between two footings. The experimental observations presented in this technical note were similar to those given by different available theories. However, in a quantitative sense, the difference between the experiments and theories was seen to be still significant and it emphasizes the need of doing a further rigorous analysis in which the effect of stress level on the shear strength parameters of soil mass can be incorporated properly.  相似文献   

A series of 1G loading tests under the plane-strain condition were conducted on stiff ground with continuous square voids with the view of shallow foundation on calcareous sediment rocks, which contain voids because of their susceptibility to water dissolution. Detailed experimental observation revealed three types of failure modes for a single void: bearing failure without void failure, bearing failure with void failure, and void failure without bearing failure, depending on the location of the void as well as the size of the void. Upper-bound calculations were presented to interpret the changes of bearing capacity observed because of the existence of a void.  相似文献   

The Madeira Airport runway has recently been extended with a 1,000?m long structure over the Atlantic Ocean supported by concrete columns. To prevent aircraft from falling down special lateral reinforced concrete safety barriers were designed. In order to study the efficiency of these barriers in accident situations, small-scale models of the runway, safety barriers, and most frequent aircraft were tested at the Structures and Materials Resistance Laboratory of IST (Instituto Superior Técnico), in collaboration with LNEC (the Portuguese National Laboratory of Civil Engineering), the Airbus Company, TAP (Air Portugal), and the Madeira airport authorities (ANAM). The paper presents this study, including an initial evaluation of a set of aircraft accident related statistics from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) databases, the results of the tests performed at the TAP simulator of Airbus A-320, and the preparation and main results of the experimental small-scale tests at IST. It was concluded that, under specific conditions, the designed safety barriers were efficient in preventing aircraft from falling during landing and takeoff accidents.  相似文献   

A multiple-porosity model for the transport of reactive contaminants in fissured media with multiple-source, nonequilibrium partitioning is proposed, widening the scope of existing models. The proposed model extends the bicontinuum, dual-porosity concepts by combining five contaminant compartments: (1) mobile water in the fissures; (2) immobile water in the fissures; (3) water diffusing into the soil matrix; (4) sorption in the fissures; and (5) sorption in the soil matrix. Both instantaneous and nonequilibrium sorption are represented in the fissures. Mobile/immobile compartments, fissured soils, and nonequilibrium sorption have been hitherto treated separately or in pairs. Exchange of contaminants occurs between all compartments. Equations for the model are formulated and transformed into the Laplace domain. Solutions for the one-dimensional problem of a leaking storage tank overlying a fissured soil are found. The effects of the inclusion of various contaminant compartments and exchange parameters are analyzed through numerical experiments.  相似文献   

A regression curve based on a Weibull distribution model is generated to describe the binodal curve on a three component liquid-liquid ternary phase diagram. The methodology involves transforming the experimental phase partitioning data points of each mixture from the ternary phase diagram to equivalent Cartesian coordinates. The regression curve is then generated, and the regression curve becomes the Weibull-derived binodal curve by superimposing the regression curve onto the original ternary phase diagram. A total of seven regression curves for seven ternary mixtures are generated in this study. From the regression analysis, the resulting R2 value for each mixture is very close to one, indicating that there is strong correlation between the regression curve and the transformed experimental data points. The method developed in this research allows researchers to empirically describe a binodal curve, which is useful in analyzing and predicting the various phase partitioning scenarios of a three-component liquid-liquid system.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a series of plain-strain model tests carried out on both clean sand and oil-contaminated sand loaded with a rigid strip footing. The objectives of this study are to determine the influence of oil-contaminated sand on the bearing capacity characteristics and the settlement of the footing. Contaminated sand layers were prepared by mixing the sand with an oil content of 0–5% with respect to dry soil to match the field conditions. The investigations are carried out by varying the depth and the length of the contaminated sand layer and the type of oil contamination. A plain-strain elastoplastic theoretical model with an interface gap element between footing and the soil is carried out to verify the test results of the model. It is shown that the load-settlement behavior and ultimate bearing capacity of the footing can be drastically reduced by oil contamination. The bearing capacity is decreased and the settlement of the footing is increased with increasing the depth and the length of the contaminated sand layer. The agreement between observed and computed results is found to be reasonably good in terms of load-settlement behavior and effect of oil contamination on the bearing capacity ratio. A comparison between the model results and the prototype scale (B = 1.0?m) results are also studied.  相似文献   

Hydraulic transient field tests have been conducted in a water distribution network. Existing transient models are applied to model the measured responses, but poor matches are obtained apart from the estimation of the initial rise of pressure. Possible reasons for these discrepancies include the effects of demands, entrained air, unsteady friction, friction losses associated with small lateral pipes, and mechanical damping caused by the interaction of pipes and joints with surrounding soils (including the effects of vibration and different degrees of restraint). These effects are systematically investigated by inclusion of the previously mentioned phenomena in conceptual transient models and calibration to the measured field responses. A mechanical damping-based conceptual transient model is shown to be the only model that can be accurately calibrated to the measured field responses.  相似文献   

姜静  孟利东  李素玲  姜琳 《特殊钢》2010,31(6):13-15
提出一种混合编码策略的遗传算法(GA)训练电炉钢碳含量神经网络预报模型。先采用二进制编码策略,再采用十进制编码策略继续优化预报模型的权阈值,这种混合编码策略综合了二进制编码搜索能力强和十进制编码变异量可任意小的优点。仿真结果表明,混合编码策略的遗传算法(GA)具有更快的收敛速度和更好的寻优性能。对100 t电弧炉冶炼0.85%~1.00%C的钢种,预报碳含量的精度为±0.04%时混合编码GA的命中率为96%,二进制编码GA的命中率为90%。  相似文献   

锻压机架的有限元计算与模型实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用有限元方法计算分析了锻压机架的结构应力,并用模型实验检验了有限元计算的正确性。结果表明:机架理论计算的危险断面与实际断裂位置完全相符合。本文可以作为锻压机架设计和结构改进的理论参考  相似文献   

基于二元Miedema模型和Troop三元拓展模型分别对Mg-Ti、Mg-Fe、Ti-Fe二元系及Mg-Ti-Fe三元系进行了混合焓、吉布斯自由能计算。计算结果表明,在Mg-Ti-Fe三元系中,低镁含量区域具有负值的混合焓和吉布斯自由能,即钛、铁具有较强的结合力。在镁热法海绵钛生产中,钢制反应容器为海绵钛铁杂质的主要来源,当反应容器的铁溶解进入液镁后,铁将优先与钛形成金属间化合物,并最终使其富集于靠近反应容器壁处。  相似文献   

Effects of groundwater cooccurring solutes such as phosphate (PO4), silicate (SiO3), bicarbonate (HCO3), calcium (Ca), and iron (Fe) on arsenic removal were investigated in this study. Investigation by two-level full-factorial designed experiments revealed that PO4 and SiO3 have negative effect on arsenic removal, whereas HCO3 has negligible positive effect. The effects of Ca and Fe present in groundwater have positive effect on arsenic removal by electrocoagulation (EC). Hypothesis testing at 5% significance level suggests that alkalinity (HCO3) is not an important parameter in arsenic removal by EC in naturally occurring pH range of water.  相似文献   

130 t钢包底吹氩喷嘴布置模式优化的水模型试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过建立的130t钢包水力学模型,用电导法测定了单喷嘴、双喷嘴垂直分布和对称分布时不同供气量下钢水混匀时间。结果表明,双喷嘴喷吹的混匀时间较单喷嘴的混匀时间短,搅拌效果优于单喷嘴。单喷嘴底吹氩,喷嘴距钢包底部中心0.55R(钢包底半径)时混匀时间最短;双喷嘴间距由0.40R增至0.70R时混匀时间明显减少。  相似文献   

郑艳  张利平  梁娜  何庆文 《特殊钢》2011,32(3):15-16
采用1:1水模型研究了260 mm×300 mm坯连铸结晶器中钢液在拉速0.5~0.8 m/min、浸入深度90~120 mm和5种水口结构时的流场。试验结果表明,合理的水口结构有利于降低冲击深度,现有的直筒型水口过大,优化后的水口可使冲击深度降低30%~40%;随拉速增大,冲击深度增加,而浸入深度对冲击深度影响不大。  相似文献   

为了得到良好的板型,现代铝轧机中已广泛的应用了过程自动化系统,而工艺设定计算模型又是过程自动化系统的核心组成部分。本文详细阐述了工艺设定计算模型的原理和计算过程,并描述了其在铝热粗轧机上的具体应用。  相似文献   

Song Jisuo;He Hailong;Liu Pengfei;Sun Qun;Li Weidong;Qiao Guannan(General Steelmaking Plant of Angang Steel Co., Ltd., Anshan 114021, Liaoning, China)  相似文献   

李颜君 《冶金分析》2014,34(7):47-50
依次加入15 mL盐酸、15 mL硝酸溶解样品,在加入氯化铵的情况下,形成了锌胺络合物,然后在水中快速冷却,用沉淀分离方法分离铁、锰、铅等共存元素。在pH 5.5的乙酸-乙酸铵缓冲溶液中,用饱和硫脲、抗坏血酸和氟化钾溶液掩蔽Cu2+、Hg2+、Al3+、Ca2+等离子的干扰,最后,以二甲酚橙为指示剂,用EDTA标准溶液滴定出锌的含量。试验发现,采用盐酸和硝酸溶解样品,代替国标法的盐酸、硝酸、硫酸溶解样品,溶样较快;此外,两种方法溶解样品后都需要沉淀分离干扰元素,其中国标法采用的热液过滤可减免移液过程,但溶样和煮沸时间过长,实验方法采用冷却过滤避免了二次过滤,从而简化了分析步骤。精密度试验中,两个标准样品测定结果的相对标准偏差分别为0.23%和0.12%(n=10);采用国标法和实验方法对不同的锌精矿样品进行测定,测定结果基本一致。  相似文献   

沿海软土地区中桩基设计与沉桩引起的孔隙水压力大小及其消散有密切关系,通过对挤土桩沉桩过程的理论研究和资料分析,并对实测资料进行了对比和概括,探讨了沉桩时单桩与群桩周围土中产生的孔隙水压力的大小、分布及影响范围,对具体工程桩的施工和设计均有参考意义。  相似文献   

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