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The generation and dissipation of pore fluid pressures following standard piezocone sounding (uCPT) sounding in silty sands are observed to exhibit many of the characteristics of undrained penetration in dilatant materials; steady excess pore pressures may be subhydrostatic, or may become subhydrostatic during dissipation, and are slow to decay. Enigmatic pore pressure dissipation histories which transit from sub- to supra- and again to subhydrostatic before equilibrating at hydrostatic are consistent with a response where undrained pressures are maximally negative remote from the penetrometer tip. This surprising distribution of induced pore fluid pressures is accommodated in cavity expansion models for a dilating soil. A Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model is established for undrained loading of a soil with pore pressure response defined by Skempton pore pressure parameters. Defined in terms of effective stresses, this allows undrained stresses and pore pressures to be determined following cavity expansion in a c–? soil. Pore pressures are conditioned by the shear modulus, Skempton A parameter, and the “undrained shear strength.” The undrained shear strength is additionally modulated by the magnitudes of c, ?, A, and of the initial in situ effective stress, σ0′. Cavity expansion stresses, and pore pressures may be backcalculated. Undrained pore pressures are shown to decay loglinearly with radius from the cavity wall; they may be either supra- or subhydrostatic at the cavity wall, and where suprahydrostatic may become subhydrostatic close to the transition to the elastic region. This initial pressure distribution contributes to the observed switching between supra- and subhydrostatic pore pressures recorded during dissipation. “Type curves” that reflect the dissipation response enable the consolidation coefficient, undrained strength, and shear modulus to be computed from observed pore pressure data, and confirmed against independent measurements. In addition to representing the dilatory response of cohesionless silts, the method applies equally to recovering the pressure generation and dissipation response of overconsolidated clays.  相似文献   

Governing underground water flow, hydraulic properties such as hydraulic conductivity or coefficient of consolidation are major geotechnical parameters. Determination of hydraulic properties, however, is traditionally time consuming and expensive. This research proposes an easy and economical way of determining the hydraulic properties of soils through piezocone penetration tests. Pore pressure responses of soils from piezocone penetration tests are numerically analyzed herein by the coupled theory of mixtures, which is based on the large strain elastoplasticity. Using the numerical results, the effects of input parameters are evaluated. Simple equations are also derived for a faster estimation of the hydraulic conductivity or the coefficient of consolidation of soils. The hydraulic properties predicted by these derived equations agree reasonably with the measured results.  相似文献   

A solution is developed for the evolution of buildup, steady, and postarrest dissipative pore-fluid pressure fields that develop around a finite-radius conical penetrometer advanced in a saturated linearly elastic porous medium. The analog with cone penetrometer testing is direct and is used to enable continuous distributions of permeability and diffusivity to be determined with depth. This analysis reveals the direct dependence of penetration rate on the induced fluid pressure field magnitudes, and predicts that a penetration rate threshold limit exists with respect to pore-pressure generation. This represents the essence of a partially drained system. The developed pore-pressure field is determined to be a function of the dissipation rate of the material, the penetration rate, and the storage effects of the advecting medium. Analysis of the pore-pressure field under start-up conditions reveals that the time required to reach steady state is strongly influenced by the penetration rate and the pressure-dissipation properties of the material. Analysis of the developed stable pressure fields illustrates the inversely proportional relationship that exists between penetration rate and pore-pressure magnitudes at the cone surface; representing the influence of storage in the medium on stable pore-pressure magnitudes. Stable pressure fields below the penetration threshold limit, UD ? 10?1, form a spherical response around the cone tip transitioning to an elongated radial response for penetration rates above this limit. Postarrest analysis indicates that the prearrest penetration rate strongly influences the dissipation rate and pattern of dissipation. The developed analysis can be correlated with CPTu-recovered data to independently evaluate permeability magnitudes during steady penetration.  相似文献   

The evolution of the field saturated hydraulic conductivity of four covers located on a reclaimed saline-sodic shale overburden from oil sands mining is presented. Three covers consisted of a surface layer of peat/glacial topsoil over a mineral, soil. and one cover was a single layer of mixed peat and mineral soil. Measurements of the field saturated hydraulic conductivity of the cover and shale materials were made with a Guelph permeameter between 2000 and 2004. The hydraulic conductivity of the cover materials in the multilayered covers increased by one to two orders of magnitude over the first few monitoring seasons. The hydraulic conductivity of the single-layer cover system, which was placed three years before the multilayered covers, marginally increased from 2000 to 2002 and then remained relatively unchanged. The hydraulic conductivity of the shale underlying all four covers increased approximately one order of magnitude. Soil temperature measurements indicated that one freeze/thaw cycle occurred each year within all cover soils and the surficial overburden. This suggests that freeze/thaw effects were the cause of the observed increases in hydraulic conductivity, as previously observed by other researchers working on compacted clays.  相似文献   

An elastoplastic, finite-strain, coupled theory of mixtures in an updated Lagrangian reference frame is applied to the piezocone penetration test to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of the soil via analysis of the steady-state excess pore pressure generated during piezocone penetration. The results of this approach were compared with piezocone penetration test data. It showed that reliable hydraulic conductivities can be estimated conveniently without performing pore pressure dissipation tests. This study also shows that the change in the dimensionless excess pore pressure (excess pore pressure is normalized by the effective overburden pressure) at the cone tip is almost constant when the dimensionless hydraulic conductivity (hydraulic conductivity is normalized by the penetration speed and cone radius, hereafter called DLHC) is less than 10?7 or greater than 10?4. It is also shown that the drainage condition around the cone tip is close to a fully undrained condition when the DLHC of the soil is less than 10?7, while it is close to a fully drained condition when the DLHC of the soil is greater than 10?4.  相似文献   

This paper presents the hydraulic characteristics of an unsaturated, compacted clay, including its soil-water retention curve (SWRC) and hydraulic conductivity function (K function), determined using a new centrifuge permeameter developed at the University of Texas at Austin. A companion paper describes the apparatus, its instrumentation layout, and data reduction procedures. Three approaches are evaluated in this study to define the SWRC and K function of the compacted clay under both drying and wetting paths, by varying the inflow rate, the g level, or both. For imposed inflow rates ranging from 20 to 0.1 mL/h and g levels ranging from 10 to 100 g, the measured matric suction ranged from 5 to 70 kPa, the average volumetric water content ranged from 23 to 33%, and the hydraulic conductivity ranged from 2×10?7 to 8×10?11?m/s. The SWRCs and K functions obtained using the three different testing approaches were very consistent, and yielded suitable information for direct determination of the hydraulic characteristics. The approaches differed in the time required to complete a testing stage and in the range of measured hydraulic conductivity values. The g level had a negligible effect on the measured hydraulic characteristics of the compacted clay. The SWRCs and K functions defined using the centrifuge permeameter are consistent with those obtained using pressure chamber and column infiltration tests. The K functions defined using the centrifuge permeameter follow the same shape as those obtained from predictive relationships, although the measured and predicted K functions differ by two orders of magnitude at the lower end of the volumetric water content range.  相似文献   

The hydraulic conductivity, the coefficient of consolidation, and the coefficient of volume compressibility play major roles on the pore pressure generation during undrained and partially drained loading of granular soils with fines. This paper aims to determine how much these soil parameters are affected by the percentage of fines and void ratio of the soil. The results of a large number of flexible wall permeameter tests performed on 60 specimens of two poorly graded sands with 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25% nonplastic silt are presented and discussed. Hydraulic conductivity measurements were done at effective confining stresses of 50–300 kPa. The evaluation of the data shows that the hydraulic conductivity and the coefficient of consolidation of sands with 25% silt content are approximately two orders of magnitude smaller than those of clean sands. The coefficient of volume compressibility of the sand-silt mixtures is affected in a lesser degree by void ratio, silt content, and confining stress. The influence of the degree of saturation on the laboratory-measured k values is also discussed.  相似文献   

The hydraulic conductivity of soil–bentonite backfill in three pilot-scale cutoff walls was measured using laboratory tests on disturbed samples, laboratory tests on undisturbed samples, piezocone dissipation tests, and piezometer tests (also known as slug tests or single-well tests). In addition, a global measurement of the average hydraulic conductivity of the soil–bentonite backfill in one of the cutoff walls was made using the pilot-scale test facility. Two main factors distinguish these five different methods of measuring hydraulic conductivity: remolding and sample size. Remolding of samples tested in American Petroleum Institute filter press equipment significantly reduced their hydraulic conductivity compared to the hydraulic conductivity of undisturbed samples, which were of similar size. For the other tests, where the degree and extent of remolding were less significant, hydraulic conductivity was found to increase as sample size increased, with the global measurement producing the highest value. The existence of bentonite filter cakes on trench walls reduces the influence of sample size on the equivalent hydraulic conductivity of the barrier. Findings regarding locating defects with a piezocone and hydraulic fracture in piezometer tests are also presented.  相似文献   

Comparison of Soil Hydraulic Property Measurement Methods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unsaturated and saturated soil hydraulic properties were determined and compared for three sandy soils at adjacent field sites. Drying soil–water retention curves were measured on soil specimens using a pressure plate apparatus. Saturated hydraulic conductivities (Ks) were measured with a Guelph permeameter and falling head tests. Parameter optimization was used to simultaneously estimate the drying and wetting soil–water retention and hydraulic conductivity curves from cone permeameter and multistep inflow/outflow data. Ks values from all test methods were within an order of magnitude of each other at each site and, as expected, trended with bulk density. The Guelph permeameter generally yielded the highest Ks values. The soil–water retention curves were similar in shape, except for the cone permeameter curves, which had steeper slopes due to rapid flow of water into the soil. Relative hydraulic conductivity curves were similar in character to the soil–water retention curves. Each method provided important information about the soil hydraulic properties. No one method provided the entire range of information provided by all of the tests combined, and no one method was found to be superior to the others.  相似文献   

The hydraulic conductivity (k) of specimens from columns containing initially dry sands mixed with bentonite slurries was measured. The mixed specimens represented a range in void ratios (0.672 ≤ e ≤ 3.94) and bentonite contents (0.61% ≤ BC ≤ 7.65%, by dry weight). The measured k values, which ranged from 2.4×10?7?cm/s to 6.8×10?4?cm/s, correlated poorly with the total void ratio (e) of the specimens, due to the complicating effect of the bentonite in the sand-bentonite slurry mixtures. However, the measured k values correlated better with the void ratio of the bentonite (eb), which is consistent with the results of previous studies involving permeation of compacted bentonite and sand-bentonite specimens, even though the range in values of eb in this study (42.5 ≤ eb ≤ 127) was much higher than that previously reported. The relatively large range in eb values for the sand-bentonite slurry mixtures was also consistent with the relatively large range in measured k values, which are about one to seven orders of magnitude higher than values of k commonly reported for compacted sand-bentonite mixtures, despite similar bentonite contents. In terms of bentonite content, addition of more than 3% bentonite via slurry injection and mixing with the sands was successful in reducing the k of the unmixed sands (9.4×10?3?cm/s ≤ k ≤ 5.4×10?2?cm/s) by as much as four orders of magnitude to values less than 1.0×10?6?cm/s.  相似文献   

Simultaneously assessing liquid limit and plastic limit using a single laboratory test procedure and comparing the results to the standard test methods has not been noted in the published literature. This paper describes an innovative empirical approach that yields Atterberg limit values utilizing a dual-weight fall cone procedure and compares the values with those obtained by traditional Atterberg limits tests.  相似文献   

The sorptive capabilities of soils for organic contaminants can be greatly enhanced by treatment with cationic surfactants, and this has been suggested as a potential in situ approach for contaminant plume management. The hydraulic properties of soils modified by injection of hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA) were investigated using soil columns and a fixed-ring consolidometer. Oshtemo soil (87% sand, 10.5% clay, 2.5% silt) under two different effective stresses, was equilibrated with 1?mM NaCl and treated by recirculation of two different HDTMA soil concentrations, one above and one below the cation exchange capacity. No statistically significant changes in hydraulic conductivity occurred as a result of HDTMA treatment at any of the experimental conditions studied. These results suggest that sorptive zones created in situ with HDTMA may be hydraulically feasible.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the development of a framework for classifying soil using normalized piezocone test (CPTU) data from the corrected tip resistance (qt) and penetration pore-water pressure at the shoulder (u2). Parametric studies for normalized cone tip resistance (Q = qcnet/σv0′) and normalized excess pressures (Δu2/σv0′) as a function of overconsolidation ratio (OCR = σvy′/σv0′) during undrained penetration are combined with piezocone data from clay sites, as well as results from relatively uniform thick deposits of sands, silts, and varietal clays from around the globe. The study focuses on separating the influence of yield stress ratio from that of partial consolidation on normalized CPTU parameters, which both tend to increase Q and decrease the pore pressure parameter (Bq = Δu2/qcnet). The resulting recommended classification chart is significantly different from existing charts, and implies that assessment of data in Q–Δu2/σv0′ space is superior to Q–Bq space when evaluating piezocone data for a range of soil types. Still, there are zones of overlap for silty soils and heavily overconsolidated clays, thus requiring that supplementary information to Q and Δu2/σv0′ be obtained in unfamiliar geologies, including variable rate penetration tests, dissipation tests, CPT friction ratio, or soil sampling.  相似文献   

The wastewater total suspended solids (TSS) concentration effects on the saturated hydraulic conductivity, Ks, of a clay and a loam soil were investigated on laboratory repacked soil cores by a constant head permeameter. Both municipal wastewater (MW) and artificial wastewater (AW) with different TSS concentrations were used, with the aim to evaluate, by comparison, the effects of biological activity. The development of a surface sealed layer was investigated in loam soil columns supplied with AW and equipped with water manometers at different depths to detect the hydraulic head gradient changes. In the loam soil, Ks reduced to about 80% of the initial value after infiltration of 175?mm of MW with TSS = 57–68?mg?L?1. Reductions in Ks were more remarkable in the clay soil. An empirical relationship was proposed to predict the relative hydraulic conductivity, Kr, i.e., the ratio between actual and initial hydraulic conductivity versus the cumulative density loading of TSS. Hydraulic head gradients in the top layer (0–20?mm) of the soil columns increased during application of AW, as a consequence of the formation of a sealed layer, denoting that the surface pore sealing was the main mechanism responsible for the observed Ks reductions. Laboratory data were gathered in a numerical simulation code specifically created to assess the consequences of Ks reduction on water movement through the soil profile. Simulation of both ponded and sprinkler irrigation with MW resulted in reduced infiltration and increased surface ponding condition compared to the application of fresh water (FW).  相似文献   

Samples of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) from four landfill covers were tested for water content, swell index, hydraulic conductivity, and exchangeable cations. Exchange of Ca and Mg for Na occurred in all of the exhumed GCLs, and the bentonite had a swell index similar to that for Ca or Mg bentonite. Hydraulic conductivities of the GCLs varied over 5 orders of magnitude regardless of cover soil thickness or presence of a geomembrane. Hydraulic conductivity was strongly related to the water content at the time of sampling. Controlled desiccation and rehydration of exhumed GCLs that had low hydraulic conductivity (10?9?to?10?7?cm/s) resulted in increases in hydraulic conductivity of 1.5–4 orders of magnitude, even with overburden pressure simulating a 1-m-thick cover. Comparison of these data with other data from the United States and Europe indicates that exchange of Ca and/or Mg for Na is likely to occur in the field unless the overlying cover soil is sodic (sodium rich). The comparison also shows that hydraulic conductivities on the order of 10?6?to?10?4?cm/s should be expected if exchange occurs coincidently with dehydration, and the effects of dehydration are permanent once the water content of the GCL drops below approximately 100%. Evaluation of the field data also shows that covering a GCL with a soil layer 750–1,000?mm thick or with a geomembrane overlain by soil does not ensure protection against ion exchange or large increases in hydraulic conductivity.  相似文献   

Slurry trench cutoff walls, constructed using self-hardening slag-cement-bentonite (Slag-CB), are the most common form of in-ground vertical contaminant barrier in the U.K., Europe, and Japan, and are increasingly being used in the United States. This paper presents a case study of the hydraulic conductivity evaluation of an 11-year-old Slag-CB wall material at a sulfate-contaminated site, using different in situ techniques and laboratory tests. The laboratory results suggest that the hydraulic conductivity of the samples, which vary in age from 4 weeks to 11 years, decreases with time for the first 3 years but then remains constant. The results indicate that the long-term performance of these containment walls is influenced by various parameters such as aging, the type/duration of contaminant exposure, mixing of surrounding soil during construction, and wall depth. Piezocone tests, packer tests, and self-boring permeameter tests were carried out in the field to determine the suitability of different in situ techniques and compare with the laboratory results. The hydraulic conductivity is affected by the type of in situ technique used and the geometric scale of the test section.  相似文献   

A new method of estimating the permeability of soils using an acoustic technique is proposed in this technical note. Biot’s coupled theory of mixtures from the mid-1950s, which addresses the relationship between the permeability of saturated soils and the characteristic frequency of elastic waves, is used. The characteristic frequency is determined from the attenuation versus frequency curves obtained by acoustic sweep tests. This study presents the experimental technique for measuring the characteristic frequency of soils and calculation procedure for estimating the permeability of sandy soils. This technical note holds discussion for silty or clayey soils.  相似文献   

Probabilistic Assessment of Stress Normalization for CPT Data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Currently available cone penetration test (CPT) stress normalization schemes exhibit no consensus on the estimation of the stress normalization component. Depending on which power law stress normalization exponent is used, very different interpretations may result in the analyses where normalized CPT data are used (e.g., CPT-based soil classification and seismic soil liquefaction initiation assessment). Within the confines of this paper, it is intended to clarify and resolve some of these differences, and to propose improved recommendations for CPT stress normalization. For this purpose, available stress normalization databases from theoretical, numerical, and field data analyses approaches were compiled. For the soil types, and stress conditions where compiled database is not conclusive, additional finite element simulations have been performed. The resulting relationship not only eliminates several sources of bias intrinsic to previous, similar correlations, and provides greatly reduced overall uncertainty and variance, it also helps to establish a consensus to the stress normalization issue that have long been difficult and controversial. Key elements in the development of these new correlations are: (1) accumulation of a significantly expanded database of analytical/numerical CPT simulation results, as well as field and chamber test data from homogeneous soil layers; (2) use of improved knowledge and understanding of factors affecting CPT and stress normalization; and (3) use of high-order probabilistic tools (Bayesian updating).  相似文献   

Hydraulic Conductivity of MSW in Landfills   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a laboratory investigation of hydraulic conductivity of municipal solid waste (MSW) in landfills and provides a comparative assessment of measured hydraulic conductivity values with those reported in the literature based on laboratory and field studies. A series of laboratory tests was conducted using shredded fresh and landfilled MSW from the Orchard Hills landfill (Illinois, United States) using two different small-scale and large-scale rigid-wall permeameters and a small-scale triaxial permeameter. Fresh waste was collected from the working phase, while the landfilled waste was exhumed from a borehole in a landfill cell subjected to leachate recirculation for approximately 1.5 years. The hydraulic conductivity tests conducted on fresh MSW using small-scale rigid-wall permeameter resulted in a range of hydraulic conductivity 2.8×10?3–11.8×10?3?cm/s with dry unit weight varied in a narrow range between 3.9–5.1?kN/m3. The landfilled MSW tested using the same permeameter produced results between 0.6×10?3–3.0×10?3?cm/s for 4.5–5.5?kN/m3 dry unit weights. The hydraulic conductivity obtained from large-scale rigid-wall permeameter tests decreased with the increase in normal stress for both fresh and landfilled waste. The hydraulic conductivity for fresh MSW ranged from 0.2 cm/s for 4.1?kN/m3 dry unit weight (under zero vertical stress) and then decreased to 4.9×10?5?cm/s for 13.3?kN/m3 dry unit weight (under the maximum applied normal stress of 276 kPa). The hydraulic conductivity of the landfilled MSW decreased from 0.2 cm/s to 7.8×10?5?cm/s when the dry unit weight increased from 3.2 to 9.6?kN/m3. The results clearly demonstrated that the hydraulic conductivity of MSW can be significantly influenced by vertical stress and it is mainly attributed to the increase in density leading to low void ratio. In small-scale triaxial permeameter, when the confining pressure was increased from 69 to 276 kPa the hydraulic conductivity decreased from approximately 10?4?to?10?6?cm/s, which is much lower than those determined from rigid-wall permeameter tests. The published field MSW hydraulic conductivities are found to be higher than the laboratory results. Landfilled MSW possesses lower hydraulic conductivity than fresh MSW due to increased finer particles resulting from degradation. The decreasing hydraulic conductivity with increasing dry unit weight is expressed by an exponential decay function.  相似文献   

It is well accepted that the quality of soft clay samples obtained using standard fixed piston samplers can be relatively poor and that block samples are necessary to yield very high quality samples. However, for many practical projects it is not economically viable or physically practical to obtain block samples. In this project, the quality of standard 54?mm composite piston samples of soft clay is examined by comparing six separate sets of 54?mm samples to parallel block sampling. Sampling and laboratory testing was carried out by three different organizations at a well characterized highly uniform soft clay site in Norway. As expected, the work showed that the block samples behaved significantly differently from those obtained using the 54?mm sampler and were of higher quality. Block sample-derived parameters were considerably different from those obtained from the 54?mm sample tests. However, significant differences were also found between the different sets of 54?mm samples. Although the differences are less than when compared with block samples, the consequences of poor quality 54?mm sampling will be significant in engineering design. It is concluded that the differences are due to small details in the sampling operation such as the need to keep the piston effectively stationary at all times, to avoid overcoring and to handle the recovered sample carefully. If a well trained driller follows good quality practice, then relatively good samples can be obtained by the fixed piston sampler, which are suitable for analysis and design of routine engineering works.  相似文献   

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