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The peak-to-mean envelope power ratio (PMEPR) of a code employed in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems can be reduced by permuting its coordinates and by rotating each coordinate by a fixed phase shift. Motivated by some previous designs of phase shifts using suboptimal methods, the following question is considered in this paper. For a given binary code, how much PMEPR reduction can be achieved when the phase shifts are taken from a 2h-ary phase-shift keying (2h-PSK) constellation? A lower bound on the achievable PMEPR is established, which is related to the covering radius of the binary code. Generally speaking, the achievable region of the PMEPR shrinks as the covering radius of the binary code decreases. The bound is then applied to some well understood codes, including nonredundant BPSK signaling, BCH codes and their duals, Reed?Muller codes, and convolutional codes. It is demonstrated that most (presumably not optimal) phase-shift designs from the literature attain or approach our bound.  相似文献   

Diagonal algebraic space-time block codes   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
We construct a new family of linear space-time (ST) block codes by the combination of rotated constellations and the Hadamard transform, and we prove them to achieve the full transmit diversity over a quasi-static or fast fading channels. The proposed codes transmit at a normalized rate of 1 symbol/s. When the number of transmit antennas n=1, 2, or n is a multiple of four, we spread a rotated version of the information symbol vector by the Hadamard transform and send it over n transmit antennas and n time periods; for other values of n, we construct the codes by sending the components of a rotated version of the information symbol vector over the diagonal of an n × n ST code matrix. The codes maintain their rate, diversity, and coding gains for all real and complex constellations carved from the complex integers ring Z [i], and they outperform the codes from orthogonal design when using complex constellations for n > 2. The maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding of the proposed codes can be implemented by the sphere decoder at a moderate complexity. It is shown that using the proposed codes in a multiantenna system yields good performances with high spectral efficiency and moderate decoding complexity  相似文献   

MMSE optimal algebraic space-time codes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

On diagonal algebraic space-time block codes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Theoretical and practical aspects of diagonal algebraic space-time block codes over n transmit and m receive antennae are examined. These codes are obtained by sending a rotated version of the information symbols over the principal diagonal of the n /spl times/ n space-time matrix over n transmit antennae and n symbol periods. The output signal-to-noise ratios of two predecoding filters and two decoding algorithms are derived. Analysis of the information loss incurred by using the codes considered is used to clarify their structures, and the expected performances. Different algebraic real and complex rotations presented in the literature are analyzed and compared as regards the achieved coding gains, the complexities, performances, and peak-to-mean envelope power ratios.  相似文献   

Orthogonal space-time block codes provide full diversity, and maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding for orthogonal codes can be realized on a symbol-by-symbol basis. It has been shown that rate-one complex orthogonal codes do not exist for systems with more than two transmit antennas. For a general system with N transmit and M receive antennas, it is very desirable to design rate-one complex codes with full diversity. In this letter, we provide a systematic method of designing rate-one codes (real or complex) for a general multiple-input multiple-output system. Full diversity of these codes is then achieved by constellation rotation. A generalized, reduced-complexity decoding method for rate-one codes is also provided.  相似文献   

Three desirable properties of a four-antenna spacetime block code are full rate, full diversity, and single-symbol decodability. Previously reported space-time codes that achieve all three properties do so at the expense of the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). A fourth desirable property of a space-time block code is that its PAPR be the same as that of the underlying quadrature-amplitude modulation alphabet. In this letter we introduce space-time codes for three and four transmit antennas that achieve all four properties; these codes use a diversity technique based on constellation stretching. Numerical results for quasistatic Rayleigh-fading channels show that, despite their low PAPR, the proposed codes are comparable in SNR performance to the best-performing single-symbol decodable space-time codes for three and four transmit antennas.  相似文献   

Constructions of space-time codes having amplitude-modulated phase-shift keying (AM-PSK) constellations are presented in this paper. The first construction, termed p-radii construction, is obtained by extending Hammons' dyadic dual-radii construction to the cases when the size of the constellation is a power of a prime p, p ges 2. The resultant code is optimal with respect to the rate-diversity tradeoff and has an AM-PSK constellation with signal points distributed over p- concentric circles in the complex plane, i.e., there are p radii. Also contained in this paper is the identification of rich classes of nontrivial subset-subcodes of the newly constructed space-time codes and it is shown that these subset-subcodes are again, all optimal. Finally, a new generalization of the super-unified construction by Hammons is presented. It is shown that codes obtained from several previously known constructions are subset-subcodes of the one derived from this generalized construction  相似文献   

Space-time block codes (STBCs) from orthogonal designs proposed by Alamouti, and Tarokh-Jafarkhani-Calderbank have attracted considerable attention lately due to their fast maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding and full diversity. However, the maximum symbol transmission rate of an STBC from complex orthogonal designs for complex signals is only 3/4 for three and four transmit antennas, and it is difficult to construct complex orthogonal designs with rate higher than 1/2 for more than four transmit antennas. Recently, Jafarkhani, Tirkkonen-Boariu-Hottinen, and Papadias-Foschini proposed STBCs from quasi-orthogonal designs, where the orthogonality is relaxed to provide higher symbol transmission rates. With the quasi-orthogonal structure, the quasi-orthogonal STBCs still have a fast ML decoding, but do not have the full diversity. The performance of these codes is better than that of the codes from orthogonal designs at low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), but worse at high SNR. This is due to the fact that the slope of the performance curve depends on the diversity. It is desired to have the quasi-orthogonal STBCs with full diversity to ensure good performance at high SNR. In this paper, we achieve this goal by properly choosing the signal constellations. Specifically, we propose that half of the symbols in a quasi-orthogonal design are chosen from a signal constellation set A and the other half of them are chosen from a rotated constellation e/sup j/spl phi// A. The resulting STBCs can guarantee both full diversity and fast ML decoding. Moreover, we obtain the optimum selections of the rotation angles /spl phi/ for some commonly used signal constellations. Simulation results show that the proposed codes outperform the codes from orthogonal designs at both low and high SNRs.  相似文献   

On the design of algebraic space-time codes for MIMO block-fading channels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The availability of multiple transmit antennas allows for two-dimensional channel codes that exploit the spatial transmit diversity. These codes were referred to as space-time codes by Tarokh et al. (see ibid., vol.44, p.744-765, Mar. 1998) Most prior works on space-time code design have considered quasi-static fading channels. We extend our earlier work on algebraic space-time coding to block-fading channels. First, we present baseband design criteria for space-time codes in multi-input multi-output (MIMO) block-fading channels that encompass as special cases the quasi-static and fast fading design rules. The diversity advantage baseband criterion is then translated into binary rank criteria for phase shift keying (PSK) modulated codes. Based on these binary criteria, we construct algebraic space-time codes that exploit the spatial and temporal diversity available in MIMO block-fading channels. We also introduce the notion of universal space-time codes as a generalization of the smart-greedy design rule. As a part of this work, we establish another result that is important in its own right: we generalize the full diversity space-time code constructions for quasi-static channels to allow for higher rate codes at the expense of minimal reductions in the diversity advantage. Finally, we present simulation results that demonstrate the excellent performance of the proposed codes.  相似文献   

A new approach is presented for the design of full modulation diversity (FMD) complex lattices for the Rayleigh-fading channel. The FMD lattice design problem essentially consists of maximizing a parameter called the normalized minimum product distance d/sub p//sup 2/ of the finite signal set carved out of the lattice. We approach the problem of maximizing d/sub p//sup 2/ by minimizing the average energy of the signal constellation obtained from a new family of FMD lattices. The unnormalized minimum product distance for every lattice in the proposed family is lower-bounded by a nonzero constant. Minimizing the average energy of the signal set translates to minimizing the Frobenius norm of the generator matrices within the proposed family. The two strategies proposed for the Frobenius norm reduction are based on the concepts of successive minima (SM) and basis reduction of an equivalent real lattice. The lattice constructions in this paper provide significantly larger normalized minimum product distances compared to the existing lattices in certain dimensions. The proposed construction is general and works for any dimension as long as a list of number fields of the same degree is available.  相似文献   

Codes which reduce the peak-to-average power (PAPR) in multicode code-division multiple-access (MC-CDMA) communications systems are systematically studied. The problem of designing such codes is reformulated as a new coding-theoretic problem: codes with low PAPR are ones in which the codewords are far from the first-order Reed-Muller code. Bounds on the tradeoff between rate, PAPR, and error-correcting capability of codes for MC-CDMA follow. The connections between the code design problem, bent functions, and algebraic coding theory (in particular, the Kerdock codes and Delsarte-Goethals codes) are exploited to construct code families with flexible parameters for the small values of n of practical interest. In view of their algebraic structure, these codes enjoy efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. The correspondence concludes by listing open problems in algebraic coding theory and Boolean functions motivated by the correspondence.  相似文献   

We present a generalized version of principal ratio combining (PRC), which is a near-optimum detection scheme for space-time codes in quasistatic flat fading environments. In Tarokh and Lo (1998), the performance penalty increases as the number of receive antennas increases. In the proposed scheme, receive antennas are optimally grouped by K, and the PRC detection method is applied to each group. This shows a flexible tradeoff between performance and decoding complexity by choosing the appropriate K  相似文献   

The authors previously developed an algebraic approach to space-time code design that unifies most of the known results on trellis space-time codes and opens the door for more sophisticated space-time code constructions. We present algebraic constructions for trellis and block space-time codes for BPSK and QPSK modulated systems. The new designs benefit from the algebraic approach and are general for arbitrary number of transmit antennas in quasistatic fading channels. We also provide simulation results comparing the frame error rate performance of various constructions. These simulation results establish the performance advantage achieved by algebraic space-time codes compared to previously known codes in various scenarios  相似文献   

Decoding space-time codes with BLAST architectures   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We introduce a coding/decoding scheme matched to a "vertical" BLAST architecture; a code has its words evenly split among the transmit antennas. The subcodes so transmitted by each antenna are decoded in sequence to cancel the spatial interference while a final decoding step is performed on the whole code. We also examine the behavior of zero-forcing (ZF) and minimum-mean-square error (MMSE) BLAST by comparing their error probabilities with those resulting from optimum, i.e., maximum-likelihood (ML), processing. Since, with vertical BLAST, ordering of the columns of the channel-gain matrix is crucial, we also study the performance of algorithms intended to find an optimal (or mildly suboptimal) ordering.  相似文献   

Multicarrier modulation with low peak-to-average power ratio   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Friese  M. 《Electronics letters》1996,32(8):713-714
It is shown that multicarrier modulation with low peak-to-average power ratio (PARR) of the transmitted waveform can be performed. As an example, a 32-carrier OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) scheme with a PARR of <3.3 dB is presented  相似文献   

Space-time trellis codes can achieve the best tradeoff among bandwidth efficiency, diversity gain, constellation size and trellis complexity. In this paper, some optimum low rate space-time trellis codes are proposed. Performance analysis and simulation show that the low rate space-time trellis codes outperform space-time block codes concatenated with convolutional code at the same bandwidth efficiency, and are more suitable for the power limited wireless communication system.  相似文献   

To achieve full cooperative diversity in a relay network, most of the existing space-time coding schemes require the synchronization between terminals. A family of space-time trellis codes that achieve full cooperative diversity order without the assumption of synchronization has been recently proposed. The family is based on the stack construction by Hammons and El Gamal and its generalizations by Lu and Kumar. It has been shown that the construction of such a family is equivalent to the construction of binary matrices that have full row rank no matter how their rows are shifted, where a row corresponds to a terminal (or transmit antenna) and its length corresponds to the memory size of the trellis code on that terminal. We call such matrices as shift-full-rank (SFR) matrices. A family of SFR matrices has been also constructed, but the memory sizes of the corresponding space-time trellis codes (the number of columns of SFR matrices) grow exponentially in terms of the number of terminals (the number of rows of SFR matrices), which may cause a high decoding complexity when the number of terminals is not small. In this paper, we systematically study and construct SFR matrices of any sizes for any number of terminals. Furthermore, we construct shortest (square) SFR (SSFR) matrices that correspond to space-time trellis codes with the smallest memory sizes and asynchronous full cooperative diversity. We also present some simulation results to illustrate the performances of the space-time trellis codes associated with SFR matrices in asynchronous cooperative communications.  相似文献   

A new modulation method for linear space-time codes is proposed based on using constellations of different sizes for different symbols. It is shown that the proposed method significantly reduces the complexity of the sphere decoding algorithm. The complexity reduction is more pronounced in high-rate codes, where each code matrix carries a large number of symbols. We also show that the choice of constellation size provides a tradeoff between performance and complexity. Using this, some guidelines for choosing constellation size are presented. As one introduces more constellation disparity in the code, the complexity is further reduced, while the performance loss grows. Typically, a complexity reduction of one to two orders of magnitude can be achieved at the expense of about 3 dB coding gain. We suggest a simple modification in our design to reduce this loss to about 2 dB.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the performance of space-time trellis codes (STTCs) with receive antenna selection over fast fading channels. Specifically, we derive upper bounds on the pairwise-error probability (PEP) with antenna selection. In performing the selection, we adopt a criterion that is based on using L out of the available M receive antennas that result in maximizing the instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver, where L les M. We show that the diversity order resulting from antenna selection deteriorates significantly and is actually dictated by the number of selected antennas. The implication of this result is that adding more receive antennas, while maintaining the same number of selected ones, will have no impact on the diversity order, but it does, however, provide some additional coding gain. This is unlike the case for quasi-static fading channels in which the diversity order is always preserved with antenna selection when the underlying STTC is full-rank. We present numerical examples that support our analysis  相似文献   

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