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目的:观察地塞米松联合氨溴素(沐舒坦)注射液治疗小儿急性喘息性支气管炎临床疗效.方法:96例喘息性支气管炎患儿随机分为两组,对照组30例,治疗组66例,对照组采用常规治疗的基础上用庆大霉素联合地塞米松雾化吸入治疗,观察组在常规治疗的基础上用沐舒坦注射液15mg联合地塞米松5mg加入生理盐水20ml雾化吸入.结果:治疗组在短时间内改善肺部罗音的效果,总有效率及治愈明显优于对照组,二者比较差异有统计意义(p<0.05).结论:采用氨溴素联合地米松塞治疗小儿喘息性支气管炎可缩短住院病程,疗效满意,值得推广.  相似文献   

目的:探讨穴位注射配合TDP照射治疗周围性面神经麻痹疗效及机制.方法:将功200例患者随机分为观察组102各对照组98例,用穴位注射加TDP照射和普通针刺分别治疗并比较疗效.结果:观察组有效率100%,对照组为87.8%,两组比较,差异有非常显著性意义(P<0.05).结论:穴位注射加TDP照射是临床治疗周围性面神经麻痹较为有效的方法之一,值得临床推广应用.  相似文献   

目的 探讨穴位贴敷联合中药治疗慢性支气管炎的临床疗效.结果 纳入慢性支气管炎患者100例,随机分为观察组和对照组各50例.对照组采用抗感染、止咳、化痰等基础治疗,观察组在基础治疗同时,配合穴位贴敷联合中药治疗.结果观察组和对照组总有效率分别为96.0%和84.0%,观察组总有效率明显高于对照组(P<0.05);观察组和对照组复发率分别为6%和30%,观察组复发率明显低于对照组(P<0.05).结论 采用穴位贴敷联合中药治疗慢性支气管炎临床治愈率高,复发率低,临床疗效确切.  相似文献   

目的:探讨耳周穴位注射配合西药治疗突发性耳聋的临床疗效.方法:对照组患者采用西药治疗,研究组患者在对照组治疗方法基础上增加耳周穴位注射方法,分别对两组患者疗效进行比较分析.结果:研究组的痊愈率和总有效率(38.24%、88 24%)明显高于对照组(23.53%、64.71%),数据经统计学比较具有显著差异(P<0.05).结论:耳周穴位注射疗法配合西药治疗突发性耳聋具有良好的临床效果,适合于推广应用.  相似文献   

目的观察体针、电针配合足底穴位注射治疗顽固性失眠的疗效.方法对856例顽固性失眠患者采用体针、电针配合足底穴位注射治疗.体针主要取神门、太冲、足三里、阴陵泉、三阴交、太渊、少府、太溪等穴.电针主要取安眠1、安眠2、安眠3、翳风穴.穴位注射取足跟中点部位敏感点.结果856例中治愈722例(84.3%),显效123例(14.4%),好转58例(6.8%),总有效率为100.0%.结论体针、电针配合足底穴位注射治疗顽固性失眠具有较好疗效.  相似文献   

采用足三里穴位药物注射,辅助针刺推拿手法治疗梨状肌综合症54例,其中男性39例,女性15例.最短治愈时间7天,最长时间为3个疗程,在临床上有较高的应用价值.  相似文献   

目的:探讨中药热奄包结合穴位注射治疗膝骨性关节炎(OA )的疗效及护理方法.方法:将60例患者随机分为治疗组和对照组各30例,治疗组给予中药热奄包结合穴位注射;对照组给予穴位注射结合TDP照射,比较两组疗效.结果:治疗组总有效率为93.3%,对照组为76.6%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:中药热奄包结合穴位注射治疗膝骨性关节炎(OA)安全、有效.  相似文献   

颈椎病是发生在颈部的骨关节退行性、增生性病变.属于中医痹症、肩颈痛等范畴.笔者采用中药制剂穴位注射结合治脊疗法治疗颈椎病50例,现将治疗体会介绍如下.  相似文献   

目的:评价中药穴位注射治疗动眼神经麻痹的临床疗效.方法:采用多中心、随机、对照、单盲临床试验,将三个中心的456例动眼神经麻痹患者分为治疗组(228例)和对照组(228例),治疗组采用中药穴位注射疗法,对照组常规西医治疗,36天统计疗效.结果:有效率比较P<0.05;眼球运动度恢复比较 内直肌下直肌的恢复两组分别比较均为P<0.05;眼裂P<0.05;有统计学意义.结论:中药穴位注射疗法治疗本病疗效确切.  相似文献   

目的:观察自血球结膜下注射治疗单纯疱疹性角膜炎的临床效果.方法:把89例102眼随机分成两组,对照组按照常规单纯疱疹性角膜炎给予抗病毒类药物治疗,治疗组在对照组基础上加用自血球结膜下注射治疗.结果:治疗组在恢复时间和治疗效果上都优于对照组,无一例严重并发症发生,有明显统计学意义.结论:在单纯疱疹性角膜炎的治疗过程中,加用自血球结膜下注射是明显有效的.  相似文献   

Ten White children with bronchial asthma and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction were assessed immunologically before and 1, 3 and 6 months after the commencement of standard therapy supplemented with ascorbate 1 g/d. The tests of cellular immune function were neutrophil chemotaxis, phagocytosis and resting and stimulated nitroblue tetrazolium reduction, and lymphocyte mitogen-induced transformation. Humoral functions measured were secretory IgA, serum immunoglobulins, alpha 1-antitrypsin, C3, C4 and total haemolytic complement, antistreptolysin O (ASO) and C-reactive protein. Radio-allergosorbent testing to the common allergens Cynodon dactylon (grass), Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (mite), house dust and cat epithelium was performed on each child before and 3 and 6 months after treatment. Two children had depressed neutrophil motility, 4 had depressed lymphocyte transformation, and 7 had elevated levels of ASO. These functions normalized after 6 months of ascorbate-supplemented therapy. Serum total IgE levels but not specific IgE levels were likewise reduced after 6 months of therapy. Reduced levels of serum alpha 1-antitrypsin were observed in 2 children, and remained unchanged throughout the study.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It has recently been reported that acetaldehyde induces bronchoconstriction indirectly via histamine release. However, no study has been performed to assess whether acetaldehyde worsens bronchial responsiveness in asthmatic subjects so this hypothesis was tested. METHODS: Methacholine provocation was performed on three occasions: (1) after pretreatment with oral placebo and inhaled saline (P-S day), (2) after placebo and inhaled acetaldehyde (P-A day), and (3) after a potent histamine H1 receptor antagonist terfenadine and acetaldehyde (T-A day) in a double blind, randomised, crossover fashion. Nine asthmatic subjects inhaled 0.8 mg/ml acetaldehyde or saline for four minutes. After each inhalation a methacholine provocation test was performed. RESULTS: Methacholine concentrations producing a 20% fall in FEV1 (PC20-MCh) on the P-A day (0.48 mg/ml, 95% CI 0.21 to 1.08) and T-A day (0.41 mg/ml, 95% CI 0.22 to 0.77) were lower than those on the P-S day (0.85 mg/ml, 95% CI 0.47 to 1.54). There was no change in the PC20-MCh between the P-A and T-A days. A correlation was observed between the logarithmic values of PC20-MCh (log PC20-MCh) on the P-S day and the potentiating effect of acetaldehyde on the methacholine responsiveness [(log PC20-MCh on P-A day)-(log PC20-MCh on P-S day)] (rho = 0.82). CONCLUSIONS: Acetaldehyde induces bronchial hyperresponsiveness in patients with asthma by mechanisms other than histamine release.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Amphotericin B is the treatment of choice for invasive and disseminated Candida sp. infections. Fluconazole is an antifungal drug with less toxicity. Because of its pharmacokinetic properties, fluconazole can be specially useful in the treatment of invasive candidiasis. Although it is useful in several forms of candidiasis, its efficacy in deep-seated candidal infections is not totally proved due to the lack of comparative studies with amphotericin. In order to contribute new data about the usefulness of fluconazole in the treatment of invasive candidiasis, we report 5 patients which cured with this antifungal drug. METHODS: The clinical records of those patients with invasive candidiasis that cured with fluconazole were retrospectively reviewed. RESULTS: Fluconazole was used in 2 patients after detecting toxicity to amphotericin. Fluconazole was used from the beginning in the other 3 patients. None of the patients were neutropenic. All the patients cured without recurrence. CONCLUSIONS: In this series, the employment of fluconazole was a non-toxic and effective alternative to amphotericin B in nonneutropenic patients with invasive candidiasis.  相似文献   

1. Noradrenaline (NA) was microinjected into the anterior hypothalamic/preoptic area(AH/POA) of unanaesthetized cats held at ambient temperatures of 10, 22 or 35 degrees C. Loci in which injection of NA caused body temperature changes were also found to be sensitive to the febrile action of PGE1. 2. At all ambient temperatures, NA caused a dose-dependent fall in body temperature. However the mechanisms by which these temperature changes were brought about varied at different ambient temperatures. In cats maintained at the higher ambient temperature, NA activated heat loss mechanisms whereas in the cats maintained in the 10degrees C environment, the major effect of NA injection was an inhibition of heat conservation and heat production mechanisms. 3. We conclude that NA acts in cats not only as an inhibitor of heat conservation and production, but also acts in an excitatory manner on an active heat loss pathway within the AH/POA.  相似文献   

Prion diseases are thought to be caused by the conversion of the normal, or cellular, prion protein (PrPC)(PrPres). There are three familial forms of human prion disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome, and fatal familial insomnia (FFI) which are all expressed at advanced age despite the congenital presence of the mutant prion protein (PrPM). The cellular mechanisms that result in the age-dependent conversion of PrPM into PrPres and the unique phenotypes associated with each PrPM are unknown. FFI and a familial type of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD178), share the D178N mutation in the PrP gene but have distinct phenotypes linked to codon 129, the site of a methionine/valine polymorphism (129M/V). We analyzed PrP processing in cells transfected with constructs reproducing the FFI and CJD178 genotypes. The D178N mutation results in instability of the mutant PrP which is partially corrected by N-glycosylation. Hence, only the glycosylated forms of PrPM reach the cell surface whereas the unglycosylated PrPM is also under-represented in the brain of FFI patients validating the cell model. These results offer new insight into the effect of the D178N mutation on the metabolism of the prion protein.  相似文献   

This study investigates parameters related to calcium and bone metabolism by determining the concentrations of total calcium, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, parathyroid hormone, and phosphorous in young pregnant women. The patient population was 30 pregnant Nigerian teenage women grouped by trimester (10 per group), 10 women immediately following delivery, and 21 healthy age-matched controls. On the basis of serum prealbumin levels, the general nutrition of the pregnant women was found to be significantly below that of the more privileged and better-educated nonpregnant controls. The mean total calcium concentration in sera of the third-trimester women was 8.83 mg/dL, which was significantly below that of the controls (9.77 mg/dL) and the first-trimester group (9.30 mg/dL). Despite the 10% to 15% decline in the serum level of total calcium during pregnancy, the parathyroid hormone level decreased markedly from 0.60 to 0.61 ng/mL in the first and second trimesters to 0.41 ng/mL in the third trimester. Serum vitamin D and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels in the second and third trimesters were within the normal range. These data indicate that toward the end of gestation, pregnant teenagers in northern Nigeria appear to become calcium deficient and do not exhibit the expected increase in serum parathyroid hormone levels normally seen in pregnant women.  相似文献   

Disodium chromoglicate interferes cellular membrane transport, inhibits mediators release and activation of polymorfonuclear cells (PMN) by blocking intracellular free calcium increment. In order to assess if DC reduces in vitro phagocytic activity of PMN, these cells obtained from allergic asthmatic patients and healthy subjects were incubated with DC or Hanks solution (HS). Their phagocytic activity was measured with chemoluminiscence technique. There were not significant differences in phagocytic activity between the cells incubated with DC and those incubated with HS, nor between cells from asthmatic patients and healthy subjects. We conclude that DC has not in vitro effect on phagocytic activity of PMN from healthy and asthmatic subjects. There are no difference in PMN phagocytic capacity between healthy and asthmatic subjects.  相似文献   

Wet aerosols of 4.5% sodium chloride (NaCl) are often used to assess the bronchial responsiveness associated with asthma. We questioned whether dry NaCl could be used as an alternative. Dry powder NaCl was inhaled from capsules containing either 5, 10, 20 or 40 mg to a cumulative dose of 635 mg. The powder was delivered via an Inhalator or Halermatic. The airway sensitivity to the dry and wet NaCl was compared in 24 patients with asthma aged 19-39 yrs. All subjects responded to both preparations and the geometric mean (95% confidence intervals) for the provocative dose of NaCl causing forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) to fall 20% from baseline (PD[20,NaCl]) for dry NaCl was 103 mg (68-157) versus 172 mg (102-292), p<0.03 for the wet NaCl. The response to dry NaCl was reproducible and on repeat challenge the PD20 was 108 mg (75-153). The mean maximum fall in FEV1 was approximately 25% on each of the two test days. Spontaneous recovery occurred within 60 min after challenge with dry NaCl and within 5 min after bronchodilator. There were no serious side-effects requiring medical attention, however some patients coughed on inhalation of the 40 mg dose and three gagged. Arterial oxygen saturation remained within normal limits. We conclude that a suitably prepared dry powder of sodium chloride could potentially replace wet sodium chloride to assess bronchial responsiveness in patients with asthma, but further studies are required to establish the long-term stability of the dry powder preparation.  相似文献   

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