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针对高职学生口语交际活动中的尴尬现象,分析了高职学生口语交际能力现状及其成因,提出了如何在教学中培养高职学生口语交际能力.  相似文献   

中职生的现状迫切需要加强口语交际教育,中职学校一要提高教师对口语的认识和能力,二要搭建学生口语交际训练的平台,提高学生交际的能力和自信心,三要在语文教学中挖掘口语交际教学的一切积极因素.中职语文教学应注重口语交际教学,为学生的职业发展插上一双理想的翅膀.  相似文献   

口语交际是训练听话、说话能力的一种形式,是一种双向、甚至多向互动的言语交流活动.学生只有在动态的双向或多向的互动活动中才能增强口语表达能力,才能学会分析、归纳、评价的思维方法,才能形成由语言、做人、生存等因素构成的口语交际能力.  相似文献   

在社会生活中,口语交际历来就具有举足轻重的作用.具备较强的口语交际能力有利于促进学生的思维发展,为学生终身的学习、生活和工作奠定基础.所以<语文课程标准>对小学口语交际的教学提出了明确的目标:"具有日常口语交际的基本能力,在各种交际活动中,学会倾听、表达与交流.""初步学会文明地进行人际沟通和社会交往.发展合作精神."要达到这一教学目标,必须采用相应的教学策略与形式.下面.笔者通过课堂教学实例,谈谈多媒体技术在口语交际教学中的应用.  相似文献   

让学生"具有日常口语交际的基本能力,在各种交际活动中,学会倾听、表达与交流,初步学会文明地进行人际沟通和社会交往,发展合作精神",是<语文课程标准>对口语交际教学提出的总目标.教材中安排的训练立足于学生综合素养的发展,结合每个年段学生的年龄特点,创设情景,选取贴近学生生活的、鲜活的交际话题,激发学生的口语交际欲望,从而实现教学目标的优化.在进行语文教学时要善于选择直观、运用生动、形象的内容、把口语交际与综合性学习结合在一起来培养学生的口语表达能力,在情景交际中进行综合性启发学习,让学生饶有兴趣地投入到说话训练中去进行积极地观察、思考、想象,既能提高口语表达能力,也能拓展思维,是有效的课堂教学途径.  相似文献   

中职学生的口语交际能力是中职学生综合素质与技能的一部分,通过口语教学培养和提高学生的口语交际能力是中职语文教师共同关注并积极探讨的重要课题.  相似文献   

小学低年级阶段是学习口语的最佳时期,作为低年级小学教师,一定要意识到口语交际的重要性,提高小学低年级学生的口语交际能力。本文从小学低年级语文教学的实际出发,对提高学生口语交际能力提出了几点有效的方法。  相似文献   

职校学生在语言交际过程中存在各种各样的问题,这些问题将会影响他们的听、写、读能力.通过笔者在教学中的观察发现,总结了三类学生在日常口语交际表达中常见的错误.通过对这些错误的认识,在以后的教学中,对学生口语进行有针对性的训练提高.  相似文献   

综合性学习是新课改的亮点,也是语文教学中的一个新课题。语文“综合性”的寓意有两点:一是听说读写融于一体,尤其是把写作与口语交际渗透于综合性学习之中,中心内容是在综合性学习活动中提高书面表达能力与口语交际能力:二是突出学习过程中的探究性,培养学生搜集资料、筛选信息与研究问题的能力和培养学生的人文精神。  相似文献   

学生的英语口语评价包括生生互评、师生互评.口语评价不仅可以锻炼学生的口语交际能力,而且能够促进学生学会倾听、学会欣赏、学会分析.当一个学习活动结束时,学生可以自主地发表自己的见解,或是对某个同学的鼓励,或是对某个组的建议,或是提出自己认为不准确的地方,还可以和发言人一起"切磋"观点.在教学中,我们应积极培养低年级学生相互鼓励,能用简单的语言判断等级,指出问题;对中高年级的学生,应要求能够熟悉运用口语,进行比较客观的评价.只有学生学会了自主评价,教师在评价过程中才能得以"退",进而让学生更好地"学".  相似文献   

Most researches conducted in the field of postimplant assessment have focused on the restoration of perceptual capabilities and the development of verbal language. In contrast, only very few studies have examined the impact of a cochlear implantation on children's overall development and, in particular, on their conversational language abilities. However, some previous works on the preverbal development revealed the recurrent difficulties experienced by deaf children in acquiring knowledge of social rules and social skills relative to speech activities. In children with profound bilateral deafness, a conventional hearing aid is not enough to provide sufficiently relevant information for a satisfactory development of oral communication. In such situations, the most suitable way of improving hearing is the use of a cochlear implant. The authors therefore hypothesized that access to oral perception will not only improve implanted children's social skills, but will also increase their rate of participation and the use of verbal language in their interaction with a familiar adult (mother or father). Their communication skills profile would resemble that of younger normal hearing children. Using conversational samples from a video-filming protocol at specific intervals, the authors monitored the development of communication skills in a group of 20 prelingually, profoundly deaf children (mean age: 3.7 years). Results corroborated our hypothesis. They indicated that children using cochlear implants increased their overall performance in communication skills, quantitatively and qualitatively speaking, even at the first year postimplantation stage. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Communication courses are often given low priority by engineering students and faculty alike. This is mainly because they are perceived to be, and often are, divorced from the realities of the engineering world. Credible and relevant communication courses demand the integration of language and engineering content so that the tasks reflect the sort of problem solving that students will face in real-life engineering contexts. One problem that language specialists face in designing such courses arises from the fact that they hail from a discipline very different from engineering in purpose, subject matter, and pedagogical approach. To work effectively in the different “subculture” of engineering, they need to assimilate and attain the cultural literacy of the discipline. In our institution, the “acculturation” process of language specialists has been helped along by the fact that they are based in the engineering school. This provides greater opportunities for assimilation into the discipline and allows the interfacing of communication skills and civil engineering to take place more effectively. This paper describes how this setup has been instrumental in providing a communication course that students perceive to be relevant and therefore an integral part of their engineering studies.  相似文献   

一般认为,外语课堂上的互动即由教师依循教学法的基本原则,引导和激发学生参与交际,而学生积极响应,教师再根据学生的反馈做出各种回应,交际双方在不断地回应已知信息,修正误差,并在不断添加新信息的过程中推进课堂交际活动。这是IRF互动模式,是主要的互动模式,往往被看做唯一的模式。文章尝试超越这种互动的一般模式,探讨更多的互动模式,并寻找更切合中国外语课堂需要的互动模式和策略。  相似文献   

The use of telematics in the practice of medicine has received much recent attention but little has been written about the use of these techniques in medical education. This is a report of a pilot study in which an interactive video-conference took place between medical students at the UAE University and their opposite numbers at Aberdeen University. In Aberdeen, the Dean of the Medical Faculty simultaneously taught Aberdeen and UAE students on a clinical case. He was able to confine his activities largely to the correction of misconceptions, the emphasis of important points and the addition of missing information, while the students themselves conducted most of the presentation. The UAE students presented their Community Health projects and had a spirited discussion on them with the Aberdeen students. Recent technological advances have so improved the quality of transmission of both visual and auditory images and at reasonable cost, using the ISDN telephone system, that the feasibility of using this medium as an aid to teaching has suddenly materialized. The experiment showed that the technology was adequate for easy, fully interactive teaching among students from different continents and with different cultural backgrounds. It is particularly suitable for the Arab world where it is the custom to teach males and females separately. The pilot study has pointed out the existence of a medium of communication and teaching which, if proved to be effective, could have far-reaching consequences in the undergraduate and postgraduate teaching of medicine.  相似文献   

The oral health action programmes of the WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/EURO) comply with the overall European Health Policy and targets for the improvement of health in Europe by the year 2000 (HFA2000) and focus on promotive and preventive care approaches primarily at the community level. Various activities, including the development of guidelines for local action projects, have been established to support WHO/EURO's Member States in initiating preventive oral health care system and introducing the concept of continuous quality development in oral health care. The main focus for Countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CCEE) is to formulate national goals for oral health and to further develop oral health services in the region. Collection of national data using agreed European quality indicators for oral health will form the basis of appropriate monitoring and development of technologies to improve oral health care services and the oral health status at large. The WHO/EURO action programmes aim to implement oral disease prevention and health promotion activities. Guidelines have been established to support individual Member States who intend to establish community-based programmes in accordance with scientifically sound principles and methods. The ORATEL Project (Telematic System for Quality Assurance in Oral Health Care) is part of the Commission of European Communities (CEC) strategy for harmonization and standardization in health care (CEC) Programme for advanced informatics in medicine--AIM/CEC) and ORATEL is the only AIM/CEC project related to oral health. The ORATEL Project aims to improve the oral health status in the European Region through use of appropriate computerized information systems. The Project will support management and administration of dental clinics and will be an integral part of a quality assurance system to promote a standardized level of quality in the field. Its advanced educational and decision-support tools can be used by professionals at all levels of the system. ORATEL possesses tools for aggregating and transmitting data upwards for monitoring and evaluation purposes at local, national and supranational administrative levels.  相似文献   

语言教学的最终目的是培养交际能力,而文化差异则是语言交际中的一大障碍.阐述了语言与文化的关系,分析了文化差异在日常交际中的反映,并结合教学实践提出了外语教学中文化教育的渗透方法.  相似文献   

阐述了任务型语言教学的实质及其内涵,分析了任务型教学的“真任务”,提供了多个“真任务”型教学的具体设计案例.以加深英语教师对任务型教学的认识和理解,提高学生的语言运用能力。  相似文献   

Today’s engineers must be more than just technically competent. To be successful in our increasingly global economy in which teamwork and interdisciplinary interaction are the norm, engineers must have excellent communication skills. In recognition of industry needs, the San José State University College of Engineering redesigned its technical communication course to ensure that students graduate with writing and speaking skills that will transfer readily to their career needs and the global arena. The course aims to motivate students through exploring topics that are meaningful to them and using communication formats that they will see in the workplace. Combining technical communication with study of the environment broadens the course to meet multiple Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology outcomes. This paper describes the course goals, organization, management, selected assignments, and assessment. Assessment data indicate that at the end of the semester students, on average, have gained between 0.8 and 1.1 points on a 12-point evaluation rubric and have gained an appreciation of the unique characteristics of and need for technical writing.  相似文献   

通信技术的飞速发展对通信专业人才的培养提出了更高的要求。改革通信工程专业教学模式,构建个性化人才培养模式;优化课程结构,实行课程负责人制;建立导师指导制度,引导学生自主学习,鼓励学生自主创业;进行多层次、开放性实验教学,培养学生的实践能力和创新精神;加强校企合作,促进产、学、研一体化,以培养适应于信息化时代要求的高级通信专业人才。  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Communication problems in autism edited by Eric Schopler and Gary B. Mesibov. This volume is a compilation of articles on a variety of theoretical approaches directed at an understanding of language and communication problems in autism. Topics explored include behavioral approaches to language and communication, prosodic abnormalities, semantic problems, echolalia, sign language, the comprehension of language, logico-affective states and nonverbal language, and social aspects of communication. Overall, this volume stresses the importance of understanding communication as a social event and the importance of understanding normal language development when considering language and communication problems in autism. It assumes that the reader has strong background knowledge in both autism and speech and language. To the extent that this is true it will be useful for understanding language and communication in autism and planning intervention. For the individual lacking such a background, the book's usefulness is much more limited. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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