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Wounding increases the levels and activities of several defense-related proteins in the foliage of the tomato plant,Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Evidence indicates that two of these responses, the systemic increases in polyphenol oxidase and proteinase inhibitors, are regulated by an octadecanoid-based signalling pathway which includes the wound hormone, jasmonic acid. It is not known whether other responses to wounding are also regulated by this same signalling pathway. In this paper, we show that application of jasmonates (jasmonic acid or its volatile derivative, methyl jasmonate) in low concentrations to foliage of young tomato plants induced, in a dose-dependent manner, the same protein responses-polyphenol oxidase, proteinase inhibitors, lipoxygenase, and peroxidase-as doesHelicoverpa zea Boddie feeding. Application of jasmonic acid to a single leaflet of four-leaf tomato plants induced these four proteins in a spatial pattern nearly identical to that produced by localized feeding ofH. zea. Exogenous jasmonic acid also decreased suitability of foliage for the beet armyworm,Spodoptera exigua Hubner in the laboratory. Based on these results, we conducted an experiment to measure the effects of jasmonic acid spray under field conditions. We provide the first evidence that jasmonic acid spray on field plants induces production of chemical defenses above the levels found in unsprayed controls. Exogenous jasmonic acid sprayed on plants in agricultural plots increased levels of polyphenol oxidase and proteinase inhibitors. Because application of jasmonic acid induces these defensive compounds at low concentrations in a manner similar to natural wounding, it may prove to be a useful tool for stimulating plant resistance to insects in the field.  相似文献   

Nitrogen Availability and Defense of Tomato Against Two-spotted Spider Mite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this work was to study how nitrogen availability affects within-plant allocation to growth and secondary metabolites and how this allocation affects host selection by herbivores. Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) were grown at six levels of nitrogen availability. When nitrogen availability increased, plant relative growth rate increased, but tissue carbon/nitrogen ratio in the second oldest true leaf and allocation to large glandular trichomes (type VI) as well as to the defense compounds rutin and chlorogenic acid decreased. Leaf protein concentration increased. Two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) females responded significantly to these changes: in dual choice tests they preferred leaf disks from plants grown at high nitrogen availability, with a low C/N ratio. This preference persisted in an olfactometer in which the mites were offered only the odors released by leaves with damaged trichomes. We conclude that in a tomato leaf increased nitrogen availability leads to decreased allocation to defenses, and that repellent volatiles released by trichomes play a key role in affecting leaf selection by two-spotted spider mite females.  相似文献   

Constitutive phenolase activity of plants has a profound ability to modulate disease in insects caused by baculoviruses. We investigated the influence of damage-induced plant phenolic oxidases in cotton and tomato on mortality caused by two different baculoviruses in their respective hosts, Heliothis virescens (L.) and Helicoverpa zea (Boddie). For both plant species, peroxidase (POD) and phenolic levels were predictive of larval mortality caused by baculoviruses. The higher the POD activity, the lower the mortality in both hosts. Different classes of phenolics (e.g., monohydroxyphenolics vs. catecholic phenolics) in combination with POD activity had different effects on the severity of viral disease depending upon mixture, which implies that viral efficacy is predictable only if total chemical content of the plants is specified. Inhibition of baculoviral disease by plant phenolase activity has potential implications for the compatibility of baculoviruses with induced resistance in IPM programs.  相似文献   

This study was designed to address whether applications of methyl jasmonate (MJ) or Benzothiadiazole (BTH) to cultivated tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum, induced elevated densities of defense-related glandular trichomes on new leaves. Four-leaf tomato plants were sprayed with MJ, BTH, or control solutions, and the density of type VI glandular trichomes on new leaves was subsequently determined at 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 d. At 7, 14, and 21 d, the density of type VI glandular trichomes on new leaves was significantly higher on MJ-treated plants than on BTH- or control-treated plants. At 7 and 14 d after treatment, the mean density of glandular trichomes on new leaves of MJ-treated plants was ninefold higher than on leaves of control-treated plants. We observed entrapment of immature western flower thrips in trichomes on MJ-treated plants at higher rates than on BTH or control plants. Studies to evaluate potential trade-offs between reductions in pest populations by increased trichome density and possible negative impacts of trichome induction on biological control agents are needed.  相似文献   

Constitutive and Jasmonate-Inducible Traits of Datura wrightii   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plants in the family Solanaceae possess numerous traits that are induced from damage from herbivores. Many of these also can be induced by exposing plants to the plant hormone jasmonic acid or its volatile ester methyl jasmonate. Datura wrightii (Solanaceae) is dimorphic for leaf trichome morphology in most southern California populations. Trichome phenotype is governed by a single gene, and the glandular trichome condition is dominant and under developmental control. This study addressed two major objectives. The first was to determine if mature plants with glandular or nonglandular trichomes responded differentially to methyl jasmonate. The second objective was to determine if exposure of seedlings to methyl jasmonate during the period of trichome differentiation altered either the phenotype or the density of trichomes that mature plants expressed. Methyl jasmonate induced from 200 to 800 μg/ml of proteinase inhibitor activity and increased the activity of polyphenol oxidase by more than threefold depending on the experiment. These increases did not differ significantly between plants expressing glandular or nonglandular trichomes. Methyl jasmonate exposure did not increase the activity of peroxidase or the concentration of scopolamine or hyoscyamine, the two major alkaloids of Datura. Exposure to methyl jasmonate during trichome differentiation did not affect either the final trichome phenotype or the density of either type of trichome, but did increase the production of acylsugars in glandular trichomes by 44%. Because trichome phenotype was not inducible, and because both trichome phenotypes showed similar increases in proteinase inhibitors and polyphenol oxidase activity, the methyl-jasmonate-inducible responses of D. wrightii are independent of trichome phenotype in D. wrightii.  相似文献   

The effects of mechanical and chemical damage and three types of biotic damage on the activities of four foliar proteins of the tomato plant (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill var. Castlemart) were assayed. Proteinase inhibitor, polyphenol oxidase, peroxidase, and lipoxygenase activities were assayed in damaged leaflets and compared with activities in undamaged leaflets. These proteins are putative plant defenses in tomato. Differential induction of these proteins by the various damage-treatments was demonstrated, such that different subsets of the four proteins were induced by different types of damage. This study clearly demonstrates the ability of plants to respond differentially to different types of damage. Possible mechanisms for this differential induction and the implications of differential induction for plant defense are discussed.  相似文献   

Systemic induction following damage has been found in many plant species. Despite this widespread appreciation for the importance of induction, few studies have characterized the spatial variability of induction. We used tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum, to examine how damage to a single leaf affected the spatial distribution of systemic induction of proteinase inhibition in leaves above the damaged leaf. We crushed each leaflet of the second true leaf with forceps and measured the spatial distribution of proteinase inhibition in leaves 3, 4, and 5 at 8, 16, 24, 48, 72, and 120 hr. Constitutive levels of proteinase inhibitor activity were quantified in undamaged plants. We hypothesized that, due to vascular control of signal movement, systemic induction would show both among and within leaf variability. Following damage to leaf 2, induction was most pronounced in leaf 5 and minimal in leaf 3. In general, proteinase inhibitor activity was greatest at 24 hr and then declined. As predicted by vascular architecture, the near side of leaves in adjacent orthostichies showed higher induction than the far side of leaves. There was no increase in proteinase inhibitor activity in the undamaged neighboring plants. Overall our results demonstrate that systemic induction of proteinase inhibitors is partially controlled by vascular architecture and that future studies on systemic induction should examine the vascular architecture of the plants being studied. We argue that this spatial variation may influence the performance of herbivores sensitive to induced chemical changes.  相似文献   

The Evolution of Increased Competitive Ability (EICA) hypothesis posits that invasive plants in introduced habitats with reduced herbivore pressure will evolve reduced levels of costly resistance traits. In light of this hypothesis, we examined the constitutive and inducible expression of five chemical defense traits in Alliaria petiolata from four invasive North American and seven native European populations. When grown under common conditions, significant variation among populations within continents was found for trypsin inhibitors and peroxidase activity, and glucosinolates and trypsin inhibitors were significantly jasmonate-inducible across populations. Across populations, constitutive levels of glucosinolates and trypsin inhibitors were negatively correlated with their degree of induction, with three North American populations tending to have lower constitutive levels and higher inducibility of glucosinolates than the seven European populations. Alliarinoside and isovitexin 6″-O-β-d-glucopyranoside levels were both higher in North American plants than in European plants, but levels of these compounds were generally increased by jasmonate in European plants and decreased by the same treatment in North American plants. Aside from the tendency for invasive populations to have reduced constitutive glucosinolate levels coupled with increased inducibility, little support for the predictions of EICA was evident in the chemical defenses that we studied.  相似文献   

Tomato plants were grown alone or intercropped with Chinese chive plants, with or without the inoculation of Pseudomonas solanacearum. Chinese chive plants had no detrimental effects on the growth of tomato plants but significantly delayed and suppressed the occurrence of bacterial wilt of tomato. P. solanacearum population decreased faster in the soil grown with tomato alone than that in the soil grown with both tomato and Chinese chive. However, P. solanacearum population in bare soil was higher than that grown with Chinese chive. Root exudates of Chinese chive collected with a continuously trapping system were inhibitory to multiplication of P. solanacearum.  相似文献   

Jasmonates, such as jasmonic acid (JA), are plant-signaling compounds that trigger induced resistance against certain pathogens and a broad range of arthropod herbivores. One goal of this study was to determine the effects of JA-dependent defenses in tomato on root-knot nematodes. Another was to determine if the artificial induction of these defenses could enhance nematode control on plants that carry Mi-1.2, a nematode resistance gene that is present in many tomato cultivars. At moderate soil temperatures, Mi-1.2 can effectively suppress reproduction of most isolates of the common root-knot nematode species Meloidogyne javanica, M. incognita, and M. arenaria. Mi-mediated resistance has its limitations, however. Mi-1.2 is reported to lose its effectiveness at soil temperatures above 28°C, and certain virulent nematode isolates can overcome resistance even at moderate soil temperatures. This study used a foliar application of JA to activate induced resistance in two near-isogenic lines of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) with and without Mi-1.2, and evaluated the effects of induced resistance at moderate soil temperatures on one avirulent nematode isolate (M. javanica isolate VW4) and two virulent isolates (M. javanica isolate VW5 and M. incognita isolate 557R). In addition, the effects of induced resistance on avirulent nematode performance were examined at a high temperature (32°C). The results indicate that JA application induces a systemic defense response that reduces avirulent nematode reproduction on susceptible tomato plants. Furthermore, JA-dependent defenses proved to be heat-stable, whereas the effects of Mi-mediated resistance were reduced but not eliminated at 32°C. JA treatment enhanced Mi-mediated resistance at high temperature, but did not suppress either of the virulent nematode isolates tested.  相似文献   

The infectivity of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus, HzSNPV toHeliothis zea was significantly reduced when viral occlusion bodies were exposed to the plant phenolic chlorogenic acid in the presence of polyphenol oxidase. Chlorogenic acid is rapidly oxidized to the ortho-quinone, chlorogenoquinone, by foliar polyphenol oxidases of the tomato plant, Lycopersicon esculentum, when foliage is damaged during feeding by larvalH. zea.Our results indicate that chlorogenoquinone, a powerful oxidizing agent, covalently binds to the occlusion bodies of HzSNPV and significantly reduces their digestibility and solubility under alkaline conditions. This binding is proposed to interfere with the infection process by impairing the release of infective virions in the midgut.  相似文献   

Effect of Nighttime Temperature on Tomato Plant Defensive Chemistry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Given that the amplitude of diurnal temperature fluctuations has been decreasing, mainly via warmer night temperatures, we examined the effects of nighttime temperature on concentration of the catecholic phenolics chlorogenic acid and rutin in tomato plants. A two-factor design, with carbon dioxide (350 ppm and 700 ppm) and nighttime temperature (14, 15, 16, 17, and 18°C, with a 26°C daytime temperature) was used. Compared to the lower carbon dioxide level, for whole plants the concentration of phenolics was lower at the higher carbon dioxide level, but patterns for plant parts differed. Nighttime temperature did not affect concentration of phenolics for whole plants, but it did influence concentration of the phenolics for plant parts, although not in predictable ways. Furthermore, the pattern of concentration of chlorogenic acid was somewhat different from that of rutin. The amount of change in concentration of these allelochemicals is likely sufficient to have substantial effects on insect herbivores. We conclude that nighttime temperature affects concentration of allelochemicals in tomato plants in significant ways.  相似文献   

Baculoviruses are arthropod-specific, dsDNA viruses primarily used to control lepidopteran pests. A limitation of the use of baculoviruses for pest control is that their efficacy is modifiable by host-plant chemicals. The levels of phenolic substrates and two foliar oxidative enzymes, peroxidase (POD) and polyphenol oxidase (PTO), were significant predictors of disease caused by a baculovirus in Heliothis virescens fed on either cotton or lettuce; POD was the more influential of the two enzymes. The higher the plant phenolase activity, the lower the percent mortality and the slower the insects died from viral infection. Whether a particular class of phenolic substrates was correlated with enhanced or attenuated baculoviral disease depended upon context, i.e., admixture. Diminution of viral efficacy by plant oxidative activity may compromise the compatibility of baculoviruses with other components of an integrated pest management system such as host plant resistance.  相似文献   

The fate of the tomato foliar phenolic, chlorogenic acid, in the digestive systems of Colorado potato beetleLeptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) andHelicoverpa tea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is compared. In larvalH. zea and other lepidopteran species previously examined, approximately 35–50% of the ingested chlorogenic acid was oxidized in the digestive system by foliar phenolic oxidases (i.e., polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase) from the tomato plant. The oxidized form of chlorogenic acid, chlorogenoquinone, is a potent alkylator of dietary protein and can exert a strong antinutritive effect upon larvae through chemical degradation of essential amino acids. In contrast, inL. decemlineata less than 4% of the ingested dose of chlorogenic acid was bound to protein. In vitro experiments to determine the influence of pH on covalent binding of chlorogenic acid to protein showed that 30–45% less chlorogenic acid bound to protein at pHs representative of the beetle midgut (pH 5.5–6.5) than at a pH representing the lepidopteran midgut (pH 8.5). At an acidic pH, considerably more of the alkylatable functional groups of amino acids (–NH2, –SH) are in the nonreactive, protonated state. Hence, polyphenol oxidases are unlikely to have significant antinutritive effects against the Colorado potato beetle and may not be a useful biochemical source of resistance against this insect. The influence of feeding by larval Colorado potato beetle on foliar polyphenol oxidase activity in tomato foliage and its possible significance to interspecific competition is also considered.Approved by the Director of the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of plant density on plant size, leaf total soluble protein content, and constitutive and wound-induced levels of proteinaceous trypsin inhibitors in pot-grown Brassica napus seedlings in two greenhouse studies. We manipulated plant density by varying the number of intraspecific neighbors surrounding a target plant in the center of each pot. In general, constitutive and induced levels of trypsin inhibitors were significantly reduced by competition in a density-dependent manner, to the extent that induction was greatly reduced or abolished in target plants surrounded by six neighbors. To investigate whether the effects of plant density on inhibitor production were mediated by nutrient availability, we manipulated the concentration of a complete fertilizer applied to target plants surrounded by six neighbors in two greenhouse studies. In general, constitutive and wound-induced levels of inhibitors in plants surrounded by six neighbors were increased by nutrient addition in a dose-dependent manner, such that wound-induction was completely restored in competing plants under conditions of high nutrient availability. Leaf total soluble protein content, measured only in the second trial of each experiment, was not affected by any of the treatments. The effects of plant density, nutrient addition, and wounding on inhibitor levels in all experiments were independent of their effecs on above-ground plant size at the time of wounding. Overall, our results suggest that decreasing nutrient availability mediates the density-dependent reductions in inhibitor levels in B. napus seedings.  相似文献   

Settling of the potato aphid,Macrosiphum euphorbiae, on feeding membranes was deterred by methanolic leaf rinses ofLycopersicon pennellii, or of its F1 with tomato,L. esculentum. The active compounds in theL. pennellii rinsates were identified as 2,3,4-tri-O-acylglucoses bearing short to medium chain length fatty acids. These compounds are localized in the glandular exudate of the type IV trichomes and may accumulate to levels in excess of 400 g/cm2. In choice assays, purified glucose esters fromL. pennellii reduced aphid settling at concentrations as low as 25 g/cm2; at concentrations of 150 g/cm2 or more, all aphids avoided treated areas. Glucose esters were also active in deterring aphid settling in no-choice assays. At 100 g/ cm2, these esters resulted in increased levels of mortality after 48 hr.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between internal resources (root reserves), external resources (soil fertility), and allocation to defense vs. growth in the clonal, perennial herb Solanum carolinense. In a short-term (9 d) greenhouse experiment, plants were treated once with jasmonic acid (JA) to determine if polyphenols and glycoalkaloids were inducible by simulated herbivory. In a longer-term (4 wk) greenhouse experiment, we measured the cost, in terms of growth, of treatment with JA every 3 d, to determine if the induced response was due more to carbon limitation or nitrogen limitation. We manipulated the resources available to the plants by varying soil fertility and the size of root cuttings from which plants were grown, and assessed how different resource levels affected the growth and production of polyphenols and alkaloids under JA treatment or control conditions. In the short term, JA increased the concentration of polyphenols in both above- and belowground plant parts, as well as alkaloid concentrations in the roots. In the long term, the only significant secondary chemistry response to JA was an increased polyphenol concentration in above ground tissues. The total amount of polyphenols produced was the same for JA and control plants, indicating that the higher concentration was a result of the lower biomass of treated plants. In contrast, alkaloid concentrations in plants treated with JA for 4 wk did not differ from controls, but JA-treated plants contained lower total amounts of alkaloids in above ground tissues, as a result of decreased growth. Fertilizer level and root cutting size had effects on growth and the production of secondary compounds and influenced the cost of induction. Plants grown under high fertility had a greater reduction in growth in response to JA than plants grown under low fertility, indicating a greater trade-off between growth and defense for high fertility plants. Plants from larger root cuttings grew bigger without any reduction in the concentration of polyphenols and alkaloids. We demonstrated that the phenotype of S. carolinense was plastic in response to simulated herbivory, fertility level, and root cutting size, and that there was a significant growth cost to induction that varied with the environment and appears to be due in large part to the allocation of limited carbon reserves.  相似文献   

Larvae of the bollworm Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) show some tolerance to Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Cry1Ac, and can survive on Cry1Ac-expressing Bt cotton, which should increase resistance development concerns. However, field-evolved resistance has not yet been observed. In a previous study, a population of H. zea was selected for stable resistance to Cry1Ac toxin. In the present study, we determined in laboratory bioassays if larvae of the Cry1Ac toxin-resistant H. zea population show higher survival rates on field-cultivated Bt cotton squares (= flower buds) collected prebloom—bloom than susceptible H. zea. Our results show that Cry1Ac toxin-resistant H. zea cannot complete larval development on Cry1Ac-expressing Bt cotton, despite being more than 150-fold resistant to Cry1Ac toxin and able to survive until pupation on Cry1Ac toxin concentrations greater than present in Bt cotton squares. Since mortality observed for Cry1Ac-resistant H. zea on Bt cotton was higher than expected, we investigated whether Cry1Ac interacts with gossypol and or other compounds offered with cotton powder in artificial diet. Diet incorporation bioassays were conducted with Cry1Ac toxin alone, and with gossypol and 4% cotton powder in the presence and absence of Cry1Ac. Cry1Ac toxin was significantly more lethal to susceptible H. zea than to resistant H. zea, but no difference in susceptibility to gossypol was observed between strains. However, combinations of Cry1Ac with gossypol or cotton powder were synergistic against resistant, but not against susceptible H. zea. Gossypol concentrations in individual larvae showed no significant differences between insect strains, or between larvae fed gossypol alone vs. those fed gossypol plus Cry1Ac. These results may help explain the inability of Cry1Ac-resistant H. zea to complete development on Bt cotton, and the absence of field-evolved resistance to Bt cotton by this pest.  相似文献   

In plant growth room (PGR) and open-air pot (OAP) experiments, potato cvs King Edward and Maris Piper were grown under two nitrogen levels or two different nitrogen release patterns. Plants were subjected to infestation by peach potato aphids Myzus persicae (Homoptera: Aphididae). Total glycoalkaloid (GA) levels were measured in the foliage of both infested and non-infested plants, before, during and after aphid infestation. In the PGR experiment, aphid infestation reduced the amounts of total GAs in both cultivars. This reduction is attributed to the sugar deficiency induced in the plants owing to the dense aphid colonization. Results from the OAP experiment showed a temporal increase of GAs produced by potato cv. King Edward plants subjected to aphid infestation. Elevated amounts of nitrogen in the nutrient solutions (PGR experiment) reduced total GAs, while no differences were observed between manure and fertilizer treated plants (OAP experiment). It is concluded that the source of available nitrogen does not affect foliar GA synthesis in potatoes, and as a consequence, does not affect its endogenous chemical defense against insect herbivory. The case for insect-induced chemical defense mechanisms as triggered by low rates of aphid infestation is discussed.  相似文献   

Susceptible and resistant tomato cultivars were assayed for root tomatine concentrations at different developmental times. No correlation between high tomatine levels and resistance towardMeloidogyne incognita was apparent. In plants infected with nematodes, tomatine in the roots was the same as in uninfected controls. Tomatine concentration, as measured by bulk analysis, does not appear to play an important role in resistance toward the nematode studied.  相似文献   

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