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Recent work has shown that distributing Monte Carlo errors as a blue noise in screen space improves the perceptual quality of rendered images. However, obtaining such distributions remains an open problem with high sample counts and high‐dimensional rendering integrals. In this paper, we introduce a temporal algorithm that aims at overcoming these limitations. Our algorithm is applicable whenever multiple frames are rendered, typically for animated sequences or interactive applications. Our algorithm locally permutes the pixel sequences (represented by their seeds) to improve the error distribution across frames. Our approach works regardless of the sample count or the dimensionality and significantly improves the images in low‐varying screen‐space regions under coherent motion. Furthermore, it adds negligible overhead compared to the rendering times. Note: our supplemental material provides more results with interactive comparisons against previous work.  相似文献   

We propose an efficient method for topology‐preserving simplification of medial axes of 3D models. Existing methods either cannot preserve the topology during medial axes simplification or have the problem of being geometrically inaccurate or computationally expensive. To tackle these issues, we restrict our topology‐checking to the areas around the topological holes to avoid unnecessary checks in other areas. Our algorithm can keep high precision even when the medial axis is simplified to be in very few vertices. Furthermore, we parallelize the medial axes simplification procedure to enhance the performance significantly. Experimental results show that our method can preserve the topology with highly efficient performance, much superior to the existing methods in terms of topology preservation, accuracy and performance.  相似文献   

We present a versatile technique to convert textures with tristimulus colors into the spectral domain, allowing such content to be used in modern rendering systems. Our method is based on the observation that suitable reflectance spectra can be represented using a low‐dimensional parametric model that is intrinsically smooth and energy‐conserving, which leads to significant simplifications compared to prior work. The resulting spectral textures are compact and efficient: storage requirements are identical to standard RGB textures, and as few as six floating point instructions are required to evaluate them at any wavelength. Our model is the first spectral upsampling method to achieve zero error on the full sRGB gamut. The technique also supports large‐gamut color spaces, and can be vectorized effectively for use in rendering systems that handle many wavelengths at once.  相似文献   

We introduce a general method to approximate the convolution of a program with a Gaussian kernel. This results in the program being smoothed. Our compiler framework models intermediate values in the program as random variables, by using mean and variance statistics. We decompose the input program into atomic parts and relate the statistics of the different parts of the smoothed program. We give several approximate smoothing rules that can be used for the parts of the program. These include an improved variant of Dorn et al. [ DBLW15 ], a novel adaptive Gaussian approximation, Monte Carlo sampling, and compactly supported kernels. Our adaptive Gaussian approximation handles multivariate Gaussian distributed inputs, gives exact results for a larger class of programs than previous work, and is accurate to the second order in the standard deviation of the kernel for programs with certain analytic properties. Because each expression in the program can have multiple approximation choices, we use a genetic search to automatically select the best approximations. We apply this framework to the problem of automatically bandlimiting procedural shader programs. We evaluate our method on a variety of geometries and complex shaders, including shaders with parallax mapping, animation, and spatially varying statistics. The resulting smoothed shader programs outperform previous approaches both numerically and aesthetically.  相似文献   

As the number of models for 3D indoor scenes are increasing rapidly, methods for generating the lighting layout have also become increasingly important. This paper presents a novel method that creates optimal placements and intensities of a set of lights in indoor scenes. Our method is characterized by designing the objective functions for the optimization based on the lighting guidelines used in the interior design field. Specifically, to apply major elements of the lighting guideline, we identify three criteria, namely the structure, function, and aesthetics, that are suitable for the virtual space and quantify them through a set of objective terms: pairwise relation, hierarchy, circulation, illuminance, and collision. Given an indoor scene with properly arranged furniture as input, our method combines the procedural and optimization‐based approaches to generate lighting layouts appropriate to the geometric and functional characteristics of the input scene. The effectiveness of our method is demonstrated with an ablation study of cost terms for the optimization and a user study for perceptual evaluation.  相似文献   

Distributions of samples play a very important role in rendering, affecting variance, bias and aliasing in Monte‐Carlo and Quasi‐Monte Carlo evaluation of the rendering equation. In this paper, we propose an original sampler which inherits many important features of classical low‐discrepancy sequences (LDS): a high degree of uniformity of the achieved distribution of samples, computational efficiency and progressive sampling capability. At the same time, we purposely tailor our sampler in order to improve its spectral characteristics, which in turn play a crucial role in variance reduction, anti‐aliasing and improving visual appearance of rendering. Our sampler can efficiently generate sequences of multidimensional points, whose power spectra approach so‐called Blue‐Noise (BN) spectral property while preserving low discrepancy (LD) in certain 2‐D projections. In our tile‐based approach, we perform permutations on subsets of the original Sobol LDS. In a large space of all possible permutations, we select those which better approach the target BN property, using pair‐correlation statistics. We pre‐calculate such “good” permutations for each possible Sobol pattern, and store them in a lookup table efficiently accessible in runtime. We provide a complete and rigorous proof that such permutations preserve dyadic partitioning and thus the LDS properties of the point set in 2‐D projections. Our construction is computationally efficient, has a relatively low memory footprint and supports adaptive sampling. We validate our method by performing spectral/discrepancy/aliasing analysis of the achieved distributions, and provide variance analysis for several target integrands of theoretical and practical interest.  相似文献   

We propose a method for the data‐driven inference of temporal evolutions of physical functions with deep learning. More specifically, we target fluid flow problems, and we propose a novel LSTM‐based approach to predict the changes of the pressure field over time. The central challenge in this context is the high dimensionality of Eulerian space‐time data sets. We demonstrate for the first time that dense 3D+time functions of physics system can be predicted within the latent spaces of neural networks, and we arrive at a neural‐network based simulation algorithm with significant practical speed‐ups. We highlight the capabilities of our method with a series of complex liquid simulations, and with a set of single‐phase buoyancy simulations. With a set of trained networks, our method is more than two orders of magnitudes faster than a traditional pressure solver. Additionally, we present and discuss a series of detailed evaluations for the different components of our algorithm.  相似文献   

We propose an approach for temporally coherent patch‐based texture synthesis on the free surface of fluids. Our approach is applied as a post‐process, using the surface and velocity field from any fluid simulator. We apply the texture from the exemplar through multiple local mesh patches fitted to the surface and mapped to the exemplar. Our patches are constructed from the fluid free surface by taking a subsection of the free surface mesh. As such, they are initially very well adapted to the fluid's surface, and can later deform according to the free surface velocity field, allowing a greater ability to represent surface motion than rigid or 2D grid‐based patches. From one frame to the next, the patch centers and surrounding patch vertices are advected according to the velocity field. We seek to maintain a Poisson disk distribution of patches, and following advection, the Poisson disk criterion determines where to add new patches and which patches should e flagged for removal. The removal considers the local number of patches: in regions containing too many patches, we accelerate the temporal removal. This reduces the number of patches while still meeting the Poisson disk criterion. Reducing areas with too many patches speeds up the computation and avoids patch‐blending artifacts. The final step of our approach creates the overall texture in an atlas where each texel is computed from the patches using a contrast‐preserving blending function. Our tests show that the approach works well on free surfaces undergoing significant deformation and topological changes. Furthermore, we show that our approach provides good results for many fluid simulation scenarios, and with many texture exemplars. We also confirm that the optical flow from the resulting texture matches the fluid velocity field. Overall, our approach compares favorably against recent work in this area.  相似文献   

Applying motion‐capture data to multi‐person interaction between virtual characters is challenging because one needs to preserve the interaction semantics while also satisfying the general requirements of motion retargeting, such as preventing penetration and preserving naturalness. An efficient means of representing interaction semantics is by defining the spatial relationships between the body parts of characters. However, existing methods consider only the character skeleton and thus are not suitable for capturing skin‐level spatial relationships. This paper proposes a novel method for retargeting interaction motions with respect to character skins. Specifically, we introduce the aura mesh, which is a volumetric mesh that surrounds a character's skin. The spatial relationships between two characters are computed from the overlap of the skin mesh of one character and the aura mesh of the other, and then the interaction motion retargeting is achieved by preserving the spatial relationships as much as possible while satisfying other constraints. We show the effectiveness of our method through a number of experiments.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a real‐time rendering method for single‐bounce glossy caustics created by GGX microsurfaces. Our method is based on stochastic light culling of virtual point lights (VPLs), which is an unbiased culling method that randomly determines the range of influence of light for each VPL. While the original stochastic light culling method uses a bounding sphere defined by that light range for coarse culling (e.g., tiled culling), we have further extended the method by calculating a tighter bounding ellipsoid for glossy VPLs. Such bounding ellipsoids can be calculated analytically under the classic Phong reflection model which cannot be applied to physically plausible materials used in modern computer graphics productions. In order to use stochastic light culling for such modern materials, this paper derives a simple analytical solution to generate a tighter bounding ellipsoid for VPLs on GGX microsurfaces. This paper also presents an efficient implementation for culling bounding ellipsoids in the context of tiled culling. When stochastic light culling is combined with interleaved sampling for a scene with tens of thousands of VPLs, this tiled culling is faster than conservative rasterization‐based clustered shading which is a state‐of‐the‐art culling technique that supports bounding ellipsoids. Using these techniques, VPLs are culled efficiently for completely dynamic single‐bounce glossy caustics reflected from GGX microsurfaces.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel motion controller for the online generation of natural character locomotion that adapts to new situations such as changing user control or applying external forces. This controller continuously estimates the next footstep while walking and running, and automatically switches the stepping strategy based on situational changes. To develop the controller, we devise a new physical model called an inverted‐pendulum‐based abstract model (IPAM). The proposed abstract model represents high‐dimensional character motions, inheriting the naturalness of captured motions by estimating the appropriate footstep location, speed and switching time at every frame. The estimation is achieved by a deep learning based regressor that extracts important features in captured motions. To validate the proposed controller, we train the model using captured motions of a human stopping, walking, and running in a limited space. Then, the motion controller generates human‐like locomotion with continuously varying speeds, transitions between walking and running, and collision response strategies in a cluttered space in real time.  相似文献   

Displacement mapping is routinely used to add geometric details in a fast and easy‐to‐control way, both in offline rendering as well as recently in interactive applications such as games. However, it went largely unnoticed (with the exception of McGuire and Whitson [MW08]) that, when applying displacement mapping to a surface with a low‐distortion parametrization, this parametrization is distorted as the geometry was changed by the displacement mapping. Typical resulting artifacts are “rubber band”‐like distortion patterns in areas of strong displacement change where a small isotropic area in texture space is mapped to a large anisotropic area in world space. We describe a fast, fully GPU‐based two‐step procedure to resolve this problem. First, a correction deformation is computed from the displacement map. Second, two variants to apply this correction when computing displacement mapping are proposed. The first variant is backward‐compatible and can resolve the artifact in any rendering pipeline without modifying it and without requiring additional computation at render time, but only works for bijective parametrizations. The second variant works for more general parametrizations, but requires to modify the rendering code and incurs a very small computational overhead.  相似文献   

We propose a bi‐layer representation for textures which is suitable for on‐the‐fly synthesis of unbounded textures from an input exemplar. The goal is to improve the variety of outputs while preserving plausible small‐scale details. The insight is that many natural textures can be decomposed into a series of fine scale Gaussian patterns which have to be faithfully reproduced, and some non‐homogeneous, larger scale structure which can be deformed to add variety. Our key contribution is a novel, bi‐layer representation for such textures. It includes a model for spatially‐varying Gaussian noise, together with a mechanism enabling synchronization with a structure layer. We propose an automatic method to instantiate our bi‐layer model from an input exemplar. At the synthesis stage, the two layers are generated independently, synchronized and added, preserving the consistency of details even when the structure layer has been deformed to increase variety. We show on a variety of complex, real textures, that our method reduces repetition artifacts while preserving a coherent appearance.  相似文献   

Procedural textile models are compact, easy to edit, and can achieve state‐of‐the‐art realism with fiber‐level details. However, these complex models generally need to be fully instantiated (aka. realized ) into 3D volumes or fiber meshes and stored in memory, We introduce a novel realization‐minimizing technique that enables physically based rendering of procedural textiles, without the need of full model realizations. The key ingredients of our technique are new data structures and search algorithms that look up regular and flyaway fibers on the fly, efficiently and consistently. Our technique works with compact fiber‐level procedural yarn models in their exact form with no approximation imposed. In practice, our method can render very large models that are practically unrenderable using existing methods, while using considerably less memory (60–200× less) and achieving good performance.  相似文献   

Harmonious color combinations can stimulate positive user emotional responses. However, a widely open research question is: how can we establish a robust and accurate color harmony measure for the public and professional designers to identify the harmony level of a color theme or color set. Building upon the key discovery that color pairs play an important role in harmony estimation, in this paper we present a novel color‐pair based estimation model to accurately measure the color harmony. It first takes a two‐layer maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) based method to compute an initial prediction of color harmony by statistically modeling the pair‐wise color preferences from existing datasets. Then, the initial scores are refined through a back‐propagation neural network (BPNN) with a variety of color features extracted in different color spaces, so that an accurate harmony estimation can be obtained at the end. Our extensive experiments, including performance comparisons of harmony estimation applications, show the advantages of our method in comparison with the state of the art methods.  相似文献   

Power saving is a prevailing concern in desktop computers and, especially, in battery‐powered devices such as mobile phones. This is generating a growing demand for power‐aware graphics applications that can extend battery life, while preserving good quality. In this paper, we address this issue by presenting a real‐time power‐efficient rendering framework, able to dynamically select the rendering configuration with the best quality within a given power budget. Different from the current state of the art, our method does not require precomputation of the whole camera‐view space, nor Pareto curves to explore the vast power‐error space; as such, it can also handle dynamic scenes. Our algorithm is based on two key components: our novel power prediction model, and our runtime quality error estimation mechanism. These components allow us to search for the optimal rendering configuration at runtime, being transparent to the user. We demonstrate the performance of our framework on two different platforms: a desktop computer, and a mobile device. In both cases, we produce results close to the maximum quality, while achieving significant power savings.  相似文献   

Feature curves on 3D shapes provide important hints about significant parts of the geometry and reveal their underlying structure. However, when we process real world data, automatically detected feature curves are affected by measurement uncertainty, missing data, and sampling resolution, leading to noisy, fragmented, and incomplete feature curve networks. These artifacts make further processing unreliable. In this paper we analyze the global co‐occurrence information in noisy feature curve networks to fill in missing data and suppress weakly supported feature curves. For this we propose an unsupervised approach to find meaningful structure within the incomplete data by detecting multiple occurrences of feature curve configurations (co‐occurrence analysis). We cluster and merge these into feature curve templates, which we leverage to identify strongly supported feature curve segments as well as to complete missing data in the feature curve network. In the presence of significant noise, previous approaches had to resort to user input, while our method performs fully automatic feature curve co‐completion. Finding feature reoccurrences however, is challenging since naïve feature curve comparison fails in this setting due to fragmentation and partial overlaps of curve segments. To tackle this problem we propose a robust method for partial curve matching. This provides us with the means to apply symmetry detection methods to identify co‐occurring configurations. Finally, Bayesian model selection enables us to detect and group re‐occurrences that describe the data well and with low redundancy.  相似文献   

Vectorizing line drawing is necessary for the digital workflows of 2D animation and engineering design. But it is challenging due to the ambiguity of topology, especially at junctions. Existing vectorization methods either suffer from low accuracy or cannot deal with high‐resolution images. To deal with a variety of challenging containing different kinds of complex junctions, we propose a two‐phase line drawing vectorization method that analyzes the global and local topology. In the first phase, we subdivide the lines into partial curves, and in the second phase, we reconstruct the topology at junctions. With the overall topology estimated in the two phases, we can trace and vectorize the curves. To qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate our method and compare it with the existing methods, we conduct extensive experiments on not only existing datasets but also our newly synthesized dataset which contains different types of complex and ambiguous junctions. Experimental statistics show that our method greatly outperforms existing methods in terms of computational speed and achieves visually better topology reconstruction accuracy.  相似文献   

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