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A variety of mobile devices are available today, but there is no dominant tree visualization system in the devices. This paper proposes Tablorer, a novel interactive tree visualization system for medium‐sized mobile devices, especially for tablet PCs. The system shows the hierarchical information with a compact way using an expandable table format. For efficient navigation, the system provides an integrated view of context and focus information. The experimental results show that Tablorer can reduce the search time by about 22%.  相似文献   

We present the results from a user study looking at the ability of observers to mentally integrate wind direction and magnitude over a vector field. The data set chosen for the study is an MM5 (PSU/NCAR Mesoscale Model) simulation of Hurricane Lili over the Gulf of Mexico as it approaches the southeastern United States. Nine observers participated in the study. This study investigates the effect of layering on the observer's ability to determine the magnitude and direction of a vector field. We found a tendency for observers to underestimate the magnitude of the vectors and a counter‐clockwise bias when determining the average direction of a vector field. We completed an additional study with two observers to try to uncover the source of the counter‐clockwise bias. These results have direct implications to atmospheric scientists, but may also be able to be applied to other fields that use 2D vector fields.  相似文献   

Dynamic graph visualization focuses on the challenge of representing the evolution of relationships between entities in readable, scalable and effective diagrams. This work surveys the growing number of approaches in this discipline. We derive a hierarchical taxonomy of techniques by systematically categorizing and tagging publications. While static graph visualizations are often divided into node‐link and matrix representations, we identify the representation of time as the major distinguishing feature for dynamic graph visualizations: either graphs are represented as animated diagrams or as static charts based on a timeline. Evaluations of animated approaches focus on dynamic stability for preserving the viewer's mental map or, in general, compare animated diagrams to timeline‐based ones. A bibliographic analysis provides insights into the organization and development of the field and its community. Finally, we identify and discuss challenges for future research. We also provide feedback from experts, collected with a questionnaire, which gives a broad perspective of these challenges and the current state of the field.  相似文献   

Time‐series data is a common target for visual analytics, as they appear in a wide range of application domains. Typical tasks in analyzing time‐series data include identifying cyclic behavior, outliers, trends, and periods of time that share distinctive shape characteristics. Many methods for visualizing time series data exist, generally mapping the data values to positions or colors. While each can be used to perform a subset of the above tasks, none to date is a complete solution. In this paper we present a novel approach to time‐series data visualization, namely creating multivariate data records out of short subsequences of the data and then using multivariate visualization methods to display and explore the data in the resulting shape space . We borrow ideas from text analysis, where the use of N‐grams is a common approach to decomposing and processing unstructured text. By mapping each temporal N‐gram to a glyph, and then positioning the glyphs via PCA (basically a projection in shape space), many different kinds of patterns in the sequence can be readily identified. Interactive selection via brushing, in conjunction with linking to other visualizations, provides a wide range of tools for exploring the data. We validate the usefulness of this approach with examples from several application domains and tasks, comparing our methods with traditional time‐series visualizations.  相似文献   

Linear models are commonly used to identify trends in data. While it is an easy task to build linear models using pre‐selected variables, it is challenging to select the best variables from a large number of alternatives. Most metrics for selecting variables are global in nature, and thus not useful for identifying local patterns. In this work, we present an integrated framework with visual representations that allows the user to incrementally build and verify models in three model spaces that support local pattern discovery and summarization: model complementarity, model diversity, and model representivity. Visual representations are designed and implemented for each of the model spaces. Our visualizations enable the discovery of complementary variables, i.e., those that perform well in modeling different subsets of data points. They also support the isolation of local models based on a diversity measure. Furthermore, the system integrates a hierarchical representation to identify the outlier local trends and the local trends that share similar directions in the model space. A case study on financial risk analysis is discussed, followed by a user study.  相似文献   

Many real-world analysis tasks can benefit from the combined efforts of a group of people. Past research has shown that to design visualizations for collaborative visual analytics tasks, we need to support both individual as well as joint analysis activities. We present Cambiera, a tabletop visual analytics tool that supports individual and collaborative information foraging activities in large text document collections. We define collaborative brushing and linking as an awareness mechanism that enables analysts to follow their own hypotheses during collaborative sessions while still remaining aware of the group's activities. With Cambiera, users are able to collaboratively search through documents, maintaining awareness of each others' work and building on each others' findings.  相似文献   

We present a framework for interactive sketching that allows users to create three‐dimensional (3D) architectural models quickly and easily from a source drawing. The sketching process has four steps. (1) The user calibrates a viewing camera by specifying the origin and vanishing points of the drawing. (2) The user outlines surface polygons in the drawing. (3) A 3D reconstruction algorithm uses perceptual constraints to determine the closest visual fit for the polygon. (4) The user can then adjust aesthetic controls to produce several stylistic effects in the scene: a smooth transition between day and night rendering, a horizon knockout effect and entourage figures. The major advantage of our approach lies in the combination of perception‐based techniques, which allow us to minimize unnecessary interactions, and a hinging‐angle scheme, which shows significant improvement in numerical stability over previous optimization‐based 3D reconstruction algorithms. We also demonstrate how our reconstruction algorithm can be extended to work with perspective images, a feature unavailable in previous approaches.  相似文献   

Many origin‐destination datasets have become available in the recent years, e.g. flows of people, animals, money, material, or network traffic between pairs of locations, but appropriate techniques for their exploration still have to be developed. Especially, supporting the analysis of datasets with a temporal dimension remains a significant challenge. Many techniques for the exploration of spatio‐temporal data have been developed, but they prove to be only of limited use when applied to temporal origin‐destination datasets. We present Flowstrates , a new interactive visualization approach in which the origins and the destinations of the flows are displayed in two separate maps, and the changes over time of the flow magnitudes are represented in a separate heatmap view in the middle. This allows the users to perform spatial visual queries, focusing on different regions of interest for the origins and destinations, and to analyze the changes over time provided with the means of flow ordering, filtering and aggregation in the heatmap. In this paper, we discuss the challenges associated with the visualization of temporal origin‐destination data, introduce our solution, and present several usage scenarios showing how the tool we have developed supports them.  相似文献   

Sets comprise a generic data model that has been used in a variety of data analysis problems. Such problems involve analysing and visualizing set relations between multiple sets defined over the same collection of elements. However, visualizing sets is a non‐trivial problem due to the large number of possible relations between them. We provide a systematic overview of state‐of‐the‐art techniques for visualizing different kinds of set relations. We classify these techniques into six main categories according to the visual representations they use and the tasks they support. We compare the categories to provide guidance for choosing an appropriate technique for a given problem. Finally, we identify challenges in this area that need further research and propose possible directions to address these challenges. Further resources on set visualization are available at http://www.setviz.net .  相似文献   

The community structure of graphs is an important feature that gives insight into the high‐level organization of objects within the graph. In real‐world systems, the graph topology is oftentimes not static but changes over time and hence, also the community structure changes. Previous timeline‐based approaches either visualize the dynamic graph or the dynamic community structure. In contrast, our approach combines both in a single image and therefore allows users to investigate the community structure together with the underlying dynamic graph. Our optimized ordering of vertices and selection of colours in combination with interactive highlighting techniques increases the traceability of communities along the time axis. Users can identify visual signatures, estimate the reliability of the derived community structure and investigate whether community evolution interacts with changes in the graph topology. The utility of our approach is demonstrated in two application examples.  相似文献   

Project schedules are effectively represented by Gantt charts, but comparing multiple versions of a schedule is difficult. To compare versions with current methods, users must search and navigate through multiple large documents, making it difficult to identify differences. We present two novel visualization techniques to support the comparison of Gantt charts. First, we encode two Gantt charts in one view by overlapping them to show differences. Second, we designed an interactive visual technique, the 'TbarView', that allows users to compare multiple schedules within one single view. We evaluated the overlap and TbarView techniques via a user study. The study results showed that our design provided a quick overview of the variances among two or more schedules, and the techniques also improved efficiency by minimizing view switching. Our visual techniques for schedule comparison could be combined with other resource analysis tools to help project teams identify and resolve errors and problems in project schedules.  相似文献   

Little is known about how people structure sets of visualizations to support sequential viewing. We contribute findings from several studies examining visualization sequencing and reception. In our first study, people made decisions between various possible structures as they ordered a set of related visualizations (consisting of either bar charts or thematic maps) into what they considered the clearest sequence for showing the data. We find that most people structure visualization sequences hierarchically: they create high level groupings based on shared data properties like time period, measure, level of aggregation, and spatial region, then order the views within these groupings. We also observe a tendency for certain types of similarities between views, like a common spatial region or aggregation level, to be seen as more appropriate categories for organizing views in a sequence than others, like a common time period or measure. In a second study, we find that viewers’ perceptions of the quality and intention of different sequences are largely consistent with the perceptions of the users who created them. The understanding of sequence preferences and perceptions that emerges from our studies has implications for the development of visualization authoring tools and sequence recommendations for guided analysis.  相似文献   

Graph visualizations encode relationships between objects. Abstracting the objects into group structures provides an overview of the data. Groups can be disjoint or overlapping, and might be organized hierarchically. However, the underlying graph still needs to be represented for analyzing the data in more depth. This work surveys research in visualizing group structures as part of graph diagrams. A particular focus is the explicit visual encoding of groups, rather than only using graph layout to indicate groups implicitly. We introduce a taxonomy of visualization techniques structuring the field into four main categories: visual node attributes vary properties of the node representation to encode the grouping, juxtaposed approaches use two separate visualizations, superimposed techniques work with two aligned visual layers, and embedded visualizations tightly integrate group and graph representation. The derived taxonomies for group structure and visualization types are also applied to group visualizations of edges. We survey group‐only, group–node, group–edge and group–network tasks that are described in the literature as use cases of group visualizations. We discuss results from evaluations of existing visualization techniques as well as main areas of application. Finally, we report future challenges based on interviews we conducted with leading researchers of the field.  相似文献   

Interactions within virtual environments often require manipulating 3D virtual objects. To this end, researchers have endeavoured to find efficient solutions using either traditional input devices or focusing on different input modalities, such as touch and mid‐air gestures. Different virtual environments and diverse input modalities present specific issues to control object position, orientation and scaling: traditional mouse input, for example, presents non‐trivial challenges because of the need to map between 2D input and 3D actions. While interactive surfaces enable more natural approaches, they still require smart mappings. Mid‐air gestures can be exploited to offer natural manipulations mimicking interactions with physical objects. However, these approaches often lack precision and control. All these issues and many others have been addressed in a large body of work. In this article, we survey the state‐of‐the‐art in 3D object manipulation, ranging from traditional desktop approaches to touch and mid‐air interfaces, to interact in diverse virtual environments. We propose a new taxonomy to better classify manipulation properties. Using our taxonomy, we discuss the techniques presented in the surveyed literature, highlighting trends, guidelines and open challenges, that can be useful both to future research and to developers of 3D user interfaces.  相似文献   

The inconceivable ability and common practice to collect personal data as well as the power of data‐driven approaches to businesses, services and security nowadays also introduce significant privacy issues. There have been extensive studies on addressing privacy preserving problems in the data mining community but relatively few have provided supervised control over the anonymization process. Preserving both the value and privacy of the data is largely a non‐trivial task. We present the design and evaluation of a visual interface that assists users in employing commonly used data anonymization techniques for making privacy preserving visualizations. Specifically, we focus on event sequence data due to its vulnerability to privacy concerns. Our interface is designed for data owners to examine potential privacy issues, obfuscate information as suggested by the algorithm and fine‐tune the results per their discretion. Multiple use case scenarios demonstrate the utility of our design. A user study similarly investigates the effectiveness of the privacy preserving strategies. Our results show that using a visual‐based interface is effective for identifying potential privacy issues, for revealing underlying anonymization processes, and for allowing users to balance between data utility and privacy.  相似文献   

Molecular visualization is often challenged with rendering of large molecular structures in real time. We introduce a novel approach that enables us to show even large protein complexes. Our method is based on the level‐of‐detail concept, where we exploit three different abstractions combined in one visualization. Firstly, molecular surface abstraction exploits three different surfaces, solvent‐excluded surface (SES), Gaussian kernels and van der Waals spheres, combined as one surface by linear interpolation. Secondly, we introduce three shading abstraction levels and a method for creating seamless transitions between these representations. The SES representation with full shading and added contours stands in focus while on the other side a sphere representation of a cluster of atoms with constant shading and without contours provide the context. Thirdly, we propose a hierarchical abstraction based on a set of clusters formed on molecular atoms. All three abstraction models are driven by one importance function classifying the scene into the near‐, mid‐ and far‐field. Moreover, we introduce a methodology to render the entire molecule directly using the A‐buffer technique, which further improves the performance. The rendering performance is evaluated on series of molecules of varying atom counts.  相似文献   

Node‐link infographics are visually very rich and can communicate messages effectively, but can be very difficult to create, often involving a painstaking and artisanal process. In this paper we present an investigation of node‐link visualizations for communication and how to better support their creation. We begin by breaking down these images into their basic elements and analyzing how they are created. We then present a set of techniques aimed at improving the creation workflow by bringing more flexibility and power to users, letting them manipulate all aspects of a node‐link diagram (layout, visual attributes, etc.) while taking into account the context in which it will appear. These techniques were implemented in a proof‐of‐concept prototype called GraphCoiffure, which was designed as an intermediary step between graph drawing/editing software and image authoring applications. We describe how GraphCoiffure improves the workflow and illustrate its benefits through practical examples.  相似文献   

Interaction is critical to effective visualization, but can be difficult to author and debug due to dependencies among input events, program state, and visual output. Recent advances leverage reactive semantics to support declarative design and avoid the “spaghetti code” of imperative event handlers. While reactive programming improves many aspects of development, textual specifications still fail to convey the complex runtime dynamics. In response, we contribute a set of visual debugging techniques to reveal the runtime behavior of reactive visualizations. A timeline view records input events and dynamic variable updates, allowing designers to replay and inspect the propagation of values step‐by‐step. On‐demand annotations overlay the output visualization to expose relevant state and scale mappings in‐situ. Dynamic tables visualize how backing datasets change over time. To evaluate the effectiveness of these techniques, we study how first‐time Vega users debug interactions in faulty, unfamiliar specifications; with no prior knowledge, participants were able to accurately trace errors through the specification.  相似文献   

In eye tracking research, finding eye movement patterns and similar strategies between participants’ eye movements is important to understand task solving strategies and obstacles. In this application paper, we present a graph comparison method using radial graphs that show Areas of Interest (AOIs) and their transitions. An analyst investigates a single graph based on dwell times, directed transitions, and temporal AOI sequences. Two graphs can be compared directly and temporal changes may be analyzed. A list and matrix approach facilitate the analyst to contrast more than two graphs guided by visually encoded graph similarities. We evaluated our approach in case studies with three eye tracking and visualization experts. They identified temporal transition patterns of eye movements across participants, groups of participants, and outliers.  相似文献   

Graphs represent general node‐link diagrams and have long been utilized in scientific visualization for data organization and management. However, using graphs as a visual representation and interface for navigating and exploring scientific data sets has a much shorter history, yet the amount of work along this direction is clearly on the rise in recent years. In this paper, we take a holistic perspective and survey graph‐based representations and techniques for scientific visualization. Specifically, we classify these representations and techniques into four categories, namely partition‐wise, relationship‐wise, structure‐wise and provenance‐wise. We survey related publications in each category, explaining the roles of graphs in related work and highlighting their similarities and differences. At the end, we reexamine these related publications following the graph‐based visualization pipeline. We also point out research trends and remaining challenges in graph‐based representations and techniques for scientific visualization.  相似文献   

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