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MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are increasingly prevalent as an online educational resource open to everyone and have attracted hundreds of thousands learners enrolling these online courses. At such scale, there is potentially rich information of learners' behaviors embedded in the interactions between learners and videos that may help instructors and content producers adjust the instructions and refine the online courses. However, the lack of tools to visualize information from interactive data, including messages left to the videos at particular timestamps as well as the temporal variations of learners' online participation and perceived experience, has prevented people from gaining more insights from video‐watching logs. In this paper, we focus on extracting and visualizing useful information from time‐anchored comments that learners left to specific time points of the videos when watching them. Timestamps as a kind of metadata of messages can be useful to recover the interactive dynamics of learners occurring around the videos. Therefore, we present a visualization system to analyze and categorize time‐anchored comments based on topics and content types. Our system integrates visualization methods of temporal text data, namely ToPIN and ThemeRiver, which can help people understand the quality and quantity of online learners' feedback and their states of learning. To evaluate the proposed system, we visualized time‐anchored commenting data from two online course videos, and conducted two user studies participated by course instructors and third‐party educational evaluators. The results validate the usefulness of the approach and show how the quantitative and qualitative visualizations can be used to gain interesting insights around learners' online learning behaviors.  相似文献   

The majority of visualizations on the web are still stored as raster images, making them inaccessible to visually impaired users. We propose a deep‐neural‐network‐based approach that automatically recognizes key elements in a visualization, including a visualization type, graphical elements, labels, legends, and most importantly, the original data conveyed in the visualization. We leverage such extracted information to provide visually impaired people with the reading of the extracted information. Based on interviews with visually impaired users, we built a Google Chrome extension designed to work with screen reader software to automatically decode charts on a webpage using our pipeline. We compared the performance of the back‐end algorithm with existing methods and evaluated the utility using qualitative feedback from visually impaired users.  相似文献   

The usage of deep learning models for tagging input data has increased over the past years because of their accuracy and high‐performance. A successful application is to score sleep stages. In this scenario, models are trained to predict the sleep stages of individuals. Although their predictive accuracy is high, there are still mis classifications that prevent doctors from properly diagnosing sleep‐related disorders. This paper presents a system that allows users to explore the output of deep learning models in a real‐life scenario to spot and analyze faulty predictions. These can be corrected by users to generate a sequence of sleep stages to be examined by doctors. Our approach addresses a real‐life scenario with absence of ground truth. It differs from others in that our goal is not to improve the model itself, but to correct the predictions it provides. We demonstrate that our approach is effective in identifying faulty predictions and helping users to fix them in the proposed use case.  相似文献   

Pre‐processing is a prerequisite to conduct effective and efficient downstream data analysis. Pre‐processing pipelines often require multiple routines to address data quality challenges and to bring the data into a usable form. For both the construction and the refinement of pre‐processing pipelines, human‐in‐the‐loop approaches are highly beneficial. This particularly applies to multivariate time series, a complex data type with multiple values developing over time. Due to the high specificity of this domain, it has not been subject to in‐depth research in visual analytics. We present a visual‐interactive approach for preprocessing multivariate time series data with the following aspects. Our approach supports analysts to carry out six core analysis tasks related to pre‐processing of multivariate time series. To support these tasks, we identify requirements to baseline toolkits that may help practitioners in their choice. We characterize the space of visualization designs for uncertainty‐aware pre‐processing and justify our decisions. Two usage scenarios demonstrate applicability of our approach, design choices, and uncertainty visualizations for the six analysis tasks. This work is one step towards strengthening the visual analytics support for data pre‐processing in general and for uncertainty‐aware pre‐processing of multivariate time series in particular.  相似文献   

We introduce IGM‐Vis, a novel astrophysics visualization and data analysis application for investigating galaxies and the gas that surrounds them in context with their larger scale environment, the Cosmic Web. Environment is an important factor in the evolution of galaxies from actively forming stars to quiescent states with little, if any, discernible star formation activity. The gaseous halos of galaxies (the circumgalactic medium, or CGM) play a critical role in their evolution, because the gas necessary to fuel star formation and any gas expelled from widely observed galactic winds must encounter this interface region between galaxies and the intergalactic medium (IGM). We present a taxonomy of tasks typically employed in IGM/CGM studies informed by a survey of astrophysicists at various career levels, and demonstrate how these tasks are facilitated via the use of our visualization software. Finally, we evaluate the effectiveness of IGM‐Vis through two in‐depth use cases that depict real‐world analysis sessions that use IGM/CGM data.  相似文献   

Analyzing complex data is a non‐linear process that alternates between identifying discrete facts and developing overall assessments and conclusions. In addition, data analysis rarely occurs in solitude; multiple collaborators can be engaged in the same analysis, or intermediate results can be reported to stakeholders. However, current data‐driven communication tools are detached from the analysis process and promote linear stories that forego the hierarchical and branching nature of data analysis, which leads to either too much or too little detail in the final report. We propose a conceptual design for integrated data‐driven reporting that allows for iterative structuring of insights into hierarchies linked to analytic provenance and chosen analysis views. The hierarchies become dynamic and interactive reports where collaborators can review and modify the analysis at a desired level of detail. Our web‐based Inside Insights system provides interaction techniques to annotate states of analytic components, structure annotations, and link them to appropriate presentation views. We demonstrate the generality and usefulness of our system with two use cases and a qualitative expert review.  相似文献   

The analysis of financial assets’ correlations is fundamental to many aspects of finance theory and practice, especially modern portfolio theory and the study of risk. In order to manage investment risk, in‐depth analysis of changing correlations is needed, with both high and low correlations between financial assets (and groups thereof) important to identify. In this paper, we propose a visual analytics framework for the interactive analysis of relations and structures in dynamic, high‐dimensional correlation data. We conduct a series of interviews and review the financial correlation analysis literature to guide our design. Our solution combines concepts from multi‐dimensional scaling, weighted complete graphs and threshold networks to present interactive, animated displays which use proximity as a visual metaphor for correlation and animation stability to encode correlation stability. We devise interaction techniques coupled with context‐sensitive auxiliary views to support the analysis of subsets of correlation networks. As part of our contribution, we also present behaviour profiles to help guide future users of our approach. We evaluate our approach by checking the validity of the layouts produced, presenting a number of analysis stories, and through a user study. We observe that our solutions help unravel complex behaviours and resonate well with study participants in addressing their needs in the context of correlation analysis in finance.  相似文献   

The analysis of protein‐ligand interactions is complex because of the many factors at play. Most current methods for visual analysis provide this information in the form of simple 2D plots, which, besides being quite space hungry, often encode a low number of different properties. In this paper we present a system for compact 2D visualization of molecular simulations. It purposely omits most spatial information and presents physical information associated to single molecular components and their pairwise interactions through a set of 2D InfoVis tools with coordinated views, suitable interaction, and focus+context techniques to analyze large amounts of data. The system provides a wide range of motifs for elements such as protein secondary structures or hydrogen bond networks, and a set of tools for their interactive inspection, both for a single simulation and for comparing two different simulations. As a result, the analysis of protein‐ligand interactions of Molecular Simulation trajectories is greatly facilitated.  相似文献   

Origin‐destination (OD) trails describe movements across space. Typical visualizations thereof use either straight lines or plot the actual trajectories. To reduce clutter inherent to visualizing large OD datasets, bundling methods can be used. Yet, bundling OD trails in urban traffic data remains challenging. Two specific reasons hereof are the constraints implied by the underlying road network and the difficulty of finding good bundling settings. To cope with these issues, we propose a new approach called Route Aware Edge Bundling (RAEB). To handle road constraints, we first generate a hierarchical model of the road‐and‐trajectory data. Next, we derive optimal bundling parameters, including kernel size and number of iterations, for a user‐selected level of detail of this model, thereby allowing users to explicitly trade off simplification vs accuracy. We demonstrate the added value of RAEB compared to state‐of‐the‐art trail bundling methods on both synthetic and real‐world traffic data for tasks that include the preservation of road network topology and the support of multiscale exploration.  相似文献   

We visualize contours for spatio‐temporal processes to indicate where and when non‐continuous changes occur or spatial bounds are encountered. All time steps are comprised densely in one visualization, with contours allowing to efficiently analyze processes in the data even in case of spatial or temporal overlap. Contours are determined on the basis of deep raycasting that collects samples across time and depth along each ray. For each sample along a ray, its closest neighbors from adjacent rays are identified, considering time, depth, and value in the process. Large distances are represented as contours in image space, using color to indicate temporal occurrence. This contour representation can easily be combined with volume rendering‐based techniques, providing both full spatial detail for individual time steps and an outline of the whole time series in one view. Our view‐dependent technique supports efficient progressive computation, and requires no prior assumptions regarding the shape or nature of processes in the data. We discuss and demonstrate the performance and utility of our approach via a variety of data sets, comparison and combination with an alternative technique, and feedback by a domain scientist.  相似文献   

Motivated by visualizing spatial data using proportional symbols, we study the following problem: given a set of overlapping squares of varying sizes, minimally displace the squares as to remove the overlap while maintaining the orthogonal order on their centers. Though this problem is NP‐hard, we show that rotating the squares by 45 degrees into diamonds allows for a linear or convex quadratic program. It is thus efficiently solvable even for relatively large instances. This positive result and the flexibility offered by constraint programming allow us to study various trade‐offs for overlap removal. Specifically, we model and evaluate through computational experiments the relations between displacement, scale and order constraints for static data, and between displacement and temporal coherence for time‐varying data. Finally, we also explore the generalization of our methodology to other shapes.  相似文献   

We introduce a visual analysis system with GPU acceleration techniques for large sets of trajectories from complex dynamical systems. The approach is based on an interactive Boolean combination of subsets into a Focus+Context phase‐space visualization. We achieve high performance through efficient bitwise algorithms utilizing runtime generated GPU shaders and kernels. This enables a higher level of interactivity for visualizing the large multivariate trajectory data. We explain how our design meets a set of carefully considered analysis requirements, provide performance results, and demonstrate utility through case studies with many‐particle simulation data from two application areas.  相似文献   

We present the Bladder Runner, a novel tool to enable detailed visual exploration and analysis of the impact of bladder shape variation on the accuracy of dose delivery, during the course of prostate cancer radiotherapy (RT). Our tool enables the investigation of individual patients and cohorts through the entire treatment process, and it can give indications of RT‐induced complications for the patient. In prostate cancer RT treatment, despite the design of an initial plan prior to dose administration, bladder toxicity remains very common. The main reason is that the dose is delivered in multiple fractions over a period of weeks, during which, the anatomical variation of the bladder – due to differences in urinary filling – causes deviations between planned and delivered doses. Clinical researchers want to correlate bladder shape variations to dose deviations and toxicity risk through cohort studies, to understand which specific bladder shape characteristics are more prone to side effects. This is currently done with Dose‐Volume Histograms (DVHs), which provide limited, qualitative insight. The effect of bladder variation on dose delivery and the resulting toxicity cannot be currently examined with the DVHs. To address this need, we designed and implemented the Bladder Runner, which incorporates visualization strategies in a highly interactive environment with multiple linked views. Individual patients can be explored and analyzed through the entire treatment period, while inter‐patient and temporal exploration, analysis and comparison are also supported. We demonstrate the applicability of our presented tool with a usage scenario, employing a dataset of 29 patients followed through the course of the treatment, across 13 time points. We conducted an evaluation with three clinical researchers working on the investigation of RT‐induced bladder toxicity. All participants agreed that Bladder Runner provides better understanding and new opportunities for the exploration and analysis of the involved cohort data.  相似文献   

The Curriculum Vitae (CV, also referred to as “résumé”) is an established representation of a person's academic and professional history. A typical CV is comprised of multiple sections associated with spatio‐temporal, nominal, hierarchical, and ordinal data. The main task of a recruiter is, given a job application with specific requirements, to compare and assess CVs in order to build a short list of promising candidates to interview. Commonly, this is done by viewing CVs in a side‐by‐side fashion. This becomes challenging when comparing more than two CVs, because the reader is required to switch attention between them. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the CVs are structured similarly, thus making the overview cluttered and significantly slowing down the comparison process. In order to address these challenges, in this paper we propose “CV3”, an interactive exploration environment offering users a new way to explore, assess, and compare multiple CVs, to suggest suitable candidates for specific job requirements. We validate our system by means of domain expert feedback whose results highlight both the efficacy of our approach and its limitations. We learned that CV3 eases the overall burden of recruiters thereby assisting them in the selection process.  相似文献   

Constraints enable flexible graph layout by combining the ease of automatic layout with customizations for a particular domain. However, constraint‐based layout often requires many individual constraints defined over specific nodes and node pairs. In addition to the effort of writing and maintaining a large number of similar constraints, such constraints are specific to the particular graph and thus cannot generalize to other graphs in the same domain. To facilitate the specification of customized and generalizable constraint layouts, we contribute SetCoLa: a domain‐specific language for specifying high‐level constraints relative to properties of the backing data. Users identify node sets based on data or graph properties and apply high‐level constraints within each set. Applying constraints to node sets rather than individual nodes reduces specification effort and facilitates reapplication of customized layouts across distinct graphs. We demonstrate the conciseness, generalizability, and expressiveness of SetCoLa on a series of real‐world examples from ecological networks, biological systems, and social networks.  相似文献   

Measured data often incorporates some amount of uncertainty, which is generally modeled as a distribution of possible samples. In this paper, we consider second‐order symmetric tensors with uncertainty. In the 3D case, this means the tensor data consists of 6 coefficients – uncertainty, however, is encoded by 21 coefficients assuming a multivariate Gaussian distribution as model. The high dimension makes the direct visualization of tensor data with uncertainty a difficult problem, which was until now unsolved. The contribution of this paper consists in the design of glyphs for uncertain second‐order symmetric tensors in 2D and 3D. The construction consists of a standard glyph for the mean tensor that is augmented by a scalar field that represents uncertainty. We show that this scalar field and therefore the displayed glyph encode the uncertainty comprehensively, i.e., there exists a bijective map between the glyph and the parameters of the distribution. Our approach can extend several classes of existing glyphs for symmetric tensors to additionally encode uncertainty and therefore provides a possible foundation for further uncertain tensor glyph design. For demonstration, we choose the well‐known superquadric glyphs, and we show that the uncertainty visualization satisfies all their design constraints.  相似文献   

Cognitive biases are systematic errors in judgment due to an over‐reliance on rule‐of‐thumb heuristics. Recent research suggests that cognitive biases, like numerical anchoring, transfers to visual analytics in the form of visual anchoring. However, it is unclear how visualization users can be visually anchored and how the anchors affect decision‐making. To investigate, we performed a between‐subjects laboratory experiment with 94 participants to analyze the effects of visual anchors and strategy cues using a visual analytics system. The decision‐making task was to identify misinformation from Twitter news accounts. Participants were randomly assigned to conditions that modified the scenario video (visual anchor) and/or strategy cues provided. Our findings suggest that such interventions affect user activity, speed, confidence, and, under certain circumstances, accuracy. We discuss implications of our results on the forking paths problem and raise concerns on how visualization researchers train users to avoid unintentionally anchoring users and affecting the end result.  相似文献   

Vortices are important features in vector fields that show a swirling behavior around a common core. The concept of a vortex core line describes the center of this swirling behavior. In this work, we examine the extension of this concept to 3D second‐order tensor fields. Here, a behavior similar to vortices in vector fields can be observed for trajectories of the eigenvectors. Vortex core lines in vector fields were defined by Sujudi and Haimes to be the locations where stream lines are parallel to an eigenvector of the Jacobian. We show that a similar criterion applied to the eigenvector trajectories of a tensor field yields structurally stable lines that we call tensor core lines. We provide a formal definition of these structures and examine their mathematical properties. We also present a numerical algorithm for extracting tensor core lines in piecewise linear tensor fields. We find all intersections of tensor core lines with the faces of a dataset using a simple and robust root finding algorithm. Applying this algorithm to tensor fields obtained from structural mechanics simulations shows that it is able to effectively detect and visualize regions of rotational or hyperbolic behavior of eigenvector trajectories.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel method for interactive generation of visually consistent, snow‐covered landscapes and provide control of their dynamic evolution over time. Our main contribution is the real‐time phenomenological simulation of avalanches and other user‐guided events, such as tracks left by Nordic skiing, which can be applied to interactively sculpt the landscape. The terrain is modeled as a height field with additional layers for stable, compacted, unstable, and powdery snow, which behave in combination as a semi‐viscous fluid. We incorporate the impact of several phenomena, including sunlight, temperature, prevailing wind direction, and skiing activities. The snow evolution includes snow‐melt and snow‐drift, which affect stability of the snow mass and the probability of avalanches. A user can shape landscapes and their evolution either with a variety of interactive brushes, or by prescribing events along a winter season time‐line. Our optimized GPU‐implementation allows interactive updates of snow type and depth across a large (10 × 10 km) terrain, including real‐time avalanches, making this suitable for visual assets in computer games. We evaluate our method through perceptual comparison against exiting methods and real snow‐depth data.  相似文献   

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