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陈琼  王尔茂 《现代食品科技》2011,27(5):571-573,510
通过调查了解<食品营养标签管理规范>实施后,2008年和2010年广州市超市食品营养标签标示情况,分析现状、提出建议.通过现场调查方法,对广州市12个超市6大类包装食品的营养标签标识状况进行调查.2008年和2010年食品营养标签的总体标识率分别为56%和60%,不同类别食品,不同规模超市标识率有较大差别.与2008年...  相似文献   

我国居民过多追求精米白面,忽视粗细粮合理搭配产生的营养健康问题引以重视。基于《健康中国行动(2019—2030年)》对食品FOP(Front of Package)标签的倡导,对瑞典、丹麦、挪威的Keyhole标签系统、新加坡的较健康选择标志系统、澳大利亚和新西兰的健康星级评分系统在粮食及制品的应用范围、要求与成效进行介绍。案例分析发现,典型国家的FOP标签系统不仅指导生产商按照标签标准供应健康的粮食及制品,而且以简单易懂的标签图形引导消费者快速地识别产品的健康程度,轻松做出购买决策。当前,阻碍我国居民食用营养健康粮食及制品的问题不是供给侧,而是在居民消费习惯,唯有创新消费引导方式,尝试引入合理科学的FOP标签系统或许能促进居民提高健康粮食及制品的消费频率。  相似文献   

阮征  邓泽元  伍国耀  印遇龙 《食品科学》2012,33(11):273-282
随着饮食结构与环境的改变,健康问题将成为21世纪人们面临的最大挑战之一。通过食物来促进身体健康,逆转亚健康状态,甚至干预或改善慢性病是调整健康状态的一条重要途径。本文综述近10年来食物成分、微生物及其代谢物、肠道结构功能三者的相互作用,以及食物与肠胃对机体其他系统的影响。认为肠胃在承载食物成分对机体健康的调控方面具有非常重要的作用:一是起始阶段的桥梁与引发作用,二是中间过程中的双向调节作用。  相似文献   

刘旭霞  王琪 《食品与机械》2018,34(2):83-87,92
食品非转基因标识在中国被广泛使用,信息不对称增加了非转基因标识被滥用的风险,市场机制不足以对其进行调节,且中国对非转基因标识使用的法律规制存在立法规定不细致、司法"不认定"等问题。现有研究也主要针对非转基因广告而不是非转基因标识本身。对比来看,德国、日本、美国均有专门针对食品非转基因标识使用的法律规范,具体规定了可使用非转基因标识的食品范围及要求,通过对非转基因食品进行认证管理以确保使用标识的食品的非转基因身份真实,设置统一的标识形式以确保统一的市场并避免消费者被误导。中国应当借鉴这些共通的经验,食品标识相关的法律法规要专门对非转基因标识的使用设立规范,并细化对非转基因标识的形式要求;构建专门的非转基因食品认证制度,由食品药品监督管理局授权专门认证机构对其进行认证。  相似文献   


Vitamin D fortified foods (VDFs) were taken into consideration due to the high prevalence of osteoporosis worldwide. However, the efficacy of VDFs on bone health has not been fully examined. The current meta-analysis was conducted in order to summarize the impacts of VDFs on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), bone mineral density (BMD), and bone turnover markers (BTM). A systematic search up to October 2017 was done via PubMed and Scopus search engines. To pool mean differences, random-effects model (the DerSimonian-Laird estimator) was used. Heterogeneity among studies was examined by Cochrane Q test. 20 trials involving 1786 subjects were included in this meta-analysis. Based on random effect model, there were significant effects of VDFs on serum 25(OH)D (MD:16.94?nmol/L 95% CI: 13.38, 20.50; p?<?0.001, I2?=?99.0%), BMD (MD: 0.03?gr/cm2; 95% CI: (0.02, 0.05); p?<?0.001, I2?=?58.8%) and paratormone hormone (PTH; MD:?9.22; 95% CI: (?14.97, ?3.46); p?=?0.002, I2?=?98.8%). VDFs may increase serum 25(OH)D and BMD while decrease serum PTH levels. We did not find any beneficial effect of VDFs on BTM.  相似文献   

Polyphenol concentrations, including anthocyanidins, flavonols, flavan-3-ols and stilbenes, were quantified by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry in two cultivars of red grapes for daily consumption, which were subjected to different kinds of water supply and nitrogen fertilisation rates. Samples from the same vineyards were also analysed after a 6 week storage in a refrigerator and 6 week delayed harvesting. Berry skins and seeds were analysed separately.  相似文献   

Diospyros kaki Thunb. (Ebenaceae) is a widely cultivated tree species in some countries of Asia, while in other continents persimmons are mostly considered “exotic” fruits. Peculiar characteristics of this species are a complex sex expression, parthenocarpy and fruit astringency at harvest time, associated with a different composition in polymerized flavan-3-ols. Analytical methods for determining sugars, vitamin C, carotenoids and polyphenols in persimmons were critically reviewed in order to evaluate the overall significance of literature results; the nutritional and nutraceutical properties, together with the health benefits of both astringent and non astringent cultivars, were also overviewed. To these aims, the available literature from the last twenty years and the most important formerly published papers were investigated using SciFinder®, Elsevier SciVerse, AGRIS, and PubMed search engines. Persimmons resulted rich in sugars (about 12.5 g/100 g FW), being fructose, glucose and sucrose the major components, and in total vitamin C, for which 100-150 g of fresh persimmon supplies the recommended daily amount. Astringent varieties supply higher amounts of sugars than nonastringent ones; conversely, higher concentrations of total vitamin C were found in nonastringent cultivars. The main carotenoid components are ??-cryptoxantin (193 ??g/100 g FW), ??,??-carotene (113 ??g/100 g FW) and ??,??-carotene (30 ??g/100 g FW). Persimmons are also a good source of polyphenolic compounds such as p-coumaric acid, catechin, epicatechin, epigallo catechin, and condensed proanthocyanidins. This chemical composition, together with in vivo and in vitro studies, suggests a relevant role of persimmon in the protection against free radicals and in the prevention of some human diseases.  相似文献   

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