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成黎 《食品科学》2012,33(1):280-284
传统发酵食品对人体有抗氧化、降血脂﹑提高免疫力、抑制肿瘤﹑延缓衰老﹑防止肠胃疾病等保健作用。由于世界传统发酵食品总体工业化水平不高,在产品的生产过程中,较多依赖人的经验与知识,产品质量不稳定,安全隐患较多。因此,传统发酵食品的安全控制十分重要。通过对传统发酵食品的分类﹑保健功能﹑安全风险及评价的文献回顾,提出了传统发酵食品质量安全性的评价与风险识别是控制食品质量安全的前提。现代微生物风险评估技术(microbiological risk assessment)是目前应用最广泛的评价手段之一。它通过目标陈述﹑危害识别﹑暴露评估﹑危害特征描述﹑风险特征描述5个阶段对微生物的安全性进行评价,为避免食品安全隐患,控制食品质量安全提供了有效且科学的方法。  相似文献   

Shellfish is a major component of global seafood production. Specific items include shrimp, lobsters, oysters, mussels, scallops, clams, crabs, krill, crayfish, squid, cuttlefish, snails, abalone, and others. Shellfish, in general, contain appreciable quantities of digestible proteins, essential amino acids, bioactive peptides, long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, astaxanthin and other carotenoids, vitamin B12 and other vitamins, minerals, including copper, zinc, inorganic phosphate, sodium, potassium, selenium, iodine, and also other nutrients, which offer a variety of health benefits to the consumer. Although shellfish are generally safe for consumption, their exposure to diverse habitats, the filter feeding nature of shellfish such as oysters, clams, and mussels, and unhealthy farming and handling practices may occasionally entail health risks because of possible presence of various hazards. These hazards include pathogenic organisms, parasites, biotoxins, industrial and environmental pollutants, heavy metals, process‐related additives such as antibiotics and bisulfite, and also presence of allergy‐causing compounds in their bodies. Most of the hazards can be addressed by appropriate preventive measures at various stages of harvesting, farming, processing, storage, distribution, and consumption. Furthermore, consumer safety of shellfish and other seafood items is strictly monitored by international, governmental, and local public health organizations. This article highlights the nutritional value and health benefits of shellfish items and points out the various control measures to safeguard consumer safety with respect to the products.  相似文献   

The significance of marine creatures as a source of unique bioactive compounds is expanding. Marine organisms constitue nearly half of the wordwide biodiversity; thus, oceans and sea present a vast resource for new substances and it is considered the largest remaining reservoir of beneficial natural molecules that maight be used as functional constituents in the food sector. This review is an update to the information about recent functional seafood compounds (proteins, peptides, amino acids, fatty acids, sterols, polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, phenolic compounds, photosynthetic pigments, vitamins, and minerals) focusing on their potential use and health benefits.  相似文献   

木糖醇的特性及在食品中的应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
冯永强  王江星 《食品科学》2004,25(11):379-381
本文从木糖醇的来源和性质,较系统地综述了木糖醇的医疗保健作用,及其相关的生物学功能;同时对木糖醇在乳品新品开发及相关食品中的应用也进行了系统地阐述,特别是在功能型酸奶和无糖酸奶中的应用方面作了更系统地介绍,这对木糖醇的深入研发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

李文华 《食品科学》2021,42(13):360-369
针对我国保健食品安全领域问题频发的现状,首先分析了保健食品安全协同治理的必要性,然后指出我国保健食品协同治理机制中存在的问题,包括对保健食品企业进行监管和执法的措施有待完善、对保健食品消费者的教育和保护机制尚未健全等,最后针对上述问题,提出完善建议。一方面,应完善对保健食品虚假宣传和传销等不合规行为的监管机制(包括全面、系统地建立对保健食品企业的食品安全合规监管制度,在保健食品安全协同治理机制中引入行政和解制度);另一方面,健全对保健食品消费者的教育和保护机制:其一,在保健食品主要监管部门的官方媒体上做好消费者教育工作;其二,将行政和解过程中取得的和解金全部或者部分地补偿给权益受损害的消费者并奖励举报保健食品企业不合规行为的消费者等社会公众;其三,将“默示加入,明示退出”的集团诉讼制度引入保健食品民事诉讼领域,并最终形成多方共同积极参与的保健食品安全协同治理机制。  相似文献   

During recent decades, the food industry, consumers, and regulatory authorities have developed a significant interest in functional foods because of their potential benefits for human health over and above their basic nutritional value. Tomato is the second most important vegetable crop in the world. The amount of the related wastes is estimated at up to 50,000 tons per year, representing a serious disposal problem with a consequent negative impact on the environment. Tomato byproducts contain a great variety of biologically active substances, principally lycopene, which have been demonstrated by in vitro and in vivo studies to possess antioxidant, hypolipidemic, and anticarcinogenic activities. The aim of this review is to present an overview of the functional and physiological properties of the principal bioactive compound present in tomato and tomato byproducts, lycopene, its addition to meat, and meat products.  相似文献   

保健食品的发展及原料安全隐患   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李海龙  王静  曹维强 《食品科学》2006,27(3):263-266
本文介绍了保健食品目前的国内外发展及安全状况,对保健食品在加工及使用过程中可能导致安全隐患的各项因素进行分析,对某些致病机理进行较详细的解释,并提出相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

2021年国际益生菌和益生元科学协会发表共识,将后生元定义为对宿主健康具有促进作用的无生命微生物和/或其成分的制剂。自此,关于后生元的研究进入热潮。相较于益生菌,后生元的益生特性不依赖于菌株活性,使其相较于活体微生物具有更高的稳定性和安全性,因此便于大规模生产及容易被消费者接受。作者概述了后生元制备技术,主要包括热加工技术(巴氏杀菌、高温灭菌、欧姆加热)及非热加工技术(脉冲电场、超声波、电离辐射),并重点综述了后生元在维持肠道健康、预防肥胖、维护皮肤健康、治疗便秘、抗糖尿病、改善口腔健康等方面的益生作用,以期为未来后生元的工业生产及明确后生元益生效应机制提供参考。  相似文献   


Zinc oxide nanomaterial (ZnO-NM), synthesized by a variety of approaches, has become one of the most explored nano-sized inorganic compounds and is rapidly gaining interest in the food and allied industries. Present status of application of ZnO-NMs in food and allied industries along with their short-term and long-term risk factors for human and environment is extensively analyzed. Various opinions on remedial and preventive aspects on safety issues, as well as future prospects of ZnO-NM applications, are also reviewed in this article.  相似文献   

谷子因其具有重要的农业工业价值、高营养价值和生物活性成分而备受关注.本文首先介绍了谷子的生产概况,进而综述了国内外有关谷子保健功能及其机理的研究进展.大量研究表明,谷子具有抗氧化、降血糖、降血脂、降血压、抗肿瘤、免疫调节、保护肝脏等多种保健功能,这主要与其功能成分酚类物质、活性肽、膳食纤维、类胡萝卜素、脂肪酸等有关.全...  相似文献   

Spermidine, a natural autophagy inducer, has a variety of health effects, such as antitumor, antiaging, anti-inflammation, cardiovascular protection, and neuromodulation. It has been a hot topic in the field of food processing, and current research findings suggest that spermidine-rich foods may be used in intervention and prevention of age-related diseases. In this article, recent findings on the safety, health effects, absorption and metabolism of spermidine were reviewed, and advances in food processing, including the raw materials evaluation, physical and chemical processing, and biological processing of spermidine, were highlighted. In particular, the core metabolic pathways, key gene targets, and efficient metabolic engineering strategies involved in the biosynthesis of spermidine and its precursors were discussed. Moreover, limitations and future perspectives of spermidine research were proposed. The purpose of this review is to provide new insights on spermidine from its safety to its food processing, which will advance the commercial production and applications of spermidine-rich foods and nutraceuticals.  相似文献   

Punicic acid (PA) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid (18:3 n‐5), which is classified as a conjugated linolenic acid. PA is also referred as a "super CLnA" whose effect is even more potent than that of an ordinary CLnA. It is found mainly in the seeds of pomegranate fruit (Punica granatum) and Trichoxanthes kirilowii and some other minor sources. It possesses a wide array of biological properties including antidiabetic, antiobesity, antiproliferative, and anticarcinogenic activity against various forms of cancer. In spite of this, PA has not been explored as a nutraceutical or as an ingredient of food products which can be aimed at specific consumer target groups. This review details the various health‐beneficial properties of PA and explores the possibilities of its utilization as an active ingredient in various food products.  相似文献   

李诗文  柳鑫 《食品科学》2023,44(7):286-294
离子液体具有蒸气压低、非可燃、稳定性好、溶解性强等优良特性,在食品、化工、医药等领域展现出巨大的应用潜力。针对目前结构与功能研究最多的烷基咪唑型离子液体,本文概述其主要理化性质特点,列举其作为溶剂、催化剂和萃取剂等在食品领域中分离提纯、食品分析和成分萃取方面的应用情况,并对其与生态以及人类健康风险相关的微生物、植物、动物水平的毒理学安全性进行综述,以期为咪唑型离子液体在食品工业中的科学使用与安全管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Anthocyanins are one of the six subgroups of large and widespread group of plant constituents known as flavonoids. These are responsible for the bright and attractive orange, red, purple, and blue colors of most fruits, vegetables, flowers and some cereal grains. More than 600 structurally distinct anthocyanins have been identified in nature. Earlier, anthocyanins were only known for their coloring properties but now interest in anthocyanin pigments has intensified because of their possible health benefits as dietary antioxidants, which help to prevent neuronal diseases, cardiovascular illnesses, cancer, diabetes, inflammation, and many such others diseases. Ability of anthocyanins to counter oxidants makes them atherosclerosis fighters. Therefore, anthocyanin-rich foods may help to boost overall health by offering an array of nutrients. However, the incorporation of anthocyanins into food and medical products is a challenging task due to their low stability toward environmental conditions during processing and storage. Encapsulation seems to be an efficient way to introduce such compounds into these products. Encapsulating agents act as a protector coat against ambient adverse conditions such as light, humidity, and oxygen. Encapsulated bioactive compounds are easier to handle and offer improved stability. The main objective of this review is to explore health benefits of anthocyanins and their extraction, characterization, encapsulation, and delivery.  相似文献   

Edible insects are expected to become an important nutrient source for animals and humans in the Western world in the near future. However, before insects can be put on the market, the safety of their use for feed and food is warranted. This literature study was prepared to provide an overview of the actual knowledge of possible food safety hazards, including chemical, microbiological, and allergenic agents and prions, to human and animal health upon the use of insects for food and feed, and to highlight data gaps and suggest the way forward. From the data available, heavy metals of concern are cadmium in black soldier fly and arsenic in yellow mealworm larvae. Investigated mycotoxins do not seem to accumulate. Residues of pesticides, veterinary drugs, and hormones, as well as dioxins and PCBs, are sometimes found in insects. Contamination of insects with pathogens to human health is a consequence of a combination of the substrates used and the farming and processing steps applied. Insects harbor a wide variety of microorganisms, and some human pathogenic bacteria may be present. In addition, insects may harbor and transmit parasites. There is no evidence so far insects may harbor pathogenic viruses or prions, but they may act as vectors. Insects and insect‐derived products may have allergenic potential. In this review, evidence on some safety aspects is displayed, and data gaps are identified. Recommendations are given for future research to fill the most relevant data gaps.  相似文献   

Blackcurrants (BC; Ribes nigrum) are relatively new to the U.S. market; however, they are well known and popular in Europe and Asia. The use of BC has been trending worldwide, particularly in the United States. We believe that demand for BC will grow as consumers become aware of the several potential health benefits these berries offer. The objectives of this review were to provide an up‐to‐date summary of information on BC based on articles published within the last decade; furthermore, to provide the food industry insights into possibilities for the utilization of BC. The chemistry, processing methods, and health benefits have been highlighted in addition to how the environment and variety impact the chemical constituents of BC. A search for journal publications on BC was conducted, which included keywords such as chemical characterization, health benefits, processing, technologies, anthocyanins (ANC), and proanthocyanidins. This review provides up‐to‐date information available on the subject. In conclusion, BC and their products have industrial uses from which extractions can be made to produce natural pigments to be used as food additives. BC contain flavonoids, specifically ANC, which provide the fruits with their purple color. BC are a rich source of phytochemicals with potent antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti‐inflammatory properties. Also, BC have the potential to improve overall human health particularly with diseases associated with inflammation and regulation of blood glucose.  相似文献   

针对现行的药物技术指导原则中有关过敏性、刺激性试验等的技术要求,进行分析、总结,并提出相关建议,以期为临床安全用药提供参考。  相似文献   

大学生食品安全健康教育调查与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对苏州市1 300名在校大学生进行食品安全知识、态度、行为问卷调查的结果,探讨了大学生食品安全健康教育的必要性、对象及内容,提出健康教育的策略与途径,旨在为开展大学生食品安全健康教育提供依据和参考。  相似文献   

粮食(全谷物)的营养与健康   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
几个世纪以来,谷类食物一直是人类膳食最重要的组成部分.从新石器时代到21世纪的现代文明,谷物加工技术与谷物营养科学经历了一个漫长的发展变化过程.近年来,大量的研究尤其是流行病学的研究表明,增加全谷物的消费与心脑血管疾病、糖尿病、癌症等慢性疾病的危险降低有关,同时全谷物的摄入有助于健康体重的控制.本文对粮食的营养组成与特点、粮食加工技术的变革、人类对粮食营养与健康的认识发展过程、粮食储藏与营养、粮食加工与营养、粮食营养与慢性疾病之间的关系等进行了综述与分析.  相似文献   

本课题旨在研讨制革企业所普遍存在的潜在危害和从业人员的职业健康,并针对现实状况与发展趋势,探讨制革企业若干必要的安全防护措施以及如何建立、完善安全健康体系,进而提出制革行业所必须面对的社会责任。  相似文献   

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