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In a context where the sustainability of food chains and food waste prevention are subjects of interest for public authorities and professionals, it is important to assess if these new objectives of food policy are compatible with food safety. The objective of this work was to develop a global model for a ready-to-eat meat product that provides three different outputs, i.e. energy consumption, percentage of spoiled products and exposure levels of Listeria monocytogenes. First a cold chain model was developed. The cold chain model was then coupled with (i) predictive microbiology models and (ii) energy consumption models for cold equipments. Various scenarios were tested for assessing the consequences of potential changes in cold chain equipment on safety, food waste and energy cost. This global approach could help policy makers in decision making.  相似文献   

该文作者所在大学与新西兰梅西大学合作开展了食品科学与工程专业国际化培养本科教育项目,全英文课程Food Microbiology and Safety是该项目的核心课程之一。该实验课以应用性为前提,以课程思政为引领,强调食品微生物学与食品安全学的融合,中外师资合作开展了系列教学探索与实践。课程设计以食品产品和食品生产为情境,以微生物安全为话题,模拟真实生产场景,丰富内涵和拓展外延;自主设计实验激发主观能动性、自主规划进程锻炼统筹能力、线上资源平台支撑自主学习与评价、随机分组培养团队合作能力。实践表明,课程有效实现了食品微生物学与食品安全学的有机融合,目标驱动型实验教学过程更利于激发学生的主动性,大量综合性和设计性实验提高了课程的两性一度。与同期对照班级相比,该项目所培养学生具有更强的专业素养和实践能力,为食品专业其他实验课程的教学改革提供了参考。  相似文献   

A peep into the ways global systems have impacted food security and the scientific processes to enhance food productivity is being outlined .Challenges such as food safety, global environmental changes and malnutrition need a multidisciplinary approach to tackle the issues associated with them. Multidisciplinary research in diverse areas related to crop production, public health, biological, physical and mathematical sciences, predictive modeling, statistical approaches etc. is the need of the hour. The coming together of all stake holders involved in science, technology and social sciences is required to implement progressive approaches to maximize production for feeding the ever increasing population and involves studies related to storage, manufacture, retail, food supply and value chain, reducing waste by preventing post harvest losses, recycling, making food safe by eliminating food related illness due to biological and chemical hazards, adopt best measures of preservation of quality, micronutrient addition to food for enhancing nutrition etc. All of the above needs to be addressed for sustaining global food security.  相似文献   

Despite the advances in science and technology and wide use of chemical drugs, dietary intervention (or food therapy) remains useful in preventing or treating many human diseases. A huge body of evidence shows that the dietary pattern or habit is also an important contributing factor to the development of chronic diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and cancers. In recent years, over-the-counter health foods, nutraceuticals, and plant-derived medicinal products have been gaining popularity all over the world, particularly in developed countries. Unfortunately, owing to the contamination with various harmful substances in foods and the presence of toxic food components, food-borne diseases have also become increasingly problematic. Incidents of food poisonings or tainted food have been increasing worldwide, particularly in China and other developing countries. Therefore, the government should put in a greater effort in enforcing food safety by improving the surveillance mechanism and exerting highest standards of quality control for foods.  相似文献   

In recent years, mainly due to the specific health benefits associated with (1) the discovery of bioactive peptides in protein hydrolysates, (2) the reduction of protein allergenicity by protein hydrolysis, and (3) the improved protein digestibility and absorption of protein hydrolysates, the utilization of protein hydrolysates in functional foods and beverages has significantly increased. Although the specific health benefits from different hydrolysates are somewhat proven, the delivery and/or stability of these benefits is debatable during distribution, storage, and consumption. In this review, we discuss (1) the quality changes in different food protein hydrolysates during storage; (2) the resulting changes in the structure and texture of three food matrices, i.e., low moisture foods (LMF, aw < 0.6), intermediate moisture foods (IMF, 0.6 ≤ aw < 0.85), and high moisture foods (HMF, aw ≥ 0.85); and (3) the potential solutions to improve storage stability of food protein hydrolysates. In addition, we note there is a great need for evaluation of biofunction availability of bioactive peptides in food protein hydrolysates during storage.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of aflatoxins in the early 1960s, regulations have been established in many countries to protect the consumer from the harmful effects of these mycotoxins. The recognition that aflatoxins and other mycotoxins can cause major illness in humans and animals has led to limits being set for aflatoxins and some other mycotoxins in different countries around the world, often however on an ad hoc basis. Currently maximum levels of aflatoxins B1(2ug/kg) and B1 B2 G1 G2 combined (4ug/kg) and och-ratoxin A (3~5ug/kg) exist for cereals (including buckwheat  相似文献   

This review will discuss the beneficial effects of a diet rich in whole cereal grains in the prevention of chronic dis- eases and physiological effects in humans. In most cultures cereal grains provide energy and nutrients to humans and animals. Although …  相似文献   

Food production differs between the developed and developing world, and within these ‘two worlds’ there are regional and local differences. An approach to safe food production and official controls depends on diverse and complex socio-economic factors in the context of political and legislative framework within which food producers and official controllers exist. The common goals of safe food production can only be achieved by competent people and through effective communication and collaboration at all levels with flexible approaches to production and official controls implementation, in particular to small businesses.  相似文献   

The control of the microbiological quality of bivalve molluscs assumes particular importance because they are among the most produced seafood products and mostly consumed as a whole, raw, or lightly cooked. The composition of the bacterial community associated with bivalves depends mostly on the microbiology of the surrounding environment at growing sites. Once the relationship between microbiology of bivalves and environment is established, a better classification and monitoring of the shellfish beds and evaluation of depuration strategies can be achieved. In this work, we tested if the methods of DNA extraction commonly used for the culture-independent microbiological analysis of sediment and water could be used directly, or with modifications, for the analysis of bacteria in mussels. The commercial kits Genomic DNA Purification Kit (MBI Fermentas, Vilnius, Lithuania), UltraCleanTM Soil DNA Isolation Kit (MOBIO Laboratories, Inc., Carlsbad, CA) and the method described by Griffiths and collaborators for DNA/RNA co-extraction were compared. The efficiency of extraction was assessed by DNA fluorescence and the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis gel patterns of 16S ribosomal RNA gene fragments were used to compare the reproducibility and representativeness of the extraction methods. Results showed that the DNA/RNA co-extraction method with modifications was the most suitable. However, the results must be interpreted in the light of the purpose of the study and the relevance of maximizing extraction yield or diversity estimate, without compromising reproducibility. To our knowledge, this was the first attempt to transpose the procedure currently used for DNA extraction from sediments or waters, to the analysis of whole mussels.  相似文献   

Consumer concern over the quality and safety of conventional food has intensified in recent years, and primarily drives the increasing demand for organically grown food, which is perceived as healthier and safer. Relevant scientific evidence, however, is scarce, while anecdotal reports abound. Although there is an urgent need for information related to health benefits and/or hazards of food products of both origins, generalized conclusions remain tentative in the absence of adequate comparative data. Organic fruits and vegetables can be expected to contain fewer agrochemical residues than conventionally grown alternatives; yet, the significance of this difference is questionable, inasmuch as actual levels of contamination in both types of food are generally well below acceptable limits. Also, some leafy, root, and tuber organic vegetables appear to have lower nitrate content compared with conventional ones, but whether or not dietary nitrate indeed constitutes a threat to human health is a matter of debate. On the other hand, no differences can be identified for environmental contaminants (e.g. cadmium and other heavy metals), which are likely to be present in food from both origins. With respect to other food hazards, such as endogenous plant toxins, biological pesticides and pathogenic microorganisms, available evidence is extremely limited preventing generalized statements. Also, results for mycotoxin contamination in cereal crops are variable and inconclusive; hence, no clear picture emerges. It is difficult, therefore, to weigh the risks, but what should be made clear is that 'organic' does not automatically equal 'safe.' Additional studies in this area of research are warranted. At our present state of knowledge, other factors rather than safety aspects seem to speak in favor of organic food.  相似文献   

Use of microwaves has increased largely in the domestic household in the last few decades due to the convenience of using microwave ovens. In the industrial sector, microwave processing is used in some of the unit operations, while it is yet to capture a major place in the industrial applications. The major drawback associated with microwave heating is the non-uniform temperature distribution, resulting in hot and cold spots in the heated product. The non-uniform temperature distribution not only affects the quality of the food but also raises the issue of food safety when the microorganisms may not be destroyed in the cold spots. The temperature distribution during microwave heating has been studied in a wide variety of products by several researchers. This paper summarizes their results and the solutions offered by them to lessen the non-uniformity of heating. The current applications of microwave energy in the industrial sector are also highlighted.  相似文献   

Zoltán 《食品科学》2006,27(11):618-620
A comprehensive food safety strategy requires the establishment of a farm-to-fork traceability system, which allows each step in the food chain to be followed and identified. This policy requires a multidisciplinary scientific approach including the wide …  相似文献   

Reliable detection and quantification of allergens are essential in order to protect allergic consumers and to comply with labeling regulations. In recent years various allergen-detection methods have been published, and test kits have become commercially available. Due to the nature of the analytes (usually allergenic proteins, specific marker proteins, or specific DNA markers) and their susceptibility to various processing effects, reliability and comparability of results have posed a great challenge. Often processing and matrix effects hamper the extraction efficiency and the quantitative analysis of allergens or markers in food products. Both reference methods and reference materials are urgently needed in the field of allergen testing. The EU-funded Network of Excellence, MoniQA—Monitoring and Quality Assurance in the Total food Supply Chain ()—is working toward the harmonization of monitoring and control strategies for food quality and safety assessment and thus focuses on performance criteria for methods used to analyze foods and food products for safety and quality. MoniQA established various analyte-specific working groups: Microbiological Contaminants, Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins, Chemical Contaminants, Food Allergens, Food Additives and Processing Toxicants, Food Authenticity, and Emerging Issues. MoniQA’s Food Allergen Working Group (WG) is compiling information about the most important food allergens, identifying gaps, prioritizing requirements, and developing harmonization guidelines in collaboration with all stakeholder groups, which include industry, food authorities, consumers, and laboratories. The WG works on (1) harmonized validation protocols and certification criteria for allergen testing, (2) status recognition of allergen methods which underwent a validation trial, (3) reference/testing materials, (4) international ring trials for full validation of new reference/testing materials and analytical methods, and (5) the development of a reference method by supporting research toward the improved use of mass spectrometry in food allergen testing. Additionally training for research and industry in the areas of analytical method development, method validation and verification, allergen management, and risk communication and a database on available analytical methods, validation level, and legislation linked with the RASFF—EU’s Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed are provided.  相似文献   

A systematic review relevant to the following research questions was conducted (1) the extent to which different theoretical frameworks have been applied to food risk/benefit communication and (2) the impact such food risk/benefit communication interventions have had on related risk/benefit attitudes and behaviors. Fifty four papers were identified. The analysis revealed that (primarily European or US) research interest has been relatively recent. Certain food issues were of greater interest to researchers than others, perhaps reflecting the occurrence of a crisis, or policy concern. Three broad themes relevant to the development of best practice in risk (benefit) communication were identified: the characteristics of the target population; the contents of the information; and the characteristics of the information sources. Within these themes, independent and dependent variables differed considerably. Overall, acute risk (benefit) communication will require advances in communication process whereas chronic communication needs to identify audience requirements. Both citizen's risk/benefit perceptions and (if relevant) related behaviors need to be taken into account, and recommendations for behavioral change need to be concrete and actionable. The application of theoretical frameworks to the study of risk (benefit) communication was infrequent, and developing predictive models of effective risk (benefit) communication may be contingent on improved theoretical perspectives.  相似文献   

Nonthermal plasma (NTP) is superior to thermal technologies as a technique that provides a satisfactory microbial safety and maintains reasonable standards in food quality attributes. Currently, the effects of NTP on some food components is regarded as beneficial, such as effects on starch and protein modification. For other food components, such as lipid oxidation, NTP is regarded as an undesirable treatment because it leads to quality deterioration and formation of off-flavor. An overview of the basic principles of NTP and food microstructure in relation to NTP-treated food and the underlying mechanisms are discussed. The review further highlights the latest research on plasma application in food and the related impact on food matrices. Efforts were made to outline the research findings in terms of NTP application on foods with an emphasis on the impacts on the food microstructure and their related qualities. In this review, the industrial capacity of NTP to improve the functional properties of starch, proteins, and lipids as well as provide little or no alteration in food quality compared to other technologies are emphasized. Some oxidative breakdown in relation to starch, proteins, and lipids are discussed and documented in this paper as a review of representative available publications.  相似文献   

Olestra is a sucrose polyester, the first fat substitute that replaces many of the uses of dietary fat such as in dough conditioning, in sprays, in filling ingredients, in flavors, as well as in frying. However, it is not absorbed in the human digestive system, and therefore, it does not provide any nutrition or energy. It has taste and cooking properties similar to the conventional fats and oils. FDA approved the use of olestra only in limited and specific foods with a listing of fat soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, and K) in the ingredient statement of olestra-containing foods followed by an asterisk that is linked to the statement “Dietarily insignificant.” This article reviews the physiological, nutritional, health, and environmental effects of the human consumption of olestra.  相似文献   

BackgroundDrying is one of the most popular methods of preserving a wide variety of food and agricultural products. Unfortunately, this unit operation may negatively influence product quality. Moreover, due to the high heat capacity of water, drying is usually a long-lasting and energy-intensive process, thus new drying techniques are continuously being sought.Scope and approachThis review presents the current state of art in ultrasonic-assisted drying. Despite immense knowledge on the principles of ultrasound generation and action, this technology has found no practical application in industrial drying yet. In this paper we tried to find the reasons for this state of affairs. Up-to-date designs of dryers using ultrasound to enhance the drying process and the various possible mechanisms of accelerating the drying process with the application of ultrasonic waves are discussed. The influence of ultrasound on the product's quality (dried food) is judged and described.Key findings and conclusionsThe analysis of the results presented by the researchers here allows to state that applying ultrasound to drying caused a shortening of the drying time and could reduce total energy consumption. Moreover, due to the small “temperature effect”, the quality of the obtained products was noticeably better as compared to the control processes (without ultrasound enhancement). The lack of an effective technology for generating power ultrasound in air was distinguished as the primary constraint for industrial application of this technology. The necessity of conducting detailed studies on ultrasound application in drying was emphasized.  相似文献   

The development of convenient and low-cost packages, together with the increased consumer demands for safer products, have resulted in the conduction of extensive research and the publication of numerous studies related to the phenomenon of migration. The large number of synthetic materials used for the manufacture of packages makes the evaluation of the food–package interactions quite complicated. Different parameters such as the nature of the food of interest, the type of food–package contact, the time and temperature of contact, the packaging materials used, the properties of the migrating substances, as well as the amount of potential migrants contained in the packaging materials, can drastically affect the migration rate and extent. Due to the extreme variety of foods used, several food simulants have been suggested and applied for testing the migration phenomenon under various laboratory conditions. The use of many of those simulants is defined by national and international legislation. This review article covers the main migration phenomena, which are related to the most commonly used packaging materials. It is clearly demonstrated that the complexity of the migration phenomena requires more research to establish internationally accepted risk management procedures and standardised testing methods.  相似文献   

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