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Scenario-Based Analysis of COTS Acquisition Impacts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When an enterprise considers the acquisition of a COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) system, the procurement process typically includes consideration of technical criteria such as feature sets and ease of integration with other systems. However, any selected COTS system will also have an impact on how the enterprise runs – how the work of the enterprise gets done and ultimately how the services of the enterprise are delivered to its customers. This paper presents a method for determining these enterprise-level impacts. A notion of enterprise-level impacts is delineated, and a scenario-based technique is presented for uncovering and assessing these impacts. The method is informal and lightweight – it does not require extensive modelling, formal rigour, or management of artefacts. Some insights, experience and lessons are reported. Some comparisons are made with past experience using a more formal, heavyweight method and tool.  相似文献   

The need for information technology-mediated cooperation seems obvious. However, what is not obvious is what this means and what social demands such cooperation may imply. To explore this is the intention of the paper. As a first step the paper performs an etymological analysis of the words telecooperation and telecoordination. Such an analysis indicates that cooperation happens when people engage in the production of a work as if ‘one mind or body’, where their activities fuse together in a way that makes the suggestion of separation seem incomprehensible. In the work they do not merely aim to achieve an outcome, they also ‘insert’ themselves ‘in’ the work in a way that makes it a human achievement rather than a mere product – this is cooperation as working-together. With this notion of cooperation in mind the paper then proceeds to analyse the social conditions for cooperation as working-together. It shows, using the work of Wittgenstein, that language is fundamental to cooperation and the sharing of knowledge – not language as a system for the exchange of information but language as a medium for the co-creation of a local way of doing, a local language, to capture the local distinctions that make a particular local activity significant and meaningful to the participants. The paper then proceeds to question this strong notion of cooperation. It argues that most cooperative activities tend not to conform with such stringent demands. The paper suggests that a cooperative problem is best viewed as a situation in which ambiguity is accepted as a structural element of the interaction. From this perspective the paper suggests that hermeneutics may be a productive way to understand the creation of shared interpretative spaces that makes mediated cooperation possible. The paper concludes with some implications for mediated cooperative work.  相似文献   

Machine learning and knowledge acquisition from experts have distinct capabilities that appear to complement one another. We report a study that demonstrates the integration of these approaches can both improve the accuracy of the developed knowledge base and reduce development time. In addition, we found that users expected the expert systems created through the integrated approach to have higher accuracy than those created without machine learning and rated the integrated approach less difficult to use. They also provided favorable evaluations of both the specific integrated software, a system called The Knowledge Factory, and of the general value of machine learning for knowledge acquisition.  相似文献   

Knowledge networking in the cross-cultural setting here focuses on promoting a culture of shared communication, values and knowledge, seeking cooperation through valorisation of diversity. The process is seen here in terms of creating new alliances of creators, users, mediators and facilitators of knowledge. At the global level, knowledge networking is seen as a symbiotic relationship between local and global knowledge resources. This focus is informed by the human-centred vision of the information society, which seeks a symbiotic relationship between technology and society. It explores the nature of the knowledge in transition, raising issues of technology and knowledge transfer in the local–global context. The notions of human–machine symbiosis and of diversity and coherence provide a handle to explore the role of technology for sustainable development. The centrality of knowledge in stimulating knowledge networking for cross-cultural collaboration is illustrated through an exemplar of an EU–India Cross-Cultural Innovation Network project, a collaboration between European and Indian universities and institutes.  相似文献   

The convergence of mobile communications and handheld computers offers the opportunity to develop technology that will assist individuals and groups to learn anytime, anywhere. We describe the theory-informed design, implementation and evaluation of a handheld learning device. It is intended to support children to capture everyday events such as images, notes and sounds, to relate them to web-based learning resources, to organise these into a visual knowledge map, and to share them with other learners and teachers. A working prototype system, for children aged 9–11, is discussed and evaluated, as an exemplar of personal mobile systems for life-long learning.  相似文献   

A novel method for tracking physical activities is presented. The method is based on the assumption that all changes to the physical environment are done by users themselves, and that these actions can be tracked using wearable computer technology placed on human hands. Various limitations of the proposed method are discussed. Acknowledging these limitations, a range of possible applications are presented, e.g. a set of Physical-Virtual Artefacts intended to decrease the gap between the physical and virtual environments within offices. Also, some aspects of the modelling of user actions in office environments are discussed.  相似文献   

装备故障诊断专家系统知识获取方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄考利  连光耀  杨叶舟  魏忠林 《计算机工程》2004,30(23):162-164,183
针对导弹武器装备故障诊断专家系统的知识获取与机器学习进行研究,系统介绍了知识获取与机器学习系统的构成。提出了一种基于仿真技术的故障知识获取方式,仿真数据经过分析、变换,转化为知识,从而实现知识获取。  相似文献   

在过去的几十年里,数学软件系统变得越来越强大和复杂.各种数学系统的集成变得非常有意义.基于Web的分布式数学平台使得与数学相关的活动(称之为数学服务)都可以在Web上得以实现.所有这些都需要一个底层的、可共享的、面向内容的知识库作为支撑.本文介绍一个大学水平的、可共享的数学分析知识库的获取和分析方法.NKIMath采用基于本体、框架、逻辑和类型的形式表示,采用面向概念的知识获取方法,从一套大学本科数学分析课本(2本)中获取了所有主要概念和定理.本文还总结和分析了知识获取过程中出现的错误.  相似文献   

In this paper, some fundamental aspects of societal change processes are described, leading to proposals of how to cope with such changes through continuous learning within society. This change society is presently emerging worldwide. It is very much shaped by advanced networked information and communication technology. Correspondingly, certain trends are identified in this paper which indicate the change processes towards this new emerging society. Subsequently, different personal skills are described which are required for all members of society to cope with these trends. The paper finishes with a case study which deals with regional development through open networked business processes. The aim of the project described was to develop a joint family vacation concept in the former socialist East German state of Saxonia. Thus, it illustrates the change and learning processes across society which have taken place in many countries after the socialist era.  相似文献   

This paper presents a field study at a Stockholm underground control room, with particular focus on the different interactional affordances of the artifacts, used by the operators. The analysis is based on the notion that the design of cognitive artifacts affords different degrees of openness, i.e. to what extent they render the interaction of a task performer with the artifact open to others in the vicinity. A comparison between the dayshift and nightshift demonstrates how the various levels of openness are manifested during work. Some tentative design comments are made with regard to computer support systems for the underground line control.  相似文献   

This paper presents a virtual classroom field experiment utilising broadband cellular radio telecommunication technologies and involving real users. The aim of the investigation was to experiment in the field cellular broadband systems in realising virtual classroom situations. In particular, we investigated learners’ performance and usability aspects of the multimedia tele-education system including ease of use, usefulness, telepresence and users’ satisfaction about the system. Results confirmed the effectiveness of the multimedia system in terms of both technical and psychological features. Some operational results and practical solutions were obtained as well. They included the basic features of multimedia systems used in virtual classroom and the correct procedures for training teachers and learners in the equipment use.  相似文献   

Knowledge-based systems for document analysis and understanding (DAU) are quite useful whenever analysis has to deal with the changing of free-form document types which require different analysis components. In this case, declarative modeling is a good way to achieve flexibility. An important application domain for such systems is the business letter domain. Here, high accuracy and the correct assignment to the right people and the right processes is a crucial success factor. Our solution to this proposes a comprehensive knowledge-centered approach: we model not only comparatively static knowledge concerning document properties and analysis results within the same declarative formalism, but we also include the analysis task and the current context of the system environment within the same formalism. This allows an easy definition of new analysis tasks and also an efficient and accurate analysis by using expectations about incoming documents as context information. The approach described has been implemented within the VOPR (VOPR is an acronym for the Virtual Office PRototype.) system. This DAU system gains the required context information from a commercial workflow management system (WfMS) by constant exchanges of expectations and analysis tasks. Further interaction between these two systems covers the delivery of results from DAU to the WfMS and the delivery of corrected results vice versa. Received June 19, 1999 / Revised November 8, 2000  相似文献   

ExploreNet is an experimental environment for creating and delivering networked “virtual worlds.” This system's style of user interaction was inspired by the concept of a “habitat” as first articulated in the LucasFilm's Habitat system. Players enter and interact in a habitat via their animated alter egos, called “avatars.” Habitats may be created for many purposes, including social interaction, entertainment and education. Our focus has been to facilitate the creation of habitats in which virtual communities of learners and mentors interact. This paper presents details of the current ExploreNet system, including its user interface, the means it provides for creating complex behaviors, details of its implementation, the outcomes of several experiments using this system, and our plans for its natural migration to a World Wide Web-based system.  相似文献   

This paper presents an ethnographically informed investigation into the use of an organisational memory, focusing in particular on how information was used in the performance of work. We argue that understanding how people make use of distributed knowledge is crucial to the design of an organisational memory. However, we take the perspective that an ‘organisational memory’ is not technology dependent, but is an emergent property of group interaction. In this sense, the technology does not form the organisational memory, but provides a novel means of augmenting the co-ordination of collaborative action. The study examines the generation, development and maintenance of knowledge repositories and archives. The knowledge and information captured in the organisational memory enabled the team members to establish a common understanding of the design and to gain an appreciation of the issues and concerns of the other disciplines. The study demonstrates why technology should not be thought of in isolation from its contexts of use, but also how designers can make use of the creative flexibility that people employ in their everyday activities. The findings of the study are therefore of direct relevance to both the design of knowledge archives and to the management of this information within organisations.  相似文献   

This study aims at exploring the suitability of virtual environments for safety training in large public spaces. A virtual library was constructed which simulated many of the physical and normative characteristics of the ‘real’ university library which was the target of the virtual safety training project. In the virtual library, two different types of signals (fixed red signs vs. moving green arrows) for guiding people to the emergency exits were presented, and their efficacy on escape times was tested in three different conditions, differing with respect to the distance of participants from the escape exits (measured according to the number of corners separating participants from direct visual discovery of the emergency exit). No significant differences between the different kinds of signals were found, whereas surprising discrepancies among the three conditions appeared. The differences in performance in the three conditions were contingent upon the presence in the virtual library of peculiar environmental features embodying social norms – like a red ribbon indicating no transit. Uncertainty about the sense of such normative features in the context of the simulated emergency made some participants prone to peculiar knowledge-based errors consisting of inadequate sense-making of the normative aspects of the ongoing situation. This kind of error shows that the simulation succeeded in capturing one of the crucial characteristics of ‘real’ social context: ambiguity, which mostly depends on the fact that the social norms structuring public spaces and defining their legitimate uses are often ill defined and context dependent. Every valid experience in safety training requires coping with ambiguity in situations.  相似文献   

The design of control systems and human–machine interfaces in the field of complex and safety-critical environments remains today an open issue, in spite of the high technological evolution of the last decades. The increasing use of automation has improved efficiency, safety and ease of operations but, at the same time, it has complicated operators’ situation awareness and has changed the nature of their possible errors. The research activity described in this paper is an attempt to develop a methodological framework to support designers of control systems and human–machine interfaces. In particular, it focuses on the need for a deeply recursive approach related to the implementation of the systemic and human aspects of the design process of a human–machine system, intended as a Joint Cognitive System. A validating case study has been performed, based on the full application of the framework on the control of the turbine/alternator system of a thermoelectric power plant in northern Italy. Correspondence and offprint requests to: M. Piccini, Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento di Energetica, C.so Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Turin, Italy. Tel.: +39 011 564 4413; Fax: +39 011 564 4499; Email: mipiccin@polito.it  相似文献   

This article offers a research update on a 3-year programme initiated by the Kamloops Art Gallery and the University College of the Cariboo in Kamloops, British Columbia. The programme is supported by a ‘Community–University Research Alliance’ grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the collaboration focuses on the cultural future of small cities – on how cultural and arts organisations work together (or fail to work together) in a small city setting. If not by definition, then certainly by default, ‘culture’ is associated with big city life: big cities are equated commonly with ‘big culture’; small cities with something less. The Cultural Future of Small Cities research group seeks to provide a more nuanced view of what constitutes culture in a small Canadian city. In particular, the researchers are exploring notions of social capital and community asset building: in this context, ‘visual and verbal representation’, ‘home’, ‘community’ and the need to define a local ‘sense of place’ have emerged as important themes. As the Small Cities programme begins its second year, a unique but key aspect has become the artist-as-researcher. Correspondence and offprint requests to: L. Dubinsky, Kamloops Art Gallery, 101–465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 2A9 Canada. Tel.: 250-828-3543; Email: ldubinsky@museums.ca  相似文献   

A method for identification of latent weaknesses is proposed and its use illustrated in a case study. The method is a qualitative upgrade of probabilistic safety assessment, using its results in the form of risk-significant components identified through a logical model. The identification of latent weaknesses is made during meetings of the relevant staff who have authority to influence the status of these components. The groups of key organisational factors influencing the component status are identified and it is judged how well they are implemented. In the same way weak points of the management system and latent weaknesses are also taken into account. The method was applied on four occasions. It proved to be efficient, fast and user-friendly, if the organisation of the analysis is correctly implemented, and taking into account the reluctance of some participants to put their knowledge at the disposal of a group understanding of complex technological system.  相似文献   

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