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Based on the analysis method for tailings dam in upstream raising method presently used in metallurgy and nonferrous metals tailings depository in the world, an effective stress analysis method of seismic response for high tailings dam was developed according to the results of engineering geological exploration, static and dynamic test and stability analysis on Baizhishan tailing dam 113.5 m high. The law of generation, diffusion and dissipation of seismic pore water pressure during and after earthquake was investigated, and the results of tailings dam’s acceleration, seismic dynamic stress and pore water pressure were obtained. The results show that the seismic stability and liquefaction resistance of high tailings dam are strengthened remarkably, and the scope and depth of liquefaction area at the top of dam are reduced greatly. The interior stress is compressive stress, the stress level of every element is less than 1.0 and the safety coefficient of every element is greater than 1.0. The safety coefficient against liquefaction of every element of tailing dam is greater than 1.5 according to the effective stress analysis of seismic response by finite element method. The calculated results prove that liquefaction is the main reason of seismic failure of high tailing dams, and the effect of seismic inertia forces on high tailing dams’ stability during earthquake is secondary reason.  相似文献   

现行DL5073-2000《水工建筑物抗震设计规范》对土石坝地震动态分布系数的规定仅适合于150 m以下的土石坝,而目前土石坝的设计高度已远远大于150 m.为提出150 m以上土石坝地震动态分布系数建议图,分别采用反应谱法和有限元法,研究高土石坝地震加速度分布特征,提出了250 m级高土石坝地震动态分布系数建议图,对现行的《水工建筑物抗震设计规范》进行了补充.  相似文献   

In order to improve lubricating characteristics of slippers in an axial piston pump, the combining center cavity slipper approach was proposed based on slipper shape and moving characteristic. The cylindrical coordinate was used in the lubricant area and mesh was made. The blockweight approach was implemented to deal with non-coincidence of mesh and shallow recess border in numerical method. The finite control volume method was applied in calculating pressure distribution. The flow conservation equation and film thickness model were resolved through Gauss-Siedel relaxation iteration. The calculation and analysis results indicate that compared to the slipper (1) slip- per pressure distribution is improved; (2) hydrodynamic pressure of the combining slipper is greatly increased; (3) inclining degree is greatly reduced; (4) negative pressure in lubricant film disappear. So the combining center cavity slipper is lubricated better.  相似文献   

In the background of little reuse and large stockpile for iron ore railings, iron ore tailing from Chinese Tonghua were used as raw material to prepare cementitious materials. Cementitious properties of the iron ore tailings activated by compound thermal ac-tivation were studied. Testing methods, such as XRD, TG-DTA, and IR were used for researching the phase and structure variety of the iron ore tailings in the process of compound thermal activation. The results reveal that a new cementitious material that contains 30wt% of the iron ore tailings can be obtained by compounded thermal activation, whose mortar strength can come up to the stan-dard of 42.5 cement of China.  相似文献   

针对分集合并技术中低复杂度与高性能之间存在的矛盾,将选择合并(SC)与切换驻留合并(SSC)相结合,提出一种新的混合合并方式SSC-SC,并对瑞利信道下2L个独立同分布分支的SSC-SC系统进行研究,给出了平均输出信噪比SNR、误码率BER、电平交叉率LCR和平均中断时间AOD的闭合表达式。最后将SSC-SC与选择合并和广义选择合并(GSC)进行比较,结果表明SSC-SC性能稍差,但在可以接受的范围内,而其最大特点是结构简单、易于实现、节约资源,具有良好的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

In this work, the stable layer structure of serpentine, which seriously restricts the extraction of magnesium, was broken down, and a nearly 94% leaching efficiency of Mg was obtained by adding 5% fluorite powder. Compared with the system without fluorite, the Mg leaching efficiency increased by 36.42%. This result was achieved because the complexation of fluorinion(F-) with Si in serpentine promoted a distorted tetrahedral orientation, which led to a loose crystal structure of serpen...  相似文献   

A new measuring technique of soil thermal inertia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Thermal inertia is the function of substance density, heat capacity and heat diffusivity, and is an important parameter for researching the process of surface heat balance using remote sensing technique. In this paper, using soil heat plates, infrared thermometer, data logger and other instruments, by man-controlled changing the solar radiation status on the soil samples, the authors gave a new method to measure soil thermal inertia. Using the continuously surveying data of soil heat flux and infrared radiation temperature, thermal inertia can be calculated easily. Based on the thermal inertia calculation of three soil samples with different water content, good results were abtained by the authors, so this method is feasible. Meanwhile, this measuring technique is also a new attempt.  相似文献   

针对已有的词义消歧研究方法的不足,在分析了多种不同结构知识词典的可计算性及其计算复杂度之后,选择北大计算语言所的《现代汉语语法信息词典》和《现代汉语语义词典》,并结合已经标注了词义的人民日报语料作为词义消歧知识源,从中获取汉语词义消歧所需要的统计知识和规则知识,并采用统计与规则相结合的方法构建词义消歧模型,取得了比较满意的词义消其效果.  相似文献   

The present work aimed to study the effect of slurry conditioning on flocculant-aided filtration of coal tailings by the analysis of filtration kinetics and filter cake structure. Laboratory filtration tests of the coal tailings showed that both the shear rate and agitation time have significant effects on filtration rate and cake moisture. Moderate agitation at the shear rate of 92 s−1 was favorable for fast filtration, but high cake moisture was encountered. The low-field 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements of the filter cake showed that the slurry conditioning has a significant effect on the residual water in large pores and a negligible effect on the residual water in small pores. The X-ray micro-tomography (XRM) measurements indicated that the filter cake formed at the shear rate of 92 s−1 has more macro-pores and higher porosity than that formed at the shear rate of 53 s−1, hence more residual water was entrapped in filter cake. The slurry conditioning in the presence of flocculant will change the structure of filter cake and affect the filtration performance. There was a paradox between fast filtration rate and low filter cake moisture. The findings enable better understanding of the effect of slurry conditioning on flocculant-aided filtration of coal tailings.  相似文献   

共轭梯度法是求解无约束优化问题的一种重要的方法,尤其适用于大规模优化问题的求解.通过应用计算βk的新公式求得一种新的共轭梯度法,在非精确线性搜索的Wolfe准则下证明新的共轭梯度法的全局收敛性,并且数值实验表明了这种线搜索下算法的有效性.  相似文献   

The Westwood Mine aims to reuse the tailings storage facility #1(TSF #1) for solid waste storage, but,downstream of the Northwest dike is considered critical in terms of stability. This paper uses numerical modeling along with geophysical monitoring for assessing the Northwest dike stability during the restoration phase. The impact of waste rock deposition in the upstream TSF #1 is considered. The geophysical monitoring is based on electrical resistivity methods and was used to investigate the internal structure of the dike embankment in different deposition stages. The numerical simulations were performed with SLOPE/W code. The results show a factor of safety well above the minimum recommended value of 1.5. Geophysical monitoring revealed a vertical variation in the electrical resistivity across the dike, which indicates a multilayer structure of the embankment. Without any current in situ data, the geophysical monitoring helped estimating the nature of the materials used and the internal structure of the embankment. These interpretations were validated by geological observation of geotechnical log of the embankment. Based on this study, it is recommended that the water polishing pond be partly filled before waste rock is deposited in TSF #1. In addition, to ensure the stability of the dike, the piezometric head monitoring prior to and during waste rock deposition is recommended.  相似文献   

以金矿尾砂、方解石为主要原料,添加其它所需原料为硼砂、ZnO、Cr2O3、Sb2O3等,采用熔融法制备CaO-Al2O3-SiO2系微晶玻璃.利用硅碳棒炉在1 300℃~1 350℃下保温4h熔制玻璃,熔好的玻璃液浇注在事先预热的不锈钢模具上,成形后放入马弗炉在600℃保温1h退火处理,对玻璃试样热处理得到微晶玻璃样品.采用TG-DSC差热分析仪测定基础玻璃的DSC曲线,确定金矿尾砂微晶玻璃较佳的热处理工艺为:800℃保温2h进行核化处理,890℃保温3h进行晶化处理.通过XRD、SEM等分析手段对试样的物相及微观结构进行了分析,测定制得微晶玻璃的抗折强度、热膨胀系数、体积密度等性能.结果表明:制得金矿尾砂微晶玻璃的主晶相为:辉石和透辉石固溶体,样品的热膨胀系数为69.5×10-7/℃,抗折强度为119.2MPa,体积密度为2.81g/cm3.  相似文献   

分析了直流脉宽调速系统的特点,针对这个非线性的开关网络系统,利用状态平均方法建立了数学模型。依据数学模型,应用反馈控制规律设计出相应的调节器,组建了PWM调速闭环自动控制系统,实验结果验证了模型的合理性。  相似文献   

在大量仿真和实验的基础上,综合变压器励磁涌流和内部故障电流的特点,提出了一种鉴别变压器励磁涌流的新方法。该方法基于励磁涌流偏于时间轴一侧和故障电流接近正弦波的特点,以周波内最值差别和归一化面积作为综合判据鉴别非对称的励磁涌流,而对于对称的励磁涌流,以后半周波内一部分数据与同窗长的标准正弦波的2-范数的平均标准差作为判据进行鉴别。仿真和实验验证了方法的正确性。  相似文献   

徽州建筑作为中国三大地域文化中重要的一支——徽文化的重要组成部分,保护与传承其精髓已经成为目前众多学者致力研究的课题.本文以传承创新为宗旨,尝试探索新徽派建筑创作方法,引导新徽派建筑创作理论研究与实践创新.  相似文献   

提出了一种降温压力储存液化石油气的工艺。主要设备采用工艺中的储罐和压缩机,可节省储罐耗钢量40 % 以上,而且运行费用低。提出了运行工况制冷排气量、储罐冷却设计温度和冷凝温度的计算方法。  相似文献   

研究基于曲线梁理论,整合出一种全新的适合于少片钢板弹簧刚度特性分析的一阶矩阵微分方程,并借助精细积分法建立了一种高精度的计算方法,提出了一种分析少片钢板弹簧刚度特性的新方法.通过给出计算实例,与有限元法和传统计算方法进行比较,验证了该方法的正确性.  相似文献   

本文利用分级有限元的特性,导出了一种适用于有限元结构动态分析的误差指示因子。在此基础上,提出了一种h—p模式的动态分析网格细分方法。它能减少有限元动态建模中网格划分的盲目性和随意性,从而在节省计算工作量的同时,提高了固有频率的计算精度。  相似文献   

Whenexactvaluationformulasareunavailableordifficulttoget,numericalmethodshavetobeused.Therearemainlythreemethodsusedforvaluingthederivativesecurities[1,2,5]:MonteCarlosimulation,lattices(or“tree”)andfinitedifferencemethods.MonteCarlosimulationisusef…  相似文献   

This study aims to make full use of the agricultural waste peanut shells to lower material costs and achieve cleaner production at the same time. Cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) extracted from peanut shells were mixed with acrylic acid (AA) and dimethyl diallyl ammonium chloride (DMDAAC) to prepare a new type of capsule core (dust suppressant). Then, the self-adaptive AA-DM-CNF/CA microcapsules were prepared under the action of calcium alginate. The infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis results suggest that AA, DMDAAC and CNF have experienced graft copolymerization which leads to the formation of an amorphous structure. The scanning electron microscopy analysis results demonstrate that the internal dust suppressant can expand and break the wall after absorbing water, featuring a self-adaptive function. Meanwhile, the laser particle size analysis results show that the microcapsules, inside which the encapsulated dust suppressant can be observed clearly, maintain a good shape. The product performance experimental results reveal that the capsule core and the capsule wall achieve synergistic dust suppression, thus lengthening the dust suppression time. The product boasts good dust suppression, weather resistance, degradation and synergistic combustion performances. Moreover, this study, as the first report on the development and analysis of dust-suppressing microcapsules, fills in the research gap on the reaction mechanism between dust-suppressing microcapsules and coal by MS simulation. The proposed AA-DM-CNF/CA dust-suppressing microcapsules can effectively lower the dust concentration in the space and protect the physical and mental health of coal workers. In general, this research provides a new insight into the structure control and performance enhancement of dust suppressants. Expanding the application range of microcapsules is of crucial economic and social benefits.  相似文献   

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