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Pseudomonas flavescens strain B62 (NCPPB 3063) is a recently described bacterium isolated from walnut blight cankers. This strain has been designated as the type strain of a Pseudomonas rRNA group-I species. Strain B62 produced a mixture of two exopolysaccharides, differing in weight average relative molecular mass and composition. Only the most abundant exopolysaccharide (90% by mass), corresponding to the one with the lower molecular mass, was investigated by use of methylation analysis, partial acid hydrolysis, and NMR spectroscopy. The polysaccharide was depolymerised by the action of the cellulase produced by Penicillum funiculosum and the oligosaccharide obtained, corresponding to the repeating unit, was characterised by NMR spectroscopy and ion-spray mass spectrometry. The repeating unit of the B62 exopolysaccharide is [structure in text] where X is glucose (75%) or mannose (25%), and Lac is lactate. The O-acetyl groups are present only on 75% of the repeating units, and they are linked to the C6 of the hexose residues in non-stoichiometric amounts.  相似文献   

Voluntary activation of the human diaphragm in health and disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intersubject comparison of the crural diaphragm electromyogram, as measured by an esophageal electrode, requires a reliable means for normalizing the signal. The present study set out 1) to evaluate which voluntary respiratory maneuvers provide high and reproducible diaphragm electromyogram root-mean-square (RMS) values and 2) to determine the relative diaphragm activation and mechanical and ventilatory outputs during breathing at rest in healthy subjects (n = 5), in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, n = 5), and in restrictive patients with prior polio infection (PPI, n = 6). In all groups, mean voluntary maximal RMS values were higher during inspiration to total lung capacity than during sniff inhalation through the nose (P = 0.035, ANOVA). The RMS (percentage of voluntary maximal RMS) during quiet breathing was 8% in healthy subjects, 43% in COPD patients, and 45% in PPI patients. Despite the large difference in relative RMS (P = 0.012), there were no differences in mean transdiaphragmatic pressure (P = 0.977) and tidal volumes (P = 0.426). We conclude that voluntary maximal RMS is reliably obtained during an inspiration to total lung capacity but a sniff inhalation could be a useful complementary maneuver. Severe COPD and PPI patients breathing at rest are characterized by increased diaphragm activation with no change in diaphragm pressure generation.  相似文献   

Creatine kinase (CK) provides ATP buffering in skeletal muscle and is expressed as 1) cytosolic myofibrillar CK (M-CK) and 2) sarcomeric mitochondrial CK (ScCKmit) isoforms that differ in their subcellular localization. We compared the isometric contractile and fatigue properties of 1) control CK-sufficient (Ctl), 2) M-CK-deficient (M-CK[-/-]), and 3) combined M-CK/ScCKmit-deficient null mutant (CK[-/-]) diaphragm (Dia) to determine the effect of the absence of M-CK activity on Dia performance in vitro. Baseline contractile properties were comparable across groups except for specific force, which was approximately 16% lower in CK[-/-] Dia compared with M-CK[-/-] and Ctl Dia. During repetitive activation (40 Hz, (1)/(3) duty cycle), force declined in all three groups. This decline was significantly greater in CK[-/-] Dia compared with Ctl and M-CK[-/-] Dia. The pattern of force decline did not differ between M-CK[-/-] and Ctl Dia. We conclude that Dia isometric muscle function is not absolutely dependent on the presence of M-CK, whereas the complete absence of CK acutely impairs isometric force generation during repetitive activation.  相似文献   

The investigation dealt with testing vitamins A,E,B1 and B2 levels in the blood of children residing in different regions of Ukraine. The existence of polyhypovitaminosis, especially in children suffering from gastrointestinal tract disease was displayed. 28% of the children may be attributed to a risk group. Some measures directed to polyhypovitaminosis elimination in children, residing in Ukraine, are proposed.  相似文献   

Insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells is coupled to cell metabolism through closure of ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels, which comprise Kir6.2 and sulfonylurea receptor (SUR1) subunits. Although metabolic regulation of KATP channel activity is believed to be mediated principally by the adenine nucleotides, other metabolic intermediates, including long chain acyl-CoA esters, may also be involved. We recorded macroscopic and single-channel currents from Xenopus oocytes expressing either Kir6.2/SUR1 or Kir6. 2DeltaC36 (which forms channels in the absence of SUR1). Oleoyl-CoA (1 microM) activated both wild-type Kir6.2/SUR1 and Kir6.2DeltaC36 macroscopic currents, approximately 2-fold, by increasing the number and open probability of Kir6.2/SUR1 and Kir6.2DeltaC36 channels. It was ineffective on the related Kir subunit Kir1.1a. Oleoyl-CoA also impaired channel inhibition by ATP, increasing the Ki values for both Kir6.2/SUR1 and Kir6.2DeltaC36 currents by approximately 3-fold. Our results indicate that activation of KATP channels by oleoyl-CoA results from an interaction with the Kir6.2 subunit, unlike the stimulatory effects of MgADP and diazoxide which are mediated through SUR1. The increased activity and reduced ATP sensitivity of KATP channels by oleoyl-CoA might contribute to the impaired insulin secretion observed in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Mutations of the pore-region residue T442 in Shaker channels result in large effects on channel kinetics. We studied mutations at this position in the backgrounds of NH2-terminal-truncated Shaker H4 and a Shaker -NGK2 chimeric channel having high conductance (Lopez, G.A., Y.N. Jan, and L.Y. Jan. 1994. Nature (Lond.). 367: 179-182). While mutations of T442 to C, D, H, V, or Y resulted in undetectable expression in Xenopus oocytes, S and G mutants yielded functional channels having deactivation time constants and channel open times two to three orders of magnitude longer than those of the parental channel. Activation time courses at depolarized potentials were unaffected by the mutations, as were first-latency distributions in the T442S chimeric channel. The mutant channels show two subconductance levels, 37 and 70% of full conductance. From single-channel analysis, we concluded that channels always pass through the larger subconductance state on the way to and from the open state. The smaller subconductance state is traversed in approximately 40% of activation time courses. These states apparently represent kinetic intermediates in channel gating having voltage-dependent transitions with apparent charge movements of approximately 1.6 e0. The fully open T442S chimeric channel has the conductance sequence Rb+ > NH4+ > K+. The opposite conductance sequence, K+ > NH4+ > Rb+, is observed in each of the subconductance states, with the smaller subconductance state discriminating most strongly against Rb+.  相似文献   

The Dr?ger "Narcorex 19" anaesthetic apparatus incorporates a closed anaesthetic circuit (7a) and the Pulmomat 19 K1. There is a possibility to connect Water's- or Kuhn's-System. This perspicuous and flexible apparatus is designed for induction as well as maintenance of anaesthesia with or without artificial ventilation.  相似文献   

Dantrolene is the only known effective treatment for malignant hyperthermia. However, its effects on the myopathic diaphragm remain unknown. The effects of dantrolene 10(-8) to 10(-4) mol litre-1 on diaphragm muscle strips in normal (n = 12) and myopathic hamsters (n = 13) were investigated in vitro in response to tetanic stimulation. We studied contraction under isotonic and isometric conditions. Data are presented as mean (SD) percent of baseline. Dantrolene induced a negative inotropic effect in normal and myopathic hamsters but no significant difference was observed between groups (active force at 10(-4) mol litre-1; 34 (7) vs 32 (11)%; ns). We conclude that dantrolene induced a comparable negative inotropic effect on diaphragm muscle in normal and myopathic hamsters.  相似文献   

An anti-allergic drug, permirolast potassium (TBX), inhibited antigen (Ag)-induced phospholipase D (PLD) activation in rat basophilic leukemia (RBL-2H3) cells. The concentration-dependent inhibitory profile for Ag-induced PLD activation was parallel to those for secretory response and inositol phosphate formation. In contrast, TBX had no effect on PLD activation caused by calcium ionophore A23187 or phorbol myristate acetate. These results suggest that TBX inhibits Ag-induced PLD activation by interfering with the signal transduction pathway upstream of Ca2+ mobilization and protein kinase C activation.  相似文献   

The rat homologue of Drosophila ether à gogo cDNA (rat eag) encodes voltage-activated potassium (K) channels with distinct activation properties. Using the Xenopus expression system, we examined the importance of extracellular Mg2+ on the activation of rat eag. Extracellular Mg2+ at physiological concentrations dramatically slowed the activation in a dose- and voltage-dependent manner. Other divalent cations exerted similar effects on the activation kinetics that correlated with their enthalpy of hydration. Lowering the external pH also resulted in a slowing of the activation. Protons competed with Mg2+ as the effect of Mg2+ was abolished at low pH. A kinetic model for rat eag activation was derived from the data indicating that all four channel subunits undergo a Mg2+-dependent conformational transition prior to final channel activation. The strong dependence of rat eag activation on both the resting potential and the extracellular Mg2+ concentration constitutes a system for fine-tuning K channel availability in neuronal cells.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of filgrastim treatment on the incidence of severe neutropenia in patients with advanced HIV infection, and the effect of initial filgrastim treatment on prevention of infectious morbidity. DESIGN: Randomized, controlled, open-label, multicenter study. SETTING: Outpatient centers and physician offices. PATIENTS: Men and women aged > 13 years, who were HIV antibody-positive, and had a CD4 cell count < 200 x 10(6)/l, absolute neutrophil count (ANC) 0.75-1.0 x 10(9)/l, and platelet count > or = 50 x 10(9)/l within 7 days of randomization were eligible. Two hundred and fifty-eight patients entered and 201 completed the study. INTERVENTION: Daily filgrastim (starting at 1 microg/kg daily, adjusted up to 10 microg/kg daily) or intermittent filgrastim (starting at 300 microg daily one to three times per week to a maximum of 600 microg daily 7 days weekly) was administered to maintain an ANC between 2 and 10 x 10(9)/l. Patients in the control group received filgrastim if severe neutropenia developed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incidence of severe neutropenia (ANC < 0.5 x 10(9)/l) or death, incidence of bacterial and fungal infections, duration of hospitalization and intravenous antibacterial use, and safety. RESULTS: The primary endpoint of severe neutropenia or death was less frequent in patients who received daily (12.8%) or intermittent (8.2%) filgrastim compared with control patients (34.1%; P<0.002 and P<0.0001 for comparison with daily and intermittent groups, respectively). Filgrastim-treated patients developed 31% fewer bacterial infections and 54% fewer severe bacterial infections than control patients, required 26% less hospital days including 45% fewer hospital days for bacterial infections, and needed 28% fewer days of intravenous antibacterials. Filgrastim was not associated with an increase in HIV-1 plasma RNA level in a subset of patients in whom this was measured or any new or unexpected adverse events. CONCLUSION: Filgrastim was safe and effective in preventing severe neutropenia in patients with advanced HIV infection, and may reduce the incidence and duration of bacterial infections, incidence of severe bacterial infections, duration of hospital days for infections, and days of intravenous antibacterial agents.  相似文献   

Possible mechanisms for the variable ventilatory response to metabolic acid-base disturbances have been examined in normal and K-depleted rats. Ventilatory measurements are correlated with CSF acid-base data. The ratios VE/VO2 and 1/PaCO2 are utilized as indices of alveolar ventilation. The log of these indices correlates closely with CSF [H+] independent of [K+] except at very low CSF [H+] where the change in log 1/PaCO2 and log VE/VO2 per change in CSF [H+] is much diminished in low-K rats. This finding suggests the presence of an additional stimulus to breathing in the low-K rat opposing the inhibitory effect of low CSF [H+]. Otherwise the chemical control of ventilation appears to be normal. However, low-K rats always breath with a low-flight-Vt pattern and occasionally with abnormal rhythms. The similarity of the low K breathing pattern to that reported in awake animals with vagotomy and pneumotaxic center (PC) lesions suggests that the altered breathing pattern in depletion involves vagal and/or PC pathways. The similarity of the low-K breathing pattern to that observed with reserpine administration together with the known relationships of K and catecholamine metabolism lead to the speculation that K depletion alters breathing via an effect on central catecholamine metabolism. However, other mechanisms involving changes in membrane excitability and intracellular pH in K depletion might also be involved.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activator inhibitor-2 (PAI-2), a member of the serpin gene family, is thought to serve as a primary regulator of plasminogen activation in the extravascular compartment. High levels of PAI-2 are found in keratinocytes, monocytes, and the human trophoblast, the latter suggesting a role in placental maintenance or embryo development. The primarily intracellular distribution of PAI-2 also may indicate a unique regulatory role in a protease-dependent cellular process such as apoptosis. To examine the potential functions of PAI-2 in vivo, we generated PAI-2-deficient mice by gene targeting in embryonic stem cells. Homozygous PAI-2-deficient mice exhibited normal development, survival, and fertility and were also indistinguishable from normal controls in response to a bacterial infectious challenge or endotoxin infusion. No differences in monocyte recruitment into the peritoneum were observed after thioglycollate injection. Epidermal wound healing was equivalent among PAI-2 -/- null and control mice. Finally, crossing PAI-2 -/- with PAI-1 -/- mice to generate animals deficient in both plasminogen activator inhibitors failed to uncover an overlap in function between these two related proteins.  相似文献   

We have assessed, by intravital microscopy in rats, the effects of different anaesthetics on diaphragmatic arteriolar diameter. Rats were anaesthetized with etomidate, propofol or thiopental (groups E, P and T, respectively) and the diameters of the arterioles were measured sequentially at baseline and after topical application of either mefenamic acid (MA, 20 mumol litre-1) or N omega-nitro-L-arginine (NNA, 300 mumol litre-1), inhibitors of prostaglandins and nitric oxide, respectively. In group E, baseline arteriolar diameters were significantly higher than those in the two other groups (P < 0.01). MA and NNA induced significant constriction in the three groups (P < 0.001). However, whereas constriction induced by NNA was similar in the three groups, constriction induced by MA was significantly higher in group E compared with groups P and T (P < 0.05). We conclude that diaphragmatic arteriolar diameters in rats were greater during etomidate than during thiopental or propofol anaesthesia. This phenomenon may be mediated by prostaglandins.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate psychological testing features of children and adolescents with dissociative disorder diagnoses to provide diagnostic information that might facilitate early intervention. The psychological testing protocols of 30 children diagnosed with dissociative disorders were compared with the testing protocols of 30 consecutive admissions to the Sheppard Pratt Hospital who did not receive a dissociative identity disorder (DID; formerly termed multiple personality disorder) or dissociative disorder not otherwise specified (DDNOS) diagnosis. A rater, blind to the diagnosis, scored these protocols for the presence or absence of behavioral and testing response variables hypothesized to discriminate between the dissociative patients and the mixed group of other diagnoses. Behavioral features significantly more common in the dissociative group included forgetting, staring, unusual motor behaviors, dramatic fluctuations, fearful and angry reactions to stimuli, physical complaints during testing, and expressions of internal conflict. Significant indications of dissociation in the test responses included images of multiplicity, malevolent religiosity, dissociative coping, depersonalized imagery, emotional confusion, extreme dichotomization, images of mutilation and torture, and magical transformation. A combination of these behavioral and response variables was able to select 93% of the dissociative sample. These results add support to the discriminant validity of DID and DDNOS as diagnostic categories in childhood and provide clinical information that may be useful for early diagnosis of traumatized children with dissociative pathology.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: A recent report (J Clin Invest 1993;92:831-9) found no effect of glutamate plus aspartate on metabolic pathways in the heart, but the experimental conditions did not model clinical cardioplegia. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of glutamate and aspartate on metabolic pathways feeding the citric acid cycle during cardioplegic arrest in the presence of physiologic substrates. METHODS: Isolated rat hearts were supplied with fatty acids, lactate, pyruvate, glucose, and acetoacetate in physiologic concentrations. These substrates were enriched with 13C, which allowed a complete analysis of substrate oxidation by 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in one experiment. Three groups of hearts were studied: arrest with potassium cardioplegic solution, arrest with cardioplegic solution supplemented with glutamate and aspartate (both in concentrations of 13 mmol/L), and a control group without cardioplegic arrest. RESULTS: In potassium-arrested hearts, the contributions of fatty acids and lactate to acetyl coenzyme A were reduced, and acetoacetate was the preferred substrate for oxidation in the citric acid cycle. The addition of aspartate and glutamate in the presence of cardioplegic arrest did not further alter patterns of substrate utilization substantially, although acetoacetate use was somewhat lower than with simple cardioplegic arrest. When [U-13C]glutamate (13 mmol/L) and [U-13C]aspartate (13 mmol/L) were supplied as the only compounds labeled with 13C, little enrichment in citric acid cycle intermediates could be detected. CONCLUSIONS: Glutamate and aspartate when added to potassium cardioplegic solutions have relatively minor effects on citric acid cycle metabolism.  相似文献   

Using the patch-clamp technique, we determined that bretylium tosylate, a quaternary ammonium compound possessing immunomodulating activity, decreased the whole-cell K+ current in human T lymphocytes, in a dose-dependent manner, in the 0.05-5 mM extracellular concentration range. Bretylium tosylate prolonged the recovery from inactivation and accelerated the inactivation and deactivation of the K+ current but did not influence the kinetics of activation or the voltage dependence of activation and steady state inactivation of the K+ conductance. The percentage of drug-induced block was independent of membrane potential. K+ channel block by bretylium tosylate was partially and slowly removable by washing with drug-free extracellular solution. Bovine serum albumin (10 mg/ml) in the bath lifted the drug-induced block almost instantaneously, although not completely. In control experiments bovine serum albumin increased the inactivation time constant of the K+ channels but left the peak K+ current amplitude unaffected. On the basis of the experimental evidence, a gating-dependent allosteric interaction is suggested for the mechanism of drug action. The effective dose range, time of exposure, and reversibility of bretylium tosylate-induced K+ channel block correlated well with the same parameters of the drug-induced inhibition of T lymphocyte activation. The reported effects of bretylium tosylate on T cell mitogenesis can be regarded partly as a consequence of its blocking effects on voltage-gated K+ channels.  相似文献   

There is a need for a simple method to assess the adequacy of diaphragm activation during voluntary inspiratory efforts in patients with suspected respiratory muscle weakness. We have compared mouth (Pmo,t), oesophageal (Poes,t) and transdiaphragmatic (Pdi,t) twitch pressure elicited by cervical magnetic stimulation (CMS) in five normal men (mean (SD) age 32.2 (1.8) yrs) on two separate study days. Single magnetic stimuli were delivered at functional residual capacity during relaxation and during graded voluntary inspiratory efforts against a closed airway. As voluntary-effort transdiaphragmatic and oesophageal pressure increased, Pdi,t and Poes,t decreased linearly (r range, respectively, 0.82-0.98 and 0.87-0.95). During relaxation, Pmo,t was unreliable due to the poor transmission of intrathoracic pressure, but during inspiratory efforts, the relation between voluntary mouth pressure and Pmo,t was also linear (r range 0.84-0.95). On average, our subjects voluntarily generated 99, 100 and 102% of the maximum transdiaphragmatic, oesophageal and mouth pressures predicted by the respective linear regression equations. Pmo,t was correlated to both Poes,t and Pdi,t during inspiratory efforts, but not during relaxation. These studies confirm that twitch pressures induced by CMS during inspiratory efforts can be assessed at the mouth in normal subjects, providing a simple and non-invasive technique for assessing diaphragm activation during voluntary inspiratory efforts. Potentially, this technique could be made more sensitive and accurate and applied to detect submaximal efforts in patients.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent gating behavior of Shaker potassium channels without N-type inactivation (ShB delta 6-46) expressed in Xenopus oocytes was studied. The voltage dependence of the steady-state open probability indicated that the activation process involves the movement of the equivalent of 12-16 electronic charges across the membrane. The sigmoidal kinetics of the activation process, which is maintained at depolarized voltages up to at least +100 mV indicate the presence of at least five sequential conformational changes before opening. The voltage dependence of the gating charge movement suggested that each elementary transition involves 3.5 electronic charges. The voltage dependence of the forward opening rate, as estimated by the single-channel first latency distribution, the final phase of the macroscopic ionic current activation, the ionic current reactivation and the ON gating current time course, showed movement of the equivalent of 0.3 to 0.5 electronic charges were associated with a large number of the activation transitions. The equivalent charge movement of 1.1 electronic charges was associated with the closing conformational change. The results were generally consistent with models involving a number of independent and identical transitions with a major exception that the first closing transition is slower than expected as indicated by tail current and OFF gating charge measurements.  相似文献   

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