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In distributed systems, user authentication schemes based on password and smart card are widely used to ensure only authorized access to the protected services. Recently, Chang et al. presented an untraceable dynamic-identity-based user authentication scheme with verifiable-password-update. In this research, we illustrate that Chang et al.’s scheme violates the purpose of dynamic-identity contrary to authors’ claim. We show that once the smart card of an arbitrary user is lost, passwords of all registered users are at risk. Using information from an arbitrary smart card, an adversary can impersonate any user of the system. In addition, its password change phase has loopholes and is misguiding. The scheme has no provision for session key agreement and the smart card lacks any verification mechanism. Then we come-up with an improved remote user authentication scheme with the session key agreement, and show its robustness over related schemes.  相似文献   

In 2009, Wang et al. presented a dynamic ID-based remote user authentication scheme and claimed that their scheme was more efficient and secure. In this paper, we point out that their scheme is not secure against impersonation attacks launched by any adversary at anytime and could leak some key information to legal users, who can launch an off-line guessing attack. If the adversary could get the secret information stored in the smart cards someway, their scheme will be completely broken down. In addition, their scheme does not provide anonymity for the users, and lacks the functionalities of revocation, key exchange and secret renew for users and servers. Furthermore, we propose a more secure and robust scheme, which does not only cover all the above security flaws and weaknesses, but also provides more functionalities.  相似文献   

Chen  Yulei  Chen  Jianhua 《The Journal of supercomputing》2021,77(12):13653-13675
The Journal of Supercomputing - Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are usually deployed in hostile or unattended areas, and users need to obtain real-time data from WSNs. The data collected by sensor...  相似文献   

We address the problem of mutual authentication and key agreement with user anonymity for mobile networks. Recently, Lee et al. proposed such a scheme, which is claimed to be a slight modification of, but a security enhancement on Zhu et al.’s scheme based on the smart card. In this paper, however, we reveal that both schemes still suffer from certain weaknesses which have been previously overlooked, and thus are far from the desired security. We then propose a new protocol which is immune to various known types of attacks. Analysis shows that, while achieving identity anonymity, key agreement fairness, and user friendliness, our scheme is still cost-efficient for a general mobile node.  相似文献   

基于ECC的双向认证及密钥协商方案的分析与改进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对当前移动通信中认证和密钥协商存在的问题和已有的解决方案,提出了一种改进的基于椭圆曲线密码体制ECC的密钥协商及双向认证方案.该方案用于移动网络中任意用户之间,或用户与网络之间进行双向认证和密钥的安全协商.采用ECC技术,能够在更小的密钥量下提供更大的安全性,减少对带宽的需求,降低通信双方的计算负担和存储要求,适用于无线网络环境.  相似文献   

基于ECC的密钥协商及双向认证方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪利  杜耀宗 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(13):3076-3077,3118
针对当前移动通信系统中认证和密钥协商协议存在的安全缺陷,提出一种基于椭圆曲线密码体制的双向认证和密钥协商方案,用于移动网络中任意用户之间,或用户与网络之间进行双向认证和会话密钥的安全协商.该方案采用ECC技术,能够在更小的密钥量下提供更大的安全性,减少对带宽的需求,降低移动终端的计算负担和存储要求.  相似文献   

The Journal of Supercomputing - The resource-constrained nature of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and their diversity and abundancy represent a major challenge for the development of efficient...  相似文献   

基于口令的远程身份认证及密钥协商协议   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
基于口令的身份认证协议是研究的热点。分析了一个低开销的基于随机数的远程身份认证协议的安全性,指出了该协议的安全缺陷。构造了一个基于随机数和Hash函数、使用智能卡的远程身份认证和密钥协商协议:PUAKP协议。该协议使用随机数,避免了使用时戳带来的重放攻击的潜在风险。该协议允许用户自主选择和更改口令,实现了双向认证,有较小的计算开销;能够抵御中间人攻击;具有口令错误敏感性、口令的主机非透明性和强安全修复性;生成的会话密钥具有新鲜性、机密性、已知密钥安全性和前向安全性。  相似文献   

Recently, remote user authentication schemes are implemented on elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC) to reduce the computation loads for mobile devices. However, most remote user authentication schemes on ECC are based on public-key cryptosystem, in which the public key in the system requires the associated certificate to prove its validity. Thus, the user needs to perform additional computations to verify the certificate in these schemes. In addition, we find these schemes do not provide mutual authentication or a session key agreement between the user and the remote server. Therefore, we propose an ID-based remote mutual authentication with key agreement scheme on ECC in this paper. Based upon the ID-based concept, the proposed scheme does not require public keys for users such that the additional computations for certificates can be reduced. Moreover, the proposed scheme not only provides mutual authentication but also supports a session key agreement between the user and the server. Compared with the related works, the proposed scheme is more efficient and practical for mobile devices.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - In 2014, Arshad and Nikooghadam proposed an authentication and key agreement scheme for SIP to conquer the existing defects in Irshad et al.’s scheme. They...  相似文献   

Remote user authentication is used to validate the legitimacy of a remote log-in user. Due to the rapid growth of computer networks, many network environments have been becoming multi-server based. Recently, much research has been focused on proposing remote password authentication schemes based on smart cards for securing multi-server environments. Each of these schemes used either a nonce or a timestamp technique to prevent the replay attack. However, using the nonce technique to withstand the replay attack is potentially susceptible to the man-in-the-middle attack. Alternatively, when employing the timestamp method to secure remote password authentication, it will require the cost of implementing clock synchronization. In order to solve the above two issues, this paper proposes a self-verified timestamp technique to help the smart-card-based authentication scheme not only effectively achieve password-authenticated key agreement but also avoid the difficulty of implementing clock synchronization in multi-server environments. A secure authenticated key agreement should accomplish both mutual authentication and session key establishment. Therefore, in this paper we further give the formal proof on the execution of the proposed authenticated key agreement scheme.  相似文献   

刘莎  朱淑华 《计算机应用》2014,34(7):1867-1870
分析了Li-Niu等(LI X, NIU J W, KHAN M K, et al. An enhanced smart card based remote user password authentication scheme[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2013, 36(5):1365-1371.)基于智能卡的远程用户登录认证方案,指出了方案中存在的安全性问题,并提出了改进方案。新方案利用一种自认证的时间戳技术,与对称加密技术相结合,解决了多数智能卡方案中存在的时钟同步问题。与Li-Niu方案相比,新方案不仅可以提供用户的匿名登录,而且能够抵抗扮演攻击和内部攻击,适用于复杂的网络环境。  相似文献   

Recently, Yang and Chang proposed an identity-based remote login scheme using elliptic curve cryptography for the users of mobile devices. We have analyzed the security aspects of the Yang and Chang's scheme and identified some security flaws. Also two improvements of the Yang and Chang's scheme have been proposed recently, however, it has been found that the schemes have similar security flaws as in the Yang and Chang's scheme. In order to remove the security pitfalls of the Yang and Chang and the subsequent schemes, we proposed an enhanced remote user mutual authentication scheme that uses elliptic curve cryptography and identity-based cryptosystem with three-way challenge-response handshake technique. It supports flawless mutual authentication of participants, agreement of session key and the leaked key revocation capability. In addition, the proposed scheme possesses low power consumption, low computation cost and better security attributes. As a result, the proposed scheme seems to be more practical and suitable for mobile users for secure Internet banking, online shopping, online voting, etc.  相似文献   

The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) as the core signaling protocol for multimedia services is receiving much attention. Authentication is becoming increasingly crucial issue when a user asks to use SIP services. Many authentication schemes for the SIP have been proposed. Very recently, Zhang et al. has presented an authentication scheme for SIP and claimed their scheme could overcome various attacks while maintaining efficiency. In this research, we illustrate that their scheme is susceptible to the insider attack and does not provide proper mutual authentication. We then propose a modified secure mutual authentication scheme to conquer the security flaws in Zhang et al.’s scheme. Through the informal and formal security analyses, we demonstrate that our scheme is resilient possible known attacks including the attacks found in Zhang et al.’s scheme. In addition, the performance analysis shows that our scheme has better efficiency in comparison with other related ECC-based authentication schemes for SIP.  相似文献   

物联网的快速发展给人们的生产生活带来了极大的便利,但是如何保证用户的信息安全是物联网发展中必须解决的一个重要问题。为了解决该问题,必须在增加较低计算量的前提下,提出安全性更高的身份认证协议。对Nikooghadam等人提出的保护用户身份的协议进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了一种改进的远程用户身份认证协议。采用BAN逻辑进行验证,也进行了性能比较与计算效率分析,结果表明,提出的协议在增加较低计算量的前提下具有更高的安全性。  相似文献   

In 2002, Chien et al. proposed an efficient remote authentication scheme using smart cards, in which only few hashing operations are required. Later, Ku et al. gave an improved scheme to repair the security pitfalls found in Chien et al.'s scheme. Also Yoon et al. presented an enhancement on Ku et al.'s scheme. In this paper, we show that both Ku et al.'s scheme and Yoon et al.'s scheme are still vulnerable to the guessing attack, forgery attack and denial of service (DoS) attack. In addition, their schemes lack efficiency when users input wrong passwords. To remedy these flaws, this paper proposes an efficient improvement over Ku et al.'s and Yoon et al.'s schemes with more security. The computation cost, security, and efficiency of the improved scheme are embarking for the real application in the resource-limited environment.  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络双因素用户认证方案中智能卡内敏感信息被破译、公共信道信息传输被侦听引起的匿名性隐患及密码猜测等攻击,在T-M方案的基础上,注册阶段采用哈希加密深度隐藏了用户隐私信息,增强智能卡中元素的抗猜测性;又将网关作为消息中转站提前对用户进行验证,调整了信息传输结构及认证方式,减少节点能耗且加强消息传输的安全防护;同时,在网关端添加写保护用户身份日志表,及时记录用户登录信息,以防资源滥用。理论分析及实验显示了所提方案有效抵御了T-M方案的不足,大大减少了传感节点的通信开销,提供更多的安全防护且具有计费功能。  相似文献   

唐宏斌  刘心松 《计算机应用》2012,32(5):1381-1384
由于口令容易记忆,基于口令的认证协议已被广泛采用于各种网络服务中。然而由于口令的低熵性导致了基于口令的认证协议易遭受到各种攻击。2011年,Islam等(ISLAM SK H, BISWAS G P. Improved remote login scheme based on ECC. IEEE-International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology. Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society, 2011: 1221-1226)提出一种改进的基于椭圆曲线的远程登录协议,该协议存在着被盗校验子攻击和客户身份冒充攻击,同时并未能提供双向认证。为了解决此类问题提出了一种基于椭圆曲线的远程认证和密钥协商协议(RAKA),RAKA基于椭圆曲线离散对数难题,在执行过程中只需做6次点乘运算和7次哈希运算,比Islam等协议少用1次点乘运算,协议效率提高约15%,是一种比Islam等协议更安全、高效的协议。  相似文献   

通过密码分析学的验证方案证明Yoon等人提出的基于Hwang等其他人所证明的远程用户使用智能卡的方案中存在着多个安全漏洞,仍然是脆弱和不稳定的.同时给出如何改进并避免这些漏洞的方法.  相似文献   

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