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In this work, we propose new sets of 2D and 3D rotation invariants based on orthogonal radial dual Hahn moments, which are orthogonal on a non-uniform lattice. We also present theoretical mathematics to derive them. Thus, this paper presents in the first case new 2D radial dual Hahn moments based on polar representation of an image by one-dimensional orthogonal discrete dual Hahn polynomials and a circular function. The dual Hahn polynomials are general case of Tchebichef and Krawtchouk polynomials. In the second case, we introduce new 3D radial dual Hahn moments employing a spherical representation of volumetric image by one-dimensional orthogonal discrete dual Hahn polynomials and a spherical function, which are orthogonal on a non-uniform lattice. The 2D and 3D rotational invariants are extracts from the proposed 2D and 3D radial dual Hahn moments respectively. In order to test the proposed approach, three problems namely image reconstruction, rotational invariance and pattern recognition are attempted using the proposed moments. The result of experiments shows that the radial dual Hahn moments have performed better than the radial Tchebichef and Krawtchouk moments, with and without noise. Simultaneously, the mentioned reconstruction converges quickly to the original image using 2D and 3D radial dual Hahn moments, and the test images are clearly recognized from a set of images that are available in COIL-20 database for 2D image and PSB database for 3D image.


The rotation, scaling and translation invariant property of image moments has a high significance in image recognition. Legendre moments as a classical orthogonal moment have been widely used in image analysis and recognition. Since Legendre moments are defined in Cartesian coordinate, the rotation invariance is difficult to achieve. In this paper, we first derive two types of transformed Legendre polynomial: substituted and weighted radial shifted Legendre polynomials. Based on these two types of polynomials, two radial orthogonal moments, named substituted radial shifted Legendre moments and weighted radial shifted Legendre moments (SRSLMs and WRSLMs) are proposed. The proposed moments are orthogonal in polar coordinate domain and can be thought as generalized and orthogonalized complex moments. They have better image reconstruction performance, lower information redundancy and higher noise robustness than the existing radial orthogonal moments. At last, a mathematical framework for obtaining the rotation, scaling and translation invariants of these two types of radial shifted Legendre moments is provided. Theoretical and experimental results show the superiority of the proposed methods in terms of image reconstruction capability and invariant recognition accuracy under both noisy and noise-free conditions.  相似文献   

The matching of particular types of CAD models to existing physical models can provide invaluable support to the process of CAD design and reuse. To meet the demand for fast and robust algorithms to detect predefined models in database, an local invariant model matching approach is proposed in this paper. It first maps the 3D CAD model to 2D principal image plane by its first two principal components, and then finds affine invariant key points in the 2D image. The CAD model matching problem is implemented as key points matching. Experimental results show the proposed 3D model retrieval method performs fairly well in retrieving similar models from a database of 3D CAD models.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new set of 2D and 3D rotation invariants based on orthogonal radial Meixner moments. We also present a theoretical mathematics to derive them. Hence, this paper introduces in the first case a new 2D radial Meixner moments based on polar representation of an object by a one-dimensional orthogonal discrete Meixner polynomials and a circular function. In the second case, we present a new 3D radial Meixner moments using a spherical representation of volumetric image by a one-dimensional orthogonal discrete Meixner polynomials and a spherical function. Further 2D and 3D rotational invariants are derived from the proposed 2D and 3D radial Meixner moments respectively. In order to prove the proposed approach, three issues are resolved mainly image reconstruction, rotational invariance and pattern recognition. The result of experiments prove that the Meixner moments have done better than the Krawtchouk moments with and without nose. Simultaneously, the reconstructed volumetric image converges quickly to the original image using 2D and 3D radial Meixner moments and the test images are clearly recognized from a set of images that are available in a PSB database.  相似文献   

Recently, orthogonal moments have become efficient tools for two-dimensional and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) image not only in pattern recognition, image vision, but also in image processing and applications engineering. Yet, there is still a major difficulty in 3D rotation invariants. In this paper, we propose new sets of invariants for 2D and 3D rotation, scaling and translation based on orthogonal radial Hahn moments. We also present theoretical mathematics to derive them. Thus, this paper introduces in the first case new 2D radial Hahn moments based on polar representation of an object by one-dimensional orthogonal discrete Hahn polynomials, and a circular function. In the second case, we present new 3D radial Hahn moments using a spherical representation of volumetric image by one-dimensional orthogonal discrete Hahn polynomials and a spherical function. Further 2D and 3D invariants are derived from the proposed 2D and 3D radial Hahn moments respectively, which appear as the third case. In order to test the proposed approach, we have resolved three issues: the image reconstruction, the invariance of rotation, scaling and translation, and the pattern recognition. The result of experiments show that the Hahn moments have done better than the Krawtchouk moments, with and without noise. Simultaneously, the mentioned reconstruction converges quickly to the original image using 2D and 3D radial Hahn moments, and the test images are clearly recognized from a set of images that are available in COIL-20 database for 2D image, and Princeton shape benchmark (PSB) database for 3D image.  相似文献   

为了克服表情变化致使三维人脸识别性能不佳的问题,提出基于鼻尖点区域分割的表情鲁棒三维人脸识别方法。首先,根据表情对人脸影响具有区域性的特点,提出仅依赖鼻尖点的表情不变区域(刚性区域)和表情易变(非刚性区域)划分方法;然后针对表情不变区域和表情易变区域使用不同的特征描述方式并计算匹配相似度;最后将表情不变区域和表情易变的相似度进行加权融合实现最终身份识别。提出的方法分别在FRGC v2.0和自建WiseFace表情人脸数据库上达到98.52%和99.01%的rank 1识别率,证明该方法对表情变化具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a clustered exemplar-based model for performing viewpoint invariant tracking of the 3D motion of a human subject from a single camera. Each exemplar is associated with multiple view visual information of a person and the corresponding 3D skeletal pose. The visual information takes the form of contours obtained from different viewpoints around the subject. The inclusion of multi-view information is important for two reasons: viewpoint invariance; and generalisation to novel motions. Visual tracking of human motion is performed using a particle filter coupled to the dynamics of human movement represented by the exemplar-based model. Dynamics are modelled by clustering 3D skeletal motions with similar movement and encoding the flow both within and between clusters. Results of single view tracking demonstrate that the exemplar-based models incorporating dynamics generalise to viewpoint invariant tracking of novel movements.  相似文献   

选取Hu不变矩、手势轮廓的凹陷个数及其周长与面积比为手势识别的主要特征,采用了基于径向基核的SVM分类器进行0~9十种手势的识别。实验结果表明,在背景单一、光照情况良好条件下,该方法具有很高的识别率,并且简单快速。  相似文献   

针对图像拼接中普遍存在的效率低和误匹配等问题,提出了一种基于不变矩相似度的快速拼接方法。首先利用不变矩相似度准则,预估输入图像的重叠区域,然后采用SIFT算法进行特征点检测和匹配,减少了不必要的特征提取和误匹配。利用稳健的RANSAC算法实现特征点提纯并计算单应性矩阵。最后,针对带运动目标的动态场景融合后易出现鬼影的现象,提出一种改进的分段线性加权融合算法以消除拼接鬼影。  相似文献   

We propose multiresolution filter bank techniques to construct rotationally invariant moments. The multiresolution pyramid motivates a simple but efficient feature selection procedure based on a combination of a pruning algorithm, a new version of the Apriori mining techniques and partially supervised fuzzy C-mean clustering. The recognition accuracy of the proposed techniques has been tested with the reference to conventional methods. The numerical experiments, with more than 50,000 images, demonstrate an accuracy increase ranging from 5% to 27% depending on the noise level.  相似文献   


As a part of the vehicle identification system, the logo recognition, while matching with the license plate recognition, can be used to define the identity of the vehicle more accurately and provide reliable evidence for the deck car investigation, illegal escape and vehicle tracking. However, it is a difficult problem for the research to position the logos of different vehicles and the identification of the vehicles under low illumination conditions. This paper firstly uses the features of the color of the license plate to locate the license plate, and carries out the rough location of the logo according to the prior knowledge. Then, uses gray level, contrast enhancement, smoothing de-noising, edge detection and background suppression methods to deal with the coarse location of logo and realize the positioning of logo accurately. Next, extracts features of Vehicle-logo according seven HU invariant, considering the influence of low illumination conditions, this paper adds three HU invariant distances and establishes the characteristic library of the logo image. Thirdly, uses the support vector machine(SVM) to identify the logo and Cross validation(CV) methods to optimize the parameter C and g of SVM at the same time. In order to improve the recognition accuracy of the algorithm under low illumination conditions, the Grey Wolf Optimize (GWO) is used to further optimize the kernel function. Finally, takes 9 kinds of common Vehicle-logo as the logo to be identified, uses SVM to train 80% of the samples and test 20% of the samples. The results of experiments show that the increase of the invariant moments feature can obviously improve the accuracy of the logo, GWO is better than CV to improve the accuracy, and the average recognition rate is more than 92%, which effectively solve the problem of Vehicle-logo identification under low illumination conditions.


A robust and geometric invariant digital image watermarking scheme based on robust feature detector and local Zernike transform is proposed in this paper. The robust feature extraction method is proposed based on the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) algorithm, to extract circular regions/patches for watermarking use. Then a local Zernike moments-based watermarking scheme is raised, where the watermarked regions/patches can be obtained directly by inverse Zernike Transform. Each extracted circular patch is decomposed into a collection of binary patches and Zernike transform is applied to the appointed binary patches. Magnitudes of the local Zernike moments are calculated and modified to embed the watermarks. Experimental results show that the proposed watermarking scheme is very robust against geometric distortion such as rotation, scaling, cropping, and affine transformation; and common signal processing such as JPEG compression, median filtering, and low-pass Gaussian filtering.  相似文献   


In 3D image compression, depth image based rendering (DIBR) is one of the latest techniques where the center image (say the main view, is used to synthesise the left and the right view image) and the depth image are communicated to the receiver side. It has been observed in the literature that most of the existing 3D image watermarking schemes are not resilient to the view synthesis process used in the DIBR technique. In this paper, a 3D image watermarking scheme is proposed which is invariant to the DIBR view synthesis process. In this proposed scheme, 2D-dual-tree complex wavelet transform (2D-DT-CWT) coefficients of centre view are used for watermark embedding such that shift invariance and directional property of the DT-CWT can be exploited to make the scheme robust against view synthesis process. A comprehensive set of experiments has been carried out to justify the robustness of the proposed scheme over the related existing schemes with respect to the JPEG compression and synthesis view attack.


In this paper, a geometrically invariant color image watermarking method using Quaternion Legendre-Fourier moments (QLFMs) is presented. A highly accurate, fast and numerically stable method is proposed to compute the QLFMs in polar coordinates. The proposed watermarking method consists of three main steps. First, the Arnold scrambling algorithm is applied to a binary watermark image. Second, the QLFMs of the original host color image are computed. Third, the binary digital watermark is embedding by performing the quantization of selected QLFMs. Two different groups of attacks are considered. The first group includes geometric attacks such as rotation, scaling and translation while the second group includes the common signal processing attacks such as image compression and noise. Experiments are performed where the performance of proposed method is compared with the existing moment-based watermarking methods. The proposed method is superior over all existing quaternion moment-based watermarking in terms of visual imperceptibility capability and robustness to different attacks.  相似文献   

旋转、缩放和平移(RST)等几何攻击能够破坏水印检测的同步性,使得水印检测失败。针对此问题,提出了一种基于图像局部Zernike矩的RST不变零水印算法。Zernike矩的幅度具有旋转不变性,再结合图像归一化,使其具有缩放和平移不变性。由于Zernike矩的图像重构效果不理想且重构过程中复杂度高,因此水印嵌入选择零水印方案。实验结果表明,该算法对旋转、缩放和平移(RST)的攻击具有很好的鲁棒性,同时对JPEG压缩、加噪、滤波等常见的图像处理操作也具有很好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Automatic facial expression recognition (FER) is a sub-area of face analysis research that is based heavily on methods of computer vision, machine learning, and image processing. This study proposes a rotation and noise invariant FER system using an orthogonal invariant moment, namely, Zernike moments (ZM) as a feature extractor and Naive Bayesian (NB) classifier. The system is fully automatic and can recognize seven different expressions. Illumination condition, pose, rotation, noise and others changing in the image are challenging task in pattern recognition system. Simulation results on different databases indicated that higher order ZM features are robust in images that are affected by noise and rotation, whereas the computational rate for feature extraction is lower than other methods.  相似文献   

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