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目前云数据安全存储方案中,数据拥有者加密数据上传到云中,但却不能很好的支持加密数据分享,尤其是分享给多个用户时,可扩展性不强。针对这个问题本文提出一种基于身份的代理重加密方案,该方案不需要云完全可信但却又能灵活地进行数据安全共享。在具体构造上,结合基于身份的加密,用一个强不可伪造的一次签名方案使被转化后的密文具有公开验证性,且能达到被转化后的密文在标准模型下具有选择密文安全性。由于该类方案无需使用公钥证书、能支持细粒度的访问控制且可扩展性较好,因此可以较好的适用于安全云数据共享。  相似文献   

存储安全是公共云应用诸多安全问题中最关键的问题之一,对云服务的快速发展有着重大影响。结合身份加密、代理重加密以及广播加密的特点,提出了一种新的云存储方案。该方案通过条件控制,实现了用户对远程密文数据代理重加密过程中的细粒度访问控制;基于身份加密,利用用户的身份属性作为公钥,减少了证书验证过程;结合广播的思想,以用户集合为单位进行加密,减少系统的计算消耗。实验表明,文章提出的方案可以实现密文数据云存储和共享,主要函数的时间开销合理,能够保证大规模用户接入时系统高效。  相似文献   

潘峰  葛运龙  张倩  申军伟 《计算机应用》2014,34(4):1038-1041
在传统的代理重加密(PRE)体制中,代理者一旦获得重加密密钥就能将所有授权者能解密的密文转换成受理者能解密的密文,代理者的重加密权限过大;而且授权者需要对不同的受理者生成代理重加密密钥,计算过程中浪费了大量的资源。为了解决以上问题,构造了一种基于身份的条件型广播代理重加密方案。该方案中的授权者在生成重加密密钥过程中加入特殊条件,来限制代理者的重加密权限过大的问题;与此同时,使授权者的密文能够被再次广播以确保重要通信,这样的处理能节省更多的计算和通信开销。最后通过理论分析阐明了方案的安全性。  相似文献   

Conditional proxy re-encryption (CPRE) enables fine-grained delegation of decryption rights, and has many real-world applications. In this paper, we present a ciphertext-policy attribute based CPRE scheme, together with a formalization of the primitive and its security analysis. We demonstrate the utility of the scheme in a cloud deployment, which achieves fine-grained data sharing. This application implements cloud server-enabled user revocation, offering an alternative yet more efficient solution to the user revocation problem in the context of fine-grained encryption of cloud data. High user-side efficiency is another prominent feature of the application, which makes it possible for users to use resource constrained devices, e.g., mobile phones, to access cloud data. Our evaluations show promising results on the performance of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

The concept of cloud computing has emerged as the next generation of computing infrastructure to reduce the costs associated with the management of hardware and software resources. It is vital to its success that cloud computing is featured efficient, flexible and secure characteristics. In this paper, we propose an efficient and anonymous data sharing protocol with flexible sharing style, named EFADS, for outsourcing data onto the cloud. Through formal security analysis, we demonstrate that EFADS provides data confidentiality and data sharer's anonymity without requiring any fully-trusted party. From experimental results, we show that EFADS is more efficient than existing competing approaches. Furthermore, the proxy re-encryption scheme we propose in this paper may be independent of interests, i.e., compared to those previously reported proxy re-encryption schemes, the proposed scheme is the first pairing-free, anonymous and unidirectional proxy re-encryption scheme in the standard model.  相似文献   

目前区块链大多属于异构链,信息孤岛问题严重,所以如何打破区块链垂直发展的封闭状态和实现链间互联互通一直是区块链的研究热点。针对联盟链之间数据共享难、互操作性差和存储压力大等问题,提出一种基于条件代理重加密的跨链数据共享方案。从各联盟链中选出高信用节点充当公证人并组成公证链,作为跨链共享的媒介;引入星际文件系统实现混合存储,减小存储压力;随机确定一位公证人作为代理者,执行条件代理重加密操作实现链间共享密文的状态转变;通过信用约束和激励策略,规范公证人的行为和提高各链节点参与数据共享的积极性。理论分析和实验结果表明,提出方案在跨链数据共享方面更安全可靠,具有较高的跨链交互效率和较低的存储开销。  相似文献   

To assure the confidentiality of the sensitive data stored in public cloud storages, the data owners should encrypt their data before submitting them to the clouds. However, it brings new challenge for us to effectively share the encrypted data in the public clouds. The paradigm of proxy re-encryption provides a promising solution to data sharing as it enables a data owner to delegate the decryption rights of the encrypted data to the authorized recipients without any direct interaction. Certificate-based proxy re-encryption is a new cryptographic primitive to effectively support the data confidentiality in public cloud storages, which enjoys the advantages of certificate-based encryption while providing the functionalities of proxy re-encryption. In this paper, we propose a certificate-based proxy re-encryption scheme without bilinear pairings. The proposed scheme is proven secure under the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption in the random oracle model. Due to avoiding the time-consuming bilinear pairing operations, the proposed scheme significantly reduces the computation cost. Compared to the previous certificate-based proxy re-encryption schemes with bilinear pairings, it enjoys obvious advantage in the computation efficiency, and thus is more suitable for the computation-limited or power-constrained devices.  相似文献   

代理重加密技术可使代理在不知道明文的条件下实现密文访问策略转换,这使代理重加密成为用户之间进行数据分享的重要技术。然而,代理重加密方案大多数是在单授权中心下构建的,存在授权机构权限大、易出现性能瓶颈和用户的计算开销大等问题。同时,大多数方案不满足代理重加密应具备的5个基本特性:单向性、可控性、非交互性、可重复性与可验证性。为解决以上问题,提出支持重复可控特性的云计算多授权中心CP-ABE(ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption)代理重加密方案。在密文策略属性加密方案的基础上,引入代理加密和代理解密服务器从而减小用户客户端的计算开销,设置多个属性授权中心来分散中央机构权限。对代理重加密技术进行改进:在重加密密钥中设置随机因子和密文子项来实现单向性和可控性;设置的重加密密钥由客户端独立生成,不需要其他服务器参与,可实现非交互性,即可在数据拥有者为不在线状态时也可以进行数据分享;在初始密文中设置密文子项,对其多次加密即可实现重复性;在初始密文中设置验证子项,用户可验证外包以及重加密结果正确与否。通过与其他方案对比发现,所提方案的用户客户端计算...  相似文献   

Due to the limited computational capability of mobile devices, the research organization and academia are working on computationally secure schemes that have capability for offloading the computational intensive data access operations on the cloud/trusted entity for execution. Most of the existing security schemes, such as proxy re-encryption, manager-based re-encryption, and cloud-based re-encryption, are based on El-Gamal cryptosystem for offloading the computational intensive data access operation on the cloud/trusted entity. However, the resource hungry pairing-based cryptographic operations, such as encryption and decryption, are executed using the limited computational power of mobile device. Similarly, if the data owner wants to modify the encrypted file uploaded on the cloud storage, after modification the data owner must encrypt and upload the entire file on the cloud storage without considering the altered portion(s) of the file. In this paper, we have proposed an incremental version of proxy re-encryption scheme for improving the file modification operation and compared with the original version of the proxy re-encryption scheme on the basis of turnaround time, energy consumption, CPU utilization, and memory consumption while executing the security operations on mobile device. The incremental version of proxy re-encryption scheme shows significant improvement in results while performing file modification operations using limited processing capability of mobile devices.  相似文献   

为实现固定用户安全共享移动终端的加密数据,提出了跨加密系统的非对称代理重加密系统。在该系统中,计算能力有限的移动终端使用相对简单的基于身份的加密系统,而服务器和固定用户使用较复杂的基于身份的广播加密系统。该系统基于密文转换机制,使移动终端简单的IBE密文被代理者转换成复杂的IBBE密文,同时代理者不会得知明文的任何信息。该方案的安全性可以归约到底层的IBE和IBBE方案的安全性。理论和实验分析表明,该方案可实现移动终端只需很少的资源便能让固定用户安全地共享其加密数据。  相似文献   

针对在不可信的云存储中,数据的机密性得不到保证的情况,提出一种新的代理重加密(PRE)算法,并将其应用于云存储访问控制方案中,该方案将一部分密文存储云中共享,另一部分密文直接发送给用户。证明了该访问控制方案在第三方的不可信任的开放环境下云存储中敏感数据的机密性。通过分析对比,结果表明:发送方对密文的传递可控,该方案利用代理重加密的性质,在一对多的云存储访问控制方案中,密文运算量和存储不会随着用户的增长而呈线性增长,显著降低了通信过程中数据运算量和交互量,有效减少数据的存储空间。该方案实现了云存储中敏感数据的安全高效共享。  相似文献   

Internet-based online cloud services provide enormous volumes of storage space, tailor-made computing resources and eradicate the obligation of native machines for data maintenance as well. Cloud storage service providers claim to offer the ability of secure and elastic data-storage services that can adapt to various storage necessities. Most of the security tools have a finite rate of failure, and intrusion comes with more complex and sophisticated techniques; the security failure rates are skyrocketing. Once we upload our data into the cloud, we lose control of our data, which certainly carries new security hazards toward integrity and privacy of our information. In this paper, we discuss a secure file sharing mechanism for the cloud with proxy re-encryption (PRE). PRE-scheme is implemented with the Disintegration Protocol to secure storage data in storage and in the flight. The paper introduces a new contribution of a seamless file sharing technique among different clouds without sharing an encryption key.  相似文献   

针对在不可信的云存储中,数据的机密性得不到保证的情况,提出一种基于身份的代理重加密(IBPRE)算法,并将其应用于云存储访问控制方案中,该方案将重加密密钥分成两部分,一部分用于重加密,一部分用于授权。证明了该访问控制方案在第三方的不可信任的开放环境下云存储中敏感数据的机密性。通过分析对比,发送方对密文的传递可控,在一对多的云存储访问控制方案中,授权者不需要对不同的受理者重新计算重加密密钥,密文长度不随着用户的增长而线性增长,显著降低了计算复杂度和通信中数据的交互量。该方案实现了云存储中敏感数据的安全高效共享。  相似文献   

王海勇  彭垚  郭凯璇 《计算机应用》2019,39(9):2611-2616
针对云存储中基于密文策略的属性加密(CP-ABE)访问控制方案存在用户解密开销较大的问题,提出了一种基于代理重加密的CP-ABE (CP-ABE-BPRE)方案,并对密钥的生成方法进行了改进。此方案包含五个组成部分,分别是可信任密钥授权、数据属主、云服务提供商、代理解密服务器和数据访问者,其中云服务器对数据进行重加密,代理解密服务器完成大部分的解密计算。方案能够有效地降低用户的解密开销,在保证数据细粒度访问控制的同时还支持用户属性的直接撤销,并解决了传统CP-ABE方案中因用户私钥被非法盗取带来的数据泄露问题。与其他CP-ABE方案比较,此方案对访问云数据的用户在解密性能方面具有较好的优势。  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new primitive called hierarchical conditional proxy re-encryption (HC-PRE) that enhances the concept of C-PRE by allowing more general re-encryption key delegation patterns. Hierarchical conditional proxy re-encryption (HC-PRE) scheme is the hierarchical extension of conditional proxy re-encryption (C-PRE) where the condition is a vector of keywords. We present an efficient construction of hierarchical key derivation C-PRE scheme where the ciphertext length is independent from the depth of the hierarchy. We further extend our work by presenting a more generalized key delegation, by allowing the use of a wildcard in the keyword vector.  相似文献   

已有基于证书代理重加密方案的构造严重依赖双线性对运算,计算效率不高。针对这一问题,提出了一个高效的基于证书代理重加密方案。所提出方案的加密算法无须作双线性对运算,而其他算法至多作一次双线性对运算,因此显著提高了方案的计算性能。与现有基于证书代理重加密方案相比,该方案具有计算效率高和通信带宽低的优点。基于[q-mBDHI]问题和[1-BDHI]问题的困难性假设,该方案在随机预言模型下被严格证明满足适应性选择密文攻击下的密文不可区分安全性,即满足选择密文安全性。  相似文献   

为使移动设备更加方便快捷地解密存储于云端的外包数据,根据基于身份的广播加密(IBBE)系统和基于身份的加密(IBE)系统,使用Green等提出的解密外包的技术(GREEN M,HOHENBERGER S,WATERS B.Outsourcing the decryption of ABE ciphertexts.Proceedings of the 20th USENIX Conference on Security.Berkeley:USENIX Association,2011:34),提出一种改进的非对称跨加密系统的代理重加密(MACPRE)方案。该方案更适合计算能力有限的移动设备安全共享云端数据。移动用户在解密重加密后的数据时,运行一次指数运算和一次配对运算便可以将明文恢复,大大提高了移动用户解密的效率,降低了移动用户的能耗。该方案的安全性可以归约到底层的IBE方案和IBBE方案的安全性。理论分析和实验结果表明,该方案使得移动设备花费较少的时间便可以将存储在云端的数据解密,缓解了移动设备计算能力的不足,实用性较强。  相似文献   

李海峰  蓝才会 《计算机应用》2013,33(4):1055-1060
已有的代理重加密签密的方案仅仅提供了不可否认性,其安全强度弱于适应选择选择消息下不可伪造性。因此,定义了在适应选择消息下不可伪造的安全模型,同时提出了一个新的代理重加密签密方案,新方案的授权人和受理人的签密文本都具有公开可验证性,并且新方案在随机预言模型下可证明安全,且该方案安全高效,适用于安全级别要求较高的实际应用领域。  相似文献   

In a proxy re-encryption scheme, a semi-trusted proxy is given special power that allows it to transform a ciphertext for Alice into a ciphertext for Bob without learning any information about the messages encrypted under either key. When a proxy re-encryption scheme is constructed in an identity-based setting, it means that a proxy converts a ciphertext encrypted under Alice’s identity into a ciphertext under Bob’s. Proxy re-encryption has become more and more popular these years due to the fact that it has many practical applications. In this paper, we present an IND-CCA2 secure identity-based proxy re-encryption scheme which has several useful properties, including, multi-use, unidirectionality, etc. Finding a unidirectional, multi-use, and CCA2-secure proxy re-encryption scheme is presented as an open problem by Green et al. Fortunately, our identity-based proxy re-encryption scheme is a solution to this problem. As a middleware for fulfilling our main goal, we also propose a new construction of identity-based encryption using random padding techniques. The security of our schemes is based on the standard decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption in the random oracle model.  相似文献   

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