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At the different stages of the PLM, companies develop numerous checklist-based procedures involving prototype inspection and testing. Besides, techniques from CAD, 3D imaging, animation and virtual reality now form a mature set of tools for industrial applications. The work presented in this article develops a unique framework for immersive checklist-based project reviews that applies to all steps of the PLM. It combines immersive navigation in the checklist, virtual experiments when needed and multimedia update of the checklist. It provides a generic tool, independent of the considered checklist, relies on the integration of various VR tools and concepts, in a modular way, and uses an original gesture recognition. Feasibility experiments are presented, validating the benefits of the approach.  相似文献   

张辉  王盼  肖军浩  卢惠民 《控制与决策》2018,33(11):1975-1982
以提高人机共融水平为目的,以救援机器人为背景,提出并实现基于三维建图和虚拟现实(VR)技术的人机交互系统.在该系统中,救援机器人基于多线激光雷达和惯性测量单元(IMU)实时构建环境的三维点云地图,并将建图结果增量式地表示为3D-NDT地图,实时传输至操作台的虚拟现实系统中可视化;同时,操作人员利用虚拟现实系统的交互设备生成机器人的控制指令,控制机器人运动,构成一个完整的人在回路的人机交互系统.该系统在将机器人环境实时在虚拟现实中可视化的基础上,可以给操作人员以极强的沉浸感,有利于操作人员更直接地理解机器人所处环境.此外,该系统作为一种新的人机交互方式,为提高人与机器人的自然交互水平提供了新思路,对促进人机交互技术的发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Li  Zhong  Zhang  Yu-Dong 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2020,79(23-24):16369-16383
Multimedia Tools and Applications - In the research and development of forest resource management information visualization, the virtual forest environment provides very important technical...  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to develop a cost-effective, man–machine digital interface, to improve students’ real-world firing range training, results, and achievement scores. A serious game-based learning environment was developed, integrating invisible laser infrared technology, 1:1 real-scale rifle guns with recoil effects, as well as 3D interactive virtual reality (VR) military training digital information content, to train students in military live firing. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed design, students’ performance, in terms of their learning achievement and learning motivation, was examined. One hundred and sixty high school students from Taiwan were divided into four individual groups of 40 students each, with one control group and three experimental groups (EG1, EG2, and EG3). The data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance. The results of this cost-effective 3D VR showed significantly better learning motivation, learning outcomes, and positive impacts on users’ actual live firing achievement scores.  相似文献   

The development of immersive virtual reality (IVR) applications for design reviews is a major trend in the design field. While many different applications have been developed, there is little consensus on the functionalities necessary for these applications. This paper proposes a classification scheme for IVR functionalities related to design reviews (DRs), combining conceptual-to-empirical and empirical-to-conceptual strategies. The classification scheme consists of eight class categories (Input, Representation, Navigation, Manipulation, Collaboration, Edit, Creation, and Output), 22 class subcategories, and 55 classes. The classification scheme has been validated by analysing several commercial IVR applications for DRs. As part of the classification scheme development, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) was utilised to review 70 articles that develop IVR applications for DRs. The results from systematic literature reviews suggest the development of solutions that integrate several class categories, are better connected to current design workflows, include various design information, support a DR planning cycle, and support distributed work. The proposed classification scheme helps to orient the future development of IVR applications for DRs and provides a framework to systematically accumulate evidence on the effect of such applications on DRs.  相似文献   

This paper presents an Internet-based virtual reality technology, called panoramic broadcasting (PanoCAST) where multiple viewers share an experience yet each having full control of what they see independent from other viewers. Our solution was developed for telepresence-based cultural presentation and entertainment services. The core architecture involves a compact spherical vision system that compresses and transmits data from multiple digital video sources to a central host computer, which in turn distributes the recorded information among multiple render- and streaming servers for personalized viewing over the Internet or mobile devices. In addition, using advanced computer vision, tracking and animation features, the PanoCAST architecture introduces the notion of Clickable Content Management (CCM), where each visual element in the image becomes a source for providing further information, educational content and cultural detail. Key contributions of our application to advance the state-of-the-art include bringing streaming panoramic video onto mobile platforms, an advanced tracking interface to turn visual elements into sources of interaction, physical simulation to combine the benefits of panoramic video with that of 3D models and animated, photo-realistic faces to help users express their emotions in shared online virtual cultural experiences as well as a feedback mechanism in such environments. Therefore, we argue that the PanoCAST system offers a low-cost and economical solution for personalized content distribution and as such it can serve as a unified basis for novel applications many of which are demonstrated in this paper.  相似文献   

The Java 3D API and virtual reality   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Java programmers can quickly and easily define graphics programs using Java 3D's scene graph classes. An expanded view model lets applications seamlessly operate in a variety of single- and multiple-display, nonhead-tracked and head-tracked, display environments. This view model relies on the flexible InputDevice interface that Java 3D provides to remove most of the vagaries of hardware trackers  相似文献   

目前提出的弹药检测虚拟训练系统接收检测信号接收率较低,检测虚拟训练成功率较低。基于3D虚拟现实技术设计一种新的弹药检测虚拟训练系统,硬件由主控操作机、检测总线接口以及资源测试器组成,软件部分在3D虚拟现实技术下构建虚拟空间,在开放式软件结构构建的基础上进行检测指标划分,对用户界面的文件进行整改,按照弹药检测的指标数据提升整改的方向正确性,选用自检公式对检测的信息进行系统自检,依据检测到的问题的发生形式判断下一次问题发生的触发机制,由此避免下一次问题的产生,从而实现软件流程。实验结果表明,基于3D虚拟现实技术的弹药检测虚拟训练系统能有效提高信号接收率,增强虚拟训练接收成功率,具有较强的应用性。  相似文献   

为了实现对核磁共振(NMR)波谱分析实验交互过程的三维虚拟仿真,提出了采用3ds Max建模并通过Virtools及Flash实现交互,建立以虚拟人物为依托、全场景、开放式、三维与二维结合沉浸交互式核磁共振波谱分析虚拟实验室的方法。以多种样品的完整核磁共振实验流程为考察对象,采用VSL编程语言结合BB模块以及FlashActionScript 2.0语言编程的方式实现了实时交互操作与工作站及谱图解析之间的参数信息通信,模拟谱图绘出过程,并且增加了谱图解析过程。该软件实现了样品选择、溶剂选择、局部放大、监控跟踪评价、谱图绘出以及谱图解析功能,完整的模拟并了样品核磁共振波谱分析实验的全过程。并增强了功能性。  相似文献   

Landscape planning is based on science and the arts. Landscape planning and design appropriate coordination to do the relationship between spatial planning and the earth, and between man and nature. Landscape planning has a fundamental goal of sustainable development, in landscape planning, more technologically advanced planning and design theory to solve the modern field's practical problems. It provides a powerful new way to functional space planning and landscape analysis. Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the importance of planning can improve outcomes. Enable planners to understand the natural landscape and accurately understand and landscape planning and landscape design some new ideas. This is the best practical implications of the simulation and verifies the effectiveness of landscape design and planning. The problem for traditional distribution landscape simulation technology, designed a new distribution pattern of rationality simulation technology based on 3D images and virtual reality technology. This analysis method is based on the first time the three-dimensional image of the garden's rational distribution. 3D image analysis of the distribution landscape's effectiveness results from a three-dimensional image reconstruction completed and based on virtual reality technology. Finally, it will discuss the garden, rational drug delivery technologies, case studies, the advantages, and performance test results.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional virtual scene can provide users with a visual three-dimensional virtual environment, with various multimedia channels such as sound, video, force feedback equipment, etc., to bring users a completely immersive interactive experience. This paper introduces 3D imaging and virtual reality technology in the film and television industry cloud exhibition, and develops a virtual display platform. First of all, this paper divides the registration into two processes: camera calibration and joint calibration of the camera and laser scanner based on the calibration results. Camera calibration can determine the plane model of the calibration board in the camera coordinate system, and the joint calibration uses the RANSAC algorithm to extract the point cloud of the plane model of the calibration board, and then optimizes the distance between the points in the plane model point cloud and the corresponding plane in the camera coordinate system Find the optimal transformation between the two sets of data, and then calculate the registration relationship between the point cloud and the image. Secondly, this article conducts a demand analysis of the film and television industry cloud exhibition platform based on virtual reality technology, including the business goals set by the platform, platform system analysis, overall design, and system operating environment and configuration requirements. This model provides a feasible solution for the visual interaction of the cloud exhibition design of the film and television industry.  相似文献   

We propose a system that affords real-time sound synthesis of footsteps on different materials. The system is based on microphones, which detect real footstep sounds from subjects, from which the ground reaction force (GRF) is estimated. Such GRF is used to control a sound synthesis engine based on physical models. Two experiments were conducted. In the first experiment, the ability of subjects to recognize the surface they were exposed to was assessed. In the second experiment, the sound synthesis engine was enhanced with environmental sounds. Results show that, in some conditions, adding a soundscape significantly improves the recognition of the simulated environment.  相似文献   

Virtual Reality - With the high growth and prosperity of e-commerce, the retail industry needs to explore new technologies that improve digital shopping experiences. In the current technological...  相似文献   

解剖图谱在医学教育中一直占据非常重要的地位,然而传统图谱空间信息不足,现有电子图谱图像失真且交互性差。运用虚拟现实技术开发交互性强的三维人体解剖学图谱,首先利用CT设备扫描的真实人体断层数据进行三维重建,获得结构完整的人体局部解剖三维模型;然后基于解剖学知识区分不同结构并利用3DSMAX建立骨骼、血管等独立模型并设置贴图,再导入Virtools中,配以文字、图片等多媒体材料,设置丰富的人机交互手段;最后打包生成可在Windows下直接使用的三维图谱软件。将支持游戏开发的三维引擎用于人体解剖图谱的制作中,强调其交互的丰富性,同时具有真实感强、开发周期短等优点,图谱软件有利于课堂施教和学生自学。  相似文献   

基于VSL语言的三维动态交互移动实现及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从游戏开发的实际需求出发,讨论了虚拟场景中三维模型动态交互移动的必要性,分析了Virtools内嵌脚本语言VSL的功能和优势,特别是与Virtools中的其它开发技术相比,它在解决三维模型动态交互移动方面的灵活性和快捷性.根据三维对象动态交互移动的基本原理,给出了基于VSL语言的三维模型动态交互移动功能设计流程,并用VSL语言编程实现了该功能.最后将其成功的应用于汉诺塔三维仿真游戏的设计中,收到了满意的效果,具有应用价值.  相似文献   

巷道三维构模及虚拟交互研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
摘 要:矿山井下巷道是矿山开采系统最为重要的组成部分,但其纵横交错、关系复杂,而巷道三维可视化系统可以对其进行客观、形象的描述。针对矿山的特性和应用需求,对巷道三维网络模型进行了研究,根据巷道原始导线点数据,将巷道抽象成结点、节点和巷道中线,并将其构成相应的拓扑关系,通过断面的加载和接口的处理实现巷道建模,再利用数据库技术和虚拟现实技术实现巷道数据的存储和三维巷道的虚拟可视化以及虚拟环境中的交互操作。最后,以山西某矿井下巷道数据,给出一个原型系统。  相似文献   

基于为高校三维动漫教学提供良好的教学技术和实验平台,研究了三维动漫制作与虚拟现实技术相结合的方法,采用三维计算机图形技术CG(Computer Graphics)、影像技术和运动捕捉系统,实现高质量高效率的三维动漫制作。介绍了将动漫技术、虚拟现实VR(Virtual Reality)设备和网络技术相整合的交互动漫虚拟环境建设方案。  相似文献   

An input device should be natural and convenient for a user to transmit information to a computer, and should be designed from an understanding of the task to be performed and the interrelationship between the task and the device from the perspective of the user. In order to investigate the potential of speech input as a reality based interaction device, this paper presents the findings of a study that investigated speech input in a VR application. Two independent user trials were combined within the same experimental design to evaluate the commands that users employed when they used free speech in which they were not restricted to a specific vocabulary. The study also investigated when participants were told they were either talking to a machine (e.g. a speech recognition system) or instructing another person to complete a VR based task. Previous research has illustrated that when users are limited to a specific vocabulary, this can alter the interaction style employed. The findings from this research illustrate that the interaction style users employ are very different when they are told they are talking to a machine or another person. Using this knowledge, recommendations can be drawn for the development of speech input vocabularies for future VR applications.  相似文献   

X-VRML for advanced virtual reality applications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Walczak  K. Cellary  W. 《Computer》2003,36(3):89-92

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