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凝胶网络中溶质分子扩散特性的Monte Carlo模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于凝胶的三维网络模型 ,利用MonteCarlo模拟研究了凝胶网络中溶质分子的扩散特性 ,考察溶质分子与网络纤维之间引力和斥力对溶质分子扩散特性的影响 .发现凝胶网络中溶质分子的运动不是Markoff过程 ,具有明显的相关性 .溶质分子越大 ,其运动的异常扩散指数越大 ,相关性越强 .当溶质分子和凝胶网络纤维之间存在引力和斥力等相互作用时 ,溶质分子的运动受到明显阻滞 ,扩散系数显著降低 .增强相互作用和减小溶质分子尺寸均可增强相互作用对溶质分子扩散的阻滞作用  相似文献   

Monte Carlo模拟(GCMC)研究了CO2和CH4在活性炭中的吸附情况。氢气和二氧化碳分子被模拟作Ken-nard-Jones球体,活性炭用一个裂缝气孔模型代替。研究了压力、温度、孔径活性炭对CO2(以CH4为基准)的选择性的影响。结果表明,低压、低温、孔径越小,选择性越大,即对分离CO2和CH4有利;233 K、孔径为2.29 nm以及低压下选择性达到10,此时分离效果较好。  相似文献   

In the article the Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC), molecular dynamics (MD), and kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations with particular focus on ascertaining the loading dependence of benzene diffusion in the zeolite were performed. First, a realistic representation of the structure of the sorbate-sorbent system was obtained based on GCMC simulation. The simulation clearly shows the characteristics of the adsorption sites of the benzene-NaY system, from which two kinds of preferably adsorbing sites for benzene molecules, called SII and W sites, are identified. The structure thus obtained was then used as a basis for KMC and MD simulations. A compara-tive study by introducing and comparing two different mechanisms underlying jump diffusion in the zeolite of in-terest shows that the MS diffusivity values predicted by the KMC and MD methods are fairly close to each other, leading to the conclusion that for benzene diffusion in NaY, the SII→W→SII jumps of benzene molecules are dominated, while the W→W jumps do not exist in the process. These findings provide further support to our previous conclusion about the absence of the W→W jumps in the process of benzene diffusion in NaY. Finally, two relations for predicting the self- and MS diffusivities were derived and found to be in fair agreement with the KMC and MD simulations.  相似文献   

分子模拟与化学工程   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
从分子水平来研究化工过程及产品的开发和设计是21世纪化学工程的一个重要方向.综述了计算机分子模拟中的MonteCarlo分子模拟和分子动力学模拟两种方法及其在化工中的应用,涉及分子模拟在建立状态方程和研究分子微观结构、相界面、扩散性质等方面的应用进展.指出分子模拟对化学工程的基础研究、工艺过程以及新产品开发将发挥巨大作用.  相似文献   

综述了计算机模拟中的分子力学、Monte Carlo和分子动力学模拟方法及其在蒙皂石层间结构中的应用进展,涉及粘土-水-离子体系的位能函数、粘土的水化和层间结构、热力学性质、物理机械性质和柱撑蒙脱石等各个方面.指出分子模拟对蒙皂石层间分子行为的基础研究将发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

为提高Monte Carlo分子模拟的取样效率,加速模拟过程的收敛,本文提出了根据粒子能量进行取样的方法。通过对凝固点附近的L-J流体的模拟,将能量选择取样法与Metropolis取样法以及力偏倚取样法的收敛性和模拟结果作了比较,表明能量选择取样法的收敛速度显著高于Metropolis取样法,与力偏倚取样法相当,而计算量比力偏倚取样法小。  相似文献   

采用分子模拟的方法模拟77 K下N2在沸石咪唑骨架材料(ZIFs)上的吸附等温线,并与实验结果比较,确定合适的力场参数,提供用BET方法分析ZIFs材料比表面积的吸附等温线。通过BET吸附方程中的参数c与单层吸附压力(p/p0)m之间的关系为(p/p0)m=(槡c+1)-1,确定应用BET方程分析时的压力区间。采用这样的方法计算5种ZIF材料的比表面积并与根据一致性原则(Rouquerol,2007)的结果进行比较,结果表明方法是可靠的,这说明采用合适的压力区间时,BET方法同样适用于分析微孔ZIF材料的比表面积。计算得到的5种ZIF材料比表面积均在1 000 m2/g以上,说明ZIF材料是一种具有高比表面积、有应用前景的吸附材料。  相似文献   

黏土矿物材料在重金属废水处理中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
简要介绍了黏土矿物材料的结构特征及基本特性,重点分析了黏土矿物材料处理重金属废水的机理,列举了部分研究成果,指出了黏土矿物材料处理重金属废水存在固液分离难、吸附剂不能重复利用、易造成二次污染等问题,提出了加强黏土矿物吸附材料的造型、重复利用等方面研究的具体措施.  相似文献   

天然黏土矿物资源丰富、成本低廉、具有丰富的孔隙结构和稳定的化学性质,是实现减排和碳循环的一类优良固体吸附剂基体材料。本文概述了黏土矿物适用于CO2固体吸附剂制备的结构特征,对高岭石、埃洛石、蒙脱石、凹凸棒石、海泡石和蛭石等黏土矿物基CO2固体吸附剂进行了综述。介绍了其在工业烟气捕集及沼气提纯技术中的应用,最后指出合成吸附容量高、选择性强、吸附温区大、适用于产业化应用的黏土矿物基CO2固体吸附剂并建立理论吸附模型是今后的研究重点。  相似文献   

通过调节体系密度使得体系的瞬时压力保持恒定,从而实现 NPT 系综的 Monte Carlo 分子模拟。对 Lennard-Jones 流体的模拟结果表明,该方法与现行的 NPT 系综模拟方法相比具有更快的收敛速度。本文应用改进的方法对 Ar-Kr 混合物的热力学性质进行了模拟。  相似文献   

A thorough understanding of asphaltene adsorption on clay minerals is particularly important in oil production and contaminated soil remediation using clay-based adsorbents. In this paper, we introduced a machine learning approach as a reliable alternative for commonly used adsorption isotherms that suffer from inherent limitations in the prediction of asphaltene adsorption onto clay minerals. Machine learning (ML) models, namely multilayer perceptron (MLP), support vector machine (SVM), decision tree (DT), random forest (RF), and committee machine intelligent system (CMIS) combined with two optimizers were used. Experimental data (142 data points for six different clay minerals) was used for the modelling. To improve the accuracy of the smart models, a comprehensive data preparation such as outlier removal and feature selection was carried out. The results showed that relatively all the proposed models predict asphaltene adsorption on clay minerals with acceptable precision. Nevertheless, the MLP model showed superior performance compared with other models in which the overall root mean square error (RMSE) and coefficient of determination (R2) values of 6.72 and 0.93 were obtained, respectively. Finally, the developed MLP model was compared with the well-known adsorption isotherms of Langmuir and Freundlich and exhibited superior performance.  相似文献   

Shale gas, which predominantly consists of methane, is an important unconventional energy resource that has had a potential game-changing effect on natural gas supplies worldwide in recent years. Shale is comprised of two distinct components: organic material and clay minerals, the former providing storage for hydrocarbons and the latter minimizing hydrocarbon transport. The injection of carbon dioxide in the exchange of methane within shale formations improves the shale gas recovery, and simultaneously sequesters carbon dioxide to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Understanding the properties of fluids such as methane and methane/carbon dioxide mixtures in narrow pores found within shale formations is critical for identifying ways to deploy shale gas technology with reduced environmental impact. In this work, we apply molecular-level simulations to explore adsorption and diffusion behavior of methane, as a proxy of shale gas, and methane/carbon dioxide mixtures in realistic models of organic materials. We first use molecular dynamics simulations to generate the porous structures of mature and overmature type-II organic matter with both micro- and mesoporosity, and systematically characterize the resulting dual-porosity organic-matter structures. We then employ the grand canonical Monte Carlo technique to study the adsorption of methane and the competing adsorption of methane/carbon dioxide mixtures in the organic-matter porous structures. We complement the adsorption studies by simulating the diffusion of adsorbed methane, and adsorbed methane/carbon dioxide mixtures in the organic-matter structures using molecular dynamics.  相似文献   

页岩气及其吸附与扩散的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着当前能源消费的迅速增加,常规天然气资源短缺,很难满足日益增长的能源需求。页岩气作为一种非常规天然气,具有资源潜力大和低碳排放等优点,加之美国和加拿大成功实现商业化开采,因此页岩气资源勘探开发近年来备受世界瞩目。中国作为重要的页岩气开采国家,近几年发展势头良好,部分页岩气田也已经实现商业化生产。由于页岩的致密和低渗特性,导致页岩气的开采难度较大。页岩的孔隙结构和气体吸附扩散研究,对于气藏产能的评估及其高效开采有至关重要的作用。本文介绍了国内外页岩气勘探开发现状以及页岩的孔隙结构,综述了储层中页岩气吸附、扩散与渗流的研究进展,总结了分子模拟方法在页岩气研究中的应用,并对页岩气相关研究的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

This paper reports off-lattice Monte Carlo simulations of highly-branched comb homopolymers weakly adsorbed on a flat, featureless surface showing only covolume and dispersion interactions with the adsorbate. A minimal coarse-grained model, described by hard spheres connected by harmonic springs, was employed. The interaction energy of the adsorbed combs and linear chains is first discussed as a function of the molecular mass and of the number of beads in contact with the surface. The molecular size is then investigated as a function of backbone length and branching density at a fixed arm size. The apparent swelling exponents of the adsorbed combs are larger than those of the corresponding linear chains, and much larger than that of the free molecules. This result indicates a surface-induced stiffening of the comb backbone, further studied through the persistence length lpers. It is found that lpers increases upon adsorption over the free-molecule value, more so the larger is the branching density. Finally, the thickness of the adsorbed layer, the surface-induced molecular anisotropy and the molecular aspect ratio are investigated as a function of branching density and molecular mass.  相似文献   

页岩气(主要组分为甲烷)作为一种新兴的非常规天然气,其对于优化能源消费结构、缓解能源对外依存度具有重要意义。相关研究表明,吸附态是页岩气的主要赋存形态,因此明确页岩吸附性能及作用规律是页岩气有效开采的重要前提。为此,本文结合国内外相关研究工作,分析了页岩的吸附特性,归纳了影响页岩吸附能力的因素,指出了页岩及页岩气后续研发方向。分析表明:页岩储层内部页岩气的赋存形态主要包括游离态、溶解态和吸附态,其中吸附态页岩气含量至少占页岩气总含量的40%;页岩气吸附量与页岩储层理化性质、储层温度和压力均有关。虽然国内外已对页岩气开展大量研究工作,但是相比于煤层气等非常规天然气研究仍显不足。为此,关于页岩吸附性能及作用规律需要在以下方面开展研究工作:①进一步探明页岩储层地质特征;②深入明确甲烷和页岩之间的流固作用关系;③利用页岩对甲烷和CO2吸附性能的差异,推进注入CO2强化页岩气采收率技术。  相似文献   

This work reports a solid-state synthesis of low-charge mica-type clay minerals using a fluoride flux method. Synthesized mica-type clay samples yielded hydrated phases with d-spacings in the range of 12.1–12.5 Å as revealed by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD). 29Si and 27Al magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MASNMR) spectroscopy revealed the Si and Al nearest neighbor environments as well as the presence of impurities such as amorphous silica and forsterite in these samples.  相似文献   

刘淑延  陈琦  吴彬  杨晓宁 《化工学报》2015,66(7):2709-2717
采用分子动力学模拟分别研究了纯水和电解质溶液中SDS表面活性剂在纳米尺度石墨烯表面的自组装结构,考察了不同石墨烯层数对自组装吸附形态和SDS/石墨烯复合物悬浮密度的影响。模拟结果揭示了上述两种溶剂介质中,SDS的表面自组装结构形态与石墨烯的结构层数有关,增加石墨烯的层数能够加大吸附表面活性剂向溶液中的伸展程度,使表面活性剂自组装结构膨胀。此外电解质存在能够导致SDS表面活性剂在石墨烯表面吸附形态由多层结构向半圆胶束转化。模拟计算进一步发现SDS/石墨烯超分子复合物的悬浮密度随石墨烯层数的增加呈近似线性增加。  相似文献   

In this work, batch-adsorption experiments and molecular simulations are employed to probe the adsorption of binary mixtures containing ethanol or a linear alkane-1,n-diol solvated in water or ethanol onto silicalite-1. Since the batch-adsorption experiments require an additional relationship to determine the amount of solute (and solvent) adsorbed, as only the bulk liquid reservoir can be probed directly, molecular simulations are used to provide a relationship between solute and solvent adsorption for input to the experimental bulk measurements. The combination of bulk experimental measurements and simulated solute–solvent relationship yields solvent and solute loadings that are self-consistent with simulation alone, and allow for an assessment of the various assumptions made in the literature. At low solution concentrations, the solute loading calculated is independent of the assumption made. At high concentrations, a negligent choice of assumption can lead to systematic overestimation or underestimation of calculated solute loading.  相似文献   

对甘肃临泽出产的凹凸棒矿石进行了纯化、分离实验,确定了高速剪切结合超声波分散的提纯方案,提纯率可达99%以上,且矿浆的悬浮性能大幅提高,并对原矿和提纯矿进行了XRD、FT-IR、SEM、TEM等分析,结果表明经过适当的方法纯化,甘肃凹凸棒矿石的纯度和性能大幅度提高,应用领域和应用价值提高,具备工业化生产的可行性.  相似文献   

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used to study the adsorption of Cs-, Ba-, Cu-, Zn-, and Pb-ions on the external surfaces of various, well characterized 2:1 layer silicates (micas and illites).Before studying metal adsorption, it was necessary to determine the charge magnitude of the adsorption surface. This was done for chemically well-characterized micas (margarite, muscovite, sericite). The XPS analyses showed that the depth of analysis is about 15 Å. As a result it was possible to measure the surface- and interlayer ions on both sides of the outermost 2:1 layer. In determining the layer charges, the following strategy was used. The outer surface cations were replaced by Ba2+, giving, for ideal margarite an interlayer cation (Ca2+)/surface cation (Ba2+) ratio of 2:1 and in the case of muscovite a K+/Ba2+ ratio of 4:1. Deviations from these ratios indicate an asymmetry of layer charge in the outer sheet. Using the margarite, muscovite and sericite as standards, surface charge determination of a number of micas, illites, and I/S clays could be carried out by XPS.The properties of the metal-ions (charge, ionic radius, ionic potential), as well as layer charge characteristics of the clay, including surface charge magnitude and point of origin from tetrahedral or octahedral substitution, are factors which influence adsorption selectivity [Sposito, G., 1989. Surface reactions in natural aqueous colloidal solutions, G. Chimia, 43, 169–176]. The selection of previously well-characterized minerals, margarite, muscovite, celadonite, illite, montmorillonite, and beidellite for XPS study made it possible to relate these factors to heavy metal adsorption by the clay minerals.The results show that Cu2+ and Zn2+ are adsorbed as monovalent ions, presumably as (CuOH)1+ and (ZnOH)1+ hydroxy surface-complexes, due to their high ionic potential. Saturating the mica series with equimolar pairs of Cu–Zn and Cu–Pb, the ratios of Cu/Zn and Cu/Pb increase systematically with external surface charge. The higher the surface charge, the more selective is the exchange process for Cu with respect to Zn or Pb. Increasing external surface charge parallels increasing tetrahedral charge, which indicates that selectivity takes place at points of tetrahedral negativity on the crystallite surface, whereas octrahedral charge plays little role in the selective adsorption process.  相似文献   

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