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<正>看过《纸牌屋》的人基本了解,美国的法规首先由国会起草,然后发布议案,最后递交到白宫由美国总统签署成为正式法律并写入名为"美国联邦法规"的法典中。《美国联邦法规》(CFR)涉及环保、刑法等方面的内容,同时也包括了《食品、药品和化妆品法》,它是美国政府执行机构和部门在"联邦公报"(federal register,简称FR)中发表  相似文献   

当世界上许多国家被疯牛病和口蹄疫等食品危机所困扰、欧洲人更是战战兢兢地到市场上购买食品 ,甚至谈牛色变的时候 ,美国的消费者对本国的食品安全却很放心。因此 ,有人不无夸张地说 ,在美国买食品 ,你尽管放心。美国之所以对自己国家生产的食品那样放心 ,主要是长期以来美国建立起了严密监管体系以及商家对产品质量和自己信誉的重视。美国是一个十分重视食品安全的国家 ,有关食品安全的法律法规在美国非常繁多 ,既有《联邦食品、药物和化妆品法》、《食品质量保护法》和《公共卫生服务法》等综合性法规 ,也有《联邦肉类检查法》等非常具体…  相似文献   

<正>随着人类文明的进步和人们对自身健康的日益重视,食品安全日趋成为人们关注的焦点问题。而在食品安全方面,任何国家都没有天然的免疫力。即便是在欧美国家,政府和社会也是在一次次食品安全问题曝光后,不断完善立法、不断加强执法。面对食品安全这一全球性的问题,世界各个国家是如何制定食品安全法规?又是如何严格实施的呢?美国美国是一个十分重视食品安全的国家,有关食品安全的法律法规在美国非常繁多,如《联邦食品、药物和化妆品法》、《食品质量保护法》和《公共卫  相似文献   

2007年9月3目,美国宣布制定食品添加剂葡聚糖(Polydextrose)最终法规。美国食品药物管理局(FDA)于2007年8月21目在联邦纪事(72FR46562)上公布了一项最终法规,修订食品添加剂法规第172.841章(21CFR172.841)。它扩大葡聚糖的使用范围,除肉、家禽、幼儿食品及婴儿配方食品外,允许所有食品使用葡聚糖作为膨松剂、配方辅助剂、保湿剂、促进组织形成剂。这是对Danisco公司一项申请的回应措施。  相似文献   

本世纪七十年代早期,美国食品药物管理局(即,FDA)颁布了如下法规: 联邦条例法典第21号第108部分(21CFR Part 108)“应急许可证的管理(Emergency Permit Control)”。 联邦条例法典第21号第113部分(21 CFR Part 113)“密封容器内热杀菌的低酸  相似文献   

美国联邦食品和药物管理局(FDA)日前推出保护食品供应安全、防范恐怖活动的法规,规定美国每一种食品及其供应厂商都必须向管理部门登记。 据《今日美国报》报道,根据新法规的有关规定,美食品和药物管理局将首次对参与美国食品供应的国内外食品厂商进行完整的登记造册,预期到今年12月12日期限截止前,将有约42万个食品厂商完成登记事项。 该法规规定,从国外进口食品必须预先通知有关管理部门,食品和药物管理局检查员和海关检查人员将决定是否有食品可能构成安全威胁。 美食品和药物管理局预计每天将接到2.5万件进口通知,其中约有2%将…  相似文献   

正泰国公共卫生部5月20日消息:该部门在泰国政府公报刊登了第413号和第414号公告法规。这两个法规均在政府公报刊登后180天生效。公告法规内容如下所述:1.泰国公共卫生部第413号公告法规,修正了食品中污染物标准的说明,涉及食品包括花生油;棕榈油;椰子油;巧克力;矿物质饮料;茶;密封容器中的豆浆;醋;油脂;蜂蜜;牛油;碱性蛋(松花蛋);凉茶(草药茶);通过消化大豆蛋白获得的调味品;放射性核素污染的食品;人造黄油、混合黄油、脂肪涂抹物  相似文献   

《FDA食品法规》(美国联邦法规第21卷70~74,100~189部分)的中文译本预定在2003年7月由中国轻工业出版社出版发行,征订工作从即日起开始。 FDA食品法规是美国食品药物管理局的法律性文件,为国际著名的国家级管理法规。它对食品及食品配料、加工工艺,杀菌设备、成品质量、检验方法及进出口贸易各环节都有详细规定,世界上许多国家在  相似文献   

正近日,据美国联邦公报消息,美国环保署发布通报,豁免脂质几丁寡糖(Lipochitooligosaccharide)SP104在食品中的最大残留限量。据了解,本次豁免申请由孟山都公司按照美国《联邦食品、药品与化妆品法案》的要求提交。美国环保署就其毒理性、致癌性等方面进行了风险评估,得出结论认为,脂质几丁寡糖SP104对普通人群、婴儿和儿童的健康无影响,因此豁免其最大残留限量要求。  相似文献   

《食品科技》讯,食品营养标签法规和管理工作是国际组织和许多国家重要的立法工作之一。食品营养标签包括有:营养成分、营养信息或营养声明和健康声明,它是显示食品组成、特征和性能,是向消费者传递营养信息的主要手段,也是向公众进行营养教育,指导选择健康膳食的一个指南。美国、欧共体、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大等发达国家都有自己的营养标签标准或法规。国际法规委员会 (CAC)有关营养标签主要指导原则是:①使用范围;②营养标签;③声明。美国的营养标签法主要规定:①食品范围;②营养标签格式和内容;③包装的大小;④营养素含量声明的定义;⑤健康功能声明的限制。而我国食品营养标签现状存在不少问题。因此,我国为了与国际接轨,为了与有关法规配套,为了市场经济和监督的需要并指导消费者选择适宜食品,必需建立营养标签法规。 (慧讯 )  相似文献   

食品安全的源头控制是食物链中最关键的控制措施,对保障食品安全至关重要,也是保障食品安全最基本的措施。能做到这一步可以大幅降低食品安全风险,因此本文对食品安全源头控制的5个主要措施进行了系统分析,以期通过这些分析为食品安全源头控制提供参考规范。  相似文献   

Part of consumer food habits may be explained by reference effects, status quo bias and loss aversion, but little research has focused on these processes in food choices. This paper is a first attempt at understanding the impact of these effects in consumer decision making with respect to hedonic versus utilitarian food products. In one between-subjects experiment running for a 2-year period 554 pupils and students from different cities in the Netherlands were provided with either a hedonic food product or a utilitarian food product and were given the opportunity to exchange their endowment for the alternative good. The outcomes show that more participants preferred to keep their hedonic good than their utilitarian good in endowment indicating a relatively strong endowment effect for hedonic food products compared to utilitarian food products. The results suggest that status quo bias for hedonic food products may lead to subsequent relatively unhealthy food choices.  相似文献   

糕点食品已经成为人们日常生活中不可缺少的餐点,市场占有率在一半以上的小型糕点企业和小作坊所生产的产品存在较严重的质量问题,笔者对其进行了分析,提出了控制和预防措施,供业内同仁参考。  相似文献   

目的了解上海市区域食品药品检验所在食品检验方面的能力,制定适合于上海的食品安全检验体系和运行机制,为合理利用现有食品检验资源提供参考。方法采用问卷调查和实地调研等方式对上海市7家区域食品药品检验所(区域所)的食品检验能力、仪器设施和人员配置等现状进行调查,分析上海区域所从事食品检验能力的现状。结果多数区域所在食品检验上面临场地不足和缺乏有经验技术人员等问题,在食品检测领域的检测水平和技术能力储备明显不足,各区域所的食品检测业务在总业务量中的占比有下降趋势。结论为了能满足上海市及各区县食品安全检验的需要,还需要进一步明确区域所在食品安全检测体系中的定位,并加大对基层一线人员的技术培训,提升区域所在食品检测方面的能力。  相似文献   

There is a need to develop food processing technologies with enhanced antimicrobial capacity against foodborne pathogens. While considering the challenges of adequate inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms in different food matrices, the emerging technologies are also expected to be sustainable and have a minimum impact on food quality and nutrients. Synergistic combinations of food processing technologies and food‐grade compounds have a great potential to address these needs. During these combined treatments, food processes directly or indirectly interact with added chemicals, intensifying the overall antimicrobial effect. This review provides an overview of the combinations of different thermal or nonthermal processes with a variety of food‐grade compounds that show synergistic antimicrobial effect against pathogenic microorganisms in foods and model systems. Further, we summarize the underlying mechanisms for representative combined treatments that are responsible for the enhanced microbial inactivation. Finally, regulatory issues and challenges for further development and technical transfer of these new approaches at the industrial level are also discussed.  相似文献   

To describe the transmission dynamics of a pathogen over a food pathway in quantitative microbiological risk assessment (QMRA), several types of processes need to be modelled. Next to microbial processes like bacterial growth and inactivation, four food handling processes can be identified. Among these are partitioning and mixing of the food product. With these processes, the (sizes of) units of food product are modified and the pathogenic cells are reallocated over the units, so that the prevalence of contaminated units and the number of cells per unit may change. Usually, simple models of these processes are applied in QMRA food chain models. These models assume independence of units, random homogeneous distribution of cells (for partitioning) and equal contribution of units (for mixing), which is often not realistic in food and food handling processes. In this paper, these assumptions are abandoned. The use of multivariate distributions is proposed to include the effect of dependence between units: the Multinomial distribution for partitioning and the Dirichlet distribution for mixing. Effects of cell clustering and/or unequal sizes of units formed by partitioning or contributing to mixing are incorporated. Some algorithms are derived that are easily implemented in spreadsheet models that simulate food production and preparation. Some examples show the effect of more realistic modelling by implementation of these algorithms on the prevalence and the probability distribution of the number of pathogens per unit of food product. In general, cell clustering will result in lower prevalences, but higher levels of contamination in contaminated food units. With the methods presented, these effects can be quantified. Difficulties in estimating the model parameters and the impact of implementation of the proposed methods on risk estimates in QMRA are discussed.  相似文献   

近几年,我国经济高速发展,市场经济体制给我国经济带来了较大的发展空间,同时也产生了很多问题。其中食品安全问题逐渐凸现,每年我国食品安全问题都会被频繁曝光,比如苏丹红事件、毒大米事件、三鹿毒奶粉事件等,这些问题的出现给我国的食品安全管理带来了较大的困难。因此需要制定食品供应链管理措施,解决食品安全问题。本文主要从食品供应链管理机制下分析食品安全的影响因素,并提出解决这些问题的对策,为食品安全管理工作提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Despite dramatic improvements in global crop yields over the past half-century, chronic food insecurity persists in many parts of the world. Farming crops for sale (cash cropping) has been recommended as a way to increase income that can, in turn, improve food security for smallholder farmers. Despite long-term efforts by development agencies and government to promote cash cropping, there is limited evidence documenting a relationship between these crops and the food security of households cultivating them. We used a mixed methods approach to build a case study to assess these relationships by collecting quantitative and qualitative data from cacao and oil palm farmers in the Ashanti region of Ghana. Three dimensions of food security were considered: food availability, measured by the months in a year households reported inadequate food; food access, indicated by the coping strategies they employed to secure sufficient food; and food utilization, gauged by the diversity of household diets and anthropometric measurements of child nutritional status. We found significant negative relationships between each of these pillars of food security and a household’s intensity of cash crop production, measured by both quantity and area. A qualitative assessment indicated community perception of these tradeoffs and identified potential mechanisms, including increasing food prices and competing activities for land use, as underlying causes. The adverse relationship between cash crop production and household food security observed in this paper calls for caution; results suggest that positive relationships cannot be assumed, and that further empirical evidence is needed to better understand these tradeoffs.  相似文献   

世界食品加工技术方兴未艾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 为了争夺食品市场,各种食品加工新技术不断涌现,如无菌包装、蒸煮袋、辐照处理、真空处理、冷冻技术和生物技术等正在不断完善。这些先进技术的应用,使世界食品工业得到蓬勃发展。 无菌包装技术 无菌包装技术在饮料市场上显得愈来愈重要,特别是在果汁和乳制品方面,更是必不可少。目前许多国家  相似文献   

Polymeric packaging protects food during storage and transportation, and withstands mechanical and thermal stresses from high‐temperature conventional retort or microwave‐assisted food processing treatments. Chemical compounds that are incorporated within polymeric packaging materials to improve functionality, may interact with food components during processing or storage and migrate into the food. Once these compounds reach a specified limit, food quality and safety may be jeopardized. Possible chemical migrants include plasticizers, antioxidants, thermal stabilizers, slip compounds, and monomers. Chemical migration from food packaging is affected by a number of parameters including the nature and complexity of food, the contact time and temperature of the system, the type of packaging contact layer, and the properties of the migrants. Researchers study the migration of food‐packaging compounds by exposing food or food‐simulating liquids to conventional and microwave heating and storage conditions, primarily through chromatographic or spectroscopic methods; from these data, they develop kinetic and risk assessment models. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the migration of chemical compounds into food or food simulants exposed to various heat treatments and storage conditions, as well as a discussion of regulatory issues.  相似文献   

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