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Tang C  Zhang F  Chen Z 《Applied optics》2006,45(10):2287-2294
Electronic speckle pattern interferometry fringe patterns usually have poor contrast so it is important to enhance fringe contrast for the extraction of phase from a single fringe pattern. We present new enhancement methods based on differential equations (called DE enhancement methods) to electronic speckle pattern interferometry fringes. The DE enhancement methods transform the image processing to solve differential equations. With the proposed methods, the visibility of the correlation speckle fringe patterns can be improved significantly. We tested the proposed methods on computer-simulated speckle correlation fringes and experimentally obtained fringes, and we compared the new method with other contrast enhancement techniques. The experimental results illustrate the performance of this approach.  相似文献   

Tang C  Lu W  Chen S  Zhang Z  Li B  Wang W  Han L 《Applied optics》2007,46(30):7475-7484
We extend and refine previous work [Appl. Opt. 46, 2907 (2007)]. Combining the coupled nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) denoising model with the ordinary differential equations enhancement method, we propose the new denoising and enhancing model for electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) fringe patterns. Meanwhile, we propose the backpropagation neural networks (BPNN) method to obtain unwrapped phase values based on a skeleton map instead of traditional interpolations. We test the introduced methods on the computer-simulated speckle ESPI fringe patterns and experimentally obtained fringe pattern, respectively. The experimental results show that the coupled nonlinear PDEs denoising model is capable of effectively removing noise, and the unwrapped phase values obtained by the BPNN method are much more accurate than those obtained by the well-known traditional interpolation. In addition, the accuracy of the BPNN method is adjustable by changing the parameters of networks such as the number of neurons.  相似文献   

Séfel R  Kornis J 《Applied optics》2011,50(23):4642-4647
Multiple-exposure phase calculation procedures are widely used in electronic speckle pattern interferometry to calculate phase maps of displacements. We developed a double-exposure process based on holographic illumination of the object and the idea of the spatial carrier phase-shifting method to examine transient displacements. In our work, computer-generated holograms and a spatial light modulator were used to generate proper coherent illuminating masks. In this adjustment all phase-shifted states were at our disposal from one recorded speckle image for phase calculation. This technique can be used in the large scale of transient measurements. In this paper we illustrate the principle through several examples.  相似文献   

Bothe T  Burke J  Helmers H 《Applied optics》1997,36(22):5310-5316
The advantages of spatial phase shifting (SPS) compared with temporal phase shifting in the field of electronic speckle pattern interferometry are described. Some periodic phase reconstruction errors occurring in SPS are discussed. It is shown that these errors become minimal for a spatial phase-shift angle of 2pi/3. Furthermore, a modified phase reconstruction formula is presented by which the noise in the reconstructed phase map is reduced.  相似文献   

We have developed an accurate and robust phase-estimation method in phase-shifting electronic speckle pattern interferometry. Unlike other methods that assume a constant phase within a fitting window, our method treats the phase variation with a gradient. A cost function that can utilize the information of pixel positions is formulated on the basis of a least-squares criterion. Powell's iteration method is applied to it to derive the phase and its gradient. An automatic consistency-checking routine and an algorithm that improves the initial guess of the iteration are developed for severe situations with large noise and steep phase variations.  相似文献   

A dual in-plane electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) system has been developed for in situ measurements. The optical setup is described here. The system uses an electro-optical switch to change between the illumination directions for x and y sensitivity. The ability of the electro-optic device to change the polarization of the laser light forms the basis of this switch. The electro-optic device is a liquid-crystal layer cemented between two optically flat glass plates. An electric field can be set up across the layer by application of a voltage to electrodes. The speckle interferometry system incorporates two additional liquid-crystal devices to facilitate phase shifting, and the overall system is controlled by advanced software, which allows switching between the two perpendicular planes in quasi real time. The fact that there are no moving parts is an advantage in any ESPI system for which mechanical stability is vital.  相似文献   

Electronic speckle pattern interferometry is employed in many industrial fields as a useful deformation measurement method. However, two speckle patterns obtained before and after the deformation are necessary for measurement. Furthermore, at least three speckle patterns are required for high resolution measurement using ordinary fringe scanning technologies. In this paper, a novel method that can measure high speed deformations using a limited number of speckle patterns without using high speed cameras is proposed. The method enables application to dynamic deformation analysis because the method involves analysis using only two speckle patterns obtained before and after the deformation. A novel optical system that can record some spatial information into each speckle is set up for the method. In experimental results, it is confirmed that the out-of-plane deformation measurement can be precisely performed by the method and that the resolution power is almost equivalent to that of the ordinary method.  相似文献   

The electronic speckle pattern interferometer in the double-pulse addition mode can be used to measure physical parameters in unstable environmental conditions. Owing to additive optical noise, however, the fringe patterns obtained have poor contrast. Some methods that use subtraction of addition double-pulsed fringe patterns improve fringe visibility but impose a limitation in measurement time ranges. To increase this range, to be limited by only the pulse separation, the contrast enhancement of double-pulsed addition-fringe patterns with a spatial filter based on local-standard-deviation measurements is investigated. Computer simulations and experimental results are presented.  相似文献   

Davila A  Kerr D  Kaufmann GH 《Applied optics》1994,33(25):5964-5969
A digital image-processing method for analyzing double-pulsed electronic speckle pattern interferometry addition fringes is described. The procedure consists of three steps, forming a combination particularly suited to addressing some important practical limitations of the measurement system. In the first step it is shown that in certain cases fringe visibility may be enhanced by subtraction of a reference interferogram, so that a pattern with a quality similar to that of a subtraction one is obtained. In the second step noise is reduced by the application of a spectral subtraction image-restoration method. The third step concerns the calculation of the wrapped phase by means of a Fourier transform method with bandpass filtering. Preliminary experimental results that illustrate the performance of this approach are presented.  相似文献   

Dyrseth AA  Skatter S 《Applied optics》1997,36(16):3649-3656
Electronic speckle pattern interferometry combined with phase-shifting techniques for vibration analysis of logs is presented. Changes in the vibration pattern were followed on a television monitor at the video rate. We determined resonant vibrations by scanning through the frequency range of interest and by changing the point of excitation. We observed bending and torsional modes of vibration by changing the support and point of excitation. The vibrational modes reflect the structural properties of the material. The longitudinal modulus of elasticity and the shear modulus were calculated, giving valuable information for the strength grading of logs.  相似文献   


This letter reports the application of the electronic speckle and electronic speckle-shearing pattern interferometry for determining the first-order partial derivatives of in-plane displacements. Two possibilities of obtaining the in-plane strain contours are described. Experimental results showing the in-plane strain and the in-plane shearing strain contours on a tensile test specimen are presented.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the fringe pattern detected by an electronic speckle pattern interferometer, in conditions in which a test object deforms in an arbitrary direction and the speckle intensity is detected over a pixel area in the TV camera to be used, have been investigated from two aspects: speckle noise reduction and fringe contrast. The main result is that the fringes are obtained with high contrast and low speckle noise, if the speckle size is selected by the optical system so as to be smaller than the pixel size. This result is applicable to highly accurate measurements of the out-of-plane displacements of the test object, whose in-plane displacement is small.  相似文献   

Wang WC  Hwang CH  Lin SY 《Applied optics》1996,35(22):4502-4509
Three different image-processing methods based on the time-averaged technique were compared by the electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) technique for vibration measurement. The three methods are the video-signal-addition method, the video-signal-subtraction method, and the amplitude-fluctuation method. Also, errors introduced by using the zero-order Bessel function directly into the analysis of the fringe pattern were investigated. The video-signal-addition method has been the most generally used ESPI technique for vibration measurement. However, without additional image and/or signal-processing procedures, the fringe pattern obtained directly by the video-signal-addition method is rather difficult to observe. The reason for poor visibility of the experimentally obtained fringe pattern with this method is explained. To increase the fringe pattern's visibility without additional image and/or signal processes, we tried two video-signal-subtraction methods. One of the two methods is the video-signal-subtraction method that has normally been used in the static applications. The other method, called the amplitude-fluctuation method, and its associated theory are reported here.  相似文献   

Li C  Tang C  Yan H  Wang L  Zhang H 《Applied optics》2011,50(24):4903-4911
This article is concerned with frequency filtering for electronic speckle pattern interferometry wrapped phase patterns. We propose a robust localized Fourier transform filter which is an extension of the root filtering method (RFM). We improve the RFM from a simple technical process and a filter function in the frequency domain. In our method, the proposed filter function is taken as the power spectrum of the convolution of an image and a Gaussian function to the power α. We test the proposed method on two computer-simulated wrapped phase fringe patterns and one experimentally obtained wrapped phase pattern, and compare our models with the widely used, well-known RFM and windowed Fourier filtering (WFF). The experimental results have demonstrated that our localized Fourier transform filter outperforms the RFM and is comparable to WFF. Our method depends on fewer parameters, as compared with WFF, and can achieve a better balance between the computational complexity and the filtered results.  相似文献   

Joenathan C  Sohmer A  Bürkle L 《Applied optics》1995,34(16):2880-2885
We describe an optical arrangement that increases the sensitivity to in-plane displacement in an electronic speckle-pattern interferometric system. This is accomplished by oblique illumination and observation along the direction of illumination. An anamorphic prism placed in front of the object is used to correct for the eccentricity in the image caused by the oblique observation. The sensitivity to in-plane displacement can be increased to a maximum of approximately λ/2. Experimental results including phase stepping are presented.  相似文献   

Tang C  Wang W  Yan H  Gu X 《Applied optics》2007,46(15):2907-2913
An efficient method is proposed to reduce the noise from electrical speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) phase fringe patterns obtained by any technique. We establish the filtering windows along the tangent direction of phase fringe patterns. The x and y coordinates of each point in the established filtering windows are defined as the sine and cosine of the half-wrapped phase multiplied by a random quantity, then phase value is calculated using these points' coordinates based on a least-squares fitting algorithm. We tested the proposed methods on the computer-simulated speckle phase fringe patterns and the experimentally obtained phase fringe pattern, respectively, and compared them with the improved sine/cosine average filtering method [Opt. Commun. 162, 205 (1999)] and the least-squares phase-fitting method [Opt. Lett. 20, 931 (1995)], which may be the most efficient methods. In all cases, our results are even better than the ones obtained with the two methods. Our method can overcome the main disadvantages encountered by the two methods.  相似文献   

Zhang J  Chong TC 《Applied optics》1998,37(28):6707-6715
A two-dimensional in-plane displacement-sensitive electronic speckle pattern interferometer has been developed. With a fiber coupler with one input and four outputs, two sets of dual-beam interferometric configurations in orthogonal directions are constructed to determine in-plane displacements completely. When a CCD camera with a zoom lens is located at an adequate distance from the specimen, a testing area ranging from 1.4 mm x 1.0 mm to 30.0 mm x 24.0 mm can be examined in quasi-real-time. Incorporated with the hole-drilling technique, it has currently been demonstrated in residual stress measurements. One application is for determining the residual stress of a thick cylinder consisting of two concentric circular tubes with interference fit. The other is for analyzing the residual stress distribution of a recordable optical compact disc. A simple approach to interpreting the values of residual stresses from the displacement contours is presented.  相似文献   

In an effort to find a non-contact technique capable of providing measurements of in-plane strain, a speckle shearing interferometer was designed using symmetrical coherent illumination. This paper presents an analysis of the sensitivity to displacement and strain of this interferometer, together with an analysis of the phase-stepping of the resultant fringe patterns. New notation is introduced alongside this analysis to define the interference components in speckle shearing interferometers using multiple illumination beams. Experimental results show fringe patterns and phase stepping in support of the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

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