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针对我国科技期刊编辑人力资源的现状,论述了信息时代科技期刊编辑应具备的素质,提出了培养、吸引和利用好科技期刊编辑人才的对策。  相似文献   

由冶金部与湖南省科协联合举办的科技期刊编辑业务训练班于1983年11月19日在长沙开学,至1983年12月7日胜利结束。参加学习的有来自全国19个省市78个编辑部的87个学员。学习了“科技论文的写作”“科技期刊的编辑基础”“科技期刊的语法修辞”“科技期刊的逻辑学”“编辑与出版”等课程。冶金部情报总所崔荫宇副所长还给学员们讲了编辑工作的职责与编辑应具备的素养等重要问题。通  相似文献   

科技期刊如何适应市场经济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,科技期刊仍处于经费紧张、编辑队伍不稳定等困境中。科技期刊编辑部应改变传统的服务观念,进一步提高刊物质量,增强市场意识,采取开展广告经营、兴办经济实体、组建理事会、开展联合办刊、以多种形式为企业生产建设服务等措施,使刊物尽快适应市场的发展,争取社会效益和经济效益双丰收  相似文献   

【本刊讯】冶金部、省科协于1983年11月18日至12月7日在长沙联合举办了科技期刊编辑业务训练班,共有78个编辑部87名同志参加,霞点讲授了编辑人员的职责及其所应具备的索质;科技期刊的编辑、出版、装  相似文献   

提出在对科技期刊进行编辑策划时应重点考虑读者定位和期刊性质、期刊形象以及期刊质量等方面的问题;在对科技期刊进行经营策划时,各期刊编辑部必须根据自身的实际情况制定经营策略;为使科技期刊适应市场,应继续做好策划工作,并使之经常化。  相似文献   

钟华 《铜业工程》2002,(3):25-26,55
论述了科技期刊编辑应具有良好的美学意识和超前的科学意识 ,按照美学的客观规律 ,用科学的方法去组织、生产、创造科技期刊的美。并介绍了编辑工艺流程中稿件、加工、编排设计、信息处理、风格的内容含义、特征  相似文献   

简述了做好科技期刊编辑的要求,及科技期刊编辑与校对的重要性和对编辑与校对认识。  相似文献   

科技期刊编辑应具有良好的美学意识和超前的科学意识,按照美学的客观规律,用科学的方法去组织、生产、创造科技期刊的美.  相似文献   

知识经济时代科技期刊编辑的素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了科技期刊编辑应具有的5个基本素质,即:优良的政治素质和职业道德,扎实的编辑业务,广博的知识,强烈的市场意识,高水平的外语、计算机能力和良好的公关能力,并提出了培养编辑素质主要途径。  相似文献   

科技期刊编辑专业化和学者化是保证期刊学术质量的关键   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一般科技期刊刊载的论文内容都具有很强的专业性,这就要求科技期刊编辑必须具有丰富的专业知识和较高的学术水平才能胜任编辑工作.从编辑过程的选题组稿、论文初审、选择审稿专家和编辑加工四个方面对此进行了阐述,指出了提高科技期刊编辑的相关专业知识和学术水平的措施.  相似文献   

Comments on S. Epstein's (83-12802) suggestions for improving the journal review process. Levenson discusses the actions journal editors should take when there are discrepant opinions between authors and reviewers, and the need for publication outlets, other than regular articles, in all journals published by the American Psychological Association. To help the review process maintain its own professional competence, the development of a database containing the names of psychologists who are experts in their fields is suggested. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Normality and the life cycle: A critical integration by Daniel Offer and Melvin Sabshin (1984). In 1966 and 1974, Basic Books published the first and second editions of Offer and Sabshin's Normality: Theoretical and Clinical Concepts of Mental Health. These volumes generated the proposal that a new field, called normatology, be established. It would focus on normality, normal behavior, and normal development. This still more recent volume develops the proposal and is an attempt to fill the need to "examine concepts of normality and definitions of normal behavior through time and across cultures". Both of the editors (and most of the contributors) are medically trained, and their professional orientation is apparent throughout the book. Although claims are made that the approach to normatology should be interdisciplinary, and four different concepts of normality are offered, the main concern of most of the chapters seem to be that of differentiating the healthy from the unhealthy. The editors even note that the terms "normality" and "mental health" are used interchangeably. Several chapters have a developmental orientation, but these too are typically concerned with distinguishing normal from abnormal developmental processes. Individual papers are scholarly, but in some cases seem directionless. The most seminal ideas in the book are presented by Mandell and Salk, whose chapter proposes a theory of emergent patterns that could have implications in the future both for general developmental theory and for specific theories of learning that might influence rehabilitation psychology. A previous reviewer has judged that this chapter alone is worth the price of the book, and this judgment may well be correct. Those who purchase this book should do so primarily for its reviews of the literature, which are generally complete and competent. Purchasers will probably be disappointed if they expect to find much that is of direct value to rehabilitation or that contributes in a substantive to the founding of a new science of normality. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

制造业国有企业在我国国民经济中具有非常重要的地位,其发展状况因所处地区、行业的不同而存在很大差别。从总体上看,制造业国有企业在投入产出能力、企业运营能力、盈利能力和偿债能力等方面都有待于提高。制造业中大型国有企业保持了良好增长态势。国家重点企业通过增加研究与开发投入,发展后劲显著增强。制造业中国有企业的数量在大幅度减少,其所占的比重持续下降,在制造业的不少小行业中,非国有企业已经取代了国有企业,成为行业中的主要力量。  相似文献   

Introduces the current issue of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. The editor discusses his appointment of four associate editors, to serve as action editors for individual submissions and assemble groups of articles on special themes, and notes that the intent of the new editorial team is to make the journal a forum for the discussion of how evidence-based practice is fulfilled. He also notes that the journal will be a forum for providing a fair and balanced presentation of any and all controversial issues relevant to professional psychology, and discusses the types of articles that will and will not be published. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Suggests that too many experimental articles that are based on too few cases to justify any inferences or conclusions other than conjectures or such generalizations as could be reached by the ordinary processes of careful observation are permitted to glut the pages of psychological journals. The editors of the APA, and other journals as well, should adopt a policy of rejecting all experimental articles, however important and well conceived, unless the investigation is based on an adequate number of examinees. It would be advisable to appoint an ad hoc committee of the APA for the purpose of formulating some sort of criteria of adequacy of coverage of experimental studies in different areas of investigation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

刍议信息时代高校校报编辑素质的提升   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过分析信息时代高校校报编辑工作面临的种种变化,探讨了信息时代对高校校报编辑的素质要求,以及提升高校校报编辑素质的途径和方法。  相似文献   

Reviews the book, From research to clinical practice, edited by George Stricker and Robert H. Keisner (1985). The intended audience for this edited volume "will probably be practicing psychotherapists...[with] a minimum knowledge of the research area but a ready familiarity with clinical concepts" (p. xv). In addition, the editors suggest to the chapter authors that a successful chapter should provide new meaning for the term "scientist professional" by providing a feedback loop between research and practice. The authors also state that the theoretical focus of this volume is psychodynamic. The book is divided into four areas each preceded by a brief overview. The following areas are covered: Basic issues, social psychology, developmental psychology, and special topics. Overall, I found the chapters to be informative and well written. I think some practitioners may find this book overly academic in tone and may question whether enough of the chapters are sufficiently relevant to busy, practicing clinicians. This is not a book on spotting golden research nuggets between the covers of the volume. Instead, this book requires careful mining of considerable content in order to find sparkling applications. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Currently, much nursing practice is based on limited evidence, for example, small-scale research, case studies and clinical experience. In a mature science this would be undesirable, but nursing is in the early stages of development as a science, and many of its practices depend on relatively informal knowledge. To encourage the spread of potentially valuable ideas, nurses must be willing to share their clinical experience and journal editors should consider publishing this information. High-quality research is essential to the long-term development of 'evidence-based practice', but it is crucial at the present stage of nursing science that we do not become too concerned with perfect research methodology at the expense of good ideas. This particularly applies to tests of statistical significance. If we accept only information that has demonstrated statistical significance, we risk the dismissal of qualitative research and other information which may be extremely valuable but which have not yet been fully investigated. The aim of this paper is to convince practitioners and journal editors that statistical significance is not the only way to judge clinical importance and to suggest that decisions on what should be submitted and accepted for publication should be based on potential clinical relevance as well as statistical analysis.  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Women in families: A framework for family therapy edited by Monica McGoldrick, Carol M. Anderson, and Froma Walsh (1989). The editors state that this book grew out of the need of women doing family therapy to network and to develop visible women mentors and role models not overshadowed by the men in their lives. This book does try to cover too much ground in a single edited volume; the first two sections, by themselves, focused new themes in the theory and practice of family therapy. However, this is a new contribution to the field, a book that tells us how to bring gender into teaching and practice, and which ideas should be included. This book is recommended for practicing family therapists and students in family therapy training programs. It should be required reading for any professional planning to do family therapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Implicit measures of attitudes edited by Bernd Wittenbrink and Norbert Schwarz (see record 2007-01388-000). The editors have produced a very timely volume. The stated goals of Wittenbrink and Schwarz's book are to educate the reader about the value of implicit measures of attitudes, as well as to provide a handbook of sorts for the neophyte wanting to learn how to use the variety of implicit attitude measures available. In addition, the editors want to provide a critical assessment of the state of implicit attitude measurement in terms of the very definition of an implicit measure, as well as the general reliability and validity of these measures. Finally, the editors want to provide directions for future research in the area of implicit attitude measurement. As such, Wittenbrink and Schwarz hope that this text will be a resource book for both new graduate students and established researchers in the field. In general, I believe the editors have accomplished their goals. After the editors' introductory chapter, which gives an overview of the development of implicit attitude measurement as well as an overview of the rest of the volume, the book is broken down into two sections: "Procedures and Their Implementation" and "Critical Perspectives". Overall, I believe this is a very well written book, and that even readers familiar with implicit attitude measurement will learn a great deal. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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