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Elena Braverman Boris Epstein Moshe Israeli Amir Averbuch 《Journal of scientific computing》2004,21(1):91-128
The paper presents a fast subtractional spectral algorithm for the solution of the Poisson equation and the Helmholtz equation which does not require an extension of the original domain. It takes O(N
2 log N) operations, where N is the number of collocation points in each direction. The method is based on the eigenfunction expansion of the right hand side with integration and the successive solution of the corresponding homogeneous equation using Modified Fourier Method. Both the right hand side and the boundary conditions are not assumed to have any periodicity properties. This algorithm is used as a preconditioner for the iterative solution of elliptic equations with non-constant coefficients. The procedure enjoys the following properties: fast convergence and high accuracy even when the computation employs a small number of collocation points. We also apply the basic solver to the solution of the Poisson equation in complex geometries. 相似文献
We consider Lagrangian reduced-basis methods for single-parameter symmetric coercive elliptic partial differential equations. We show that, for a logarithmic-(quasi-)uniform distribution of sample points, the reduced–basis approximation converges exponentially to the exact solution uniformly in parameter space. Furthermore, the convergence rate depends only weakly on the continuity-coercivity ratio of the operator: thus very low-dimensional approximations yield accurate solutions even for very wide parametric ranges. Numerical tests (reported elsewhere) corroborate the theoretical predictions. 相似文献
G. Rozza D. B. P. Huynh A. T. Patera 《Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering》2007,15(3):229-275
In this paper we consider (hierarchical, La-grange)reduced basis approximation anda posteriori error estimation for linear functional outputs of affinely parametrized elliptic coercive partial differential equa-tions.
The essential ingredients are (primal-dual)Galer-kin projection onto a low-dimensional space associated with a smooth “parametric
manifold” - dimension re-duction; efficient and effective greedy sampling meth-ods for identification of optimal and numerically
stable approximations - rapid convergence;a posteriori er-ror estimation procedures - rigorous and sharp bounds for the linear-functional outputs of interest; and Offine-Online
computational decomposition strategies - min-imummarginal cost for high performance in the real-time/embedded (e.g., parameter-estimation, control)and many-query (e.g., design optimization,
multi-model/ scale)contexts. We present illustrative results for heat conduction and convection-diffusion,inviscid flow, and
linear elasticity; outputs include transport rates, added mass,and stress intensity factors.
This work was supported by DARPA/AFOSR Grants FA9550-05-1-0114 and FA-9550-07-1-0425,the Singapore-MIT Alliance,the Pappalardo
MIT Mechanical Engineering Graduate Monograph Fund,and the Progetto Roberto Rocca Politecnico di Milano-MIT.We acknowledge
many helpful discussions with Professor Yvon Maday of University Paris6. 相似文献
I. V. Sergienko S. I. Lyashko S. A. Voitsekhovskii 《Cybernetics and Systems Analysis》2004,40(4):486-490
Penalty and dummy-domain methods are used to approximate second-order elliptic variational inequalities with a restriction inside a domain by nonlinear boundary-value problems in a rectangle. Difference schemes, with the order of accuracy O(h
1/2) in the grid norm W
1(), are constructed for these problems. 相似文献
J. Tausch 《Computing》2004,72(3-4):267-291
We discuss the variable order Fast Multipole Method (FMM) applied to piecewise constant Galerkin discretizations of boundary integral equations. In this version of the FMM low-order expansions are employed in the finest level and orders are increased in the coarser levels. Two versions will be discussed, the first version computes exact moments, the second is based on approximated moments. When applied to integral equations of the second kind, both versions retain the asymptotic error of the direct method. The complexity estimate of the first version contains a logarithmic term while the second version is O(N) where N is the number of panels.This work was supported by the NSF under contract DMS-0074553 相似文献
An Eulerian Formulation for Solving Partial Differential Equations Along a Moving Interface 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this paper we study an Eulerian formulation for solving partial differential equations (PDE) on a moving interface. A level set function is used to represent and capture the moving interface. A dual function orthogonal to the level set function defined in a neighborhood of the interface is used to represent some associated quantity on the interface and evolves according to a PDE on the moving interface. In particular we use a convection diffusion equation for surfactant concentration on an interface passively convected in an incompressible flow as a model problem. We develop a stable and efficient semi-implicit scheme to remove the stiffness caused by surface diffusion. 相似文献
We introduce a new class of predictor-corrector schemes for the numerical solution of the Cauchy problem for non-stiff ordinary
differential equations (ODEs), obtained via the decomposition of the solutions into combinations of appropriately chosen exponentials;
historically, such techniques have been known as exponentially fitted methods. The proposed algorithms differ from the classical
ones both in the selection of exponentials and in the design of the quadrature formulae used by the predictor-corrector process.
The resulting schemes have the advantage of significantly faster convergence, given fixed lengths of predictor and corrector
vectors. The performance of the approach is illustrated via a number of numerical examples.
This work was partially supported by the US Department of Defense under ONR Grant #N00014-07-1-0711 and AFOSR Grants #FA9550-06-1-0197
and #FA9550-06-1-0239. 相似文献
当前世界上排前几位的超级计算机都基于大量CPU和GPU组合的混合架构,它们对某些特殊问题,譬如基于FFT的图像处理或N体颗粒计算等领域可获得很高的性能。但是对由有限差分(或基于网格的有限元)离散的偏微分方程问题,于CPU/GPU集群上获得较好的性能仍然是一种挑战。本文提出并测试一种基于这类集群架构的混合算法。算法的可扩展性通过区域分解算法实现,而GPU的性能由基于光滑聚集的代数多重网格法获得,避免了在GPU上表现不理想的不完全分解算法。本文的数值实验采用32CPU/GPU求解用差分离散后达三千万未知数的偏微分方程。 相似文献
在公钥密码应用中,求模逆元是一个常用的操作,通常使用扩展欧拉算法,但它的使用有一定的限制。该文根据实际应用的情况,提出了一个适合实际应用的求模逆元算法,其满足嵌入式环境下的内存需求,且速度也比扩展欧拉算法快5倍左右。 相似文献
多矩阵变量线性矩阵方程(LME)约束解的计算问题在参数识别、结构设计、振动理论、自动控制理论等领域都有广泛应用。本文借鉴求线性矩阵方程(LME)同类约束最小二乘解的迭代算法,通过构造等价的线性矩阵方程组,建立了求多矩阵变量LME的一种异类约束最小二乘解的迭代算法,并证明了该算法的收敛性。在不考虑舍入误差的情况下,利用该算法不仅可在有限步计算后得到LME的一组异类约束最小二乘解,而且选取特殊初始矩阵时,可求得LME的极小范数异类约束最小二乘解。另外,还可求得指定矩阵在该LME的异类约束最小二乘解集合中的最佳逼近解。算例表明,该算法是有效的。 相似文献
建立了一个把半正定稀疏多项式表为多项式平方和的算法.这一算法依赖于Hilbert第17问题的一系列经典研究结果以及实闭域上量词消去的柱形代数剖分算法.该算法的机器实现为一类代数不等式可读性证明的自动生成提供了一种非常自然的途径. 相似文献
In this paper, a new iterative learning control based on the double differential of the error is proposed for the linear time varying system having relative degree greater than one. The convergence criterion of the proposed method is proved. Furthermore, it is shown by simulations that convergence of error can be increased considerably by using our proposed controller as compared to the iterative learning controller using error or single differential of the error for the modification of the control input without increasing the learning gain. 相似文献
This paper deals with the computation of Hopf bifurcation points in fluid mechanics. This computation is done by coupling a bifurcation indicator proposed recently (Cadou et al., 2006) [1] and a direct method (Jackson, 1987; Jepson, 1981) [2] and [3] which consists in solving an augmented system whose solutions are Hopf bifurcation points. The bifurcation indicator gives initial critical values (Reynolds number, Strouhal frequency) for the direct method iterations. Some classical numerical examples from fluid mechanics, in two dimensions, are studied to demonstrate the efficiency and the reliability of such an algorithm. 相似文献
Isabelle Raspo 《Computers & Fluids》2003,32(3):431-456
This paper presents a direct domain decomposition method, coupled with a Chebyshev collocation approximation, for solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in the vorticity-streamfunction formulation. The method is based on the influence matrix technique used to treat the lack of vorticity boundary conditions on no-slip walls as well as to enforce the continuity conditions at the interfaces between adjacent subdomains. The multi-domain approach is proposed in order to extend the use of spectral approximations to non-rectangular geometries and singular solutions. It is applied to the computation of a four domain configuration, corresponding to a forced throughflow in a rotating channel-cavity system which is important in air cooling devices and cannot be modeled by single-domain spectral approximations. 相似文献
We consider boundary value problems for the Laplace equation in three-dimensional multilayer domains composed of an infinite strip layer of finite height and a half-space containing a bounded cavity. The unknown (harmonic) function satisfies the Neumann boundary condition on the exterior boundary of the strip layer (i.e. at the bottom of the first layer), the Dirichlet, Neumann or Robin boundary condition on the boundary surface of the cavity and the corresponding transmission (matching) conditions on the interface layer boundary. We reduce this boundary value problem to a boundary integral equation over the boundary surface of the cavity by constructing Green's matrix for the corresponding transmission problem in the domain consisting of the infinite layer and the half-space (not with the cavity). This direct integral equation approach leads, for any of the above boundary conditions, to boundary integral equations with a weak singularity on the cavity. The numerical solution of this equation is realized by Wienert's [Die Numerische approximation von Randintegraloperatoren für die Helmholtzgleichung im R 3, Ph.D. thesis, University of Göttingen, Germany, 1990] method. The reduction of the problem, originally set in an unbounded three-dimensional region, to a boundary integral equation over the boundary of a bounded domain, is computationally advantageous. Numerical results are included for various boundary conditions on the boundary of the cavity, and compared against a recent indirect approach [R. Chapko, B.T. Johansson, and O. Protsyuk, On an indirect integral equation approach for stationary heat transfer in semi-infinite layered domains in R 3 with cavities, J. Numer. Appl. Math. (Kyiv) 105 (2011), pp. 4–18], and the results obtained show the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method. In particular, exponential convergence is obtained for smooth cavities. 相似文献