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Fifty fresh isolates of Trypanosoma cruzi from Triatoma dimidiata vectors and 31 from patients with Chagas' disease were analysed for DNA polymorphisms within the 432-bp core region of the cruzipain gene which encodes the active site of cathepsin L-like cystein proteinase. The cruzipain gene showed signs of polymorphism consisting of four different DNA sequences in Central and South American isolates of T. cruzi. The PCR fragments of Guatemalan isolates could be divided into three groups, Groups 1, 2 and 3, based on different patterns of single-stranded DNA conformation polymorphism. All of the strains isolated from Brazil, Chile, and Paraguay, except for the CL strain, showed a Group 4 pattern. Two to four isolates from each group were analysed by cloning and sequencing. A silent mutation occurred between Groups 1 and 2, and five nucleotides and two aa substitutions were detected between Groups 1 and 3. The DNA sequence of Group 4 contained five nucleotides and one aa substitution from Group 1. All of the DNA sequences corresponded well with the single-stranded DNA conformation polymorphism. The Group 1 isolates, the majority in the Guatemalan population (70/81, 86.4%), were isolated from both triatomines and humans, but Group 3 were isolated only from humans. Moreover, the Group 2 isolates were detected only in triatomine vectors (9/50; 18%), but never in humans (0/32, P<0.05) suggesting that this group has an independent life-cycle in sylvatic animals and is maintained by reservoir hosts other than humans.  相似文献   

Five cell lines selected for resistance to the cytotoxicity of inhibitors of DNA topoisomerase II have point mutations in the gene that codes for the M(r) 170,000 form of this enzyme. In each case, the mutation results in an amino acid change in or near an ATP binding sequence of the M(r) 170,000 isozyme of topoisomerase II. We used single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis to screen for similar mutations in other drug-resistant cell lines or in leukemic cells from patients previously treated with etoposide or teniposide. We also analyzed the region of the gene that codes for amino acids adjacent to the tyrosine at position 804 of topoisomerase II which binds covalently to DNA. CEM/VM-1, CEM/VM-1-5, and HL-60/AMSA human leukemic cell lines were used as controls; 3 of 3 known mutations were detected by migration differences of polymerase chain reaction products from the RNA extracted from these three lines. A previously unknown mutation was found in the tyrosine 804 region of the M(r) 170,000 topoisomerase II expressed by CEM/VM-1 and CEM/VM-1-5 cells. Sequence analysis showed that substitution of a T for a C at nucleotide 2404 resulted in an amino acid change of a serine for a proline at amino acid 802. No mutations in any of the ATP binding sequences or in the tyrosine 804 region were detected in polymerase chain reaction products from RNA extracted from human leukemia HL-60/MX2 or CEM/MX1 cells (both cell lines selected for resistance to mitoxantrone) or in human myeloma 8226/Dox1V cells (selected for resistance by simultaneous exposure to doxorubicin and verapamil). No mutations were detected in polymerase chain reaction products from RNA extracted from blasts of 15 patients with relapsed acute lymphocytic leukemia, previously treated with etoposide or teniposide. We conclude that: (a) single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis is useful for screening for mutations in topoisomerase II; (b) resistance to the cytotoxicity of inhibitors of DNA topoisomerase II is not always associated with mutations in ATP binding sequences or the active site tyrosine region of M(r) 170,000 topoisomerase II; and (c) mutations similar to those detected in drug resistant cells selected in culture have not been identified in blast cells from patients with relapsed acute lymphocytic leukemia, previously treated with etoposide or teniposide.  相似文献   

A simple and fast method with high reliability is necessary for the identification of mutations, polymorphisms and sequence variants (MPSV) within many genes and many samples, e.g. to clarify the genetic background of individuals with multifactorial diseases. We evaluated polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analysis to identify MPSV in several genes, which are thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of multifactorial autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis. The method is based on the property, that the electrophoretic mobility of single-stranded nucleic acids depends not only on its size but also on its sequence. The target sequence was amplified, digested into fragments ranging from 50-200 bp, heat-denatured and analyzed on native gels. The analysis of 55 PCR systems, including a total of 145 fragments demonstrates, that the detection rate of MPSV depends primarily on the fragment lengths. Appropriate dilutions of samples enhances the proportion of ssDNA compared to dsDNA. Changing the gel conditions, glycerol concentrations and/or the addition of urea may increase fragment resolution in some cases. In general, the detection of MPSV is neither influenced by their location within the fragment nor by the type of substitution, i.e. transitions or transversions. The standard PCR-SSCP system described here provides high reliability and detection rates and allows the efficient analysis of many samples and many genes.  相似文献   

The standard approach for the molecular genetic analysis of protein C deficiency, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification followed by direct sequencing, although very accurate, is time-consuming. The aim of this study is to investigate the usefulness of a simplified, time-saving screening method for the detection of protein C mutations consisting of the combination of multiplex PCR amplifications using the same primers that were designed for sequencing, followed by single-strand DNA conformation polymorphism (SSCP) electrophoresis analysis performed with one set of conditions. The study was designed in two phases. First, we tested six known point mutations located in different exons of the protein C gene by SSCP. Second, we prospectively studied nine patients with protein C deficiency type I using SSCP as the first screening technique. All the exons were amplified with a common PCR protocol, either as single fragments or as multiplex combinations of several of them. In the retrospective study, three out of the six point mutations were visible as a band shift: 40 T-->G (exon 2), 1432 C-->T (exon 3) and 7253 C-->T (exon 8). In the prospective analysis SSCP detected three different mutations. These mutations were: 6128 T-->C (exon 7), 6216 C-->T (exon 7) and in two probands 8631 C-->T (exon 9). In the five remaining patients we identified only two different mutations by direct sequencing: 6246 G-->A (exon 7) in two patients and 8589 G-->A (exon 9) in four patients. In summary, the results from both studies show that only 60% of all mutations can be detected using this simplified method. It also suggests that a multiple set of conditions, smaller PCR fragments, or both, should be used in order to achieve a sensitivity comparable to sequencing.  相似文献   

Five unrelated subjects with dysfunctional coagulation factor VII (FVII) were studied in order to identify missense mutations affecting function. Exons 2 to 8 and the intron-exon junctions of their FVII genes were amplified from peripheral white blood cell DNA by PCR and screened by SSCP analysis. DNA fragments showing aberrant mobility were sequenced. The following mutations were identified: in case 1 (FVII:C < 1%, FVII:Ag 18%) a heterozygous A to G transition at nucleotide 8915 in exon 6 results in the amino acid substitution Lys-137 to Glu near the C-terminus of the FVIIa light chain; in case 2 (FVII:C 7%, FVII:Ag 47%) a heterozygous A to G transition at nucleotide 7834 in exon 5 results in the substitution of Gln-100 by Arg in the second EGF-like domain; in case 3 (FVII:C 20%, FVII:Ag 76%) a homozygous G to A transition at nucleotide position 6055 in exon 4 was detected resulting in substitution of Arg-79 by Gln in the first EGF-like domain; in case 5 (FVII:C 10%, FVII:Ag 52%) a heterozygous C to T transition at nucleotide position 6054 in exon 4 also results in the substitution of Arg79, but in this case it is replaced by Trp; case 4 (FVII:C < 1%, FVII:Ag 100%) was homozygous for a previously reported mutation (G to A) at nucleotide position 10715 in exon 8, substituting Gln for Arg at position 304 in the protease domain. Cases 1, 2 and 5 evidently have additional undetected mutations.  相似文献   

The article describes a rapid approach for the detection of sequence polymorphisms in the mitochondrial (mt)DNA control region that involves enzymatic amplification of each entire mtDNA control region (HV1 and HV2) and the subsequent analysis of the PCR products by single-strand conformation analysis (SSCA) in mutation detection enhancement (MDE) gels, followed by silver stain detection. HV1 and HV2 SSC reference ladders were developed to standardize the classification of the different mtDNA types. Twenty-five mtDNA types were observed among the 45 Spanish individuals analyzed: 11 types were observed in the HV1 region as compared with 10 types in the HV2 region. This mutation scanning strategy could be a promising method of potential use not only in forensic genetics but also in population and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

The present study characterised seven species of the Chabertiidae (Nematoda: Strongyloidea) belonging to either the subfamily Oesophagostominae (Oesophagostomum radiatum, Oesophagostomum venulosum, Oesophagostomum dentatum, Oesophagostomum quadrispinulatum, Oesophagostomum columbianum, Oesophagostomum bifurcum) or to the subfamily Chabertiinae (Chabertia ovina) by their second internal transcribed spacer rDNA sequence, assessed the extent of intraspecific variation and interspecific differences in the sequence, and inferred the phylogenetic relationship of C. ovina with respect to members of the Oesophagostominae. In both the phenetic and cladistic analyses of the sequence data, Chabertia was nested within Oesophagostomum, suggesting either that the species examined represent members of the same genus, or alternatively, that Oesophagostomum may represent more than one genus.  相似文献   

Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosome 9q is the most frequent genetic alteration in transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the bladder, indicating the presence of one or more relevant tumor suppressor genes. We previously mapped one of these putative tumor suppressor loci to 9q32-q33 and localized the candidate region within a single YAC 840 kb in size. This locus has been designated DBC1 (for deleted in bladder cancer gene 1). We have identified a novel gene, DBCCR1, in this candidate region by searching for expressed sequence tags (ESTs) that map to YACs spanning the region. Database searching using the entire DBCCR1 cDNA sequence identified several human ESTs and a few homologous mouse. ESTs. However, the predicted 761-amino-acid sequence had no significant homology to known protein sequences. Mutation analysis of the coding region and Southern blot analysis detected neither somatic mutations nor gross genetic alterations in primary TCCs. Although DBCCR1 was expressed in multiple normal human tissues including urothelium, mRNA expression was absent in 5 of 10 (50%) bladder cancer cell lines. Methylation analysis of the CpG island at the 5' region of the gene and the induction of de novo expression by a demethylating agent indicated that this island might be a frequent target for hypermethylation and that hypermethylation-based silencing of the gene occurs in TCC. These findings make DBCCR1 a good candidate for DBC1.  相似文献   

Concentrations of albendazole and its active metabolite in echinococcal cyst of the human liver were determined in order to evaluate drug effects of the decrease of protoscolex vitality. Albendazole concentration of 0-64.9 micrograms/ml and albendazole sulfoxide of 0-40.8 micrograms/ml were found in cysts. The protoscolexes showed markedly manifested morphologic changes up to the disintegration. The postoperative follow up of patients within 24 months discovered no recidives of the disease and the patients were regarded as cured. On the basis of the results obtained it has been concluded that the use of albendazole in the dose of 800 mg/day within 28 day is sufficient for achievement of therapeutic drug level in vivo conditions.  相似文献   

Periodontitis is a chronic destructive inflammatory disease associated with periodontopathic bacteria. In addition, autoantigens such as collagen and heat shock proteins (hsp) have been suggested to play a role. Established periodontal lesions are characterized by dense infiltrations of immune cells such as cytokine-producing CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. CD4+ T cells specific for Prevotella intermedia can be isolated from lesional gingiva, suggesting an active role for CD4+ T cells in the response to this bacterium. We therefore investigated the characteristics of a panel of 13 P. intermedia-specific CD4+ T cells generated from the peripheral blood of a patient with chronic adult periodontitis. All 13 P. intermedia-specific CD4+ T cells recognized the antigens in the context of HLA-DR. The T cell clones were mainly classified as Th0, producing comparable amounts of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and IL-4, and Th2, producing high amounts of IL-4 and almost no IFN-gamma. None of the P. intermedia-specific T cell clones recognized antigens of the periodontopathic bacteria Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and Porphyromonas gingivalis and of the autoantigens collagen and hsp. The reactivity profile of the T cell clones to size-fractionated cell envelope antigens of P. intermedia indicated that P. intermedia-specific CD4+ T cell clones recognize probably five different antigen specificities in the context of the MHC class II molecules, DR7 or DR15. These results suggest that a broad panel of cell-associated protein antigens play a role in the induction of P. intermedia-specific CD4+ T cell response.  相似文献   

Hygienic norm-setting of admissible content of noxious chemical substances separately for atmospheric air, the air in industrial plants, water and food products, does not take into account the possiblity of combined intake of these substances into the organism. It is therefore necessary to elaborate methodical approaches to the substantiation of unified (complex) norms in hygiene. The author discusses the determination of biological equivalence (isoeffectiveness) of concentrations of chemical substances in different environments on the basis of investigation of the relationship "concentration (dose) -- time" as one of the possible methods of assessing the character of a complex action of these substances and one of the approaches to unified hygienic norm-setting.  相似文献   

The 16S ribosomal RNA neighborhood of ribosomal protein S20 has been mapped, in both 30S subunits and 70S ribosomes, using directed hydroxyl radical probing. Cysteine residues were introduced at amino acid positions 14, 23, 49, and 57 of S20, and used for tethering 1-(p-bromoacetamidobenzyl)-Fe(II)-EDTA. In vitro reconstitution using Fe(II)-derivatized S20, together with the remaining small subunit ribosomal proteins and 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA), yielded functional 30S subunits. Both 30S subunits and 70S ribosomes containing Fe(II)-S20 were purified and hydroxyl radicals were generated from the tethered Fe(II). Hydroxyl radical cleavage of the 16S rRNA backbone was monitored by primer extension. Different cleavage patterns in 16S rRNA were observed from Fe(II) tethered to each of the four positions, and these patterns were not significantly different in 30S and 70S ribosomes. Cleavage sites were mapped to positions 160-200, 320, and 340-350 in the 5' domain, and to positions 1427-1430 and 1439-1458 in the distal end of the penultimate stem of 16S rRNA, placing these regions near each other in three dimensions. These results are consistent with previous footprinting data that localized S20 near these 16S rRNA elements, providing evidence that S20, like S17, is located near the bottom of the 30S subunit.  相似文献   

Genetic markers were obtained for the termite Nasutitermes corniger by DSCP (double-strand conformation polymorphism) analysis of PCR-amplified mitochondrial control region DNA. This procedure revealed twenty-one haplotypes in forty-four colonies, whereas a restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis detected only nine haplotypes. Sequence analysis of DSCP fragments of contrasting mobilities suggests that the electrophoretic haplotypes are caused by DNA curvature in this highly AT-rich region. DSCP markers showed that some termite colonies contained maternally unrelated queens, each of which produced worker offspring. This pattern is consistent with nest founding by unrelated queens. Due to the availability of conserved primers for the mtDNA control region, DSCP analysis may readily reveal comparatively high levels of variation in a wide variety of organisms.  相似文献   

The first internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1) of the ribosomal DNA of seven species of Trichostrongylus was sequenced. The length of ITS-1 in the different species varied from 387 to 390 bases. The G + C content of the ITS-1 sequences were approximately 42%. Little or no intraspecific variation was detected in the three species. Trichostrongylus axei, Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Trichostrongylus vitrinus, for which multiple isolates from different geographical regions were sequenced. In contrast, the level of ITS-1 sequence differences between species ranged from 1.3% to 5.7%. The greatest sequence differences were detected between T. tenuis, the parasite species which infects birds and the six species found in mammals. Some of the nucleotide differences occurred at sites corresponding to recognition sites for restriction endonucleases. These results are compared with previous data obtained for the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS-2). The ITS-1 data indicate that this region of rDNA may also be useful for systematic studies in trichostrongylid nematodes.  相似文献   

We have analyzed nucleotide sequence variation at the Glucose dehydrogenase (Gld) locus from four populations of Drosophila melanogaster from four continents. All four population samples show a significant reduction in silent variation compared to the neutral expectation. The levels of silent variation across all four populations are consistent with the predictions of the background selection model; however, Zimbabwe has a remarkably low level of variation. In the face of dramatically reduced silent polymorphism, an amino acid variant, leading to the common allozyme polymorphism at Gld, remains in low to intermediate frequency in all non-African samples. In the Chinese population sample, the ratio of replacement to silent variation is significantly elevated compared to the neutral expectation. The difference in patterns of variation across these population samples suggests that selection on Gld (or the Gld region) has been different in the Chinese population than in the other three.  相似文献   

Critical steps implicated in the polymorphism of Wangiella dermatitidis were found to be sensitive to calcium ion availability. When grown in a defined, synthetic medium under various pH and temperature conditions, two thresholds of calcium ion concentrations were identified: a lower concentration favouring non-polarized growth leading to multicellular form development and a higher concentration promoting polarized growth characterized by yeast budding or pseudo/true hyphal growth. The phenotypic transition of yeasts to multicellular forms or to hyphae was induced at both 25 and 37 degrees C in the wild-type strain by the addition of calcium to the synthetic medium adjusted to pH 2.5, which was otherwise not conducive to the production of either growth form. However, the calcium additions did not allow maintenance of polarized growth of yeasts or hyphae in a temperature-sensitive, cell-division-cycle mutant (wdcdc2) derived from the same strain and grown at 37 degrees C in the same medium adjusted to either pH 2.5 or 6.5. Instead these conditions allowed only the nonpolarized, multicellular form development associated with this conditional mutant cultured in rich media at the 37 degree C restrictive temperature for yeast bud formation. Results from experiments using the calcium chelator EGTA added to the synthetic medium supported these conclusions at neutral pH with both the wild type and the wdcdc2 mutant cultured at 37 degrees C. The results suggested that during infection different concentrations of calcium may be encountered by W. dermatitidis in different tissues, which might directly regulate its growth and polymorphism and indirectly its virulence depending on host conditions.  相似文献   

We have investigated the molecular diversity of the 5S rDNA units in sea barley, comprising Hordeum marinum and Hordeum geniculatum. Although we were unable to detect "short" units after screening of 639 clones, we found two unit classes, one 602-607 bp long and the other 507-512 bp long. We classify the shortest unit class of the two as belonging to the "long H1" unit class, identified in previous papers. The longest unit class is not similar to any unit class so far identified, and is therefore unique. It was coined by us as the "long X1," to reflect the X haplome. We present a summary of all the unit classes so far described in Hordeum. We carried out a cladistic analysis, based on the "long H1" (orthologous) sequences, that included H. vulgare, H. spontaneum, H. bulbosum, H. marinum, H. geniculatum, and H. bogdanii. As a result, the first three grouped in one clade, and the other three in the other clade, with the latter clade being more isolated. These results reflect current knowledge of relationships based on morphology, cytology, and genome analysis. Furthermore, the sequences from the 5S unit classes may be potentially useful as DNA probes for genomic identification and genetic transfer in the Triticeae.  相似文献   

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