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The visual system is constantly inundated with information received by the eyes, only a fraction of which seems to reach visual awareness. This selection process is one of the functions ascribed to visual attention. Although many studies have investigated the role of attention in shaping neuronal representations in the visual cortex, few have focused on attentional modulation of neuronal signals related to visual motion. Here we report that the responses of direction-selective neurons in monkey visual cortex are greatly influenced by attention, and that this modulation occurs as early in the cortical hierarchy as the level of the middle temporal visual area (MT). Our finding demonstrates a stronger and earlier influence of attention on motion processing along the dorsal visual pathway than previously recognized.  相似文献   

A review of studies made in the compost production industry showed the biological agents posing a risk for workers were fungi and thermophile bacteria, gram-negative bacteria and endotoxins, with a prevalent inhalation exposure to airborne contaminated dusts. Medical examinations revealed cases of extrinsic allergic alveolitis due to A. fumigatus, and more frequently irritative and infectious disorders occurring especially in conditions of poor environmental hygiene and macroscopic dust pollution. For the evaluation of the air dispersion of microorganisms, which is high in compost transport and turning operations, at present no exposure limit values are available for biological agents; nevertheless, the concentrations measured were often higher than the limit values proposed for other manufacturing sectors by individual authors and by regulatory agencies in Europe, and were comparable to values observed in other industrial settings for which adverse health effects have been shown. Although the number of studies available are few in number, the results suggest that the hazards posed by microorganisms and the poor environmental hygiene conditions often encountered can undoubtedly be a source of risk for workers, which at present is difficult to establish but significant considering the high airborne concentrations of contaminated dust. Besides technical measures to avoid environmental macroscopic dispersion of dusts, measurement of airborne microbiological contaminants is also recommended. Health surveillance needs to be aimed at identifying subjects with hypersusceptibility to the infectious action of the pathogenetic and/or allergenic agents or with hypersensitivity to the same, and also to periodic control of respiratory organs.  相似文献   

Calbindin-D and parvalbumin are calcium binding proteins which are found in non-overlapping subpopulations of GABA-ergic interneurons in mammalian neocortex. We studied the development of these calcium-binding proteins in interneurons of cat striate and extrastriate cortical areas which have differing patterns of connectivity and follow different developmental timetables. We examined primary visual areas 17 and 18, secondary visual area 19, medial lateral suprasylvian and lateral suprasylvian areas (MLS and LLS) and association areas 7 and the splenial visual area from the day of birth (P0) through P101. Parvalbumin-immunoreactive (ir) interneurons followed the inside-out pattern of maturation of cortical laminae. They were located only in infragranular layers at the earliest ages and were not observed in the overlying cortical plate. At 3 weeks of age, when cortical lamination is mature, parvalbumin stained cells were found in all cortical layers except layer I. The number of stained secondary and tertiary dendrites in the parvalbumin-ir interneuronal population decreased with age. This change was associated with a shift in the molecular weight of parvalbumin detected on Western blots. During the first postnatal week, the area 17/18 border contained more parvalbumin-ir neurons than other visual areas. The developmental pattern of calbindin staining differed considerably from the parvalbumin staining pattern. Very few calbindin-ir interneurons were seen in area 17 during the first 2 weeks of life. In lateral cortical areas, calbindin-ir neurons were located in cortical plate, infragranular layers of cortex and white matter/subplate. Calbindin-ir neurons increased in supragranular layers of secondary cortical areas by P7 and in area 17 by P20. In the mature cortex, the calbindin staining pattern was bilaminar, with a dense band of calbindin-ir cells in layer II and a second band in layers V-VI. There was no difference in the distribution of calbindin-ir neurons among visual areas at maturity.  相似文献   

The lipocortins are a family of structurally related proteins, namely an annexin family, that exerts a variety of cellular functions through Ca2+-dependent binding to phospholipase A2 [EC 3.1. 1.4], including a crucial role in the central nervous system (CNS) such as antipyrogenic, thermoregulatory and neuroprotective agents in vivo. To elucidate the paradigm of lipocortin 1 functions in the CNS, we have first demonstrated (1) the induction and subsequent extracellular secretion of LC1 by glucocorticoid in cultured rat astrocytes, and (2) neurotrophic activities (survival-promoting, neuritogenic and synaptogenic actions on rat cortical neurons) of recombinant LC1. Time-and dose-dependent experiments of a synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone (DEX), on rat cortical astrocytes in culture revealed that the expression of the intracellular LC1 mRNA and protein were significantly augmented by DEX (1 microM). In addition, DEX evoked an extracellular secretion of LC1 without its cytotoxic effects. Furthermore, the recombinant LC1 appeared to promote not only the survival and neurite outgrowth but also the synaptogenesis of embryonal rat cortical neurons. These results suggest that LC1 induced and selectively released from astrocytes by either endogenously or exogenously introduced glucocorticoids may play a specific and essential role on development and regeneration of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclei possess a polyphosphatase activity which is insensitive to a number of inhibitors of ATPase and pyrophosphatase (PPase) activities of the same organelle. Heparin, an effective inhibitor of the nuclear polyphosphatase activity, does not alter either the ATPase and PPase activity. The nuclear polyphosphatase activity is optimal at pH 7.5. Bivalent metal cations stimulate this activity in the following order: Co2+ > Mg2+ > Zn2+ > Mn2+. However, the magnitude of the stimulating effect is much lower than that for the polyphosphatase activities from other organelles of the same yeast. The polyphosphatase activity is nearly the same for polyphosphates ranging from [symbol: see text] = 9 to [symbol: see text] = 208, but is 1.5 times higher for tripolyphosphate. The K(m) values for the hydrolysis of polyphosphates with chain lengths [symbol: see text] = 3, 15 and 208 are 100, 5 and 4.1 microM, respectively. The polyphosphatase activity differs in some properties from that of the cell envelope, cytosol and vacuoles of the same S. cerevisiae strain.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the effect of stimulus luminance contrast on blood-oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging within human visual cortex (V1 and extrastriate). Between experiments, the calibrated luminance of a single red LED covering 2 degrees of the subject's visual field was changed relative to a constant background luminance. This stimulus provided a different foveal luminance contrast for each experiment. We used an echo planar imaging sequence to collect blood-oxygenation-sensitive images during and in the absence of the presented stimulus. Our results showed that within V1 there was an increase in the spatial extent of activation with increasing stimulus contrast, but no trend was seen within extrastriate. In both V1 and extrastriate, the local mean activation level for all activated image pixels remained constant with increasing luminance contrast. However, when we investigated activated pixels common to all luminance contrast levels, we found that there was an increase in the mean activation level within V1, but not within extrastriate. These results suggest that there is an increase in the activity of cells in V1 with increasing luminance contrast.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish whether there is non-geniculostriate input to the extrastriate motion-sensitive area V5 in humans. Responses were measured with a SQUID neuro-magnetometer to motion stimuli presented within the blind hemifield of GY, a well-documented subject with a complete absence of the left primary visual cortical area V1. The motion stimulus was a 0.5c/deg, rapidly drifting (16Hz) achromatic sinusoidal grating. With this stimulus, the magnetic responses recorded over the temporo-parieto-occipital region in normals are well modelled by localized current sources in areas V1 and V5 (Anderson, S. J. et al., Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, Series B, 1996, 263, 423-431). As a control, evoked responses were measured to a 1.0 c/deg, stationary, photometrically isoluminant red/green sinusoidal grating. With the chromatic stimulus, the principal component of the magnetic responses recorded over the occipital pole in normals is well modelled by a current source in area V1 (Fylan, F. et al., Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 1995, 36, s1053). Both stimuli subtended 4 deg vertically by 6 deg horizontally, positioned such that the stimulus extended beyond the area of macular sparing into the lower field quadrant of the blind (or sighted) hemifield. Chromatic stimuli failed to evoked responses from GY's blind (contralateral) hemifield, consistent with there being no V1 activity in his left cortical hemisphere. However, motion stimuli did evoke responses from GY's blind hemifield, originating from a location consistent with activity in area V5. We further observed that both colour and motion stimuli evoked responses from GY's sighted (ipsilateral) hemifield. We conclude that there is non-geniculostriate input to extrastriate motion-sensitive areas in the human visual system, and that this pathway subserves the residual visual sensitivity to motion in the blind hemifield that has been demonstrated psychophysically in observer GY.  相似文献   

《Acta Metallurgica》1987,35(3):691-699
Some peculiarities of the propagation of dislocations across a periodic antiphase boundaries structure are discussed. Examination of the effective surface tension acting on each dislocation shows that their equilibrium configuration mainly depends on the relative energies of the geometrical stacking fault and the shear antiphase boundary bounded by a unit dislocation, as well as the average separation of the periodic antiphase boundaries. Such an analysis allows to explain the occurrence of various deformation modes in these alloys: microtwinning in Ni3 V or propagation of dislocations in planes with disturbed long range order in Cu3 Pd.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the response of the primary visual cortex to the various spatial frequencies and orientations in the visual scene should help us understand the principles by which the brain recognizes patterns. Current information about the cortical layout of spatial frequency response is still incomplete because of difficulties in recording and interpreting adequate data. Here, we report results from a study of the cat primary visual cortex in which we employed a new image-analysis method that allows improved separation of signal from noise and that we used to examine the neurooptical response of the primary visual cortex to drifting sine gratings over a range of orientations and spatial frequencies. We found that (i) the optical responses to all orientations and spatial frequencies were well approximated by weighted sums of only two pairs of basis pictures, one pair for orientation and a different pair for spatial frequency; (ii) the weightings of the two pictures in each pair were approximately in quadrature (1/4 cycle apart); and (iii) our spatial frequency data revealed a cortical map that continuously assigns different optimal spatial frequency responses to different cortical locations over the entire spatial frequency range.  相似文献   

The visual areas of the temporal lobe of the primate are thought to be essential for the representation of visual objects. To examine the role of these areas in the visual awareness of a stimulus, we recorded the activity of single neurons in monkeys trained to report their percepts when viewing ambiguous stimuli. Visual ambiguity was induced by presenting incongruent images to the two eyes, a stimulation condition known to instigate binocular rivalry, during which one image is seen at a given time while the other is perceptually suppressed. Previous recordings in areas V1, V2, V4, and MT of monkeys experiencing binocular rivalry showed that only a small proportion of striate and early extrastriate neurons discharge exclusively when the driving stimulus is seen. In contrast, the activity of almost all neurons in the inferior temporal cortex and the visual areas of the cortex of superior temporal sulcus was found to be contingent upon the perceptual dominance of an effective visual stimulus. These areas thus appear to represent a stage of processing beyond the resolution of ambiguities--and thus beyond the processes of perceptual grouping and image segmentation--where neural activity reflects the brain's internal view of objects, rather than the effects of the retinal stimulus on cells encoding simple visual features or shape primitives.  相似文献   

Examined the effects of spatially directed attention on the temporal characteristics of information transmission in the visual system. A 2-stimulus, 2-flash, long-range motion display was used. The results showed that attending to 1 of the 2 stimuli altered the perceived direction of motion, the pattern of motion and no-motion responses, and ratings of motion quality. The results were compared with predictions derived from 2 conceptual frameworks of attention: a temporal-profile model and an additive account. The results support the temporal-profile model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We measured perceived velocity as a function of contrast for luminance and isoluminant sinusoidal gratings, luminance and isoluminant plaids, and second-order, amplitude-modulated, drift-balanced stimuli. For all types of stimuli perceived velocity was contrast-invariant for fast moving patterns at or above 4 deg/sec. For slowly moving stimuli the log of perceived velocity was a linear function of the log of the contrast. The slope of this perceived velocity-vs-contrast line (velocity gain) was relatively shallow for luminance gratings and luminance plaids, but was steep for isoluminant gratings and isoluminant plaids, as well as for drift-balanced stimuli. Independent variation of spatial and temporal frequency showed that these variables, and not velocity alone, determine the velocity gain. Overall, the results indicate that slow moving stimuli defined by chromaticity or by second-order statistics are processed in a different manner from luminance defined stimuli. We propose that there are a number of independent mechanisms processing motion targets and it is the interplay of these mechanisms that is responsible for the final percept.  相似文献   

We wanted to examine whether there are cortical fields active in short-term retention of sensory information, independent of the sensory modality. To control for selective attention, response selection and motor output, the cortical activity during short-term memory (STM) tasks was compared with that during detection (DT) tasks. Using positron emission tomography and [15O]-butanol as a tracer, we measured the regional cerebral blood flow in ten subjects during three STM tasks in which the subjects had to keep in mind: (i) the pitch of tones; (ii) frequencies of a vibrating stylus; and (iii) luminance levels of a monochrome light. Another group of ten subjects undertook three tasks in which subjects detected changes in similar stimuli. Six cortical fields were significantly more activated during STM than during DT. These fields were activated irrespective of sensory modality, and were located in the left inferior frontal gyrus, right superior frontal gyrus, right inferior parietal cortex, anterior cingulate, left frontal operculum and right ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Since the DT tasks and the STM tasks differed only with respect to the STM component, we conclude that the neuronal activity specifically related to retention of the stimuli during the delays was located in these six multi-modal cortical areas. Since no differences were observed in the sensory-specific association cortices, the results indicate further that the activity in the sensory-specific association cortices due to selective attention is not different from the activity underlying short-term retention of sensory information.  相似文献   

A line, presented instantaneously, is perceived to be drawn from one end when a dot is flashed at that end prior to the presentation of the line. Although this phenomenon, called illusory line motion, has been attributed to accelerated processing at the locus of attention, preattentive (stimulus-driven) motion mechanisms might also contribute to the line-motion sensation. We tested this possibility in an odd-target-search task. The stimulus display consisted of two, four, or eight pairs of dots and lines. All lines were presented on the same side of the dots (eg right), except for the target line, which was presented on the opposite side (left). Subjects were asked to report the presence or absence of the target, which was presented in half of the trials. Low error rates for target detection (about 10%) even when the display consisted of eight dot-line pairs (ie display size was eight) indicated that illusory line motion could be perceived simultaneously at many locations. The interstimulus interval (ISI) between the dots and lines (0-2176 ms) and the contrast polarity (both dots and lines were brighter than the background, or dots were darker and lines were brighter) were also manipulated. When an ISI of a few hundred milliseconds was inserted, target detection was nearly impossible with larger display sizes. When the contrast polarity was changed, the target-detection performance was impaired significantly, even with no ISI. Moreover, it was found that the effects of display size, ISI, and contrast polarity were comparable in searches for a two-dot apparent-motion target. These results support the idea that preattentive, apparent-motion mechanisms, as well as attentional mechanisms, contribute to illusory line motion.  相似文献   

Corticothalamic connections of extrastriate visual areas were studied by using the autoradiographic anterograde tracing technique. The results show that the medial extrastriate region above the calcarine sulcus projects mainly to the lateral pulvinar (PL), medial pulvinar (PM), and lateral posterior (LP) nuclei. In addition, the dorsal portion of the medial region has connections to the lateral dorsal (LD) as well as to intralaminar nuclei. The dorsolateral extrastriate region projects strongly to the PL and LP nuclei, to the PM and inferior pulvinar (PI) nuclei, and to the LD and intralaminar nuclei. The lateral extrastriate region above the inferior occipital sulcus (IOS) has strong connections to both the PL and PI nuclei and has minor projections to the PM and oral pulvinar nuclei. The ventrolateral extrastriate region below the IOS projects mainly to the PI nucleus and to the caudal portion of the PL nucleus and has some projections to the PM nucleus. The ventromedial extrastriate region medial to the occipitotemporal sulcus has strong connections with the ventral and medial sectors of the PI nucleus. This region also projects to the caudal portion of the PL nucleus and has minor connections to the LP nucleus. Finally, the annectant gyrus projects to the PL nucleus and to the rostral portion of the PI nucleus and has minor connections to the PM nucleus. Thus, the medial and dorsolateral extrastriate regions are related mainly to the PL and LP nuclei as well as to intralaminar nuclei. In contrast, the ventrolateral and ventromedial regions are connected strongly with the PI nucleus. This connectional organization appears to reflect functional differentiation at the cortical level.  相似文献   

Foreign body (FB) injury from aspiration or ingestion is a common pediatric health problem. Diagnosis relies on clinical judgment plus medical history, physical examination, and radiographic evaluation. A multi-institutional review of 1269 FB events revealed that 85% were correctly diagnosed following a single physician encounter. However, 15% of the children had an elusive diagnosis (>1 week), despite previous evaluation. Delays in diagnosis were seven times more likely to occur in aspirations than in ingestions. Secondary injuries (e.g., pneumonia and atelectasis) occurred in 13% of airway FBs but in only 1.7% of esophageal FBs. Plain radiographs were used in 82% of children, and special studies (e.g., fluoroscopy) in only 7%. We conclude that diagnosis of FB injury in children is frequently achieved at the initial evaluation but that continued surveillance by follow-up visits to health care facilities from parents and other caretakers is important, to reduce pulmonary injuries.  相似文献   

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