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Velocity-encoded cine MRI (VEC-MRI) can measure volume flow at specified site in the heart. This study used VEC-MRI to measure flow across the mitral valve to compare the contribution of atrial systole to left atrial filling in normal subjects and patients with left ventricular hypertrophy. The study population consisted of 12 normal subjects (mean age 34.5 years) and nine patients with various degrees of left ventricular hypertrophy resulting from aortic stenosis (mean age 70 years). VEC-MRI was performed in double-oblique planes through the heart to measure both the mitral inflow velocity pattern (E/A ratio) and the volumetric flow across the mitral valve. The left atrial contribution to left ventricular filling (AC%) was calculated. The results were compared with Doppler echocardiographic parameters. The VEC-MRI-derived mitral E/A ratios showed a significant linear correlation with E/A ratios calculated from Doppler echocardiography (r = 0.94), and the VEC-MRI-derived E/A ratios (2.1 +/- 0.5 vs 1.0 +/- 0.4) and AC% values (24.9 +/- 7.2 vs 45.7 +/- 16.4) were significantly different between normal subjects and patients with aortic stenosis (p < 0.01 in both groups). The same differences were seen in the Doppler echocardiographic parameters. The VEC-MRI-derived E/A ratio and AC% showed significant hyperbolic and linear correlations with left ventricular mass indexes (r = 0.95 and 0.86). In addition, the VEC-MRI-determined E/A ratio and the volumetric AC% displayed a highly significant hyperbolic correlation (r = 0.95). Thus VEC-MRI can be used to evaluate left ventricular diastolic filling characteristics in normal subjects and patients with abnormalities of diastolic filling.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We studied the effects of left ventricular (LV) unloading by an implantable ventricular assist device on LV diastolic filling. BACKGROUND: Although many investigators have reported reliable systemic and peripheral circulatory support with implantable LV assist devices, little is known about their effect on cardiac performance. METHODS: Peak velocities of early diastolic filling, late diastolic filling, late to early filling ratio, deceleration time of early filling, diastolic filling period and atrial filling fraction were measured by intraoperative transesophageal Doppler echocardiography before and after insertion of an LV assist device in eight patients. A numerical model was developed to simulate this situation. RESULTS: Before device insertion, all patients showed either a restrictive or a monophasic transmitral flow pattern. After device insertion, transmitral flow showed rapid beat to beat variation in each patient, from abnormal relaxation to restrictive patterns. However, when the average values obtained from 10 consecutive beats were considered, overall filling was significantly normalized from baseline, with early filling velocity falling from 87 +/- 31 to 64 +/- 26 cm/s (p < 0.01) and late filling velocity rising from 8 +/- 11 to 32 +/- 23 cm/s (p < 0.05), resulting in an increase in the late to early filling ratio from 0.13 +/- 0.18 to 0.59 +/- 0.38 (p < 0.01) and a rise in the atrial filling fraction from 8 +/- 10% to 26 +/- 17% (p < 0.01). The deceleration time (from 112 +/- 40 to 160 +/- 44 ms, p < 0.05) and the filling period corrected by the RR interval (from 39 +/- 8% to 54 +/- 10%, p < 0.005) were also significantly prolonged. In the computer model, asynchronous LV assistance produced significant beat to beat variation in filling indexes, but overall a normalization of deceleration time as well as other variables. CONCLUSIONS: With LV assistance, transmitral flow showed rapidly varying patterns beat by beat in each patient, but overall diastolic filling tended to normalize with an increase of atrial contribution to the filling. Because of the variable nature of the transmitral flow pattern with the assist device, the timing of the device cycle must be considered when inferring diastolic function from transmitral flow pattern.  相似文献   

The potential effects of propofol emulsion (Diprivan) on the neuromuscular transmission and muscular contraction were studied using in vitro and in vivo nerve-muscle preparations of rats. The contractions of the isolated rat diaphragm elicited by either indirect or direct electrical stimulation were inhibited by propofol emulsion at threshold concentrations of 42 and 112 mumol l-1, respectively. Similarly, the gastrocnemius muscle contractions induced by either indirect or direct electrical stimulation in vivo were inhibited by propofol emulsion administration as a bolus injection of 2.5 mg kg-1 intravenously, followed by intravenous infusion of 150 micrograms kg-1 min-1 for 1 h into rats. The inhibitory effects of propofol in both preparations were greater with indirect rather than direct stimulation. Propofol emulsion was found to be capable of enhancing the paralysis of the indirectly stimulated rat diaphragm in vitro and gastrocnemius muscle in vivo induced by either pipecuronium or succinylcholine. The combination of propofol and pipecuronium led to a synergistic inhibition of the neuromuscular transmission, while the combination of propofol and succinylcholine led to additive inhibition. Pretreatment with propofol emulsion at these threshold concentrations markedly inhibited the stimulant effects of aminophylline and digoxin on the indirectly and directly induced diaphragmatic contractions. Also, the enhancement effects of aminophylline on the indirectly and directly and of digoxin on indirectly induced rat gastrocnemius muscle contractions were markedly inhibited by propofol emulsion administration to rats. Pretreatment with propofol emulsion at the threshold concentrations enhanced the inhibitory effects of verapamil on diaphragmatic contractions elicited either indirectly or directly and enhanced the inhibitory effect of adenosine on the contractions elicited indirectly. Similarly, the inhibitory effects of verapamil on the indirectly and directly and of adenosine on indirectly induced rat gastrocnemius muscle contractions were markedly potentiated by propofol emulsion administration to rats. In addition, doubling the concentration of calcium in the bathing fluid produced no change in the inhibitory effects of propofol emulsion on either indirectly or directly elicited diaphragmatic contractions, while doubling the concentration of external magnesium potentiated the propofol effects. Pretreatment with 4-aminopyridine suppressed the inhibitory effects of propofol emulsion on diaphragmatic contractions elicited either indirectly or directly. These results suggest that propofol acts presynaptically to inhibit the neuromuscular transmission and acts at the muscle membrane to inhibit the muscular contraction.  相似文献   

To assess left ventricular diastolic filling in mitral valve prolapse (MVP), we studied 22 patients with idiopathic MVP and 22 healthy controls matched for sex, age, body surface area and heart rate. A two-dimensional, M-mode and Doppler echocardiographic examination was performed to exclude any cardiac abnormalities. The two groups had similar diastolic and systolic left ventricular volumes, left ventricle mass and ejection fraction. Doppler measurements of mitral inflow were: E and A areas (the components of the total flow velocity-time integral in the early passive period of ventricular filling, E; and the late active period of atrial emptying, A), the peak E and A velocities (cm.s-1), acceleration and deceleration half-times (ms) of early diastolic rapid inflow, acceleration time of early diastolic flow (AT), total diastolic filling time (DFT) (ms), and the deceleration of early diastolic flow (cm.s-2). From these measurements were calculate: peak A/E ratio (A/E), E area/A area, the early filling fraction, the atrial filling fraction, AT/DFT ratio. All the Doppler measurements reported are the average of three cardiac cycles selected at end expiration. The mean peak A velocity, A/E velocity ratio, deceleration half time and atrial filling fraction were each significantly higher for subjects presenting a MVP (60 +/- 12 cm.s-1 vs 49 +/- 14, P < 0.008; 98 +/- 13% vs 64 +/- 12%, P < 0.0001; 120 +/- 36 ms vs 92 +/- 11, P < 0.002; 0.45 +/- 0.14 vs 0.36 +/- 0.08, P < 0.02).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Workers in the pulp and paper industry are exposed to different substances, such as hydrogen sulfide and other reduced sulfur compounds, chlorine, chlorine dioxide, sulfur dioxide, terpenes, and paper dust. The exposure level depends on the process, i.e., sulfite, sulfate, groundwood, bleachery, or paper production. Hitherto, exposures have been poorly described and more studies are certainly needed. Workers with repeated exposure peaks to chlorine, e.g., bleachery workers, seem to have an impaired lung function and an increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms. Exposure to high levels of paper dust, (> 5 mg/m3) causes impaired lung function. Therefore, exposure to respiratory irritants is an important, and probably overlooked, occupational risk among certain groups of pulp and paper workers. Some studies indicate that sulfate workers with high exposure to reduced sulfur compounds have an increased mortality due to ischemic heart disease. However, before any definite conclusions can be drawn, the impact of important confounders, such as shift-work and smoking habits have to be further evaluated.  相似文献   

To determine the prognostic importance of pulsed Doppler-derived left ventricular diastolic filling velocity profiles and the relationship between Doppler variables and clinical functional status, the follow-up outcome of 58 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and symptoms of left ventricular dysfunction was analysed. During a mean follow-up period of 31.2 +/- 12.8 months, 23 died of either progressive pump failure or sudden death. Peak early filling velocity (E) was higher and late atrial filling velocity (A) lower in nonsurvivors than in survivors. The E/A ratio was higher and the deceleration time (DT) of early diastole shorter in nonsurvivors. The mortality was significantly higher in patients with an E/A ratio > 2 or a DT < 150 ms than in those without. Repeated Doppler echocardiographic examinations in 31 of 35 survivors after intense treatment showed decreased E, increased A, reduced E/A ratio and prolonged DT in 18 patients with clinical functional improvement, whereas these measurements were unaltered in the remaining 13 patients whose functional status was unchanged or deteriorated. This study suggests that pulsed Doppler-derived left ventricular diastolic filling variables may be important predictors of outcome in dilated cardiomyopathy and provide useful measures in observing the effects of therapy during long-term follow-up of the patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate left ventricular diastolic function and differentiate the pseudonormalized transmitral flow pattern from the normal pattern, the propagation of left ventricular early filling flow was assessed quantitatively using color M-mode Doppler echocardiography. BACKGROUND: Because the propagation of left ventricular early filling flow is disturbed in the left ventricle with impaired relaxation, quantification of such alterations should provide useful indexes for the evaluation of left ventricular diastolic function. METHODS: Study subjects were classified into three groups according to the ratio of early to late transmitral flow velocity (E/A ratio) and left ventricular ejection fraction: 29 subjects with an ejection fraction > or = 60% (control group); 34 with an ejection fraction < 60% and E/A ratio < 1 (group I); and 25 with ejection fraction < 60% and E/A ratio > or = 1 (group II). The propagation of peak early filling flow was visualized by changing the first aliasing limit of the color Doppler signals. The rate of propagation of peak early filling flow velocity was defined as the distance/time ratio between two sampling points: the point of the maximal velocity around the mitral orifice and the point in the mid-left ventricle at which the velocity decreased to 70% of its initial value. High fidelity manometer-tipped measurement was performed in 40 randomly selected subjects. RESULTS: The rate of propagation decreased in groups I and II compared with that in the control group (33.8 +/- 13.8 [mean +/- SD] and 30.0 +/- 8.6 vs. 74.3 +/- 17.4 cm/s, p < 0.001, respectively) and correlated inversely with the time constant of left ventricular isovolumetric relaxation and the minimal first derivative of left ventricular pressure (peak negative dP/dt) (r = 0.82 and r = 0.72, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Spatial and temporal analysis of filling flow propagation by color M-mode Doppler echocardiography was free of pseudonormalization and correlated well with the invasive variables of left ventricular relaxation.  相似文献   

This study describes a novel 2-dimensional echocardiographic technique to measure left ventricular (LV) systolic twist in humans and relates this measure to early ventricular filling. LV twist is the counterclockwise rotation of the left ventricle during systole when viewed from the apex. The effect of ventricular twist has been postulated to store potential energy, which ultimately aids in diastolic recoil, leading to ventricular suction. The generated negative early diastolic pressures may augment early ventricular filling. We measured ventricular twist in 40 patients with normal transthoracic echocardiograms. End-systolic twist was determined by measuring rotation of the anterolateral papillary muscle about the center of the ventricle. LV filling was assessed by analysis of transmitral Doppler flow velocities. The mean value obtained was 9 +/- 7 degrees of rotation. Twist measurements were highly reproducible with an intraobserver correlation coefficient of r = 0.881, p <0.001. The magnitude of ventricular twist was strongly correlated positively with acceleration of the mitral E-wave (r = 0.75; p <0.0001) and negatively with the mitral E-wave acceleration time (r = -0.83; p <0.0001).  相似文献   

Measurement of exhaled nitric oxide (NO) may allow noninvasive assessment of inflammatory disease in the lung. We determined immediate and day-to-day reproducibility of single-breath NO measurements at different points on the exhaled test, and whether levels recorded reflect levels of NO in the lower airways. Using a rapid chemiluminescence analyser, 55 healthy control subjects performed three sequential tests on each of two days. NO levels were compared at the level corresponding with: 1) the time the mouth pressure fell below 4 cmH2O (MP); 2) the plateau of end-exhaled CO2 (CO2); and 3) the NO plateau (NOp). NO levels were measured directly from the lower airways of 15 lung transplant recipients and compared with NO levels from a single-breath test performed in the same cohort. For measurements performed at MP, CO2 and NOp, the mean +/- SD differences between the two closest levels performed on the same day were 0.11+/-0.18, 0.095+/-0.16 and 0.094+/-0.13 parts per billion (ppb), respectively, and between days were 0.18+/-0.76, 0.19+/-0.78 and 0.17+/-0.8 ppb, respectively. End-expiratory levels recorded at the mouth from a single-breath test and in the lower airways were highly correlated (mouth versus trachea r2=0.95, p<0.0001, mouth versus bronchus r2=0.92, p<0.0001). Single-breath exhaled nitric oxide levels are a simple, reproducible and valid measure of nitric oxide production from the lower respiratory tract.  相似文献   

Left ventricular wall motion and volume are important factors for assessment of cardiac function. Recent advances in magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) have allowed fast cine MR sequences. Fastcard sequence is an electrocardiographically triggered gradient echo sequence with k-space segmentation and have enabled fast cine acquisition of the heart during breath holding. Improvement in image quality and contrast between myocardium and intraventricular cavity may facilitate assessment of cardiac function using the phased array coil. Drug stress MRI for detection of significant coronary artery stenosis could be more easily performed by this sequence than conventional cine MR sequences. Sequential short axis images obtained with Fastcard sequence also provide an accurate method without assumption of ventricular shape.  相似文献   

Left ventricular diastolic pressure was evaluated in 15 patients with mitral stenosis and 16 patients with no significant heart disease to determine if a stenotic mitral valve can cause the left ventricle to produce a negative diastolic pressure, indicative of ventricular diastolic suction. The minimal level of diastolic pressure in patients with mitral stenosis ranged between 6 and -7 mm Hg; in normal subjects it did not fall below 0. The average value of minimal diastolic pressure in patients with mitral stenosis (-2 +/- 1 mm Hg [mean +/- standard error of the mean]) was significantly lower than in patients without significant heart disease (5 +/- 1 mm Hg) (p less than 0.001). These observations indicate that the human left ventricle, in the presence of mitral stenosis, can generate a negative diastolic pressure. The presence of a negative diastolic pressure in patients with mitral stenosis suggests that the dynamics of the ventricle during diastole may contribute to the filling process.  相似文献   

Isolated right ventricular aneurysms are rare. Postinfarction right ventricular aneurysm associated with a ventricular septal defect is a very unusual complication. We present such a case that was successfully treated surgically.  相似文献   

With the exception of cardiac surgery, the acute disturbance of the left ventricular diastole occurs mainly in the elderly. Today it represents 30 to 40% of congestive cardiac failures, however with a lower mortality than for acute systolic disturbances. Generally indicated are relaxation anomalies, proto-mesodiastolic mechanism and problems with compliance, an indicator of the pressure/volume diastolic relationship. Invasive techniques remain the standard method. Doppler echocardiography is becoming increasingly important for the assessment of diastolic function. In most cardiopathies, relaxation anomalies occur early, whereas compliance disturbances are mainly associated with advanced cardiac diseases. During anaesthesia, adverse events (auricular fibrillation, hypovolaemia) may worsen a fragile situation. Anaesthetic agents, in particular volatile agents, act on the ventricular diastole. Long-term therapy of diastolic anomalies includes agents amending left ventricular hypertrophy. Emergency therapy has not yet been systematised.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of left ventricular filling on different combinations of programmable heart rate and atrioventricular delay in patients with dual-chamber pacemakers. Pacing mode with heart rates of 60 beats/min and 156 ms of atrioventricular delay induced a diastolic pattern that resembles more than others the one observed in healthy subjects in sinus rhythm.  相似文献   

In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the development of pulmonary hypertension is common. This study was performed to assess the signs of right ventricular (RV) pressure overload and RV failure in COPD. In 8 COPD patients without primary cardiac disease, RV wall thickness, mass, and end-diastolic volume were measured by cardiac-triggered cine MRI. MR phase-contrast velocity quantification was used to measure stroke volume and the patterns of flow into and out of the RV. Data of patients were tested versus those of a control group matched for age (n = 8). Results showed that the RV wall thickness was increased (.6 +/- 0.1 vs 0.4 +/- 0.1 cm, P < .001). RV mass was increased (67 +/- 11 vs 57 +/- 5 g, P < .005). RV stroke volume was decreased (57 +/- 13 vs 71 +/- 13 ml, P < .01), but RV ejection fraction was not different. In the main pulmonary artery flow, the quotient of acceleration time divided by ejection time was decreased (33 +/- 5% vs 38 +/- 4%, P < .05), which is indicative of pulmonary hypertension. In conclusion, this MRI protocol provides a tool to assess the effects of RV pressure overload in COPD before heart failure has become manifest.  相似文献   

A previously undescribed case of right ventricular aneurysm (RVA) associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in an advanced stage is reported. The diagnosis was established by noninvasive (cardiac two-dimensional echocardiogram and nuclear MRI) and invasive (cardiac catheterization, angiography, and biventricular endomyocardial biopsy) cardiac examinations, which documented hypertrophied, dilated and hypokinetic biventricular chambers associated with typical histologic findings (histologic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy index of 66%). A prominent narrowing of myocardial arterioles, extended to the right ventricular myocardium, has been identified and has been hypothesized as being responsible for RVA formation.  相似文献   

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