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江苏省海门市中南世纪城3.5期96号住宅楼建筑总高度为102.7m,为国内首座百米高度的装配式剪力墙结构。根据ABAQUS有限元分析软件INP文件的数据结构,提出了标准层组合拼装建模的程序算法,完成了海门市中南世纪城96号楼整体结构的标准层组装有限元建模,为整体结构的有限元建模提供了借鉴。根据前期相关连接接缝试验结果,对考虑接缝削弱后的有限元模型进行修正,从而实现了接缝削弱效果在结构整体有限元模型中的体现。通过对海门市中南世纪城96号楼有限元模型进行动力弹塑性时程分析,对罕遇地震下该试点工程的抗震性能进行了评价,有力地保证了该工程的顺利完成。 相似文献
为了验证某超限高层结构是否满足"大震不倒"的设防水准要求,同时寻找结构薄弱部位和薄弱构件并进行相应的加强,采用通用有限元软件ABAQUS对其进行了动力弹塑性时程分析.同时,对该超限高层结构主楼在罕遇地震作用下的力学性能进行了分析,最终对损伤程度做出了相应的评价.计算结果表明,主楼结构在三组罕遇地震作用下,整体性能良好,能够满足罕遇地震下的抗震性能目标. 相似文献
通过对某复杂高层建筑结构进行动力弹塑性时程分析,模拟结构在地震作用下全过程反应,得到其在罕遇地震作用下的弹塑性变形,确定结构薄弱部位和薄弱构件,为复杂建筑结构的设计及优化提供参考,避免为增加结构的安全储备,造成不合理的资源浪费。 相似文献
应用MIDAS BUILDING结构软件对一个高层框筒结构进行了罕遇地震下的动力弹塑性分析,给出了结构在实际地震作用下的动力响应及各部位、构件的塑性发展情况,对结构的抗震性能做出评价,并对工程设计提出改进建议。 相似文献
复杂的超限高层建筑结构需要进行弹塑性分析和计算来验证其是否满足抗震设防要求。以深圳某复杂超限高层建筑工程为背景,对其进行弹塑性时程分析,研究该结构在地震作用下的抗震性能。采用Perform-3D建立三维弹塑性分析模型和进行了动力时程分析。对结构在地震作用下的整体反应和构件损伤情况进行了分析和评估,用详细的量化指标验证了该结构能够在罕遇地震水平下实现"大震不倒"。 相似文献
采用SAP2000的结构分析软件,对某高层框架结构进行在多维地震波输入下的非线性时程分析.计算和比较的结果表明:高层建筑中采用基础隔震也能收到良好的效果,特别是绝对加速度反应将会大大降低;多维地震动作用下,完全对称、各层刚度相同的结构反应不一定会增大,带大底盘、各层刚度有变化的框架结构反应会增大;裙房对于高层建筑的隔震... 相似文献
利用 PERFORM-3D 软件实现了超高层建筑结构的动力弹塑性时程分析,将结构的抗震性能引入到结构分析中,通过工程实例,研究了结构在地震作用下的变形和力学性能,对结构在大震作用下的整体反应和构件损伤情况进行了分析和评估,验证了结构在大震作用下的"大震不倒"性能目标. 相似文献
汕头苏宁电器广场结构总高99.5 m,是大底盘双塔高层结构体系,2个塔楼均采用钢筋混凝土框架-核心筒结构。采用PKPM软件对结构进行多遇地震作用下的弹性时程分析以及罕遇地震作用下的弹塑性动力分析,选择了和规范反应谱吻合良好的地震波,探讨了结构最大位移、层间位移、基底剪力、塑性铰分布等抗震性能指标,为结构设计和结构抗震性能评估提供了重要依据和参考。 相似文献
Yasuo Saitoh Masahiro Horii Takayuki Teramoto 《Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering》1992,7(1):51-62
Abstract: Recently, designs of high-rise buildings have become more complex. Various types of buildings result, such as buildings with a semicircular plan, and buildings in which the upper floors are larger than the lower floors.
The authors have developed a three-dimensional (3-D) dynamic analysis system, 'Super DYNAMICS', which considers the nonlinear behavior of each structural member in order to analyze the structural behavior of such complex steel buildings under severe earthquakes.
This system is mainly operated on a supercomputer because of the large number of calculations required for the member level dynamic analysis.
This paper first describes the general concepts of the system and the 3-D dynamic response analysis methods, based on the nonlinear behavior of each member under axial force and biaxial bending moments, and then examines and demonstrates the precision of the yield surface of steel members created by multispring models, and the ability of the system to trace the behavior of members and frames after yielding. It shows, in addition, actual examples of a static and a dynamic analysis by three-direction ground motion applied to a 19-story steel-framed office building. 相似文献
The authors have developed a three-dimensional (3-D) dynamic analysis system, 'Super DYNAMICS', which considers the nonlinear behavior of each structural member in order to analyze the structural behavior of such complex steel buildings under severe earthquakes.
This system is mainly operated on a supercomputer because of the large number of calculations required for the member level dynamic analysis.
This paper first describes the general concepts of the system and the 3-D dynamic response analysis methods, based on the nonlinear behavior of each member under axial force and biaxial bending moments, and then examines and demonstrates the precision of the yield surface of steel members created by multispring models, and the ability of the system to trace the behavior of members and frames after yielding. It shows, in addition, actual examples of a static and a dynamic analysis by three-direction ground motion applied to a 19-story steel-framed office building. 相似文献
长周期地震动的场地效应与大跨桥梁结构的动力响应分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
对长周期地震动作用下大跨桥梁结构的地震反应作了研究分析。首先,选用两条典型的基岩长周期地震波,进行频谱特性分析;然后,以基岩长周期地震波作为输入,对一场地土层进行了长周期地震反应分析,获得其地表面的地震动响应时程,并以此地震动时程作为输入,对某大跨度桥梁结构进行了动力响应分析。结果表明,长周期地震波作用下桥梁结构基底反力及主要截面内力的最大值均大于普通地震波作用下的结果,地震波行波输入对桥梁结构主要截面内力产生较大的影响。 相似文献
随着超长、平面不规则的复杂隔震结构的出现,关注超长复杂隔震结构的安全性也变得十分重要。本文针对平面不规则的超长隔震结构的抗震性能进行了分析。运用Seismo Struct建立超长隔震结构分析模型,输入近场脉冲、非脉冲及远场地震动进行非线性动力时程分析。通过比较平面不规则的超长隔震结构在不同地震作用下的动力响应和隔震支座的水平位移,分析地震作用对隔震结构的影响。研究表明:平面不规则的超长隔震结构在近断层脉冲地震作用下的响应明显大于近断层非脉冲地震作用。同时,通过分析隔震支座的水平位移发现,超长复杂隔震结构在近断层脉冲地震作用下依旧有较好的抗震性能。 相似文献
为了研究钢筋混凝土平板-T形柱结构在地震作用下的耗能工作机理,本文以按照7度设防烈度的标准设计的钢筋混凝土平板-T形柱结构作为研究对象,应用ETABS通用分析程序,以侧向力分布方式、柱网尺寸、楼层层高和楼层数量作为分析参数,对该结构进行了静力弹塑性分析,并运用了能力谱方法对该结构进行了评价。分析表明,该结构的塑性铰分布均匀,大部分构件参加抗震耗能,薄弱层出现在首层,属于强柱弱梁型的理想抗震结构体系。该结构满足现行规范关于弹塑性层间位移角的限值,具有抵御7度罕遇地震作用的能力。通过结构抗震评价强调了基于结构的性能水准的设计理念比目前基于承载力的设计理念要合理,是结构抗震设计的发展方向。 相似文献
This research advances creation of a new generation of adaptive/smart structures with self-modification capability by designing a predetermined number of members as actively controlled members. The computational model and high-performance parallel algorithms for optimal control of large structures recently developed by the authors are applied to multistory buildings. Four different schemes for placement of controllers are investigated. Three types of dynamic loadings are considered: earthquake ground motion, periodic impulsive horizontal wind loading on the exterior joints of the structure, and asymmetric periodic impulsive wind loading on the exterior of the structure modeling a twister. Results are presented for three multistory building structures with curved beams and setback representing both space moment-resisting and braced frames. It is demonstrated that through a proper selection of the weighting factor, the response of a multistory building structure can be reduced substantially to a fraction of the response of the uncontrolled structure at a practically feasible maximum required actuator force. Recommendations are made on the placement of the controllers for various types of structural configurations. 相似文献