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Sudanese unaccompanied minors were separated from their parents in childhood and lived apart from their families in refugee camps for close to a decade before being resettled in the United States. This phenomenological study examines the refugees’ experiences of living in American foster families after living in peer groups in the camps. Interviews with 18 young adults, 7 years after resettlement, revealed that nearly all of the youth struggled with parental authority initially, and nearly half of them changed placements because of relationship difficulties with their foster parents. Misunderstandings based on cultural differences often exacerbated conflicts. However, 15 of 18 youth currently had a positive relationship with at least 1 foster parent, sometimes with a parent from their second or third placement. Changing foster families is often considered a failure in the child welfare system, but several Sudanese youth reported that having supportive relationships helped them during the acculturation process whether those relationships developed during the first or last placement. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Twenty-six patients have had cranio-peritoneal shunts placed using a new introducer allowing the combination of frameless stereotaxy and neuroendoscopy and placement of a one-piece shunt. Operating times have been acceptable, complication rates have been low, and shunt placement has been accurate in this series.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a 2-component intervention for biological and foster parent (pairs) to improve parenting practices, co-parenting, and child externalizing problems. Participants were biological and foster parents (N = 128) of primarily neglected children (ages 3 to 10 years) placed in regular foster homes. Biological and foster parents were randomly assigned in pairs to the intervention (n = 80) or a usual care (n = 48) condition. Intervention families received a 12-week parenting course (Incredible Years) and a newly developed co-parenting component. Key findings included significant gains in positive parenting and collaborative co-parenting for both biological and foster parents at the end of the intervention. At follow-up, intervention parents sustained greater improvement in positive parenting, showed gains in clear expectations, and reported a trend for fewer child externalizing problems. Findings supported the feasibility of offering joint parenting training to meet the needs of participating families and demonstrated that the co-parenting construct applied to families in the foster care system was amenable to intervention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of endothelin-1 (ET-1; 100 ng. i.c.v.) produced an initial pressor (24%) (peak at 3 min following ET-1 administration) and a delayed depressor (-40%) (30 and 60 min following ET-1 administration) effects in urethane anesthetized rats. The pressor effect of ET-1 was due to an increase (21%) in cardiac output, while the depressor effect of ET-1 was associated with a marked decrease (-46%) in cardiac output. Stroke volume significantly decreased at 30 and 60 min after the administration of ET-1. No change in total peripheral vascular resistance and heart rate was observed following central administration of ET-1. The effects of ET-1 on Blood pressure, cardiac output and stroke volume were not observed in BQ123 (10 micrograms, i.c.v.) treated rats. Blood flow to the cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum, midbrain and brain stem was not affected at 3 min, but a significant decrease in blood flow to all the regions of the brain was observed at 30 and 60 min following central administration of ET-1. BQ123 pretreatment completely blocked the central ET-1 induced decrease in blood flow to the brain regions. It is concluded that the pressor effect of centrally administered ET-1 is not accompanied by a severe decrease in brain blood flow, however, a subsequent decrease in blood pressure is associated with a decrease in blood flow to the brain. The cardiovascular effects of ET-1 including decrease in brain blood flow are mediated through central ET receptors.  相似文献   

Despite the best efforts of child welfare agencies, community agencies, and individuals, some children are not safe in their homes and must be placed in substitute care settings by child welfare authorities. Increasingly, as this article points out, child welfare agencies are placing children in the homes of their relatives rather than in traditional foster family homes (31% of all children in out-of-home care in the early 1990s were living with kin). This article discusses how such factors as the availability of foster homes, the demand for foster care, attitudes toward the extended families of troubled parents, and policies regarding payment for the costs of care have contributed to the rapid growth in kinship foster care. It discusses differences in the personal characteristics of kin and traditional foster parents and in the supports provided to the caregivers by child welfare agencies. Research findings suggest that kinship homes can promote the child welfare goals of protecting children and supporting families, but they are less likely to facilitate the prompt achievement of legal permanence for children. To forge a coherent policy toward kinship caregivers, officials must balance the natural strengths of informal, private exchanges among family members with the power of government agencies to provide both resources and oversight.  相似文献   

As the 20th century draws to a close, fundamental changes in the organization, financing, and delivery of health care and welfare services, principally directed at poor families, are likely to result in an increased number of children entering out-of-home care. These children typically have significant physical, mental health, and developmental problems. Whether the quality of health care services they receive will improve as a result of health care reform efforts and new approaches to service delivery remains to be seen. This article addresses some of the major changes wrought by welfare and health care reform and describes the essential features of a health care system that can meet the special needs of children in care.  相似文献   

This study assessed the impact of different forms of maltreatment on the socioemotional development of 5- to 11-year-old children in a day-camp setting. Obtained measures of self-esteem and peer relations for 70 neglected, emotionally abused and/or physically abused children, and 67 demographically matched nonmaltreated comparison children. Completed counselor assessments of the children's self-esteem and provided both counselor and peer ratings of the children's prosocial, aggressive, and withdrawn behavior. Found maltreated children to score lower than the comparison children on the self-esteem and prosocial measures and higher on the withdrawn behavior ratings. Found welfare dependency to exert an independent additive negative effect, beyond maltreatment history, on the socioemotional development of the children. Results are discussed in relation to past studies of high-risk children and existing theories of developmental psychopathology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examined the influences of discrimination on socioemotional adjustment and academic performance for a sample of 444 Chinese American adolescents. Using autoregressive and cross-lagged techniques, the authors found that discrimination in early adolescence predicted depressive symptoms, alienation, school engagement, and grades in middle adolescence but that early socioemotional adjustment and academic performance did not predict later experiences of discrimination. Further, their investigation of whether earlier or contemporaneous experiences of discrimination influenced developmental outcomes in middle adolescence indicated differential effects, with contemporaneous experiences of discrimination affecting socioemotional adjustment, whereas earlier discrimination was more influential for academic performance. Finally, they found a persistent negative effect of acculturation on the link between discrimination and adolescents’ developmental outcomes, such that those adolescents who were more acculturated (in this case, higher in American orientation) experienced more deleterious effects of discrimination on both socioemotional and academic outcomes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The propagation of pluripotential mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells is sustained by leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) or related cytokines that act through a common receptor complex comprising the LIF receptor subunit (LIF-R) and the signal transducer gp130. However, the findings that embryos lacking LIF-R or gp130 can develop beyond gastrulation argue for the existence of an alternative pathway(s) governing the maintenance of pluripotency in vivo. In order to define those factors that contribute to self-renewal in ES cell cultures, we have generated ES cells in which both copies of the lif gene are deleted. These cells showed a significantly reduced capacity for regeneration of stem cell colonies when induced to differentiate, confirming that LIF is the major endogenous regulatory cytokine in ES cell cultures. However, self-renewal was not abolished and undifferentiated ES cell colonies were still obtained in the complete absence of LIF. A differentiated, LIF-deficient, parietal endoderm-like cell line was derived and shown to support ES cell propagation via production of a soluble, macromolecular, trypsin-sensitive activity. This activity, which we name ES cell renewal factor (ESRF), is distinct from members of the IL-6/LIF family because (i) it is effective on ES cells lacking LIF-R; (ii) it is not blocked by anti-gp130 neutralizing antibodies; and (iii) it acts without activation of STAT3. ES cells propagated clonally using ESRF alone can contribute fully to chimaeras and engender germline transmission. These findings establish that ES cell pluripotency can be sustained via a LIF-R/gp130-independent, STAT-3 independent, signaling pathway. Operation of this pathway in vivo could play an important role in the regulation of pluripotency in the epiblast and account for the viability of lifr -/- and gp130 -/- embryos.  相似文献   

Considerable debate exists regarding the possible relationship between child abuse and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In this study, 3 groups of foster care children were compared. The groups included 50 sexually abused, 50 physically abused, and 50 nonabused foster care children. Participants completed the Child Post-Traumatic Stress Reaction Index, the Childhood PTSD Interview, and the Modified Stroop Procedure (MSP), which included sexual abuse and nonsexual abuse stimuli. The MSP has not been previously used in child abuse research. Results indicated that sexually and physically abused children demonstrated PTSD at a high level. The MSP discriminated between the sexually abused children with PTSD and those without PTSD. Responses to the MSP sexual abuse stimuli resulted in significantly longer color-naming times than responses to nonsexual abuse stimuli. Preadolescents demonstrated more severe PTSD than early adolescent children. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this report, the authors review studies addressing the issue of contingencies in social and nonsocial contexts during infancy. The review is divided into 4 groups of studies that suggest that (a) young infants detect contingencies unrelated to their behavior; (b) infants detect contingencies involving their behavior; (c) the study of contingency is pertinent for addressing behavioral organization within parent-infant interaction; and (d) there is a link between behavioral contingency in early infancy and global measures of socioemotional development that are predictive of social functioning at later points during childhood. Throughout the report, the pertinence of infant emotional responses during contingency-related tasks is emphasized. Finally, the authors delineate certain enduring questions regarding contingency experience in infancy and suggest ways of organizing research to address some of them. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied the predictive validity of Stange Situation classifications among infants raised on kibbutzim in Israel. C-type (resistant) attachments are frequently found on Israeli kibbutzim, but the long-term correlates of this "insecure" pattern have not been identified. 59 Ss, whose attachments to parents and metaplot were assessed at age 11–14 mo, were seen again when they were 5 yrs old to assess socioemotional development. Ss who had B-type attachments to their metaplot were later less ego controlled and more empathic, dominant, purposive, achievement-oriented, and independent than C-group Ss. Group differences were in the direction predicted on the basis of prior research on the correlates of infant–mother attachment. Measures of socioemotional development reflected Ss' behavior at the kibbutz but not at home or with parents. This may explain the relatively strong predictive power of attachment status with metapelet as opposed to attachment status with parents. Results may underscore the central importance of the careprovider as a key figure in the early social life of kibbutzim. Findings raise questions regarding developmental significance of attachment relationships. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of maltreatment on early childhood development were examined in three domains suggested by attachment theory: relationships with novel adults, effectance motivation, and cognitive maturity. Three samples of children between 4 and 8 years of age were studied: 93 maltreated children, 67 demographically matched nonmaltreated children from families receiving welfare, and 30 nonmaltreated children from middle-class families. Children's scores on 10 dependent variables across the three domains of interest were factor analyzed, and two theoretically meaningful factors emerged. Maltreated children scored lower than welfare children, who in turn scored lower than middle-class children, on a factor measuring secure readiness to learn in the company of novel adults. Maltreated children and welfare children also scored higher than middle-class children, but did not significantly differ from each other, on a factor measuring outer-directedness. Results indicate that, during early childhood, maltreatment disrupts a dynamic balance between the motivation to establish safe, secure relationships with adults and the motivation to venture out to explore the world in a competency-promoting fashion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Five siblings, neglected and malnourished to the extent that they had become nutritional dwarfs, were placed in foster care. Their weights and heights were recorded at the time of placement, and at intervals for the following 6 years. In all cases there was an initial spurt in weight, which lasted for 1 to 2 years. Thereafer, the gains in weight and height continued on lines parallel with, but below the centile lines, except in the cases of the 2 youngest children, both of whom achieved the 3rd centile for weight and approached it for height. The eldest sibling was the most severely dwarfed.  相似文献   

This retrospective study examines the long-term effect of the age at which British children were fostered in World War II on their divorce rate. A total of 859 respondents, aged 62 to 72 years, were recruited who had childhood homes in the county of Kent in southeast England during the war. Of these, 770 had been evacuated and fostered, and the remainder stayed at home. Reflecting the wartime concerns of Bowlby, Miller, and Winnicott (1939) regarding the wisdom of separating young children from their parents for a potentially long period, male and female respondents evacuated between the ages of 4 to 6 years had a significantly higher incidence of divorce compared with those in the 13- to 15-year age group. This association was found to be mediated by attachment style in which the fearful category was predominant. The relevance of these results in the broader developmental context, and to family counseling, are briefly discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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