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The physiological condition of the live animal was found to significantly affect colour, lipid oxidation and water holding capacity of chill stored pork chops (M. Longissimus dorsi) in a study, where various pre-slaughter conditions were achieved by the following four treatments: (A) control; (B) subjected to treadmill exercise immediately prior to stunning; (C) given epinephrine injection 15 h prior to slaughter; and (D) given epinephrine injection 15 h before slaughter and further subjected to treadmill exercise immediately before stunning. The treatments resulted in variations in energy metabolites (glycogen, lactate, creatine phosphate, ATP) and ultimate pH (pHu), with the lowest pHu in chops from treatments A and B, and in significantly different tristimulus colour L*-, a*- and b*-parameters, although the effect of treatment on colour was not consistent during the chill storage period of 6 days. Overall, chops from treatments A and B had significantly higher L*- and b*-values (were paler and less blue) than chops from C and D during storage under conditions typical for retail trade. The initial a*-values were higher (redder) in chops from treatments A and B, but the colour, as judged by the a*-values, was less stable in meat from these treatments compared with treatments C and D. Lipid oxidation, evaluated by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in the fresh meat, and drip loss, measured after 6 days of storage, were both significantly higher in chops from treatments A and B compared to chops obtained from treatments C and D. Statistical analysis relating the pH and the level of various energy metabolites post-mortem in the individual animals to the measured quality parameters, revealed that pHu was the most important factor affecting product quality. In conclusion, over all product quality depends on obtaining a pHu in the narrow range where both meat quality parameters such as colour, lipid oxidation and drip loss as well as microbiological aspects have to be considered.  相似文献   

The potential to tenderize beef muscles by the injection of lactic acid (0.5 M, 10% w/w) was studied using the pectoralis profundus muscle from cull cows. The injection was performed either 1 h (pre rigor) or 24 h (post rigor) post mortem, and the meat was stored for 2 or 14 days post mortem. Both treatments caused a rapid pH drop to around 5.0 within 4 h of injection. Other effects were: (1) an accelerated release of lysosomal enzymes into the cytosol; (2) a greater degradation of myosin heavy chains; (3) ultrastructural alterations of the myofibrils which included a general weakening or rupture in the M-lines and, to a lesser extent, in the I-bands; (4) a decreased heat stability of perimysial collagen indicated by a lower insoluble collagen content, lower differential scanning calorimetry transition temperature, and lower transition temperatures in isometric tension tests on muscle strips. The lactic acid injections improved significantly the textural traits of the meat (shear value, tensile strength, sensory scores) at 2 days post mortem with little further improvement when storage was extended to 14 days post mortem. Changes in texture were of similar amplitude at both post mortem injection times. The tenderization mechanisms of lactic acid injection are discussed.  相似文献   

Slices of dry-cured Iberian ham were pressurized at 200 and 400 MPa for 15 min and subsequently packed in two different modified atmospheres of 30% carbon dioxide or 30% carbon dioxide and 5% oxygen (both balanced with nitrogen). Non-pressurized ham slices were also packed in two different modified atmospheres and all packages were stored at 5 °C for 39 days in illuminated chill cabinets. Measurements of colour and oxidative stability were performed after 1, 18 and 39 days of storage. High-pressure treatments at the level of 400 MPa resulted in the highest value for the tristimulus lightness L *-parameter during storage, reaching the maximum values after 39 days. Redness, measured as the tristimulus a *-parameter, was affected by pressure treatment, since samples submitted to treatment of highest pressure had significantly lower initial red colour. Oxygen was found to have a detrimental effect on nitrosylmyoglobin content since the extractable content was significantly lower after 18 and 39 days of storage in the 5% oxygen atmosphere. The effect of high pressure on oxidative stability was statistically significant after 39 days of chill storage with slices pressurized at 400 MPa showing the highest content in TBARS. High-pressure treatment at 400 MPa resulted in discoloration and oxidative degradation of lipids in dry-cured Iberian ham during subsequent illuminated chill storage.  相似文献   

The critical level of residual oxygen to avoid light induced oxidative discoloration during chill storage of sliced, pasteurised ham packaged in modified atmosphere (20% carbon dioxide balanced with nitrogen in a 1:3 product to headspace volume ratio) was found to lie between 0.1 and 0.5% oxygen. In 0.5% oxygen light induced discoloration was significant, as detected by the tristimulus colorimetry redness parameter, when compared to the same product stored in the dark, while at 0.1 and 0.02% oxygen the colour was stable both in the dark and when exposed to light for up to 27 days in chill storage. Lipid oxidation, determined as 2-thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, and total plate counts showed no difference between discoloured and colour stable products, although a trained panel in a triangle test could differentiate between the taste of ham from packages with 0.02 and 0.5% oxygen after 27 days of chill storage.  相似文献   

The colour fading of sliced ham displayed in chill cabinets has been found to be caused by the combined action of light and oxygen, and can be prevented by a combination of packaging in a plastic material with low oxygen transmission rate (OTR<4 cm3/m2/24h/atm), a high initial vacuum level (>99%), and cold storage in the dark until residual oxygen in the packaging has been consumed (4 days for>99% initial vacuum). UV-light permeability of the packaging material had no effect on colour stability. The colour was measured by tristimulus colorimetric measurements on the surface of ham packaged in packaging material with different OTR (60 and <4 cm3/m2/24h/atm) and UV-light permeability (transparent above 360 and above 250 nm), and the change in colour was monitored by the Hunter a value, the tristimulus colorimetry parameter found (by analysis of variance) to give the best correlation with the subjectively evaluated ham colour. For each of the four types of packaging material, three different initial vacuum levels (85, 95 and>99%) were used.  相似文献   

The effect of high pressure (HP) treatments (200 MPa 15 min, 200 MPa 30 min, 300 MPa 15 min, 300 MPa 30 min) on colour, lipid and protein oxidation in sliced vacuum-packed dry-cured Iberian ham and loin during refrigerated storage (90 days, + 4 °C) was evaluated. Pressure level and holding time increased the extent of lipid oxidation in both products. Dry-cured ham showed a higher susceptibility to lipid oxidation than dry-cured loin since HP treatment increased TBA-RS values in dry-cured ham samples while HP treatment decreased TBA-RS values in dry-cured loin samples. However, HP treatment did not affect protein oxidation in both meat products. On the other hand, HP treatment affected instrumental colour since non-pressurized dry-cured meat products showed higher redness than pressurized ones. Regarding changes under storage, after 90 days of refrigerated storage lipid and protein oxidation increased while redness decreased in both HP treated and non-treated dry-cured meat products. Changes induced by HP were only noticeable after HP treatment, as storage reduced the initial differences between HP treated and non-treated samples. Therefore, the lack of differences in long stored dry-cured ham and loin HP treated and non-treated indicates that the application of HP (200–300 MPa/15–30 min) could not affect the quality of dry-cured meat products.Industrial relevanceDry-cured meat products are the meat-based products with the highest sensory quality in Spain and have a high projection in exterior markets. High pressure processing is effective in controlling pathogen and spoilage microorganisms in meat and meat products although it can promote color and oxidation changes that modify sensory characteristics. The study aimed the evaluation of pressure and holding time on color changes and protein and lipid oxidation at vacuum packed slices of Iberian dry-cured ham and loin during subsequent extended chilled storage. High pressure treatment of dry-cured Iberian ham and loin induce changes after treatment although initial differences are not maintained along refrigerated storage.  相似文献   

Summary Samples of cooked ham and bacon were dipped in water or 2, 4 or 6% gelatin solutions. Samples were then packed in oxygen permeable or vacuum packaging film and stored at −18 °C for seven months. Lipid oxidation (TBARS) and colour stability (Hunter a* values) were assessed monthly. The gelatin coating exerted beneficial effects on oxidative and colour stability.  相似文献   

Houben JH  Gerris CV 《Meat science》1998,50(4):236-428
The effect of dietary supplementation with vitamin E (200 IU kg−1 feed) on the colour stability of pasteurized ham was studied. Pigs were fed on control and enriched diets for the last 12 weeks before slaughter. Pasteurized ham was manufactured from the hams from 6 barrows and 6 gilts per dietary group. Half of the samples of sliced ham from control and supplemented pigs were packaged under vacuum (VAC) and half in low-oxygen modified atmosphere packs (FOG, gas mixture: CO2/N2=60/40). Half the packages were kept under constant illumination and the other half in the dark, both for 22 days at 7°C. The redness component of the VAC-packaged ham prepared from vitamin E-supplemented pigs was slightly more stable than that of comparably packaged ham prepared from control pigs. The opposite was observed for the FOG-packaged products. Overall, colour changes were greater in the ham in FOG-packs than in the ham in VAC-packs. In addition, the colour of the FOG-packaged ham was clearly affected by illumination, whereas the colour of the VAC-packaged ham appeared more stable. It is concluded that dietary supplementation of pigs with vitamin E does not appear to offer significant advantages over currently used feeding regimens with regard to the quality of the ham produced.  相似文献   

The effect of high pressure processing at 400 MPa and 900 MPa on the oxidative stability of sliced and vacuum packaged commercial dry-cured ham was determined by analyzing the antioxidant enzyme activities, TBARS levels (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances), vitamin E content and physicochemical characteristics during refrigerated storage for 50 days in different light conditions. In dry-cured ham pressurized at 400 MPa color changes and sensory analyses were also assessed. The high pressure process at 900 MPa produced a decrease in superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) activities and increased vitamin E content. In contrast, pressurization at 400 MPa, increased SOD activity, and showed no effect on vitamin E content and GSHPx activity. In general the physicochemical parameters determined (fat, moisture and collagen) were unaffected by pressurization. Treatment at 400 MPa increased the instrumental color measurement of lightness (L* values, CIELAB). This level of pressure also modified the hardness, chewiness, saltiness and color intensity. These changes of the sensory attributes in dry-cured ham were significant, but small.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of two different vacuum ageing times (7 and 14 days) and the impact of the modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) configuration (gas/product ratios: 0.5 and 1 and gas composition: 70% O2 + 30% CO2 and 40% O2 + 30% CO2 + 30% N2) on the quality of fresh beef during subsequent storage at 4 °C. For this purpose, three separate experiments were performed. For each experiment, two different muscles (Longissimus dorsi and Biceps femoris) were sampled from four double‐muscled Belgian Blue beef carcasses. Next to colour, also the evolution in microbial load, pH, O2 and CO2 in the headspace and lipid oxidation at the meat surface were evaluated. A vacuum ageing for 14 days compared with 7 days resulted in a higher initial microbial load on the day of MAP packaging, which resulted finally in a significantly shorter shelf life. This ageing effect was less pronounced on the colour stability and lipid oxidation of the meat samples. No significant influence of the packaging configuration on any of the analysed parameters (colour, microbial load, pH and lipid oxidation at the meat surface) was observed.  相似文献   

A multifactorial design, including (1) percent residual oxygen, (2) oxygen transmission rate of packaging film (OTR), (3) product to headspace volume ratio, (4) illuminance level and (5) nitrite level during curing, was established to investigate factors affecting light-induced oxidative discoloration of cured ham (packaged in modified atmosphere of 20% carbon dioxide and balanced with nitrogen) during 14 days of chill storage. Univariate statistical analysis found significant effects of all main factors on the redness (tristimulus a-value) of the ham. Subsequently, Response Surface Modelling of the data further proved that the interactions between packaging and storage conditions are important when optimising colour stability. The measured content of oxygen in the headspace was incorporated in the model and the interaction between measured oxygen content in the headspace and the product to headspace volume ratio was found to be crucial. Thus, it is not enough to keep the headspace oxygen level low, if the headspace volume at the same time is large, there will still be sufficient oxygen for colour deteriorating processes to take place.  相似文献   

Houben JH  van Dijk A 《Meat science》2001,58(4):259-407
The effect of supplementation of vitamin E (2025 IU animal−1 day−1) in the diet of beef bulls on the colour stability of pasteurized beef ham was studied. Control and enriched diets were provided for the last 136 days before slaughter. Pasteurized hams were manufactured from Mm. semitendinosus from eight animals per dietary group. Half of the samples of sliced ham from control (CON) and supplemented (SUP) bulls were packaged under vacuum (VAC) and half in low-oxygen modified atmosphere packs (FOG, gas mixture: CO2/N2=50/50). The packages were kept under constant illumination for 28 days at 8°C. During storage, the number of colony-forming units (CFU) reached a maximum of 5x107 g−1. The microflora was dominated by lactic acid bacteria. The supplementation with vitamin E showed no effect on microbial growth. Lipid oxidation was stable during storage. A significant difference between both dietary groups was detected for the decrease in the redness values during storage. Redness values of CON vacuum-packaged samples decreased (P < 0.01) with time, whereas those for the SUP products only tended to decrease. The redness values of FOG-packed ham were higher than those of VAC-packed ham at the end of the display period, irrespective of the dietary group. Overall, colour appeared to be more stable in the FOG-packed products than in the VAC-packed products. It can be concluded that dietary supplementation of bulls with vitamin E appears to offer only a minor improvement in colour stability over current feeding regimens when the Mm. semitendinosus are used to make cured, pasteurized ham-type products.  相似文献   

Lipophilic and hydrophilic extracts of the red pigments from Parma ham and nitrosylated pigment of dry-cured ham produced with nitrite salt were prepared with acetone/water (75/25 v/v %) solution and aqueous phosphate buffer, respectively. The spectral characteristics differed for both the lipophilic and the hydrophilic Parma ham pigment compared with the dry-cured ham produced with nitrite salt. The red lipophilic pigment(s) extractable from Parma ham was(were) found to be very stable towards thermal degradation in acetone/water (75/25 v/v %) solution for temperatures up to 70 °C in contrast to the lipophilic pigment(s) extractable from dry-cured ham produced with nitrite salt, which was(were) found to have an energy of activation of 99 kJ/mol for thermal degradation. In contrast, quantum yields for photodegradation of the lipophilic ham pigments exposed to 366 nm (420 nm) monochromatic light were larger for Parma ham than for nitrite-cured ham [1.6×10–5 (6.9×10–6) versus 1.6×10–6 (2×10–6) mol einstein–1] as determined for acetone/water (75/25 v/v %) solution. In agreement with these findings for the extracted lipophilic pigments, sliced Parma ham showed better colour stability than sliced dry-cured ham produced with nitrite salt, when stored in the dark at low oxygen concentration, in contrast to a faster initial discolouration for Parma ham when exposed to light, as shown for chilled storage for 35 days under retail conditions for the two products each packed at two oxygen levels (0.4 and 21%).  相似文献   

研究了大豆油、菜籽油、棕榈油等几种食用油在使用过程中不同存贮条件下的氧化稳定性。将食用油启封,放置在不同的环境里,检测其过氧化值和酸值的变化。结果表明:避光存贮31 d,食用油的过氧化值均低于8 mmol/kg,酸值(KOH)达到0.26~0.35 mg/g;而在室内日光直接照射的条件下存贮31 d,各食用油的过氧化值均高于10 mmol/kg,酸值(KOH)达到0.35~0.45 mg/g。实验表明,启封后的食用油,存贮于避光处可以连续使用30 d以上,而置于室内日光直接照射条件下,其连续使用期只有3周。对比实验中,棕榈油氧化稳定性优于其他油脂。  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide flushing and packaging under slight overpressure has been found to eliminate discoloration of vacuum-packed ham, normally encountered as a result of photooxidation of nitric oxide pigments during the first 24 h of display in illuminated cabinets. On exposure to light, even when the product is packed in high-vacuum, residual oxygen invariably present in the product gives rise to significant photochemical pigment degradation and general poor oxidative stability, and has warranted up to 4 days of dark storage prior to display. Replacement of the atmosphere with carbon dioxide, even when repeated, followed by the establishment of vacuum, does not yield a similar protection.  相似文献   

不同贮存条件对海藻油氧化稳定性影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以过氧化值为指标,考察空气、温度、光照等环境条件对海藻油稳定性影响,然后采用Schall烘箱加速氧化法,以POV和DHA含量为指标,通过L9(34)正交试验,从抗氧化剂TBHQ、VE、Vc棕榈酸酯优选海藻油复合抗氧化剂;及研究充N2保护、充N2保护结合添加抗氧化剂对海藻油稳定性影响。结果表明:空气,高温及光照均可显著加速海藻油氧化,降低海藻油稳定性;抗氧化剂TBHQ、VE、Vc棕榈酸酯能明显延缓海藻油氧化,影响顺序为Vc棕榈酸酯TBHQVE,最佳抗氧化剂组合为0.01%Vc棕榈酸酯+0.02%TBHQ+0.50%VE;充N2保护也能提高海藻油氧化稳定性,但效果比最佳复合抗氧化剂为差;充N2保护结合添加抗氧化剂能有效提高海藻油氧化稳定性。  相似文献   

 Formation of secondary lipid oxidation products during chill storage of vacuum-packed (99% vacuum), pressure-treated turkey thigh muscle was found to depend on working pressure (pressure range up to 500 MPa at 10°C) and to a lesser degree on pressurization time (10 and 30 min). Pressure treatment at 400 MPa and lower pressures for 30 min (and for 10 min) resulted in less formation of thiobarbituric-acid-reactive substances (TBARS) during 6 days of storage at 5°C compared to heat treatment at 100°C for 10 min, while pressure treatment at 500 MPa for 30 min gave similar development of TBARS as did the heat treatment. The formation of TBARS during storage at 5°C was found to depend exponentially on the pressure used for treatment at both 10 min and 30 min, and apparent volumes of activation are proposed as a parameter for quantification of the effects of pressure on lipid oxidation in meat during subsequent storage. Received: 18 November 1996  相似文献   

The influence of pre-slaughter stress and a diet known to affect post mortem muscle metabolism or a standard diet (control pigs) on colour and colour stability of m. longissimus dorsi, m. biceps femoris and m. semimembranosus from 112 female pigs, free of the Halothane gene, was investigated. Pre-slaughter stress increased the early post mortem temperature in the three muscles, as well as the pH decline in control pigs, but not in pigs fed the experimental diet. Colour was measured on sliced samples after 0, 2 and 5 days retail display (1, 3 and 6 days post mortem, respectively) from the three muscles aged 1 day before cutting as well as on sliced m. longissimus dorsi samples aged 8 days before cutting (8, 10 and 13 days post mortem, respectively). Early post mortem pH was not a main determinant of the colour and colour stability, while the degree of pre-slaughter stress and especially its influence on temperature early post mortem was crucial in relation to colour development and colour stability. The discoloration rate was enhanced in m. longissimus dorsi aged for 8 days prior to retail display compared with samples aged for 1 day. However, the extent of the discoloration after 5 days of retail display was not inferior in muscle samples aged for 8 days due to a higher degree of blooming. Finally, present data indicate that 3-4 days ageing of pork prior to retail display results in the optimal colour stability.  相似文献   

 Female rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with an initial weight of 0.8–0.9 kg were raised in two experiments including a total of 2550 fish divided into 17 groups. The fish were raised for 6 months on 13 different feeds (four fish groups were replicates) varying in dietary levels of fat (27% or 32%), astaxanthin (40, 70 or 100 mg astaxanthin/kg feed) and vitamin E (α-tocopherol; 100, 300 or 600 mg all-rac-α-tocopheryl acetate/kg feed). The levels of fat, astaxanthin and α-tocopherol in the fillets all increased with increasing dietary levels of each feed component. Furthermore, astaxanthin deposition was found to be significantly improved by increasing the dietary fat level from 27% to 32%, but was not affected by dietary levels of α-tocopherol. The highest deposition of α-tocopherol was found in fish fed the lowest level of astaxanthin (40 mg/kg), whereas α-tocopherol deposition was unaffected by the dietary fat level. Frozen storage (–28  °C) of gutted, cleaned and glazed raw fish for 18 months significantly reduced astaxanthin and α-tocopherol levels, while lipid oxidation, measured as thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) was limited. In the first experiment, the highest TBARS levels were found during frozen storage in fish fed the lowest level of astaxanthin (40 mg/kg versus 70 mg/kg or 100 mg/kg); unaffected by dietary levels of α-tocopherol (100 mg/kg versus 600 mg/kg), whereas the dietary astaxanthin level (70 mg/kg versus 100 mg/kg) did not influence lipid oxidation in frozen fish in the second experiment. After brine injection, fillets of fish were smoked and a vacuum-packed (95%), sliced product in a transparent laminate was produced. The quality (pigmentation and lipid oxidation) during 3 weeks of illuminated, chill storage (3  °C) was compared for smoked products produced from fresh fish and from fish stored at –28  °C for 12 months and 18 months. Smoked fillets from fish fed 32% fat were found to be less red than those from fish fed 27% fat, and the astaxanthin content and surface redness of the smoked product decreased during chill storage. Lipid oxidation was pronounced in smoked trout, but a high level of α-tocopherol in the fillet significantly reduced lipid oxidation during chill storage of the smoked product. Lipid oxidation in smoked fillets from fish fed 32% fat was more pronounced than in fish fed 27% fat, but increasing the dietary α-tocopherol level from 300 mg/kg feed to 600 mg/kg feed effectively counteracted the negative effect of the high-fat diet on lipid oxidation in the smoked product. Astaxanthin did not affect lipid oxidation in the chill-stored smoked product, in contrast to the frozen, raw fish. Astaxanthin seems to protect against the very early stages of lipid oxidation, while α-tocopherol is more important as an antioxidant at more advanced stages of lipid oxidation. Received: 8 January 1998 / Revised version: 23 March 1998  相似文献   

Interactive packaging using oxygen absorbers with concomitant development of carbon dioxide and packaging material with low oxygen transmission rate (OTR: 2cm3m2 24 h atm-3) has been found to completely eliminate discoloration of pasteurized, sliced ham normally encountered as a result of photo-oxidation of nitric oxide pigments during the first 24 h of display in illuminated chill cabinets. Further this packaging procedure has been found to be superior to conventional vacuum-packaging (90% initial vacuum) with regard to overall sensory evaluation, and equal to vacuum-packaging with 99% initial vacuum and interactive packaging using oxygen absorber, respectively, with regard to both overall sensory evaluation, and microbial load at the end of a storage period of 26 d.  相似文献   

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