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Flavonoids from fruit and vegetables are currently widely studied as components that have the potential to provide multiple health benefits. In this study consumer perceptions of flavonoids were examined. The data (N = 130) were collected in focus group discussions in Finland, The Netherlands and France. In general, the term ‘flavonoid’ was unfamiliar. After receiving information about the possible health benefits, positive attitudes towards flavonoids were expressed. Relevant issues for the acceptance of flavonoids were the natural occurrence and the health benefits associated with common diseases. However, the need to enhance flavonoid content was questioned since fruit and vegetables were perceived to be already healthy with the natural flavonoid content; additionally, consumers had perceptions of risk and uncertainty associated with breeding and processing methods. Familiar processing methods were said to be most acceptable for enhancing flavonoid content. Consumer knowledge on the health effects of flavonoids is limited, and thus there is a need to inform consumers about them. The challenge in informing consumers about the benefits of flavonoids is to maintain the natural image of fruit-based products.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the physiochemical changes of beef steaks packed under various combinations of gasses and the relationship between consumer perception of flavour and acceptability of modified atmosphere packed beef steaks during retail display. Experimental gas atmospheres included: 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, and 80% oxygen, with all packs containing 20% CO2 and the make up gas N2. Steaks were stored at 4 °C for 12 days and tested for lipid and protein oxidation, heme iron, colour, oxymyoglobin concentration, Warner–Bratzler shear force (WBSF) and consumer acceptability for the resulting cooked meat. The results from 134 consumers indicated a directional preference for the steaks stored in packs containing 40% and 80% oxygen. Samples with high oxygen levels, particularly the O260 and O270 treatments, were positively and significantly (P < 0.01) correlated to sensory toughness, and significantly (P < 0.05) negatively correlated to juiciness, as determined by consumers. However, the O240 samples were most negatively (P < 0.001) correlated to toughness and positively (P < 0.01) correlated to juiciness, which shows that, in general, these higher O2 levels, >40%, imparted greater meat toughness as determined by the consumers. The greater directional acceptance of the O240 samples may be linked to the consumer perceived reduction in sensory toughness and increases in juiciness.  相似文献   

High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) is a non-thermal process that can effectively reduce pathogenic Escherichia coli in ground beef. This commercially-available process uses water under extreme pressure to denature proteins by breaking covalent bonds, eventually resulting in microbial death. While HHP has been successfully applied to plant based foods with limited flavor changes, little is known about the influence of HHP on the sensory properties and resultant consumer acceptability of HHP-treated beef. Accordingly, we performed blind sensory tests with 70 regular consumers of ground beef, using commercially-processed ground beef patties. Although HHP-treated patties were still acceptable (i.e. rated above neutral on a 9 point hedonic scale), they received significantly lower ratings for overall liking, texture, flavor and juiciness when compared to control patties. Also, Just-About-Right (JAR) scales indicate the HHP patties were more dry and less flavorful than the control patties. Collectively, these data suggest consumers may find HHP-treated ground beef to be less acceptable than untreated ground beef on the basis of their sensory properties. Since these data were collected blind, additional work is warranted to determine the degree to which consumers are willing to balance a loss of sensory quality against their nascent food safety concerns.  相似文献   

The sensory attributes of dark, firm and dry (DFD) and normal pH beef, both raw and fried, were evaluated and compared by a consumer panel (n=64). Consumer sensory evaluations indicated that the general appearance (P<0.05), colour (P<0.001) and acceptability (P<0.01) of raw normal pH steaks were preferred to those of raw DFD steaks. Twice as many panellists preferred the raw normal pH than raw DFD steaks because of the more attractive red colour, compared to the almost black colour of raw DFD steaks. No significant differences were found between the hedonic ratings of the sensory attributes of fried normal pH and fried DFD steaks. It was expected but not confirmed that consumers would find the tenderness of the DFD steaks more acceptable compared to the normal pH steaks. However, when forced to choose, female consumers significantly preferred fried normal pH steaks to fried DFD steaks, presumably because of a better flavour and more acceptable colour.  相似文献   

The development of genetically modified (GM) foods with benefits for consumers may be more acceptable than GM foods with benefits that accrue to industry or producers. The Santana apple is a novel hypoallergenic product suitable for many apple allergic consumers with mild symptomology. The Santana also needs fewer pesticides to be applied in production. A survey was conducted among consumers who bought the Santana in a large-scale “sales pilot”. The Santana was perceived to be beneficial by many apple allergic consumers. Non-allergic consumers were less positive about genetically modified hypoallergenic apples. Overall, traditional breeding was the preferred production strategy, although acceptance of genetic modification as a process did increase with increasing perceived personal benefit associated with products, in particular those which were “medically-related”, or perceived to reduce allergic reactions. Consumer preferences for reduced pesticide usage were also found, although this was more contingent on type of production processes applied.  相似文献   

Food consumption patterns in general and those of meat in particular are constantly changing. These changes are due to wide-ranging, socio-economic and cultural trends but also to the specific lifestyles of increasingly diversified groups of consumers. One of the main trends in meat consumption relates to convenience orientation and meat avoidance. We have used a modified food-related lifestyle (FRL) framework to analyse the current state of lamb meat consumption in a region of Spain, where this has steadily decreased over the past few years. We have focused on two aspects of the FRL framework: cooking habits and consumption situations, in order to establish customer convenience orientation. Other aspects of the FRL, referring to consumers’ perception of quality and shopping methods, together with various socio-economic features, are used to characterise the convenience profiles of consumers and analyse their differences. Data were collected by means of a probabilistic stratified postal survey and analysed with multivariate techniques (Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Cluster Analysis). The objective was to identify, characterise and compare profiles of lamb meat consumers according to their convenience orientation. These consumer profiles could be termed traditional, uninvolved, adventurous and careless. Satisfaction derived from cooking and time spent on cooking, tendency towards eating out, preference of foreign vs. traditional recipes and for the diversification of meals, were the most important factors to distinguish between consumer profiles. Other factors relating to eating out on working days, the importance placed on planning meals, celebration meals, or a preference for informal dinners, did not discriminate between consumer profiles. In relation to the perception of intrinsic quality attributes, no differences were observed for the importance placed on fat content and type of animal, although a fresh appearance and light colour of the meat were more highly valued by traditional consumers. With regard to extrinsic quality attributes, easy cooking was very important for uninvolved consumers. In general, the presence of a quality label, the local origin of the meat and a feeding system based on pasture or green forages rather than on grains were highly valued by most consumer profiles. In socio-economical terms, convenience orientation was more related to age, place of residence and level of studies than to income and gender. The identification of different convenience orientations towards lamb meat and the associated perceptions of different quality attributes and socio-demographic features may provide an opportunity for the industry to develop consumer-led products, especially in highly undifferentiated meat products such as lamb.  相似文献   

Lowering salt content in meat products is possible from a technological and sensorial point of view, although little information is available about the consumers' attitude and acceptance of these products. Attitude towards low salt meat products, following the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) proposed by Ajzen, was evaluated by 392 consumers. Acceptability of small calibre fermented sausages with 50% molar substitution of NaCl by six different mixtures of KCl (0-50%) and K-lactate (0-50%) and the control (22g NaCl/kg) was determined by 98 consumers. The preference of the previous best two treatments was compared to the batch control by 279 consumers. In general consumers had a positive attitude towards low salt meat products, being higher for women than for men. Women showed stronger ideas and higher Perceived Control on the Behaviour towards reduced sodium meat products than men. Smokers showed lower intense beliefs than non-smokers. Consumers with a basic level of education were more affected by what other people important for them thought they should do. The final model obtained using the Theory of Planned Behaviour showed a good predictive capacity (R(2)=0.60) and a good internal consistency. Regarding the acceptability study, batches with substitution levels of 50% and 40% by K-lactate, showed lower overall acceptance than the control batch. Significant differences in acceptability were found regarding the gender and place of residence of the consumers. The preference study showed no differences between the batch control and batches with 50% KCl and 40% KCl + 10% of K-lactate substitution levels. According to these results and from a sensorial point of view, it is possible to reduce NaCl content in small calibre fermented sausages by 50% and obtain a product acceptable for consumers.  相似文献   

The study focuses on developing novel probiotic yogurts containing spices with acceptable sensory properties, therapeutic levels of probiotics and with beneficial antioxidant capacity. Eight types of yogurts with added spice oleoresins (cardamom, cinnamon and nutmeg) and probiotics [Lactobacillus acidophilus strain 5(LA5), or Bifidobacterium animalisssp.Lactis (Bb12)] were produced. Two successive consumer sensory taste panels (n = 54) using a nine point hedonic scale were conducted to evaluate the acceptability of the yogurts. Viable counts of probiotics and antioxidant capacity of yogurt samples at 1, 7, 14 and 28 days of storage at 4 °C were monitored. The probiotic-yogurt products containing spices showed good sensory properties, with the best results obtained with cardamom oleoresin (with LA5 or Bb12). The presence of spice oleoresins (cardamom, nutmeg and cinnamon) did not affect the probiotic population (LA5or Bb12) in yogurt during 4 weeks of refrigerated storage. The antioxidant capacity (with LA5or Bb12) over the storage period was also maintained.  相似文献   

This study reports on current meat consumption in the UK and the factors that are percieved by the subjects to be influential in their choice of diet. A random sample of individuals from the population (n-1018) were questioned on their consumption and attitudes towards meat by a postal survey. The study revealed that 28·3% of the population considered themselves to be reducing meat consumption; attitudes found to be determinant in changes in the consumption of meat were healthiness, taste and concerns over additives. Hypothetical future events were found to affect people's estimated meat-eating. Knowledge of meat-related information was investigated with specific reference to the respondents' trust in the various sources used; food package labels were found to be an influential source of meat-related information.  相似文献   

Properties of snack foods from comminuted, seasoned beef, dried under laboratory conditions at a temperature of 55 ± 2 °C were analyzed in this study. Samples were collected after 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 h of drying. The jerky products were evaluated by selected physicochemical and sensory methods. A significant influence of thermal treatment on the sample colour (L, a, b-values) was observed. Results of sensory examination of selected attributes of the analyzed product performed by a trained panel confirmed that dried snack products obtained from beef under non-commercial conditions had the most desirable texture attributes, i.e. high chewiness at such a dryness that the moisture-to-protein ratio (MPR) was 0.5. At this value tensile work was the largest (757.77 N × mm). Such a product is an attractive offer for those consumers who are willing to accept original, convenience products meeting at the same time their growing requirements concerning high organoleptic and nutritive value.  相似文献   

The consumption of store brands is increasing in the European Union. In Spain it represents 12.4% of the total food shopping. In order to understand this phenomenon better a consumer study was undertaken using 610 consumers from all over Catalonia. The consumers filled in a questionnaire made up of 32 questions based on a simplified model of the Theory of Reasoned Action of Fishbein and Ajzen. The components included in the model were Past Behaviour (2 questions), Attitudes (5 questions), Beliefs (9 questions) and their Evaluations, simplified Neophobia/Neophilia scale (4 questions) and the importance of the special offers. The salient beliefs were obtained from two previous focus groups: one group of professionals and one group of consumers. The results obtained showed a good internal consistency (Cronbach alpha coefficient) in all the multi-item components of the model except for the beliefs. A non-unitary structure of beliefs was detected, although it does not represent a serious problem since consumers do not necessarily have to show consistent beliefs. Most consumers believe that store brands are reliable, different from the brands of the manufacturer and are good value for money. Their quality perception depends on the store, and in general, when the price is the same, the brand of the manufacturer is chosen in accordance with its higher quality image. In several components of the model a clear consumer segmentation was observed depending on the sex of the consumer. In general, women showed a more positive attitude towards store brands than men. Beliefs were bad predictors of attitude, probably due to their non-unitary structure. The most important component in the model predicting behavioural intention was attitude, special offers also being a significant factor. Based on the results obtained, it seems that consumers have clear beliefs about store brands, but probably at the supermarket they will behave in ways that do not necessarily correspond with their beliefs.  相似文献   

For understanding consumer behaviors more closely to what would be observed in real-life, “situational” tests has been widely studied using two main approaches: ‘physical environment’ or ‘cognitive evocation’. Both approaches have shown advantages in adopting consumption context in consumer tests. However, it has not been investigated whether either one of the approaches may be more effective or whether using these approaches together would be more advantageous than using each solely in terms of bring in consumption context. The aims were to understand the effects of evocation in different environmental settings on consumers liking and to explore the differences of these effects based on consumer involvement levels. Consumers participated in one of the 4 contextual conditions of 2 × 2 factorial design, consisting of ‘evocation’ factor (with vs. without evocation instruction) and ‘environment’ factor (booth vs. simulated café), respectively. Consumers evaluated liking for two coffee samples and responded to a coffee involvement questionnaire. The results showed that both factors have influenced on consumer liking. These effects were different according to coffee types differing in hedonic levels. Vividness of evocation lasted longer in the simulated café setting, implying physical cues reinforcing cognitive evocation. When consumers were classified according to involvement scores, liking score of the high involvement group was little affected by either situational factors, while low involvement group was highly affected by the ‘environment’ factor. The findings of the study provide important perspectives to be considered for researches into “situational” tests, including which situational approach to apply as well as consumer involvement.  相似文献   

Analysis of responses by 151 people to five questions about meat and, in particular, lamb, showed that consumption of lamb on a weekly basis varied widely between consumers. There was some evidence that people who produce their own meat have a higher consumption of lamb than those who do not. A clear preference for either traditional or alternative lamb cuts according to the sex of the respondent was not found. Overall 60% of respondents preferred bone-in as opposed to bone-out leg, 72% preferred midloin to valentine chops and 73% preferred bone-out as opposed to bone-in forequarters.  相似文献   

The effect of freezing and thawing, and of storage at 0°C on the acceptability of two white fish species (cod and whiting) was investigated. It was concluded that samples which had been frozen and thawed were no less acceptable than fresh samples and that storage of fresh fish at 0°C produced a linear decline in overall acceptability of both species. A method of presenting the data to allow decisions to be taken on the shelf life of chilled products is discussed.  相似文献   

The use of enzymes in food production has potential benefits for both food manufacturers and consumers. A central question is how consumers react to new ways of producing foods with enzymes. This study investigates the formation of consumer attitudes to different enzyme production methods in three European countries. Results show that consumers are most positive towards non-GM enzyme production methods. The enzyme production method is by far the most important factor for the formation of buying intentions compared to price and benefits. Results also show that environmental concern and attitudes to technological progress are the socio-political attitudes that have the highest predictive value regarding attitudes to enzyme production methods.  相似文献   

Boar taint can be found in meat from boars and affects consumer acceptability of pork. The aim of this review is: (1) to describe different aspects of the existing methodologies used in consumer studies when evaluating boar taint from a sensory point of view, (2) to draw conclusions on different studies regarding the acceptability of meat from entire males, and (3) to discuss a possible harmonization of the different aspects to be considered when performing consumer studies on boar taint. This paper focuses on different aspects of studies previously carried out such as the country of assessment, the location of the test, the cooking procedure, the type of meat samples evaluated, the attributes and scales used, consumer profile, the results obtained, and the effect of androstenone sensitivity of the consumers on boar meat acceptability. A discussion on the possibility of a harmonization of the different aspects is also performed and final remarks and considerations have been drawn.  相似文献   

《Meat science》2013,93(4):319-329
Boar taint can be found in meat from boars and affects consumer acceptability of pork. The aim of this review is: (1) to describe different aspects of the existing methodologies used in consumer studies when evaluating boar taint from a sensory point of view, (2) to draw conclusions on different studies regarding the acceptability of meat from entire males, and (3) to discuss a possible harmonization of the different aspects to be considered when performing consumer studies on boar taint. This paper focuses on different aspects of studies previously carried out such as the country of assessment, the location of the test, the cooking procedure, the type of meat samples evaluated, the attributes and scales used, consumer profile, the results obtained, and the effect of androstenone sensitivity of the consumers on boar meat acceptability. A discussion on the possibility of a harmonization of the different aspects is also performed and final remarks and considerations have been drawn.  相似文献   

Consumer sensory analysis was conducted to determine differences in beef palatability between two quality grade categories [Upper 2/3 (Top) Choice and Select] and four muscles [longissimus lumborum (LL), gluteus medius (GM), serratus ventralis (SV), and semimembranosus (SM)]. Generally, tenderness, flavor, and overall liking scores were more desirable for Top Choice compared to Select, regardless of muscle. Consumers rated LL as more tender (P < 0.05) than SV and SM, but similar to GM (P = 0.52). Overall and flavor acceptability were similar (P > 0.05) between LL, GM, and SV, regardless of quality grade. Consumer overall liking was most highly correlated with flavor liking (r = 0.85). When tenderness was acceptable, flavor and juiciness played a major role in determining overall acceptability. Overall liking of GM and SV from Top Choice carcasses was superior to LL from Select carcasses and comparable to LL from Top Choice carcasses.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The most important sensory attribute affecting consumer acceptability is tenderness, which is a complex trait. Aging is the practice of holding meat at low temperatures to improve tenderness. In order to assess consumer quality attributes, cattle were selected to represent a range of quality grades from Utility to Prime. Steaks from these cattle were aged in vacuum bags for 0, 7, or 14 d, cut, and cooked on open hearth grills to 70 °C. Sensory evaluation was completed by consumers ( n = 522). Warner–Bratzler (WB) shear and various physical characteristics were also determined. Shear values decreased with aging time and tenderness increased. Consumers perceived the majority of change in tenderness occurred during the first 7 d of aging while change in WB shear was similar during the first 7 d and the second 7 d of aging. Aging had no effect ( P > 0.05) on juiciness, flavor, pH, lipid content, or water content of steaks.  相似文献   

Despite nutritional claims and other advantages that parboiled rice possesses, its consumption is still low in Brazil mainly because of the local preference for milled rice. In the first part of this study, the acceptability of five commercial brands of parboiled and milled rice was assessed by 100 consumers and similar acceptance levels were observed, evidencing that consumers might not reject parboiled rice for its sensory properties. In the second part, 286 consumers were surveyed about their eating habits and attitude towards rice, focusing especially the nutritional value, sensory and convenience aspects of parboiled rice. In the survey 35% of the respondents were unaware of parboiled rice. Cluster analysis performed on data grouped consumers in one segment with positive attitude and in two other segments with negative attitude towards parboiled rice. Segmentation was mainly because of negative beliefs about the sensory characteristics of the product, although its nutritional claims were unknown to most respondents, revealing the need of marketing efforts focused on informing consumers the health benefits and convenience of eating parboiled rice.  相似文献   

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