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Walter Short  Victor Diakov 《风能》2013,16(4):491-500
The variability of wind and solar is perceived as a major obstacle in employing otherwise abundant renewable energy resources. On the basis of the available geographically dispersed data for the Western USA, we analyze to what extent the geographic diversity of these resources can offset their variability. We determine the best match to loads in the western portion of the USA that can be achieved with wind power and photovoltaics (PV) with no transmission limitations. Without storage and with no curtailment, wind and PV can meet up to 50% of loads in Western USA. It is beneficial to build more wind than PV mostly because the wind contributes at night. When storage is available, the optimal mix has almost 75% as much nominal PV capacity as wind, with the PV energy contribution being 32% of the electricity produced from wind. With only 10 GW of storage (twice the pumped hydro storage capacity that already exists in the Western Electric Coordinating Council), up to 82% of the load can be matched with wind and PV, while in the same time curtailing just 10% of the renewable energy throughout the year. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present two advances in representing variable renewables (VRE) in global energy-economy-climate models: accounting for region-specific integration challenges for eight world regions and considering short-term storage. Both advances refine the approach of implementing residual load duration curves (RLDCs) to capture integration challenges. In this paper we derive RLDCs for eight world regions (based on region-specific time series for load, wind and solar) and implement them into the REMIND model. Therein we parameterize the impact of short-term storage using the highly-resolved model DIMES. All RLDCs and the underlying region-specific VRE time series are made available to the research community. We find that the more accurate accounting of integration challenges in REMIND does not reduce the prominent role of wind and solar in scenarios that cost-efficiently achieve the 2 °C target. Until 2030, VRE shares increase to about 15–40% in most regions with limited deployment of short-term storage capacities (below 2% of peak load). The REMIND model's default assumption of large-scale transmission grid expansion allows smoothening variability such that VRE capacity credits are moderate and curtailment is low. In the long run, VRE become the backbone of electricity supply and provide more than 70% of global electricity demand from 2070 on. Integration options ease this transformation: storage on diurnal and seasonal scales (via flow batteries and hydrogen electrolysis) and a shift in the non-VRE capacity mix from baseload towards more peaking power plants. The refined RLDC approach allows for a more accurate consideration of system-level impacts of VRE, and hence more robust insights on the nature of power sector decarbonization and related economic impacts.  相似文献   

Afghanistan has a need for increased access to energy to enable development. In this paper we analyze the potential for large-scale grid-connected solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind power plants in two of Afghanistan's most populous provinces (Balkh and Herat) to meet a large fraction of growing electricity demand. The results presented here represent the first quantitative analysis of potential capacity factors and energy yields of power plants in the country using measured wind speed and typical solar radiation data. Variability of resources is also investigated by comparing temporal profiles with those of electricity demand, using residual load duration curves to determine penetration and curtailment levels for various demand scenarios. We show that solar PV and wind power plants in two provinces could achieve penetration levels of 65%–70% without significant curtailment, which in turn would mean less reliance on unpredictable and unstable power purchase agreements with neighboring countries, longer life of limited domestic fossil fuel resources, and lower imports of diesel fuel, thus avoiding rising costs and detrimental environmental impacts. Our results point to an alternative development pathway from that of previous recommendations for conventional thermal power plants, controversial hydroelectric projects, and a significant dependence on imported power.  相似文献   

The curtailment and storage associated with the fluctuation of electricity supplied by variable renewable energy (VRE) may limit its penetration into electricity systems. Therefore, these factors need to be explicitly treated in the integrated assessment models (IAMs). This study improves the representation of curtailment and storage of VRE in a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. With the data generated from an hourly power sector model, curtailment and storage of VRE electricity are treated as a function of the shares of solar and wind in the electricity mix. This relationship is incorporated into a CGE model and we also updated the VRE costs and resource potential. The results show that with such improvement, by 2100, in a 450 ppm atmospheric CO2 equivalent concentration (henceforth ppm) scenario, some electricity generated from VRE is either curtailed (2.1%) or needs to be stored (2.9%). In contrast, if VRE fluctuation is not considered, the long-term global economic cost of carbon mitigation is significantly underestimated (by 52%) in the same scenario. Conversely, updating the VRE costs and resource potential leads to a decrease in mitigation costs. Our simulation implies that the fluctuation of VRE cannot be ignored and needs to be incorporated into CGE models. Moreover, in addition to storage with batteries, many other options are available to reduce curtailment of VRE. The top-down type CGE model has limitations to fully incorporate all aspects due to its limited spatial, temporal, and technological resolution.  相似文献   

A majority of the Indian population does not have access to convenient energy services (LPG, electricity). Though India has made significant progress in renewable energy, the share of modern renewables in the energy mix is marginal. This paper reviews the status and potential of different renewables (except biomass) in India. This paper documents the trends in the growth of renewables in India and establishes diffusion model as a basis for setting targets. The diffusion model is fitted tot the past trends for wind, small hydro and solar water heating and is used to establish future targets. The economic viability and green house gas (GHG) saving potential is estimated for each option. Several renewables have high growth rates, for example wind, Photovoltaic (PV) module manufacture and solar water heaters. New technologies like Tidal, OTEC, Solar thermal power plants and geothermal power plants are at the demonstration stage and future dissemination will depend on the experience of these projects.  相似文献   

The combined utilization of renewables such as solar and wind energy is becoming increasingly attractive and is being widely used for substitution of oil-produced energy, and eventually to reduce air pollution. In the present investigation, hourly wind-speed and solar radiation measurements made at the solar radiation and meteorological monitoring station, Dhahran (26°32′N, 50°13′E), Saudi Arabia, have been analyzed to study the impact of key parameters such as photovoltaic (PV) array area, number of wind machines, and battery storage capacity on the operation of hybrid (wind + solar + diesel) energy conversion systems, while satisfying a specific annual load of 41,500 kWh. The monthly average wind speeds for Dhahran range from 4.1 to 6.4 m/s. The monthly average daily values of solar radiation for Dhahran range from 3.6 to 7.96 kWh/m2. Parametric analysis indicates that with two 10 kW wind machines together with three days of battery storage and photovoltaic deployment of 30 m2, the diesel back-up system has to provide about 23% of the load demand. However, with elimination of battery storage, about 48% of the load needs to be provided by diesel system.  相似文献   

Present electricity grids are predominantly thermal (coal, gas) and hydro based. Conventional power planning involves hydro-thermal scheduling and merit order dispatch. In the future, modern renewables (hydro, solar and biomass) are likely to have a significant share in the power sector. This paper presents a method to analyse the impacts of renewables in the electricity grid. A load duration curve based approach has been developed. Renewable energy sources have been treated as negative loads to obtain a modified load duration curve from which capacity savings in terms of base and peak load generation can be computed. The methodology is illustrated for solar, wind and biomass power for Tamil Nadu (a state in India). The trade-offs and interaction between renewable sources are analysed. The impacts on capacity savings by varying the wind regime have also been shown. Scenarios for 2021–22 have been constructed to illustrate the methodology proposed. This technique can be useful for power planners for an analysis of renewables in future electricity grids.  相似文献   

Electric heating is perceived as an effective way to tackle heavy wind curtailment and severe smog in northern China, wherein distributed electric heating (DEH) accounts for a significant proportion. However, more research is required with regard to its thermal characteristic. This paper presents the multiperiod heating storage control for a DEH load to reduce wind curtailment. To cope with intermittent wind power, a novel multi-objective and layered optimization method is proposed by decomposing the integrated electricity and heating optimization problem into the electricity optimization subproblem and the heating optimization subproblem. Additionally, the influence of solar radiation on the thermal characteristic of the DEH load is considered in the building thermal process model when creating the day-ahead schedule of the DEH load control, and this is also regarded as the basis for grouping DEH users. Last, the simulation and economic feasibility analysis based on the data measured by the DEH system of Jilin Province, China, are carried out. The results show that this proposal can reduce the electricity cost for DEH users by 25%, and the critical feasible price for curtailed wind power is varying between 86.1 and 115.3 yuan/MWh according to different subsidy methods.  相似文献   

Using a panel data over 50 US states and years 1991–2007, this paper uses a state fixed-effects model with state-specific time-trends to estimate the effects of state policies on the penetration of various emerging renewable electricity sources, including wind, biomass, geothermal, and solar photovoltaic. Renewable portfolio standards with either capacity or sales requirements have a significant impact on the penetration of all types of renewables—however, this impact is variable depending on the type of renewable source: it is negative for combined renewables, wind, and biomass; and positive for geothermal and solar. Further, clean energy funds and required green power options mostly result in increasing the penetration of all types of renewables. On the other hand, voluntary renewable portfolio standards as well as state green power purchasing programs are found to be ineffective in increasing the penetration of any type of renewable source. Finally, economic variables, such as electricity price, natural gas price, and per capita GDP as well as structural variables, such as league of conservation voters rating and the share of coal-generated electricity are found to be generally insignificant, suggesting the crucial role of policy in increasing the penetration of renewables.  相似文献   

So far, solar energy has been viewed as only a minor contributor in the energy mixture of the US due to cost and intermittency constraints. However, recent drastic cost reductions in the production of photovoltaics (PV) pave the way for enabling this technology to become cost competitive with fossil fuel energy generation. We show that with the right incentives, cost competitiveness with grid prices in the US (e.g., 6–10 US¢/kWh) can be attained by 2020. The intermittency problem is solved by integrating PV with compressed air energy storage (CAES) and by extending the thermal storage capability in concentrated solar power (CSP). We used hourly load data for the entire US and 45-year solar irradiation data from the southwest region of the US, to simulate the CAES storage requirements, under worst weather conditions. Based on expected improvements of established, commercially available PV, CSP, and CAES technologies, we show that solar energy has the technical, geographical, and economic potential to supply 69% of the total electricity needs and 35% of the total (electricity and fuel) energy needs of the US by 2050. When we extend our scenario to 2100, solar energy supplies over 90%, and together with other renewables, 100% of the total US energy demand with a corresponding 92% reduction in energy-related carbon dioxide emissions compared to the 2005 levels.  相似文献   

In many climate change mitigation scenarios, integrated assessment models of the energy and climate systems rely heavily on renewable energy technologies with variable and uncertain generation, such as wind and solar PV, to achieve substantial decarbonization of the electricity sector. However, these models often include very little temporal resolution and thus have difficulty in representing the integration costs that arise from mismatches between electricity supply and demand. The global integrated assessment model, MESSAGE, has been updated to explicitly model the trade-offs between variable renewable energy (VRE) deployment and its impacts on the electricity system, including the implications for electricity curtailment, backup capacity, and system flexibility. These impacts have been parameterized using a reduced-form approach, which allows VRE integration impacts to be quantified on a regional basis. In addition, thermoelectric technologies were updated to include two modes of operation, baseload and flexible, to better account for the cost, efficiency, and availability penalties associated with flexible operation. In this paper, the modeling approach used in MESSAGE is explained and the implications for VRE deployment in mitigation scenarios are assessed. Three important stylized facts associated with integrating high VRE shares are successfully reproduced by our modeling approach: (1) the significant reduction in the utilization of non-VRE power plants; (2) the diminishing role for traditional baseload generators, such as nuclear and coal, and the transition to more flexible technologies; and (3) the importance of electricity storage and hydrogen electrolysis in facilitating the deployment of VRE.  相似文献   

Decarbonization of the power sector is a key step towards greenhouse gas emissions reduction. Due to the intermittent nature of major renewable sources like wind and solar, storage technologies will be critical in the future power grid to accommodate fluctuating generation. The storage systems will need to decouple supply and demand by shifting electrical energy on many different time scales (hourly, daily, and seasonally). Power-to-Gas can contribute on all of these time scales by producing hydrogen via electrolysis during times of excess electrical generation, and generating power with high-efficiency systems like fuel cells when wind and solar are not sufficiently available. Despite lower immediate round-trip efficiency compared to most battery storage systems, the combination of devices used in Power-to-Gas allows independent scaling of power and energy capacities to enable massive and long duration storage. This study develops and applies a model to simulate the power system balance at very high penetration of renewables. Novelty of the study is the assessment of hydrogen as the primary storage means for balancing energy supply and demand on a large scale: the California power system is analyzed to estimate the needs for electrolyzer and fuel cell systems in 100% renewable scenarios driven by large additions of wind and solar capacities. Results show that the transition requires a massive increase in both generation and storage installations, e.g., a combination of 94 GW of solar PV, 40 GW of wind, and 77 GW of electrolysis systems. A mix of generation technologies appears to reduce the total required capacities with respect to wind-dominated or solar-dominated cases. Hydrogen storage capacity needs are also evaluated and possible alternatives are discussed, including a comparison with battery storage systems.  相似文献   

随着光伏发电在电网中渗透率的不断增加,光伏发电功率的不确定性和间歇性引起的光伏并网和弃电问题已引起关注。而采用"光伏+储能"的模式,却能有效缓解这一问题。在考虑储能电池容量衰退和光伏弃电率下,通过对不同光伏子阵配备的不同类型储能电池系统的运行进行仿真模拟,以消除光伏发电随机波动特性对电网的冲击为目的,研究平滑输出场景下分布式储能系统的电池的操作策略,优化储能系统中各储能电池子阵的运行。最后,采用共和地区20 MW (峰值)储能实证基地项目多电池储能系统实际案例对本模拟方法进行了验证。  相似文献   

So far, the biggest photovoltaic park in Belgium has been injecting all its energy into the electric distribution grid through a power purchase agreement with an electricity supplier. Due to decreasing and volatile wholesale electricity prices, the industrial partners/owners of the photovoltaic park are considering hydrogen storage in an attempt to increase the value proposition of their renewable energy installation. A major objective of the present work is to show how the utilization factor of the electrolyzer is affected by the design of the power supply system when the latter consists only of renewable energy sources instead of using the electric grid. Different hybrid designs were developed, by combining the existing photovoltaic source with wind power and state-of-the-art energy storage technologies (Vanadium Redox Flow or Lithium NMC). Finally, four scenarios were investigated, all considering a 1 MW PEM electrolyzer: A) 15 MW PV, B) 15 MW PV, 2MW Wind, C) 15 MW PV, 2 MW Wind, Battery, D) 15 MW PV, 15 MW Wind. The utilization factor was found as follows, for each scenario respectively: A) 41,5%, B) 65,5%, C) 66,0–86,0%, D) 82,0%. Furthermore, the analysis was extended to include economic evaluations (i.e. payback period, accumulated profit), specifically concerning scenario B and C. The results of this study lead to a number of conclusions such as: i) The utilization of the electrolyzer is limited when its power supply is intermittent. ii) Compared to PV, wind power makes larger contribution to the increase of the utilization factor, iii) 100% utilization can be achieved only if an energy storage system co-exists. iv) With a utilization factor at 65,5% scenario B can deliver a payback period in less than 8 years, if hydrogen is sold above 5€/kg. An analytic overview of all conclusions is presented in the last section of the paper.  相似文献   

North African countries generally have strategic demands for energy transformation and sustainable development. Renewable energy development is important to achieve this goal. Considering three typical types of renewable energies— wind, photovoltaic (PV), and concentrating solar power (CSP)—an optimal planning model is established to minimize construction costs and power curtailment losses. The levelized cost of electricity is used as an index for assessing economic feasibility. In this study, wind and PV, wind / PV / CSP, and transnational interconnection modes are designed for Morocco, Egypt, and Tunisia. The installed capacities of renewable energy power generation are planned through the time sequence production simulation method for each country. The results show that renewable energy combined with power generation, including the CSP mode, can improve reliability of the power supply and reduce the power curtailment rate. The transnational interconnection mode can help realize mutual benefits of renewable energy power, while the apportionment of electricity prices and trading mechanisms are very important and are related to economic feasibility; thus, this mode is important for the future development of renewable energy in North Africa.  相似文献   

China's wind curtailment and photovoltaic curtailment was one of the prominent issues in 2014, and the renewable curtailment worsened in 2015. With the rapid growth of renewables, the phenomenon of the insufficiency in renewable accommodation capability is becoming more and more serious in 2016. In that case, the problem of the insufficient accommodation capability is pointed out by analyzing China's development requirements. The renewable power generation scale, the renewable power consumption, and the restrictions on the renewable electricity generation are discussed from the China's market perspective. Meanwhile, the legal environment, the planning requirement, the institutional setting, and the policy tools are introduced from the perspective of governmental regulation. An empirical analysis, a cause analysis and a trend analysis are illustrated before explaining the problem of renewable curtailment and proposing a solution for enhancing the accommodation capability. According to the analysis results, the solution for addressing the wind curtailment and PV curtailment is offered with respect to the technology, the institution, the legislation, and the political aspect. Through the research, the research conclusions are drew finally and the corresponding policy recommendations are put forward.  相似文献   

With the growth of wind and solar energy in electricity supply, the electrification of space and water heating is becoming a promising decarbonization option. In turn, such electrification may help the power system integration of variable renewables, for two reasons: thermal storage could provide low-cost flexibility, and heat demand is seasonally correlated with wind power. However, temporal fluctuations in heat demand may also imply new challenges for the power system. This study assesses the economic characteristics of electric heat pumps and wind energy and studies their interaction on wholesale electricity markets. Using a numerical electricity market model, we estimate the economic value of wind energy and the economic cost of powering heat pumps. We find that, just as expanding wind energy depresses its €/MWhel value, adopting heat pumps increases their €/MWhel cost. This rise can be mitigated by synergistic effects with wind power, “system-friendly” heat pump technology, and thermal storage. Furthermore, heat pumps raise the wind market value, but this effect vanishes if accounting for the additional wind energy needed to serve the heat pump load. Thermal storage facilitates the system integration of wind power but competes with other flexibility options. For an efficient adoption of heat pumps and thermal storage, we argue that retail tariffs for heat pump customers should reflect their underlying economic cost.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to discuss the needs for investment in electricity interconnectors in Europe by 2025. We evaluate the impact of cross-border transmission capacity on dispatch costs, curtailment needs for renewable energy sources (RES), on CO2 emissions, on hydro storage utilisation and on security of supply (in terms of energy not served). The analysis is performed with EUPowerDispatch, a minimum-cost dispatch model. For the evolution of the electricity generation portfolio and electricity consumption we use the latest Scenario Outlook and Adequacy Forecast of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E). The model results show that the planned additional cross-border transmission capacity between 2010 and 2025 will reduce annual dispatch costs, will have limited impact on the security of supply and will not be a significant cause of variable RES curtailment. However, in case of more RES, it will reduce dispatch costs to a larger extent and will considerably reduce RES curtailment needs, and, if demand grows at the historical rate of 2%, it will be needed to maintain the current level of security of supply. Moreover, our study shows that hydro pumping and storage and cross-border transmission are partly complementary technologies.  相似文献   

The amount of solar PV installed capacity has steadily increased to 44.5 GW at the end of FY2017, since the introduction of the Feed in Tariff (FiT) to Japan in 2012. On the other hand, since the first curtailment of solar PV was conducted on October 13th, 2018 in the Kyushu area, the curtailment has been frequently executed including wind power after that. In this study, cross-regional interconnector and pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) are focused on mitigating curtailment.In Japan, there are 9 electric power areas which connected each other by cross-regional interconnectors. According to the historical operation, cross-regional interconnectors were secured as emergency flexible measures, but after the implicit auction was started from October 2018, it is used on merit order. Regarding a PHES in Japan, they have been built with nuclear power plants for several decades. Because the output of nuclear power generation is constant, so the PHES is used to absorb the surplus at nighttime when the demand declines. All nuclear power plants in Japan have been shut down after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant following the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11th, 2011. There are several nuclear power plants that have been restarted (9 reactors, as of August 2019).In this study, the amount of curtailment for solar PV in the Kyushu area is sent to the Chugoku area using the cross-regional interconnector (Kanmon line). Then, the PHES in the Chugoku area is pumping with low price. Because the spot price in the market is low when the curtailment is executed. After that, the PHES is generating at night with high price when the solar PV is not generating. It makes a profit by the deference for the cost of pumping and the revenue of generating by the PHES. As a calculation result, for one week from May 2nd to 8th, 2019, a profit becomes 152.2 million JPY (about 1.22 million EUR). For this purpose, it is necessary to raise the operation capacity of the cross-regional interconnector up to the rated capacity with the frequency control function of solar PV instead of the capacity to keep frequency in the event of an accident. This will allow the further introduction of solar PV in Japan.  相似文献   

Fossil fuel reserves are diminishing rapidly across the world, intensifying the stress on existing reserves day-by-day due to increased demand. Not only that, fossil fuels, presently contributing to 80% of world primary energy, are inflicting enormous impacts on environment. Energy sector has a key role in this regard since energy during its production, distribution and consumption is responsible for producing environmentally harmful substances. There is an urgent need for a quicker switch over of energy systems from conventional to renewables that are sustainable and can meet the present and projected world energy demand. Hydrogen, in the capacity of energy vector and storage medium is expected to be the optimum solution for intermittency and storage of energy produced by renewables. Within the context of Pakistan solar and wind power are two of the most promising renewables.In this article, the current energy consumption for Pakistan is presented and the issue of security of electrical energy supply is discussed. Furthermore, the prospects for a large-scale switch over to renewables are also addressed and the relevant economies and underpinning rationale provided. It has been found that solar energy is a much more economical choice for Pakistan as compared to wind energy-respective costs for solar and wind energy are (US cents/kWh) 20 and 77. This is due to the fact barring the four monsoon months, the average wind speed for the remaining 8 months does not cross an economic threshold. On the contrary, it was found that solar energy has a fairly stable and consistent availability.  相似文献   

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